» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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November 13 was followed up quickly by a sequel attack in San Bernardino, California,” Dr. Barrett said.

“It seems that the people behind the so-called war on terror, and that would be neoconservative Zionists, have decided to use Paris as their centre of operations, or at least this past year they did, I think that was perhaps because Paris is perhaps the capital of world secularism, and they are trying to stir up a strategy of tensions pitting Islam against the West, and in particular against the secular tendencies of the West,” he stated. “They are concerned that many progressive intellectuals… are turning against Zionism.”

Dr. Barrett, an editor at Veterans Today, said “Alain Soral is absolutely right when he says in a new book that I am editing on the Paris attacks, Another French False Flag, that they chose victims in these trendy youth neighbourhoods of Paris – young people who were partying at a rock concert, young people who were hanging out at cafes – because these young people in the 11th Arrondissement of Paris are precisely the demographic in France that has been turning against Zionism and supporting the Palestinians, So I think that Paris was targeted as the new fulcrum in this clash of civilizations in order to continue to try to push the West into the Jewish Zionist camp, and bring the West into a long-term war on Islam on behalf of Israel,” he noted.

Dr. Barrett said that “I think the other great false flag story of 2015 is that the so-called Islamic States (Daesh/ISIS) has been exposed as a false flag group. It has been exposed in many many ways, as essentially a band of cutthroat mercenaries organized by the West in order to destabilize the Middle East and particularly to destabilize and even to depopulate the countries on the borders of Israel in support of the Greater Israel project, in which Israel is trying to expand and ultimately occupy everything from the Nile to Euphrates,” he stated.

“Daesh has been exposed in so many ways, and in particular by the intervention of Russia in Syria. The Russians have potentially blown the whistle on the fact that the US war on Daesh was a fake. In 2015, we learnt that Daesh is a fake false flag group and the war on Daesh by the West was phony,” the analyst pointed out. “So I think these were the biggest false flag stories of the year 2015.” Dr Barrett stated.

Salman Abedi’s (blamed for Manchester arena bombing) family has been tied up with MI6 for last 25 years. His father Ramadan Abedi was sent to Libya in 1992 by MI6, as part of the plot to assassinate the Libyan leader Gaddafi. It failed, and he was recruited for another Mi6 plot to assassinate Gaddafi in February 1996 and this is the one exposed by David Shayler. David Shayler was born in Middleborough and joined MI5 in October 1991.

Shayler was moved to G9 branch, responsible for Middle Eastern terrorism where he headed the Libyan desk as G9A/5. During his time at the Libyan desk he learned of the MI6 plot to assassinate Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi from his MI6 counterpart David Watson. Shayler stated that MI6 had been involved in a failed assassination attack on Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi in February 1996 without the permission of the then foreign secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind. The plot involved paying the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group with supporters in London and links to Al-Qaeda £100,000 to carry out the attack. The group was paid to plant a bomb underneath Gaddafi's motorcade. The bomb was planted under the wrong car and failed to kill Gaddafi but did result in the deaths of several innocent civilians. So here we have the state funding of terrorist groups to carry out their agenda which ended up killing innocent civilians.

Shayler delivered a speech at the Axis for Peace Conference by explaining that most terrorist actions attributed to Al-Qaeda or Isis are actually organized by the US-UK secret services, essentially the British one, with the aim of making their countries go forward. “That terror is arranged by the MI6 and the CIA”, he said.

Annie Machon, a former official of British intelligence MI5 has claimed that the events of 9/11 and British 7/7 were inside jobs carried out with the help of Israeli Mossad. Annie Machon was going to give an address at a June 6, 2013 briefing jointly organized by the UN Department of Public Information Non-Governmental Relations and the Swiss government’s permanent UN mission. But Under pressure from Israel advocacy group, B’nai B’rith International (BBI), United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Swiss ambassador at the UN Paul Seger decided to cancel Annie Machon’s address. Machon can be heard stating these views on many Youtube videos. One of the videos is below, titled ‘9/11 was an inside job’.

Machon is not the only intelligence officer who points finger to Israeli Mossad. Pakistan’s former top spy, Lt. Gen. Hamid Gul, in an interview on September 26, 2001 said that Israeli Mossad carried out 9/11. In 2012 Israeli Zionist Jewish author, Barry Chamish, admitted on the Kevin Barrett Radio Show that Israel did 9/11. I will go over the IsraeliJewish link to 9/11 in much more detail further on in this book.

Annie Machon also states the July 7, 2005 London bombing (7/7) was also a MI5-Mossad joint false flag operation to generate hatred towards the Muslim world for the benefit of the Zionist entity. This proves that MI5MI6 are working in league with the Israeli Mossad.

It is now irrefutable that it is Israel and its intelligence agency Mossad who are the real terrorists. They are the world’s experts at causing terrorist atrocities and then blaming someone else, mostly Muslims. As I mentioned earlier they will kill anyone who gets in the way of their agenda of taking over all of Palestine and controlling other nations and trying to convince the rest of Humanity that Muslims are the terrorists when the real truth is, it is Israel, Mossad and the Jewish Zionists who are the real terrorists working for the Jewish Cabalist bankers as renowned researcher Henry Makov states.

To keep enforcing the narrative of Christians verse Muslims we had the New Zealand terror attack of 2019. Were a supposed ‘white nationalist’ who is against immigration into white countries killed Muslims in two mosques. That is the narrative that they try to make us believe and they also wanted to disarm the New Zealand population by bringing in gun confiscation laws into a country where there is hardly any gun crime at all. These laws were brought in days after the attack as if they had it already prepared. The best way for the government of New Zealand to take away the assault rifles so quickly was to stage a fake “shock and awe” event that was actually videoed to have maximum effect on the populace. However, the perpetrators made a lot of mistakes as usual. The shooting took 17 minutes and 4 seconds long enough for the police to get there. But they only get there when it is all over. The police station was only 2 kilometres away from the mosque, which marks question marks about the New Zealand authorities.

Things about the Christchurch Shooting video that show it may have been A False Flag attack.

1.) Magic Bullets – Bullet casing disappear into thin air.

2.) Magazine (with ammo) laying on Mosque floor BEFORE Shooter ever entered the Mosque.

3.) Bodies on ground and fallen before shots fired.

4.) Perfect Walls – No damage or bullet holes in wall.

5.) The perpetrators video showed that he had helpers standing at a distance. He was not an alone assassin.

With all of these mistakes in the video is it any wonder why the New Zealand government on behalf of the globalists have threatened 10 years in prison for anyone found to have shared this video or have it in your possession. Clearly they don’t want people to see the mistakes.

I also suspect that New Zealand was deliberately framed in this terrorist activity to punish New Zealanders who voted recently at the United Nations against the United States’ move to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and for the New Zealand government who recognised the BDS Palestinian movement against Israel. The mosque mass shooting on March 15, 2019 clearly fits the exact same pattern as Dunblane and Port Arthur, as well as Columbine, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas and Parkland. The Christchurch terrorist attack also contains the same elements of part reality and part hoax.

Right-wing terror events certainly aid the agenda of the globalist elites who, I believe, are executing a strategy of tension pitting ‘Right’ against ‘Left as well as the Right against Islam in order to beef up the security state across the Western world, as well as censor anti-globalist activism online. The idea is to make the masses of people believe that they are caught in the middle between extremists of all kinds, making them more open to tighter control measures within society. It is interesting to note that the Christchurch assailant apparently live streamed his massacre over the internet. This aspect of the narrative seems tailor made to play into the increasing internet censorship agenda we’ve seen over the past year or two. Right-wing terror also helps to demonize the concept of nationalism which is the opposite of globalism and the one world government. Those opposing the globalist New World Order program can look forward to being branded extremist as the agenda moves forward, and events such as this latest shooting will be cited as examples of why those who prefer nationalism over globalism are dangerous and hateful.

I’m sure there will be many uninformed people out there thinking that this latest terror event in New Zealand is a case of the Muslims getting a taste of their own medicine. Such people are completely caught up in the war on terror/clash of civilizations psyop. They deny the existence of false-flag terror and have well and truly fallen for the Jewish Zionists divide and conquer program. False-flags and other types of manipulated terror have been part of the deep state toolkit since at least the days of Operation Gladio and probably long before. Those who believe they are resisting the march of globalism by obsessing over Islam whilst ignoring manufactured terrorism have no idea about how they are being played by the real power brokers of the world which are the Jewish masonic bankers (Rothschilds) and high-level freemasonry.

“I am here and I say that I have a very strong suspicion that behind him there is a group and I am not afraid to say that I feel that the Mossad is behind this” referring to the killer and the Christchurch massacre. Ahmed Bhamji, president of the mosque Mount Roskill E Umar, the largest in New Zealand.

The following is a decent read:

Was the New Zealand false flag a Zionist provocation toward WW3?

The videos below show the mistakes in the New Zealand terror video.

All I can say is just be prepared for more of these false flag attacks as they march towards a one world government with a 100% surveillance on the population. That is why Brexit is being delayed in Britain by traitorous Politicians who want Britain on behalf of the global elite to remain in the globalist EU. I would also suggest you watch researcher Richard Hall’s video on the British MP Jo Cox murder (UK) which suggests that Thomas Mair who was found guilty was actually completely innocent. It was a psyop again blamed on a supposed ‘white nationalist’. Here is a link to the video

Sometimes Youtube takes these videos down but it can also be found on Richard Hall’s website

7/7 London Bombings – 2005

“The easiest way to carry out a false flag attack is by setting up a military exercise that simulates the very attack you want to carry out. This is exactly how government perpetrators in the US and UK handled the 9/11 and 7/7 “terror” attacks, which were in reality government attacks blamed on ‘terrorists”, Eric H. May, a former U.S. Army military intelligence and public affairs officer.

On the 7th July 2005 London was

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