» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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between rival
gangs in local disputes because simply put, he was trusted by all sides. This is not the profile of a bomber.

In the official story the government shows Khan and Tanweer in Jihadi videos but in the videos they don’t mention anything about trains or buses. It is believed that Khan and Tanweer were talked into making the videos as part of the terror drills that they were taking part in. They were told that the Drill has to be made as realistic as possible so that a film could be made of the whole terror drill. Khan’s wife Hasina Patel first saw this video and said, “That’s not my husband” meaning my husband would not say such words.

“The roundtrip tickets, the fact that one of them spent a lot recently repairing his car and one of them had a family and was the teacher of the disabled and underprivileged children, it doesn’t ring right,” said Paul Beaver, a security and defense expert in London with close police contacts

No Post Mortem’s

Another amazing fact about the 7/7 events are that no post mortems were carried out on the victims’ bodies which go against all laws. If they did post mortems on the victims’ bodies they could have found out what type of explosives were used and from what direction the explosion came from. The only reason they did not do post mortems was because it would have revealed the explosives used were of military origin, which the young Muslims could not have used plus it would also have revealed that the explosions came from underneath the trains. It is common sense that no post mortems means it was part of the cover up.

What became of the bodies of the accused?

The police did not allow the families of the accused to identify any of their bodies. Khan’s family was clearly suspicious and asked for a second post mortem by an independent pathologist to confirm the cause of his death. It is not known if they received it. He was apparently given no funeral.

At the end of October Tanweer’s body was taken to Pakistan for interment in a family grave; security personnel accompanied the body to Pakistan and guarded the site for days after the interment. The family reportedly never saw the remains. Six police oversaw the funeral of Hasib Hussain, “ensuring the service remained private.” Jamal Lindsay’s mother and wife noted in The Times that they were not able to identify his body.

They were not allowed to see the bodies because they would have seen that the bodies had bullet holes in them and were not blew to pieces.

MI6 inside Information

James Casbolt is a former MI6 agent who worked in 'Black ops' drug trafficking operations in London between 1995 and 1999. His father was also an MI6 agent. They are many websites who claim that Casbolt is a fraud but they would say that to discredit him. In a published article Casbolt states his former MI6 contacts claim the following about the London Bombings.

James Casbolt asks the MI6 operative “So you are saying the bombs were planted into the bus several days before the 7/7 London bombings”

MI6 contact - “Yes, the British government switched the safety checking team. When they went into the bus depot a few days before hand a trade union spokesman who was asked about this said he couldn’t understand who the security was. He didn’t recognise anybody. These were people who come into check the buses. They normally check the buses for things like suspension, braking systems and the security cameras. Instead of staying what is usually an hour or so these people were there for the entire day. When workers approached them and started making small talk they were basically ignored. So they had the feeling that these people were not regular security”.

James Casbolt- “So they were probably MI 5?”

MI6 Contact- “They were MI 5. They were there primarily to make sure the video camera went off at a certain time. Which is of course what happened. Isn’t it is amazing that on that day, this was similar to what happened with the cameras prior to the death of Princess Diana. All the security cameras that counted on 7/7, not the ones that didn’t count, the ones that really counted weren’t working. The security camera on that bus wasn’t working on that particular day”.

James Casbolt- “So where did they plant the bombs on the bus?”

MI6 Contact- “Inside the seats and under the floor. I know that the eye witness accounts of what happened were all at variance with one another. The BBC relied exclusively on a testimony given by a Scottish guy. The Scottish guy contradicted himself so many times and yet no one in the media asked him about these contradictory statements. He said in one report that he got off the front of the bus and in another report he said he left through the rear door. One report said he was the first out and another report he said was the last off the bus. So there appears to be a lot of confusion in terms of the report”.

James Casbolt- “So the four Asian lads were they MI5 assets?”

MI6 Contact- “They were stooges”

James Casbolt- “Do you think they consciously knew they were working for MI5?”

MI6 Contact- “No they weren’t working consciously for MI 5. They would just be a shadow team lured into London to be part of a covert programme of simulated attacks. They were paid to be in a certain place at a certain time to take part in a simulated attack. A company was running a simulated terror attack at the time. Those boys were part of that. They were told “Your backpacks represent explosive devices but of course they aren’t explosives”.

James Casbolt- “So they were told ‘this is just a dummy run”

MI6 Contact- “It was a dummy run. They were part of the dummy run. They stopped their car just outside of Luton and they were briefed by somebody. When they left Luton of course, they didn’t leave Luton at the time described because there was a cock up with train times. So whether they managed to get to London or not is an unknown because the video camera evidence has been shown to be faulty. There is a problem with the timing on some of the video footage”.

The Murder of Jean Charles De Menezes

Jean Charles De Menezes was a Brazilian man killed by officers of the London Metropolitan Police Service at Stockwell Station on the London Underground (July 22nd) after he was wrongly deemed to be a bomber. We know that Jean Charles De Menezes was a contract electrician and maybe he was killed because of what he saw or learned. He was not shot seven or eight or nine times in the head as a "mistake". They made sure he could never talk about what he saw or knew.

Jean Charles was an electrician and one of a team of men called to take a bus out of service, the excuse was to assess CCTV, this was the same No 30 bus that later exploded in Tavistock Square on 7/7. While it was out of service the explosives were planted on the No. 30 bus and the CCTV was neutralised. Jean Charles realized he was part of something horrible, and was talking to friends and people about his suspicions. He knew he was being followed and was trying to escape the men who then killed him, so the decision was taken and rubber stamped by Cressida Dick and others to kill the electrician from Brazil. Cressida Dick was the female deputy assistant commissioner at the Metropolitan Police and senior officer in charge of the operation that killed Jean Charles.

The alternative is that Menezes was given the job of helping with the wiring of the electrical surge for the terror drill that was happening as Peter Power stated in an interview. When he started telling people, maybe on his phone (which was probably under surveillance) that some other organisation had planted bombs under the trains then his life from then on was in danger.

Surveillance officers, including some from military intelligence, were watching Menezes’s flat in Tulse Hill London that morning, Officers followed Jean Charles onto two buses and down into Stockwell tube station, while other armed officers brandished their weapons as they made their way down to the platform, and at 10.06 on July 22 2005 Jean Charles sat down on a tube train in south London.

The question has to be asked if Menezes was such a threat to the public and had a bomb with him, why didn’t they arrest him on the bus or when he left his flat instead of waiting until he was near many more people on the London underground.

One police officer held him down while two others fired seven hollow tip bullets point blank into his head and one into his neck, three other bullets missed.

Rachel Wilson, who was sitting opposite Jean Charles, initially thought the plain clothes cops were lads “messing around”. She said, “Only when I saw blood, I realized it was not the case, I thought they were terrorists.”

The surveillance officers said they did not identify Jean Charles as a terror suspect before he was shot dead, the firearms officer who fired the shots, officer C12, said they did, those on the train said no warning was given.

Jean Charles had briefly run on the platform to escape his pursuers, several bulky men wearing, variously, a suit, jeans and a tracksuit, chased him, waving guns.

Cressida Dick insisted that none of the officers involved in the execution-style slaying had done anything wrong, members of military intelligence from the Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) carried out the flawed surveillance of Jean Charles de Menezes.

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