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rocked by a series of bomb blasts resulting in the deaths of 52 people. Allegedly four suicide bombers with rucksacks full of explosives attacked central London on 3 underground trains and one double decker bus.

Of course in the official version of this story spewed forth by the government and the controlled mainstream media (CMM), they always leave out crucial important facts because they go against their edited version.

I will just go over the main parts of the events of 7/7 and show you that four young Muslim men cannot have carried out the bombings on 7/7 in London. But if you want a more thorough investigation of 7/7 then you should watch John Hill’s Youtube video Ripple Effect 2 or Nick Kollestrom’s book ‘Terror on the Tube’ or you can take a look at his website

The Drills

The first unbelievable coincidence came in May 2004 when a BBC episode of Panorama was on T.V. The scenario of this episode was what if 4 suicide bombers detonated bombs on three underground trains and one Bus in Tavistock Square (that’s where the actual bus blew up) during the rush hour. Taking part in this discussion were Michael Portillo (former Defence Secretary) and several other leaders from the Metropolitan Police, Emergency services and Intelligent Services and Peter Power (will mention him later). Months or years before in documentaries or movies the people or psychopath’s who plan the real events of these atrocities always show the people what they are going to do in the future and this Panorama documentary was ‘them’ showing the people what they are going to do in a years’ time.

The same happened on 9/11. An episode of the Lone Gunmen which aired months before 9/11 featured rogue elements of the government hijacking a plane by remote control and attempting to fly it into the World Trade Centre in order to launch wars in the Middle East.

What most of the general population don’t know about the events of 7/7 is that an anti-terrorist exercise or drill was taking place at the same location and time as the real London 7/7 bombings were going off, and it even predicted bombings at the same stations. The chances of this happening by chance are a one and many, many zeroes. I mean how is that even possible?

Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, a private firm on contract to the London Metropolitan Police, described in a BBC interview how he had organized and conducted the anti-terror drill, on behalf of an unnamed business client. But he does say they were Jewish in the video.

Peter Power states that their customer helped to choose the exact scenario. I repeat: Visor’s customer helped to choose the exact terror drill scenario. To this day Peter Power refuses to publicly identify the customer who chose the exact scenario. Why?

Peter Power said “At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning”. This drill is well documented and you can go on to YouTube to see Peter Power’s interview. He made this statement on the day of 7/7 but in a recent BBC disinformation documentary about 7/7 he changed his story and said the drill he was conducting was only office based with 6 people. Obviously he was pressured into saying this to support the government’s version of events.

The Real Story

It is my belief and the belief of many other people that the four alleged suicide bombers were part of these terror drills. The 4 young Muslim men thought they were taking part in a drill. They were playing the part of 4 suicide bombers and they knew they had just fake bombs in their backpacks. Their instructions were to get a train from Luton to Kings Cross and to catch 3 certain trains from Kings Cross and one of them was to catch a certain London bus. But unknown to them MI5Mossad agents had actually placed bombs underneath the three trains and on the Bus. As part of their drill the three men were to get on three separate trains and then the bombs would be detonated on the three trains and then obviously the three young Muslims would then be blamed. There would then be video surveillance captured of the four men walking through Kings Cross station and getting on the three separate trains and one leaving Kings Cross to get a bus. The public would then be presented with this video evidence to prove that the four men really did it. However there is one slight problem with this scenario, the three young Muslim men did not even get on the trains at Kings Cross and there is no video evidence of these men getting on the trains at King Cross that morning.

According to the official story, Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, Shehzad Tanweer, 22, and 18-year-old Hasib Hussain - left Leeds, West Yorkshire, in a rented car bound for Luton, Bedfordshire. However the witness at the petrol station where they stopped swears that only two people were in the car. This is believable because Sidique Khan’s wife was having complications with her pregnancy and they were booked in at the hospital for a scan on the 7th July. So it is believed that he did not go to London as part of the Drill because he wanted to stay with his wife. Khan then phoned their ‘contact’ (the person controlling their part in the terror drills) who realised that Khan would compromise the planned events of 7/7 if he were to stay alive to tell his version of events. So it was decided that Khan had to be eliminated. Probably the same men who were sent to eliminate Menezes later on, were sent to murder Sidique Khan sometime on the 6th. There were supposed to meet 19-year-old Germaine Lindsay, before heading from Luton to London by train.

One of them, the oldest; who would be considered the ring-leader of the group, because of his age; would have been asked to make a “suicide video” prior to 7/7/2005, being told it would form part of the training mock-terrorist exercise; in order to make the exercise, and possibly a film to be made of it, look as realistic as possible. He would obviously not have been told the details of the whole plan, until later, probably when he and the others arrived in Luton on the 7th of July 2005, to make absolutely certain that the scenario of the drill which would take place that day, could not be talked about by, or to, anyone. The second oldest would also be asked to make a similar video, as a back-up, for just in case anything went wrong, and/or the oldest pulled out of the drill before the 7th of July 2005. It should be noted that neither Mohammed Sidique Khan, nor Shehzad Tanweer, specify what their targets were, in their videos.

The Missing Train

For the first year the government, the Police and the newspapers claimed that the Four had caught the 7.40 train from Luton. When they realized that the 7.40 from Luton to King Cross had been cancelled they then changed their story to having them board the 7.25 train because if they got any train later than this it would have got them to Kings Cross too late to catch their intended trains.

"The four bombers had travelled together on the 7.40am train from Luton to King's Cross before going their different ways." Source: Telegraph

"Hasib Hussain, an 18-year-old from Leeds, is shown in a CCTV image mounting the stairs at Luton station before taking the 7.40am train to King's Cross." Source: The Times newspaper.

Below is the official Luton to Kings Cross timetable for the morning of July 7th, 2005

Official Timetable Actual 7 July Timetable

Depart Luton Arrive KCross Platform Departure Time Arrive Kings Cross

7.04 7.40 1 or 3 7.04 (On Time) 7.40 (on time)

7.08 7.56 1 or 3 7.08 (On Time) 8.26 (30 mins late)

7.16 7.48 1 or 3 7.21 (5 minutes late) 8.19 (31 mins late)

7.20 8.08 1 or 3 7.20 (On Time) 8.15 (7 mins late)

7.24 8.00 1 or 3 7.25 8.23 (23 mins late)

7.30 8.04 4 7.42 (late) 8.39 (35 mins late)

7.40 8.16 N/A Cancelled Cancelled

7.46 8.28 N/A Cancelled Cancelled

7.48 8.20 3 7.56 (8 mins late) 8.42 (22 mins late)

7.56 8.32 N/A Cancelled Cancelled

There is only 1 image of the alleged four bombers together and that is at Luton train station. This photo is timed at four seconds before 7.22am. But if this were the case, the men would have had just three minutes to walk up the stairs at Luton, buy their return tickets and get to the platform, which was packed with commuters.

But in reality they had no proof that the four men were together at any train station that morning so what the government authorities did (possibly MI5) they produced a Photoshop fake image of the four men together but you can see it is a fake. Here is a link to the video which shows the fakery

If the four young men really arrived together at Luton train station then show us the video evidence. They can’t show us the video evidence because they did not show up together.

Below are the faked photos.

Look at the fence above which is in front of his face. It was faked by the authorities to try and convince the public that these four men arrived together that morning.

Here is the testimony of a commuter who wished to remain anonymous: “she arrived at Luton station that morning at 7.25am, and testified that she had no train to catch until 7.58am, because the 7.30am and 7.40am trains from Luton were cancelled on July 7th. She could only get a slow train at 7.58am from platform 3 to King's Cross, which didn't arrive there until 8.43am. It was so packed that many could not get onto the train at Luton”.

Here is a copy of an email sent by the Department of Transport to an independent 7/7 researcher which gives the times that the 3 bombed trains left Kings Cross:

Subject: Re: train times on 7/7/05

Let me also apologise for the delay in responding to your query on the times of the trains that left King's Cross station on the morning of 7th July 2005.

I have been in touch with the British Transport Police and have managed to obtain the following information:

- the Eastbound Circle line train (204) left King's Cross at 08:35.
- the Westbound Circle line train (216) left King's Cross at 08:42
- the Piccadilly Line train south left King's Cross at 08:48

I trust the above is of use to you.

Vicky Hutchinson
Transport Security Directorate
Department for Transport
Zone 5/8 Southside
105 Victoria Street

If they were suicide-bombers,

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