» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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Hasib Hussain was taken at 9.22am, as he walked past the Burger King and then we are told he wandered around London for about one hour before getting on the route 91 bus and then the route 30 bus. While he was wandering around London looking for these buses they must have been hundreds of CCTV cameras which would have recorded him but no CCTV footage has been provided and no CCTV footage has been provided from the buses. There is no reliable record of who was on the bus or what happened; there were no photos of Hasib Hussain on the bus.

It is obvious why they don’t provide moving video images of the people on the bus and of possible video images of the alleged bombers getting on the trains at Kings Cross. They can’t provide these videos because the three young men did not get on the trains at Kings Cross and Habib Hussein was not on the number 30 bus that blew up in Tavistock Square.

Richard Jones was the only person on the number 30 bus that blew up who says that Habib Hussein was on the Bus. He gave an interview on camera straight away saying it was a ‘Muslim bomber’, perpetrators of a crime usually accuse someone else, to divert attention away from themselves as they did straight after 9/11. He says he was sat next to Hussein on the bus and he states that Hussein kept fidgeting with his rucksack. Would you really fidget with a rucksack if there was a bomb in it, no you wouldn’t. Richard Jones couldn’t even describe what Hussein looked like or what he was wearing correctly. Was Richard Jones actually part of the plot? The U.K.’s Sunday Mail on the 10th July 2005 reported that Jones served an apprenticeship at an explosives factory in Ayrshire.

Look at the white van below with the words Kingstar on the side. This company specializes in controlled demolition and Robotic Demolition. Were there men in this van who remotely detonated the bombs on the bus?

In an e mail (July 9th) from an employee of Stagecoach to the Prison Planet website the Stagecoach employee (driver) says “Last Saturday a contractor came to inspect the CCTV on the buses at the depot, According to my supervisor the person spent more than 20 hours over that weekend, 20 hours to see if the CCTV is working? Also that person who came was not a regular contractor, for security reasons the same few people always come to the depot to carry out work, this time it was different”.

Look at the yellow arrow on the image below. That is obviously a cut in the roof of the bus made by some sort of cutting tool. Bombs don’t blow roofs of in straight lines. My research leads me to the conclusion that this bus was taking out of use for a day while the CCTV was neutralised (see the Menezes story below) and cuts were placed onto the roof of the bus so that it would blow off for dramatic effect for the media.

The real perpetrators of this crime are psychopaths because they even played some type of sick joke by choosing a bus with this poster on the side, Outright Terror…Bold and Brilliant.

Hassib Hussein has been tried and wrongfully found guilty of blowing up the number 30 bus, by the government’s organized and controlled media machine, without a shred of real evidence. They claim to have found Hasib Hussain’s ID in Tavistock Square. However, they also claim that ID from another of the four, Mohammed Sidique Khan, was found in at least two, some reports say three separate blast locations.
He cannot possibly have been in two or all three locations at the same time, proving that these items were planted after the blasts. How could their IDs have survived suicide bomb-blasts?

Daniel Obachike saw people acting out their injuries and the provision of medical help near Tavistock Square after the bomb blast on 7th July. Within 15 seconds of the bomb blast, Obachike saw an actor covered with bandages, surrounded by cameras and helpers, being filmed as he was taken away from the scene. The person was filmed leaving before any ambulances or medical staff had arrived at Tavistock Square and images later appeared in press and TV reports. This suggests that the coverage was planned in advance

A witness, Marie Oates-Whitehead, aged 35, who worked at the BMA in Tavistock Square, and was hailed as a heroine for her actions during the London bombings, said she heard two explosions on the bus. The Police authorities deny that there was a second explosion on the bus. She was then mysteriously found dead in her flat five weeks later.

Witness Testimony

John McDonald was a passenger on the Edgware road train on the morning of 7/7 and testifies that “Just after the train left Edgware station, there was a small bang, and then there was a massive bang, followed by two smaller bangs. Then, there was an orange fireball. I then fell into one hole, and thought I was going to die, then was helped out, and then describes another big hole, also with someone slipping into it” Around that second big hole he came across, ‘the metal all around it was all jagged and bent up from the explosion’. Explosions under the Train would bend the metal up, explosions on a backpack inside the train would not bend the metal up.

Ray Whitehurst was the Edgware road train driver and he also seen a hole in the floor. When the train came to a halt he walked through the first carriage and then upon reaching the connecting carriage which joins the two carriages he came across a dead body “I realized that, if I tried jumping across him, there was a hole in the floor that I could see, and I was probably going to go down that hole”.

At the 7/7 Inquest detail’s where heard about the slow death of Daniel Brewster. One person looked under the train after he had died, and saw: ‘His legs just seemed to be very mangled up in the wreckage. You couldn’t really see his legs’. Again this evidence suggests he died because of an explosion that happened under the train and not in a backpack inside the train.

So witness testimony has said that 4 explosion occurred. How can a bomb in a backpack produce 4 explosions? We also have witness testimony that says there was 3 holes in 3 different locations in the second carriage were the bombs went off. It is a physical impossibility for a bomb in a backpack on someone’s back to have produced these 3 different holes. Also most of the injuries reported on the three trains were injuries to the lower limbs or having there lower limbs blown off which is entirely consistent with bombs going off underneath the train. Also 90% of the witnesses on the trains do not remember seeing young colored men with a backpack’s on their back.

Bruce Lait was a victim of the Aldgate Station bombing and described to the Cambridge Evening News how he and his partner were sitting nearest to the bomb when it detonated.

This is his testimony.

“We’d been on there for a minute at most and then something happened. It was like a huge electricity surge which knocked us out and burst our eardrums. I can still hear that sound now,” he said.

He and his partner Crystal were helped out of the carriage. As they made their way out, a policeman pointed out where the bomb had been.

“The policeman said ‘mind that hole, that’s where the bomb was’. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don’t remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag,” he said.

Below a picture from one of the train blasts which shows metal bent upwards which can only happen if bombs are under the trains.

For over an hour after the bombs had gone off on the trains it was reported as a power surge. Maybe bombs under the trains, were detonated by a calculated & engineered power surge. That is why reports of a power surge along with survivors' reports of an "electrical like discharge" before the explosions themselves, originated early on. Remember - the truth usually comes out in the first half an hour of an event like this one. Why would they do it like this? For the simple reason that in this manner, they could have utmost control over the exact time and location of the blasts, something which could not be achieved with timers, since something might go wrong, a train could be delayed for whatever reason and blow up in the wrong place, for example.

What Type of Explosives

The authorities couldn’t even agree what type of explosives were used on the trains.

On 12 July 2005, Superintendent Christophe Chaboud, chief of French anti-terrorism Coordination Unit who was in London assisting Scotland Yard with its investigation, confirmed to The Times that, ‘The nature of the explosives appears to be military, which is very worrying….the material used were not homemade but sophisticated military explosives …’

Again how could four young Muslims get access to sophisticated military explosives?

On 13th July it was stated that these were of ‘C4’ explosive….London explosives have military origin – [Science Daily. LONDON, July 13 (UPI)]: Forensic scientists told the newspaper the construction of the four devices detonated in London was very technically advanced, and unlike any instructions that can be found on the Internet.

Then the type of explosives used was changed to TATP. Then later it was changed to bombs made of black pepper and hydrogen peroxide which could not have caused the carnage of 7/7.

The reality is the truth never needs to be changed. I would suggest that Mr Chaboud’s version is the correct one as these are the explosives that MI5Mossad would use.

The Real Khan

Sidique Khan was a respected counsellor for the children of immigrants and the learning disabled; The Times of London had featured him in an educational supplement. The husband of the principal of Khan’s school was a Member of Parliament, who he knew and had visited. He was a highly respected member of his community, not just by the Asian element, but by all races alike in what is an extremely multi-cultural environment. He was also highly respected by the headmistress (principal) of the special school in which he worked as a classroom assistant. In addition, the police had used him to mediate

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