» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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publishing delays, and get originally posted at 3 AM?

An average type American, if he does convert to Islam, he doesn’t turn into an Islamic Jihadist just like that. Islamic Jihad is something in the blood and average White Americans, whatever their faults, don’t have Islamic Jihad in their blood, even the ones who do convert to Islam, they’re just not Islamic Jihadist types. Plus, if Paddock did convert to Islam and did have Islamic Jihadist impulses, one would think his family and friends and neighbours would have noticed a big change in their relative and friend and neighbour Paddock, but his family and friends and neighbours say nothing about him converting to Islam, let alone converting to Islam and turning into a die-hard Islamic Jihadist. Can’t be an Islamic Jihadist and have no one around you not notice you’re on Islamic Jihad.

The answer could be that this shooting was scripted from Israel. It was probably a Mossad job, and they had their patsy already chosen. They cannot have this be an immigrant issue because they don’t want immigration stopped. Current patsy is a loner convert to Islam who's white. This narrative condemns Muslims and White Christians which is what the Jewish Zionists would want.

The Anti-Defamation League, the National Council of Jewish Women and the Reform movement were among the groups that called for tougher gun control laws in the attack’s aftermath.

At the time of the shooting in Las Vegas, the United States Congress was considering a bill making gun ownership easier and consistent with the US Constitution. The bill, called “The Sportsman’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act” was expected to pass congress and be made ready for President Trump to sign soon.

The bill would allow gun owners to, again, transport registered firearms across state lines, carry guns in national parks and eliminate the $200 transfer tax on silencers. At the same time another bill introduced by the NRA would make sane and consistent State concealed carry laws, by allowing concealed carry permitted gun owners to carry in all States, regardless of the State laws, which violate the US Constitution.

These laws are big steps toward unravelling all of the unconstitutional law created by the individual states in support of the agenda to disarm Americans. Because of the Vegas shooting this NRA bill will now struggle to get it passed by Congress.

The Las Vegas shooting will be used to call for new and extreme security measures in all public places where people gather, like casinos, department stores, schools etc., in addition to a demand for more gun legislation. It will be Zionist Jew Chertoff’s company who will benefit from this because they produce the 5G body scanner machines that could well be installed in the casinos.

“There is a very simply reason why the 1% and their Deep State minions prefer crisis actors and bribed families pretending to have lost someone: if they actually did massacre a significant number of people the chances of deep persistent challenging of the official narrative grows exponentially. As for Congress pressing forward on gun laws, this is absolute bullshit. This was a false flag, completely staged as part of a FEMA drill that has been on-going, and if anyone other than Paddock (it may not even be Paddock and his hands will certainly test negative for gunpowder residue) die, it was at the hands of Private Military Contractors (PMC), perhaps even employees of GS4. Congress is owned by the Zionists — for a list of the Senators and Representatives who place Israel First and will do whatever AIPAC tells them to do, see the below link. This is about taking the guns away from decent citizens in violation of the Second Amendment, and it is about helping Adelson and Chertoff make more billions out of an inflated Department of Homeland Security that pushes intrusive technology and the Transportation Security Agency into every neighbourhood. We should all make it clear to every Member that any action on gun control or the below Israel First legislation will end their careers”, Robert David Steele, former Central Intelligence Agency officer.

There is more than enough evidence presented here which suggests the official story of the Vegas shooting is a lie. I will always say again and again that the media is part of the problem because they won’t present any of the information that I have just presented here or the information that you can get from the alternative media and the many websites who do present the real truth of what happened on that fateful October 1st night. Don’t forget that at least 95% of the media in America is owned by Jews or Jewish companies and that includes the channels who give this false story which include CNN, CBC, ABC, CBS, and in the U.K the BBC and ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 are owned by Jews. I go over this Jewish control of the media in the 9/11 section.

Crisis Actors

If you look at the Boston Bombing were people were clearly faking their injuries people will naturally say how can they all be acting? It is very simple they worked for and got paid by a crisis management company. They were actors taking part in a staged drill but then this drill is passed off as real by the controlled mainstream media. Two patsies (normally Muslims) are then set up to take the blame and then they are silenced by being shot. Obviously not all false flag events use these crisis actors, 9/11 and 7/7 London being two of them. Truth-seeker Ole Dammegard explains how these crisis actors work in false flag terror events in several of his Youtube videos.

Two Crisis management companies are and On the crisis cast website it states the following:

‘We dramatise events for emerging security needs in the UK, Middle East and worldwide. Our specialist role play actors – many with security clearance – are trained by behavioural psychologists and rigorously rehearsed in criminal and victim behaviour to help police, the army and the emergency services. We use state of the art British film industry techniques, props and special effects to help trainers deliver essential, hands-on, high octane crisis response and disaster management training’

Sometimes they use the same crisis actor for different false flag events.

Here is the same crisis actor who was supposedly a former classmate of the alleged Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza (Alexa Israel) and now she is posing as the sister of James Foley (Katie Foley) who was supposedly beheaded on the fake Isis video.

The Sandy Hook Elementary School alleged shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza (we are told) fatally shot 20 children between six and seven years old, as well as six adult staff members.

David Wheeler and his wife Francine, went about making tearful claims about losing their son Benjamin to gun violence at Sandy Hook School. The Wheeler’s travelled with other families and gun control lobbyists on Air Force One with President Obama. David Wheeler spoke before panels and he and his wife also appeared on popular television shows, including Oprah Winfrey. These two made statements that only a scriptwriter could compose.

But that’s not the only role David Wheeler played. Maybe he got a Screen Actor’s Guild (SAG) bonus for his second role at Sandy Hook. You see, grieving father David Wheeler was also a military gun carrying, law enforcement officer on the day of the alleged shooting at Sandy Hook. See below, Mr Wheeler is in the middle.

Here’s a link to a video compilation of the supposed parents of Sandy Hook children who were killed. They smile a lot, they look rested, and have no tears and no red eyes.

You should also take a look at Robbie Parker, he allegedly lost a daughter at Sandy Hook school and on that same day he made a live statement on video but as he approached the camera he was laughing and smiling and then as he reached the microphone he changed his face to look all sombre and tearful. If you had lost your 6 year old daughter you would not be laughing and smiling hours later. He was acting pure and simple. The video can be seen on Youtube. If you want to know what really happened at Sandy Hook Elementary school then read the book ‘Nobody Died at Sandy Hook’ by Jim Fetzer

Why do false flags happen?

My research says the ones behind the planning of these events were Mossad (Israeli Intelligence) with the help of MI5 and MI6. It is a psychological operation to keep in the minds of the masses of people and politicians that the Muslims are the real threat and that gives Israel the support it needs to slaughter the Palestinians and gives a legitimate reason to keep the wars in the Middle East rolling along, more Muslims slaughtered (more than 4 million since 1990). But there are other reasons. This is not excusing ISIS for the barbaric killing they do. America and the West could have destroyed ISIS a long time ago like they did to Iraq and Libya but they don’t want to. There is only Syria and Russia attempting to fight ISIS and this proves who funded and armed ISIS in the first place.

After the Westminster attack Home Secretary Amber Rudd has demanded more action from social media such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Youtube to take down extremist videos, really she means videos that expose the false flag lies so no one will be able to find out the truth. She said new proposals are going to be implemented by the government to make internet giants take down so called hate videos. But in reality they are not hate videos but truth videos that try to expose the lies of the government. Also in government plans in the wake of this alleged attack is to deploy 5000 soldiers on the streets of the UK. This secret plan is codenamed Operation Temperer.

They also want to take away peoples freedom on the internet under the guise that it will stop terrorism. See this Tweet from President Trump.

So can you see how these events are used to take away our freedoms and take us into a police state?

Terror attacks also keep us divided especially Muslims and Christians. These terror attacks are happening in Christian countries in Europe and America and we are told the perpetrators are always Muslims. But who would profit from Muslims and Christians hating each other? Could it be the people of Asia or could it be the Jewish Zionists?

Could it be a prelude to the coming Economic Collapse? The global elites know full well that the Global Economic & Financial System is on the verge of collapse and that the banksters in London are the primary culprits. Hence, they feel compelled to put into place all of the controls and safeguards, laws and technology necessary to preclude a replay of the French Revolution … … … in London

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made these remarks in an interview with Press TV when he was asked to name the biggest false flag operations of 2015.

“2015 saw an outrageous number of false flag events, and the two biggest ones were the attacks in Paris, France; the second attack in Paris on

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