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have given their eyewitness accounts to the press in their native countries, and their statements differ greatly from the stories being peddled in the United States. One key witness is a man named Brian Hodge from Australia who was staying in the room right next door to the alleged shooter. Hodge was closer to the origins of the assault than any other person on that day and says that the entire floor he was staying on was a "crime scene" with "multiple shooters" firing weapons out of the windows. Mr. Hodge also confirmed that law enforcement was aware of more than one shooter as he saw them shoot and kill one of the gunmen, who was dressed as a security guard, in the corridor outside of his hotel room. Other witnesses from Australia also reported seeing other gunmen dressed as security guards being chased by police. These eyewitness statements completely conflict with the story that "lone wolf" shooter Stephen Paddock acted alone.

Australian Brian Hodge, who previously worked at Jupiters Casino on the Gold Coast, claimed he was staying in the room next to the shooter on level 32 at the Las Vegas resort.

He said he managed to escape the initial horrific scenes inside the hotel but found himself forced to hide in a bush for several hours after the event.

“I got outside safely and was hiding in bushes,” Mr Hodge said.

“There were multiple people dead and multiple shooters. I was just hiding waiting for police to come get us.

“We were hiding in the bushes outside waiting for the police.” Mr Hodge said he was staying in room 32134 while the gunman was in room 32135.

“It was a machine gun from the room next to me,” he said.

“My floor is a crime scene. They killed a security guard on my floor.”

Wendy Miller from Cooroy, on the Sunshine Coast, was also caught up in the attack. She was at a bar in the nearby Luxor Hotel with her husband when she saw what she described as a “man of interest” run by.

“We managed to make our way back to our room…” she told The Courier-Mail.

“We are in lock down.

“Our door is dead locked and a chair against the door.”

Ms Miller said the man sprinted through her hotel after coming off an escalator from the Mandalay Bay.

“The man that they [security] were chasing was wearing a security jacket like them,” she said.

A caller to the Michael Savage show (USA) offered intimate details into her harrowing escape under fire. According to this caller, a second gunman firing a distinctive “low-sounding” gun was walking through the crowd, spraying gunfire in every direction while approaching her concealed position. This witness recording can be heard at:

In her own words she says

“There was somebody walking in the crowd, spraying their guns back and forth and shooting people, and he was getting closer. The shots would stop, the officer got up and walked out, and I heard his radio because I was right there, and we heard, “We have active shooters,” and then my officer who was protecting me said, “Where is he? Where is he? Do you see him? Is he behind us? Do you have a visual?

It sounded like somebody was actually walking from the crowd, from west to east, through the crowd and shooting, because everybody was going one direction, because there was no way out. Then they would stop, and there would be higher pitches, and then no sound, and then the sound would start again, and they were on top of each other… they sounded at the same time, and the one that was lower kept getting closer sounding to us… I’m thinking, oh my God, it sounds like there’s somebody on the ground that is shooting… Mandalay Bay was on our right, and the girl that was standing right beside me got shot straight in her stomach, and how did this bullet come straight down and make a left turn and hit her in the stomach?

Youtuber comment: I am a member of a local police scanner group. Some of our members tuned in to the LV feed that night and were reporting what they heard come across the scanners in real time. Shots were being reported from like 10 different places, different casinos (Billagio NYNY, Madala Bay, Ceasars, Tropicana, Luxor, Aria, Planet Hollywood, even the motel6. Gunman on the bridge. "Definitely inside Paris" was heard. A guy with a rifle entering the employee entrance of Billagio. Was reported at one point a suspect shot, another in custody and still searching for another, chasing an armed female in military garb on foot...etc.etc.

In the video below the police clearly confirm that there were 2 or 3 shooters. You can also clearly hear that one cop is rather panicked saying “we have an active shooter inside the fairgrounds!”.

The police audio sounds a lot different than the story that’s being regurgitated in the mainstream media.

and here

Clearly the police say on the scanner audios ‘we have multiple shooters’.

Shortly after news of the massacre broke, CNN interviewed an eyewitness (CLomas) live on TV, who stated that gunmen "just kept coming and shooting everybody up across the parking lot". As soon as she started to give an account that conflicted with the "official" narrative, she was immediately cut off by the interviewer.

A key witness in the Las Vegas shooting attack, who identified multiple shooters, has been found dead at her home. 28-year-old Kymberley Suchomel managed to escape the massacre, at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas, uninjured but made a public statement describing the attacks and how they were carried out by multiple gunmen that were firing weapons into the crowd. Was she murdered to silence her?

Kymberley gave a detailed account of her horrific experience a few days after the event as she said she had struggled to think of the words to describe the “nightmare” she had been through. She said multiple gunmen were not only firing weapons in the crowd but chasing people and gunning them down.

She described how she was “chased” by one of the shooters: “We were rounding some sort of corner maybe- and I looked to the right and I saw this large cowboy sitting down with his legs spread, holding a blood-soaked woman. “I thought to myself ‘we need to hide’, but as I looked quickly for somewhere to go, the gunfire once again got closer and closer. “We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us.” “I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen, and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one. She also stated that what was being reported by the mainstream news networks didn’t match the events that actually took place, saying: “I have been watching the news non-stop since I arrived back home to my family. And it just doesn’t make sense.”

The story that are feeding everyone doesn’t add up to our eyewitness accounts. There is something wrong with what they are saying & the evidence seems fake if you ask me. ”There are multiple people stating that there was a lady towards the beginning of the evening who had made her way up to the stage warning people that we were all gonna die- her and her boyfriend were escorted off the premises.”

“Why has she not been mentioned by authorities? Every single survivor I have talked to also remembers multiple shooters, and at least one from the ground- why aren’t we being taken more seriously? Tons of things don’t add up.”, Witness - Kymberley Suchomel.

Rocky Palermo was shot by a gunman in the crowd during Sunday night’s mass shooting and says he has the evidence to prove it. He says there were between 3-5 active shooters firing weapons into the crowd and says there was gunfire coming from the ground as well as from above. Palermo was rushed to hospital after taking a .223 round to the pelvis and still has 30-40 pieces of bullet shrapnel still inside his body.

Doctors told him the bullet was inches from paralyzing or even killing him. Mr. Palmero confirmed that his injury was caused by an attacker on the ground and that the bullet was fired at his with a horizontal trajectory and wasn’t fired down from above, although weapons were being fired from “all angles”.

“I definitely do believe that there was 100% more than one shooter, every other person that I’ve talked to that did, unfortunately, get hit as well, have all said the same things,” Palermo detailed.

Palermo then specifically heard the gunshots get “closer and closer” before quickly deciding it was once again time to run.

Shockingly, he then goes on to detail the fact that at the end of the concert the previous two nights everyone had exited a specific way, but on the night of the shooting, this route was locked down shortly before the attack.

“Every other night at the concert, everybody kind of exited right off Las Vegas Blvd, that was standard, that was routine, you get out of the concert and you go down to the next casino,” he continued.

“At 10 pm they closed every exit on Las Vegas Blvd, every single one. They gated them all closed with chain-link fences, 10:08 the shooting started and we were pigs sitting in a corral. We only had one exit to go out of…..everyone was just kind of following the sheep.”

Palermo makes it clear that this confused concertgoers who had used the normal exits in the past.

“The same exits we had come in and left Friday and Saturday night were definitely closed. There were people that went over there and tried to leave and there were cops that were telling them no, you can’t go out here, you have to go the other way,” he shockingly concluded.

Eyewitness Gio Rios was present at the Vegas shooting.

“There was more than one shooter, I believe there were 4-5 shooters and I saw/heard 4 of them,” Rios claimed. “There was one of their men down in the concert who lit firecrackers either to distract people…. or to decoy the Mandalay Bay shooter breaking the windows out of the hotel without being noticed right away.”

“The first shooter was at the Mandalay Bay, then MGM Grand, and Excalibur/New York New York and Tropicana,” continued Rios. “These are confirmed by me personally and I believe that the shooter from Mandalay was shooting an LMG.”

Rios then goes on to provide what has to be the most detailed account of what may have happened to date, starting out by again noting that firecrackers were lit first in some sort of move to distract concert goers before the actual shooting began. He sadly details the horrific death all around him as he ran with his girlfriend to get out of harms way, noticing many people shot including a women with her head blown off.

“We then proceeded to an alleyway by the parking structure and saw muzzle flashes coming from the Excalibur and New York New York,” Rios revealed.

Another witness Orora Monroe heard shooting right outside Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas. She is certain that there were multiple gunmen on the night October 1st. Orora Monroe was inside the Planet Hollywood casino when, she says, she heard loud gunfire, coming from either inside or adjacent to the resort, which she estimates occurred at about 11:20pm. Unaware that anything had happened at the Route 91 Festival, Monroe fled in panic as the casino floor emptied, remaining in lock down at that resort until 3am.

Her full testimony can be heard at:

There is many reports of gunfire coming from the hotels Aria, Paris, Bellagio, New York New York and Caesar’s Palace,

New air traffic control audio has been released that details the fact that there were multiple active shooters on the airports property which is extremely close to the venue where at least part of the attack took place. The audio recordings, taken from the night of the October 1st massacre that left 59 dead and over 500 injured, are further proof that multiple shooters were used throughout the area, a fact that directly contradicts the official story.

During the air traffic control recordings, which were released by political strategist and co-founder of “The New Right” Mike Tokes, one of the dispatchers is heard telling an incoming plane that landing might not be a good idea because there were multiple active shooters on the airport property itself.

“Shutting down might not be a good idea, there’s active shooters on the runway,” he declared. “The 19s are closed, we are in the process of trying to round them up, and they are on the airport property”.

This stunning tower audio once again provides proof that the entire narrative that claims that Stephen Paddock operated alone from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel is complete nonsense and that authorities are actually actively covering up what really happened on that fateful night.

On the night of October 1, Youtuber Benjamin Franks and his friend had just grabbed some tacos and were heading back to their hotel room at the MGM when they noticed a separate disturbance at the corner of Las Vegas Blvd and Tropicana Ave.

15-minutes later, from the leisure of

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