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Manchester Arena, Ariana Grande Concert.

On 22nd May, 2017 at approximately 22.30hrs a bomb was detonated at the Ariana Grande Manchester Arena concert, Manchester, UK killing 22 people. We are told that the perpetrator was Salman Abedi who was 22 years of age. That is 22 people killed on the 22nd at 22 hundred hours by a 22 year old. I am not saying nobody was killed but let us look at the anomalies with this incident.

All of these so called terror attacks need to be scrutinised. People need to use their critical thinking skills with regard to these events. You need to ignore the mainstream media narrative with regard to these events and research for yourself if you want the truth. For instance look at the Manchester Ariana concert bombing on May 22nd 2017. Salman Abedi was blamed for this attack but a photo that appeared in the media and most of the newspapers of Abedi is now known to be a fake photo were Abedi was inserted into the picture with the other three men using a program such as Photoshop.

Look at the photo below. Abedi is the one on the far right. Look at the three men on the left. The shadows from the sun falls on their left shoulders but the shadow on Abedi is on his right shoulder. Is there two suns in the sky? That is not possible.

The above photo appeared in most newspapers and featured on most media outlets but it is fake. If Salman Abedi was responsible for this Manchester event why would they need to make fake images of him?

Again in the photo below which featured in the media, it is claimed to be Abedi in a lift at the Manchester Arena, but there is no proof of that. This photo could be anywhere at any time.

Again there has to be many CCTV at a place such as Manchester Arena. If Abedi was at the Manchester Arena the CCTV must show him approaching the Arena and entering the Arena but they can’t provide this evidence. The best they can do is the photo above. Not believable.

Another question that needs to be asked is would a suicide bomber who has been sent there by Isis to kill as many westerners as possible set his bomb off before the concert has even finished? Wouldn’t he wait until the concert has finished and then more people would be in the foyer before setting off his bomb?

The rucksack bomb that killed 22 people in Manchester was so complex that it could only have been made by an expert. Photographs of bomb parts found at the Manchester Arena show a trigger switch with a tiny circuit board soldered into the end, which experts say could point to a remote-control or timer built into the bomb. If you were a suicide bomber you would not have a timer built into the bomb, you would not have a remote controlled bomb. It would be pointless. But someone who placed a bag at the scene would use a remote controlled device. Below part of the bomb.

Another thing that is very suspicious is that Fireman were stopped from helping out at the Arena. The report below was in many newspapers and the one below was in the Daily Mirror (UK).

“The members of the emergency service (Fireman) have told the Manchester Evening News they were aware paramedics were in urgent need of back up in the aftermath of the terror attack - but they were prevented from going in. Devastated crew members have said that by the time five appliances were sent to the scene, all the dangerous work had been done. But crews claim all they could do was watch the horror unfold on TV - just half a mile from the scene”.

But we are told that a homeless man, Stephen Jones was allowed to help the victims but the fireman who are trained in first aid were not allowed to help. Reports say rough sleeper Stephen Jones revealed how he pulled nails out of a little girl's face after terrorist Salman Abedi killed 22 people and injured 119 when he detonated a nail bomb at the end of an Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena. So he would be allowed to pull nails out of a girls face, can anyone seriously believe that.

Rough sleeper Chris Parker, 33, was in the foyer area - just yards from where a man supposedly detonated an improvised explosive device which killed at least 22 people. He gave this statement:

'There was people lying on the floor everywhere’.

'I saw a little girl - she had no legs. I wrapped her in one of the merchandise T-shirts and I said 'where is your mum and daddy?' She said 'my dad is at work, my mum is up there'.

A little girl has her legs blown off and then answers questions from a "homeless hero"? Any doctor will tell you she would go into shock and then die from blood loss within two to three minutes. She would not be conscious to hold a conversation. Not believable.

According to many reports a man from Liverpool was “thrown 30ft” by the force of the explosion in the Manchester Arena terror attack. Andy Holey, who had gone to the arena to pick up his wife and daughter, said: “An explosion went off and it threw me about 30ft from one set of doors to the other set of doors”. But crucially he seemed unhurt because he gave this interview the very next day. How can such a powerful blast throw you thirty feet but not injure you?

“I'm from Belfast N. Ireland, and through 30 years of experiencing real bombings I can assure you, that if this guy was close enough to this bomb to be thrown 30 ft. he would be mincemeat, and just to add.... if a bomb large or powerful had gone off, enough to inflict as many casualties and/or fatalities as is shown in this video I can assure you, the room/foyer would have been totally decimated.” - Former Soldier, Mark Jones on Youtube.

Another witness Jenny Brewster told Mail Online that she was prevented from entering the foyer: “We were exiting the building when it happened. We'd headed towards the main doors as Ariana was performing the last song because we wanted to beat the crowds, but – as we made our way there - a wall of security men blocked it and told us to go the other way. Seconds later they shouted 'RUN!' and the explosion happened right behind them. Hundreds of people were running and screaming”. I heard five or six bangs that sounded like gunshots”.

Why was she stopped from going in the direction were the bomb went off in the Foyer. Don’t forget this was before the bomb went off. Did the security guards or the men who told her to go the other know something that she didn’t? The men shouted run to her and then the bomb went off after they shouted ‘run’. That tells us they knew beforehand that there would be an explosion.

As she was leaving the concert another mother was prevented from entering the foyer by security seconds before the blast happened. Why was the foyer blocked of before the blast happened? Did the security know the blast was going to happen?

In the early hours of the morning of the 23rd May – approximately 02.35BST NDTV via the Washington Post stated quite categorically that:

“U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, identified the assailant as Salman Abedi. They did not provide information about his age or nationality, and British officials declined to comment on the suspect’s identity.”

This was published at a time when British police and security services were refusing to make any statements as to who they thought the perpetrators were because at the time, they were dealing with the immediate aftermath of the event.

Quite how unnamed ‘US Officials’ wishing to remain anonymous correctly identified the exact individual exactly four hours after the incident from 3,500 miles away is anyone’s guess, particularly when British police and security services continued to make no such statement.

At around the same time this tweet appears about Manchester from columnist/lobby correspondent at The New York Observer Andre Walker. He clearly states on his Twitter account that this image is fake.

That is untrue because the image is in fact the Manchester Arena exit doors from straight after the bombing and the devastation is evident. How this journalist got this image quite so fast without actually being there just two minutes after Greater Manchester Police put out a Tweet stating that they were now responding to serious incident is difficult to understand. Andre Walker’s employer is no less than Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner (Jewish). They could only get this kind of information so quickly if they had foreknowledge of the event.

Again as the Westminster attack the ‘official ‘ announcement as to who did it (ISIS) had to appear on the Rita Katz website – at 4.44 am on 23rd of May, Just hours after the attack. As mentioned earlier Rita Katz is Jewish whose father was a Mossad spy. Here is her Tweet.

It was the Rita Katz SITE website that released or first announced the Bin Laden tapes which we know were fake.

Why would ISIS want to attack cities in Europe? The two countries that are trying to destroy ISIS are the Syrian government forces and Russia and not European countries. So why don’t ISIS try to bomb Russia. It’s just not believable.

Also did you know that the manager of Ariana Grande Samuel Braun is Jewish? Also Braun was in Israel two weeks before the Manchester explosion and had a meeting with David Keyes, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s foreign media spokesperson. Braun was there with Justin Bieber (he manages Bieber as well) for a concert in Tel-Aviv. This information might not be significant at all but I am just pointing it out.

I believe an explosion did happen, people did die, but not in the way as described by the media but Abedi either did not do it or he was coerced into doing it. The bomb could have been just left at the scene in a bag by anyone. There is no evidence Salman Abedi was there as there is no evidence that the 19 Muslims were behind the events of 9/11 as you will soon discover. Again it was probably carried out by the intelligence services, whether Mossad or MI5/MI6. If you don’t think they would kill innocent people for an agenda then you are very wrong, very wrong as the events of 9/11 and 7/7 will prove.

You should watch Richard Hall’s (of video about the Manchester attack. It is very revealing and can be found at It was banned by YouTube.

Mandalay Bay, Vegas Shooting

The Las Vegas shooting on October 1st 2017 were 59 allegedly died and over 500 were injured was 100% a false flag event, yet again. The false bit is the bit were they try to tell us that 64 year old Stephen Paddock was the lone shooter from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel. Witness statements, videos and photos completely destroy the official narrative. The evidence presented here is more than enough to suggest the official story is a lie and the FBI and the mainstream media cannot be trusted (as with 9/11) to give us the truth.

Why did it take LVPD one hour and 12 minutes to reach the hotel room? Are they that incompetent or was someone holding them back? That was probably because they were setting the room

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