» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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loved ones had died. For the citizen mindlessly ingesting standard news the official story may seem plausible. Not so for the highly motivated mother, husband or daughter of a victim, who latches on a like a bulldog and won’t let go until they get the answers they seek”.

“But the perpetrators still need graphic images of human suffering to incite the kind of rage that prompts the citizenry to willingly surrender their rights and let the feds ignore the law and do as they please.

“The solution was evidently to stage terror attacks with actors, where no one actually gets hurt. In the case of the Boston Marathon bombing, they were able to achieve all the same goals that a real terror attack would have (such as testing whether it is possible to close down a city over a single teenage “terrorist” on the loose) without the nuisance of grieving, inquisitive family members.”

The Boston bombing clearly shows that you cannot trust the media (BBC, CNN, ABC etc.), they are part of the lie and the deception. People need to stop believing what they report to you. The only thing they tell the truth about is news about trivial things such as sports or celebrities. If they can deceive you about 9/11 and the Boston Bombing then they can also deceive you about any terror events including Berlin, Nice, Brussels, London and Manchester!

San Bernardino Shooting

On December 2, 2015, 14 people were killed and 22 others were seriously injured in a terrorist attack consisting of a mass shooting and an attempted bombing at the Inland Regional Centre in San Bernardino, California. Two Muslims were blamed for this atrocity, one of them a woman but let us look at the real truth.

In the San Bernardino, California shootings, where 14 people died, there was an “active-shooter” drill in the area just two days before, with the participation of all first-responder agencies. Not only that, but there was a SWAT drill occurring at exactly the same time and place:

“The call first came in at 10:59 a.m. of multiple shots fired from the area of 1365 S. Waterman Ave. The Police Department’s SWAT team was training nearby and was suited, ‘ready to roll’ and responded rapidly, Lt. Richard Lawhead said.”

The Regional Centers are places where children with permanent developmental disabilities are evaluated for services. Why were swat teams training nearby? There was a huge number of governmental vehicles on the scene (many federal), around 400, within 14 minutes of the shooting, which could only happen if there was foreknowledge

Also, multiple witnesses said they saw three white males in military gear doing the shooting. Later in the day, two Arabic patsies, a slight female and her husband, are photographed dead on the ground with their hands handcuffed behind their backs. Do police handcuff dead people?

The bombshell that blows the official story of the San Bernardino shooting to smithereens is this witness testimony. Witness Sally Abdelmageed, who works at the Inland Regional Center and witnessed the shooting in San Bernardino, was interviewed live via telephone by CBS Evening News the day the massacre happened.

The news anchor begins ‘She saw the attackers enter the building, and we spoke to her by phone.’

‘We saw three men dressed in military attire,’ she says. ‘I couldn’t see his face, he had a black hat on… black cargo pants on, the kind with zippers on the side… He had a huge assault rifle a lot of ammo…

She continues, ‘They opened up the door to building then he starts to, you know, shoot all over into the room – that’s the room we have conferences in…

‘I called 911 and I just hid under my desk..

‘As I was talking to the dispatch, we went into my manager’s office and locked the doors.’

‘Mrs. Abdelmageed, can you describe to me in as much details as you can what did the gunman look like?’ the CBS anchor asks.

‘I couldn’t see his face, he had a black hat on. All I could see was a black hat, black long-sleeved shirt… He had extra ammo. He was probably ready for something, to reload – I don’t know. ‘I just saw three, dressed exactly the same. “It looked like their skin colour was white. They look like they were athletically built, and they appeared to be tall”

Clearly professionals, carrying out a well-planned attack, the way all false flags are conducted.

‘You’re certain that you saw three men?’ the news anchor asks.

‘Yeah,’ she replies, as she continues to describe the THREE WHITE MEN, their muscular build, etc.

Fox Los Angeles reported that the suspects are “white males” in “military gear” and armed with “rifles.” Here is there tweet.

Mark Stutte, who works in information technology for the county’s public health department, said his daughter called him from the scene, at the Inland Regional Centre and described the exact same thing.

“It was a like a Christmas party, an award party that we were having,” Stutte said.

“She went to the restroom and she called me. She was huddled up in the restroom, and three gunman came in and they started shooting people — colleagues that I work with,” Stutte said.

But the lying media and government tell us that a Muslim man and woman did the shooting.

Abdelmageed and other eyewitnesses gave similar accounts, debunking the official narrative – a Big Lie, framing two innocent Muslim patsies, killed by police to tell no tales, given no chance to explain their innocence.

Both victims were found dead in handcuffs. Are we supposed to believe that they initiated a gun battle with police while wearing handcuffs and shooting through rolled-up windows?! It seems that the two patsies were handcuffed, set in place for execution according to a scripted plan, and summarily shot dead.

Former NSA/CIA contractor Steven D. Kelley told Press TV that hired guns allegedly from Craft International (a Blackwater type paramilitary group, the same one responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings) could have been behind the San Bernardino shootings. Again we see innocent people being killed and Muslims being blamed as they were falsely for 9/11, 7/7, Boston and probably most of the other terror atrocities in Europe. Many times in the past we know Israel and Mossad have carried out terror atrocities and tried to blame it on Muslims. We need only think of the King David Hotel bombing and the Lavon affair to name just a few.

Charlie Hebdo Shooting

France announced that in the wake of the so-called “Charlie Hebdo Shooting,” it passed a controversial new bill granting security agencies unprecedented powers to tap the communications of France’s population without judicial overview. This would have been Impossible to pass without having the Charlie Hebdo Shooting.

If you look at the Charlie Hebdo Paris (January 7th 2015) attacks the one piece of evidence that screams out that it was a false flag is the moment that two men in balaclavas jumped out of their cars and one of them ran up to an injured policemen lying on the floor and shot him at point blank range in the head with a Kalashnikov assault weapon. There was no trace of blood or injury to his head as there would be at that range from such a powerful weapon. In fact if you watch the video on Youtube you can see that the bullet does not hit his head, it goes past his head and bounces of the floor as seen by the puff of smoke.

The video can be seen at

Gordon Duff of goes over how he can prove in court that the police officer on the ground in Paris was not shot using ballistic data.

The in depth link to Gordon Duffs story is at

Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is Chairman of The Institute for Political Economy and was the Treasury for Economic Policy under Ronald Reagan. Mr Roberts had this to say about The Hebdo attack:

“The Charlie Hebdo affair has many of the characteristics of a false flag operation. The attack on the cartoonists’ office was a disciplined professional attack of the kind associated with highly trained Special Forces; yet the suspects who were later corralled and killed seemed bumbling and unprofessional. It is like two different sets of people. Usually Muslim terrorists are prepared to die in the attack; yet the two professionals who hit Charlie Hebdo were determined to escape and succeeded, an amazing feat. Their identity was allegedly established by the claim that they conveniently left for the authorities their ID in the getaway car. Such a mistake is inconsistent with the professionalism of the attack and reminds me of the undamaged passport found miraculously among the ruins of the two WTC towers that served to establish the identity of the alleged 9/11 hijackers. It is a plausible inference that the ID left behind in the getaway car was the ID of the two Kouachi brothers, convenient patsies, later killed by police, and from whom we will never hear anything, and not the ID of the professionals who attacked Charlie Hebdo. Another puzzle in the official story that remains unreported by the presstitute media is the alleged suicide of a high ranking member of the French Judicial Police who had an important role in the Charlie Hebdo investigation. For unknown reasons, Helric Fredou, a police official involved in the most important investigation of a lifetime, decided to kill himself in his police office on January 7 or January 8 (both dates are reported in the foreign media) in the middle of the night while writing his report on his investigation. Americans are a pitifully misinformed people. All of history is a history of false flag operations. Yet Americans dismiss such proven operations as “conspiracy theories,” which merely proves that government has successfully brainwashed insouciant Americans and deprived them of the ability to recognize the truth.

Mr Roberts goes on to says, “If Muslims are responsible for the attack on Charlie Hebdo, what Muslim goal did they achieve? None whatsoever. Indeed, the attack attributed to Muslims has ended French and European sympathy and support for Palestine and European opposition to more US wars against Muslims”.

I would say that is exactly the whole point of these false flag operations. In December 2014 the French government’s lower house had voted to recognise Palestine and then ‘wham’ they get hit with a first (Charlie Hebdo) and second supposed Muslim attack (Bataclan) against their country (November 13th). “Recognition of a Palestinian state by France would be a grave mistake," Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu told reporters in Jerusalem. But in reality it was a JewishMossad attack. Any country that dares side with the Palestinians against Israel will be hit with these MossadIsraeli operations were Muslims are blamed and the government were the atrocity happened is then warned by Israel to change its policy. The Jews then use the media outlets in the Western world which they control to give the false story to the masses of people.

“Charlie Hebdo did not unfold the way the mainstream media would like us all to believe. Many knowledgeable sources are questioning whether or not France is being targeted by Israel since its lower house last month voted to recognize Palestine, which allowed the occupied state to become part of the International Criminal Court, with the power to hold the Zionist state responsible for genocide. An attack ostensibly committed by radical Muslims for Islam could go a long way to turn back the gains made by

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