» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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by Toby Melville a photographer for Reuters based in London? Reuters Media, we know is owned by the Rothschild’s. You could say Melville is an elite photographer because he took the photo of Kate Middleton’s baby when it was first shown to the world as well as many photos of the Queen and Obama when he visited the Queen. Melville took the photo which shows a woman’s pair of legs (it was a mannequin) sticking out from under a bus during the Westminster attack.

Other photographs of the events of the attack were taken by one Stefan Rouseau who states on his website that he has spent the past 15 years travelling with and taking photographs of the Prime Minister.

So all the photographs of the Westminster attack were taken by trusted Government/Royal photographers, two high profile insiders.

There is no footage from people’s phones and they would be because on the other side of the road there was a queue of traffic with several buses, so someone would have taken videos and photos but there is none available.

3. The Lady in Pink

Now this piece of evidence for me makes this Westminster attack to be nothing more than a false flag hoax. Now there is a few videos on Youtube which shows videos of someone moving along Westminster Bridge just after the alleged car mowed down pedestrians. It shows alleged injured people on the floor been attended to by members of the public. Below is a screenshot of an alleged injured person been attended to and standing near is a lady in pink holding her arms up taking photos and near her is a man also taking photos and he has bluegrey jeans and a dark grey jacket on. At the point that the lady in the pink jacket is taking photos, the car that allegedly mowed down all the pedestrians has already gone along past were she is standing because there is an injured person already near her on the floor. A screenshot is below. Do you get that, the lady in pink was not hit by the car.

Now there is a another video of her lying injured in the same spot with blood near her as if she has been hit by the car and the same man standing next to her taking the photos is now acting as her helper. The screen shot is below of her lying injured. If you are reading this on an eBook reader you would have to see this in colour to see her pink jacket.

She was not hit by the car, it is a staged scene and she is an actor and probably paid huge sums for this fakery. Notice the man helping her, it is the same man who was stood near her taking photos. Also would you really take photos if there was someone lying next to you injured?

The video can be seen here:

4. The Shoes

Shoes were placed into a scene for some unknown reason. Since when does a car hitting you knock your shoes off? Here we have a photo which shows a man being attended to and there are no shoes by the side of the road.

Then we see a photo of the same man being attended to but this time with shoes carefully placed by the side of the road. Who placed the shoes there neatly and why?

Take a closer look at this picture. In the video online the man’s backside never touches the road underneath (that his hard to do), his knees are up and so is his left arm and hand, he does not seem to move. If he was in pain his knees would be resting on the ground, flopped over to the left or right and so would his left arm. It takes a lot of effort to stay in the position he is in, it is not believable.

Look at the photo above, does the hand look real. It is to white, is it a dummy?

The video is below which shows this more clearly. Also as you watch these videos going along Westminster Bridge there is not many people injured but we are told that over 40 people were injured, somehow I don’t think so.

Watch the video below, it shows a man in a wheelchair, wheeled onto the set just for photos. He is not even injured

5. No CCTV, again!

London has more CCTV per square mile than any city in the world, so where’s the footage of this incident? The CCTV cameras for Westminster were taken off-line during the attack. CCTV offline? Again? It’s the same old story, just like London 7/7 underground bombings, no CCTV. CCTV on board the bus that blew up was also offline. The same Israeli Company who ran 911 airport security (No CCTV), ran the London bus CCTV during the attack and ran the CCTV on the 3 London Underground train stations and they could provide no CCTV evidence. Of course they were taken offline as they don’t want the people who monitor the CCTV to see what actually happened on the Bridge.

This alleged car that came onto the bridge must have come from somewhere in London, some hotel, some house. So where is the CCTV of this car approaching the bridge from its starting point, well they can't show it can they because they don’t have it. London has more CCTV than any city in the world per population.

6. No Security

The main gate into the grounds of parliament was left open and reportedly nobody was guarding the gate. Normally these gates are always kept shut. Why was the main gate going into the grounds of parliament left open and why was nobody guarding the gate? There are claims that no-one was on duty on the gate when the attacker entered. That place is a fortress. There is no way anyone could get into that area. There are armed guards at every entrance. At least four staff are usually stationed at all the gates, two outside and two inside. How did he get inside those gates? No one can enter that region.

How could he knife down a constable?

7. The London Eye

The London Eye was stopped during the Westminster attack for 3 hours. Whoever was behind the attacks had the London Eye stopped because if someone on the London Eye took a video of what really happened on the bridge then got off the London Eye with this evidence and disappeared, the this evidence could be the used at some point to prove the hoax. To stop this happening the London eye was stopped and as people got off their phones were checked by the Police to make sure they had no evidence of the alleged car driving along the bridge at high speed.

8. The Shot Assailant: Lack of Blood

There was first news of the assailant being a Mr. Abu Izzadeen but one day later the identity of killed assailant was given as Khalid Masood. The man originally alleged to be the main attacker, Trevor Brooks aka Abu Izzadeen, has links to MI6. The media found out they made a blunder and that Abu Izzadeen was alive in jail. Izzadeen claimed on an online interview that he had been offered a lighter prison sentence by MI5MI6 if he would work for them. The question is did MI5 ask Izzadeen to play the part of an actor on the Westminster bridge?

Look of the photo below of Abu Izzadeen. It looks a lot like the man on the stretcher.

Where are the bullet wounds? His eyes are open, is he dead? Where is all the blood?

But there is no real blood anywhere, including on the knife which was supposedly used to stab a Police officer.

The terrorist was shot – not taken into interrogation, because he had to be disposed of – as in Nice, Berlin, Paris 13 Nov. 2015, Brussels 3/22 2016 etc.

Maybe that is why they always kill him or get him killed: So that the alleged perpetrator isn’t alive to explain what really happened.

At first, there were two assailants: “the BBC understands from multiple sources that two assailants were in the vehicle on Westminster Bridge,” BBC correspondent Dominic Casciani said on Twitter. What happened to the other guy?

09. Terror Drills

Every major terrorist incident has had terror drills or training at exactly the same time as the terror incident was happening. 9/11 did so did 7/7 London, Boston, Paris etc., and so did Westminster two days before there was terror drills on the river Thames and it is possible that drills also took place on the bridge and this is where they use crisis actors to take part in their drill to act out the part of inured people and sometimes they use dummies and then the media show this as a real event or the terror drill goes live and morphs into the real event.

Below a picture from the Westminster Bridge terror drill which took place a week before the Westminster terror event. But did this drill also take place on the bridge and the real events that we have been shown are actually the events of the drill and not real events.

10. Iconic date

Another sign of a false flag is the “iconic date,” often featuring the numbers 9, 11 or 7 or multiples thereof. The London bombings happened on 7/7 and we of course have 9/11. The Westminster attack happened on 3/22, the first anniversary of the false flag attack in Brussels Airport which was also 3/22, 3+2+2=7. 322 is a big time satanic number and date, is the identifier of the Skull and Bones secret society of which many American Presidents were a member of. In the recent terror attack at Manchester Arena, the date was 22/05. 2+2+5=9. The truck attack in Stockholm, Sweden happened on April 7th. 7+4=11 and the Berlin truck attack happened on the 9th.

Believe me the same organisation planned all the attacks and then convinced some patsie to carry it out and it was not Isis or Al Qaeda. The IlluminatiZionists Freemasons and its intelligent (Psychopaths) agencies such as Mossad, CIA, MI5 and MI6 were behind all these attacks. What are the chances that the 8 attacks below spread out over 6 years in 6 different countries would all be carried out on the 22nd of the month? It is not possible that these were random events.

Norway attack- 22-07-11

Lee Rigby Attack – 22-05-2013

Pakistan tourist shooting – 22-06-13

Canada shootings parliament – 22-10-14

Brussels attack – 22-03-16

Munich attack – 22-07-16

London Westminster attack- 22-03-17

Manchester Arena attack- 22-05-17

Just to note that the 22nd is a very significant date for the Jews because that was the date they blew up the British headquarters at the King David hotel (July 22nd, 1946) and killed 91 civilians. Also these Jewish terrorists tried to make people believe that the Arabs did it (akin to 9/11) by dressing up as Palestinian Arabs to plant the bombs. In July 2006 Netanyahu and former Irgun gang members attended a 60th anniversary celebration of this outrage and continue to claim that it was all the fault of the British and not the fault of the bombers.

11. Israel Connection

Every terror event from Manchester to Nice seems to get blamed on ISIS or ISIS claims responsibility. Did you know that an Israeli group SITE (Search for International Terrorist Entities) always announces first that terror events like Westminster, Manchester and Nice were allegedly done by ISIS. Can we really believe them? In fact any ISIS related news come from SITE first. It is run by a Jewish woman Rita Katz whose father was a Mossad spy. Look at this message that SITE tweeted before the Westminster attacks, seems they knew this would happen before it did. Well that’s no coincidence when you realise that ISIS was created by Israel and America. Or maybe it was just a Mossad (Israeli Intelligence) operation from the start.

If it were just one or two coincidences, I would agree that the government’s version is probably correct. But when you have a series of 10, 15, 20 different anomalies, the law of statistics proves that they can't all be just "coincidence".

There is just no evidence at all that the Westminster incidence happened the way that the BBC and Sky news reported it.

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