» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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people outside the stadium in which hundreds would have died. The first explosion near the stadium was about 20 minutes after the start of an international friendly football match between France and Germany. If you watched the football match on T.V you will know that there was only one explosion heard after 20 minutes and not three but we are told that the second explosion occurred 10 minutes after the first and the third one 20 minutes after that. There is no footage whatsoever of any actual explosions, nor of any victims from the explosions. There is only audio of the alleged bomb going off, which itself sounds artificial according to many observers.

It was The National Assembly (the lower house) that voted to recognise Palestine and not the Senate which is the upper house. The Senate and the President and French Intelligence were probably in on this attack with Mossad.

After these attacks a 12-day state of emergency was declared by French President François Hollande and hours after the Nov. 13 attacks it was quickly extended to Feb. 26, giving police widespread powers to search houses, businesses and places of worship.

Don’t forget that on December 12th, 4 weeks after these attacks Paris hosted the Climate Agreement Conference which was attended by 196 world leaders who were signing up to this global warming nonsense. The powers that be knew that thousands wanted to protest against this Climate Agreement Conference but they were stopped from protesting because of these attacks and the state of emergency which was declared by the French President Hollande.

We are also told in reports that one or some of the shooters screamed, “This is for Syria!”, meaning they were killing innocent French people because of France’s involvement in aggressively attacking Syria, alongside the US, Britain, Israel, Turkey and other Gulf states. If the shooters really are from ISIS, why not attack Russia, since Russia has been actively bombing and obliterating ISIS? Russia has done far, far more to destroy ISIS than France ever has. Why not a Moscow shooting instead of a Paris shooting? However, that’s a question the mainstream media would prefer you don’t ask or consider.

What we can probably dismiss is the “Allahu Akbar” story. The ‘Allahu Akbar’ claim seems to be reported by some ‘eyewitness’ every time there’s an attack of this nature. Journalist Julien Pierce told CNN that the gunmen did not shout slogans as they massacred their victims. He said: 'They didn't say anything. Not Allah Akhbar or something like this. They said nothing. They just shot. They just shoot.'

In the 13 November 2015 Paris Attack, one of the targets was La Belle Equipe café. A witness, Mr Admo, 26, described the shooter. The witness says a black Mercedes pulled up and...

"He was white, clean shaven and had dark hair neatly trimmed.

"He was dressed all in black accept for a red scarf.

"The shooter was aged about 35 and had an extremely muscular build, which you could tell from the size of his arms...

"The driver had ... a machine gun rested on the roof of the car. He stood there ... acting as a lookout.

"I would describe him as tall, with dark hair and also quite muscular.

"They looked like soldiers or mercenaries and carried the whole thing out like a military operation."

One witness who was in the road front of the Bataclan concert hall before the attack and saw at least one of the assassins told BMFTV that he wasn't hooded: 'I saw a guy, quite small, white, European looking’.

This profile above definitely does not fit in with the profile of those who were blamed.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, writes:

"I have received a report from European security that there was a massive cyber-attack on French systems 48 hours prior to and during the Paris attacks. Amongst other things, the attack took down the French mobile data network and blinded police surveillance."

The disabling of the French mobile data network goes way beyond the intelligence of these supposed Muslim terrorists but this could easily be accomplished by Mossad.

All the shooters in this attack were wearing masks or balaclavas because they will be Special Forces professionals, not the Muslim patsies. In regard to this wearing of balaclavas this has always struck me as very odd. If you’re a suicide-bomber and you’re going to blow yourself up, what’s the point of wearing a mask? Surely it doesn’t matter anymore if you’re identified or not? Also if you are going to wear a mask to protect your identity, why the hell bring along your Syrian passport or I.D to the crime scene, since the only purpose that serves is to identify you! Yet, as with Charlie Hebdo massacre these terrorists seem to belong to the same organisation of ‘cover your face, but bring your passport’.

Another coincidence is that according to Patrick Pelloux who revealed on national radio that SAMU (French Emergency Medical Services) conducted a “multi-site” counterterrorism emergency exercise in Paris on the same day as the Paris attacks. Again this is the same at other false flag attacks such as London 7/7 and 9/11 who had similar drills happening at the same time as the real event were happening. Pelloux said that the Paris emergency services were so well prepared, because “by chance” they had been planning for a similar scenario to what actually occurred. Pelloux has been chairman of a French trade union of emergency physicians since 2008.

Is it just a coincidence that the Israeli Mossad intelligence front SITE (which have been busted before releasing “ISIS” material that was actually generated by Israel) were the ones to let us all know that ISIS is claiming responsibility for this attack?

I still say it was a 100% IsraeliMossad operation in response to part of the French government wanting to recognise Palestine. Israel wants all of what was Palestine for its self and any country that contradicts this will find false flag Mossad atrocities happening in their country and blamed on Muslims, just like 9/11. After this Paris attack there was mistrust and tension in France towards the Muslim community, and possibly both public and political opinion in France (and much of Europe) might be steered away from any sympathy with the Palestinian cause.

"This is a false flag of the worst kind. A false flag perpetrated by Mossad agents who will be without a doubt extricated to Israel or probably killed. In any case, it's for certain that the police will never catch them alive, so people will never know who planned that mass murder, an attack to mobilize France to the Jewish cause.” From the French Website La Matrice

“Everyone should just take my word for it. What happened in Paris is clear evidence that certain business circles, dare I say business circles which are likely backed by the Jewish state, are trying to pit Christian Europe against the Muslims”. Szentgotthárd (Hungary) Mayor Gabor Huszar

In an article on the site the late author and researcher Michael Collins Piper wrote “The use of “false flags” by Israel’s Mossad to cover up its role in worldwide assassination conspiracies and other criminal activity had been utilized time and again: ‘Arabs,’ ‘radical Muslims,’ ‘the Mafia,’ ‘right-wing extremists,’ and even environmentalists, among others, have repeatedly taken the fall for crimes committed by the Mossad or carried out under its coordination”.

Westminster Bridge 2017: Hoax or Real?

Have we been told the truth about the alleged terror attack on Westminster Bridge, London in March 2017? The incidence occurred on 3/22 (March 22) 2017, exactly a year after the Brussels terror event on the same day last year, that in itself is very suspicious. The video and photo evidence of the Westminster attack suggests it was all staged and the only death may have been the Policeman’s. He may have been sacrificed to give the whole event some reality. False flag staged attacks are psychological warfare operations targeting the minds of the masses. Fabricated events can be used to further an agenda of the deep state and the perpetrators typically include CIA, MI6, MI5, MOSSAD, and DGSE (French Intelligence).

The Muslim or Arab patsie is sent there to do the crime or blackmailed into doing it to enforce the idea to the world that the “boogieman” Muslim terrorist is still real. If this was a white man that allegedly drove this car along the bridge then it would not be classed as a terrorist event, only because this man was classed as a ‘Muslim’ is it then labelled a terror event. Look at the incident in Times Square, New York on May 18th 2017 were a man mowed down 20 pedestrians and killing one, it was labelled by Police as not a terrorist incident in fact New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said there was "no indication" it was an act of terrorism and this was because the perpetrator was not a Muslim. We are told the person who carried out the Westminster attack was Khalid Masood (Adrian Russell Elms) who was a Christian until he allegedly converted to Islam in 2005, so he is not really a Muslim. What did this Muslim have to gain from this event, what was his objective in carrying it out, well he had none whatsoever.

These false flags are now becoming so obvious with so many mistakes. The mainstream media never bothers to bring up the anomalies or mistakes just like they did with 9/11 or 7/7 and that is because they are controlled and they are there to repeat the governments version of events.

Let us look at 11 reasons why this could be a fabricated or staged event.

1. Suspicious Video.

The first piece of evidence is the video below which shows the only footage known of the car that was reported to have been involved in the Westminster terrorist attack. First the car looks more like a cartoon or ghost car in comparison to the other vehicles on the bridge.

The video is below if you want to look at it. Sometimes videos get removed by Youtube but you can normally find another version.

If you look at the video above closely you can see whatever jumps into the water, jumps in after the supposed car has gone past it and it is not a person jumping into the water on this video. To me it looks like CGI.

Below is a screenshot from the video.

Research has shown that the building were this video was taken was the upper half of the Milbank Tower which houses the Government/Political agencies. In the past and in the present Milbank Tower has been used by a cluster of predominantly political organisations including the Conservative and Labour parties and the United Nations to name a few. Today it hosts a wide range of companies from PR agencies to the Ministry of Justice Records Management Service. One company in the Milbank Tower is Altitude London which was opened by former PM David Cameron in 2010. Altitude states on its own website it is: “A firm supporter of the UK film industry and arts in general, Altitude has helped some of the foremost film and television production companies gain footage that is just not possible anywhere else”.

So we are led to believe the person who took this video just happened to have a video camera pointed at Westminster Bridge when this alleged car started its journey. What a coincidence? I don’t think so, they were part of the staged attack.

The one thing that looks really odd is that the attacker was able to drive at speed over Westminster Bridge and mow down pedestrians. It is a very busy bridge – why was it empty enough for anyone to drive at speed at that hour? It should have been jam packed with traffic – you would be lucky to do 10mph! If one looks at the pictures afterwards, there are several buses and cars stopped on the South bound lane … but almost nothing stopped on the North bound lane used by the attacker, that lane is almost empty. What a coincidence?

2. Suspicious Photographers.

Did you know nearly all the photographs of the Westminster attack which were used by the media were taken

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