» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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amputees into battle field simulations. False flag. Boston was a practice attempt to lock down an entire city.”

Steele continues: “the actual bomb was a theatrical device. You don’t buy gun powder at a fireworks store to create a bomb. It just is not done. I had my explosive ordinance people look at this. Everybody laughed at this. This was school kids stuff. THERE WAS NO BOMB. There were no injuries. This was a false flag.”

But what we’re not told is that there was a bomb drill on that same day and mere yards from the marathon’s finish line.

How do we know it?

Because the Boston Globe newspaper on April 15, 2013, at 12:53 p.m., tweeted that according to police, there would be “a controlled explosion” on the 600 block on Boylston Street, across from the Boston Public Library. Here’s a screenshot of the first Boston Globe tweet which was taken from a YouTube video.

Note that both Boston Globe tweets were published at 12:53 p.m. on April 15, 2013 — 1 hour 56 minutes before the first bomb detonated at 2:49 p.m. EDT.

University of Mobile Cross Country coach and runner Alastair Stevenson, who said he witnessed a drill the morning of the Boston Marathon and was instructed not to worry about it.

Alastair Stevenson stated:

“At the start line this morning they had bomb spotters on the roof of the building, and they had bomb sniffing dogs coming up and down at the start line, and Melanie [his wife] said there were bomb sniffing dogs at the finish line.” “They kept making announcements saying ‘citizens do not worry, this is just a training exercise”.

According to Stevenson this announced drill took place at the start line and around the nearby athlete’s village.

The intelligence agencies who co-ordinated this fake terror event then used the fake ‘terror drill’ explosions and made them into explosion created by 2 young Muslim men with back packs (patsies). Fake actors where then used to play their part, feign injuries.

The Norwegian attack, Sandy Hook, the London 7/7 bombings and the 9/11 attacks all turned out to be running in tandem with exercises which were very similar to the real terrorist attacks. The ones who plan the real terrorist atrocity also plan the terror drills and they both run at the same time. Because this then provides both a cover story if things go wrong and an explanation to colleagues not in the know if they should chance upon the plot.

Nathan (Nathaniel) Folks is a film producer and talent manager who has been in the entertainment industry since 1997 when he worked at Paramount Pictures marketing the blockbuster motion picture, Titanic, starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

In an interview with the Voice of Russia’s John Robles, Folks says that back in April 2013 as he was watching the events of the Boston Marathon bombings unfold, based on his experience and expertise as a movie producer, he thought that some things just “didn’t add up” and became convinced that the bombings were a false flag designed to instil “the fear factor” in us, “to keep us scared for as long as they can.” The Boston bombing wasn’t real but a “hyper-reality film-making.” It was a “terrorism that never happened.”

Folks says that he knows some of the people “who were involved” in the Boston “hyper-reality filmmaking.” He defines “hyper-reality film-making” as a “very common thing you do in the military” where filmmakers create a “hyper reality scene” that is made as real as possible.

Asked about Jeff Bauman, who supposedly had both of his legs blown off at the marathon?

Folks (and others) observed that the pic below is staged. Notice the red paint: Blood is never such a bright red. Bauman is the man with a stick attached to one of his amputated legs. No blood in area where his leg was apparently severed and what is supposed to be a bone is much too thin and straight to be a lower leg bone. The expression on his face is entirely inconsistent with someone who just had both of his legs blown off.

Dr. Lorraine Day, an orthopaedic trauma surgeon who for 25 years was Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery at St. Francisco General Hospital, confirms many of Folks’ observations.

Where is the trail of blood along the road? No pain on his face? Jeff Bauman not only did not pass out (as you can see in the pic of him being carted away in a wheelchair), he was so alert and retained such presence-of-mind, and despite having both legs blown off (just imagine that happening to you).

“Wheel chairs may be available along a marathon route but they are NEVER found in ambulances, and wheelchairs are NEVER used to transport severely injured victims. When a victim has lost a lot of blood [as in the case of Jeff Bauman], he or she is always kept flat and transported on a gurney. To do otherwise would put the life of the victim at severe risk. In Bauman’s case, if a person has both legs blown off, his blood loss would be so severe that if someone sat him up [as Bauman did], he would lose consciousness because his heart could not pump enough blood to supply his brain when he was in the upright position, and he would die, 4 or 5 days after Bauman had his legs blown off, he was photographed in the hospital giving a thumbs-up, happy-faced smile. “This is ludicrous.” When a person loses even one limb, there is a “grieving” process that goes on for weeks”. Dr. Lorraine Day

Someone who lost both legs would spend at least a year recuperating. Instead, Bauman was at a Bruins hockey game on May 4, 2013 (see pic below), which was exactly 19 days after he had both legs blown off. That’s some miraculous recovery!

Is this a Hollywood special effects person putting on the Prosthetic stumps for Bauman? Notice how there is no blood. Blood would be gushing out from the unprotected, non-compressed, cut arteries in the photo below.

Notice the man in the hood above. In the photos below the man in the hood changes his acting role to play the part of an injured person.

Now look below the man in the hood has finished fitting Bauman's fake prostheses and he is all relaxed lying down and he does not look injured. According to, Christian Williams also “nearly lost his right leg because of injuries suffered in the blast.” Yet no injuries to either his hand or leg are visible in the photo below.

Christian Williams (below) on a GoFundMe page claims that he lost all the skin off of three fingers on his right hand in the “bombing.” As of 5/8/13, he has collected $97,000 on that page. Look at his right hand does it look like he has lost the skin, does he look in pain, does it look like he has nearly lost is right leg. The answer can only be no.

Look at the photo below. They have tied tourniquets around the knees when they should be tied tight at the top of the thighs. Again where is the blood? There is none. On several videos this woman claimed she suffered huge blood loss from her legs, where there is NO blood, what a liar and what a joke.

Look at all the torn trousers below. How is it possible for a bomb to shred your trousers like that but make no mark or damage to your leg, there is no blood on their legs. It is not possible for a bomb to shred your trousers like that and leave no damage to your leg. They are actors taking part in a drill.

In the photo below Baumann is supposed to have had his leg blown off but it shows no blood and his leg is on the dark woman’s head and there is no blood on her white shirt but later she is laid on a stretcher with her white shirt covered in blood.

The picture below of Ron Brassard is pathetic. The tourniquet is on his ankles when it should be on his thigh and again there is no blood so why the tourniquet. Again his leg is so badly damaged but he can hold it in the air like that.

Here is a close up of the sunglasses mans (Ron Brassard) foot. Clearly there is no blood on his shoe or foot but this man claimed on his interview lying in hospital that every step he made there was a pool of blood on the floor coming from his leg. You can see below there is no blood on his foot but apparently every step he made there was a pool of blood on the floor which came from his foot because he had a baseball size hole in his ankle. The Brassards have raised $40,000 on a GoFund me page.

Chechen-American brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were blamed for the bombing. Tamerlan was killed in a shootout and Dzhokhar was shot and then arrested.

The mother of the two, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva talked to RT news and expressed confidence her sons were framed by the FBI, alleging that they had been following Tamerlan in particular for at least 5 years.

The news of their involvement in the Boston bombing has largely been met with shock.

“I lived next to this family both in Chechnya and here, in Dagestan,” the neighbour told RT. “Their kids couldn’t have done that, they couldn’t have been involved.”

A similar reaction was heard in outpourings from those who knew them in America.

"I'm in complete shock," Rose Schutzberg, 19, who graduated high school with Dzhokhar told USA Today. "He was a very studious person. He was really popular. He wrestled. People loved him."

"They were controlling him, they were controlling his every step…and now they say that this is a terrorist act! Never ever is this true, my sons are innocent!” the mother exclaimed.

It would be indeed strange to suggest somebody so closely watched by the FBI could have plotted terrorist acts without setting off alarm bells. The FBI, however, has in the past been accused of enticing socially-aloof Muslims into plotting a terror act and then 'disclosing' and jailing them, claiming they just saved the world from another villain.

Ibragim Todashev was to be a witness at the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Todashev was then shot at point blank range by the FBI at his apartment, he was unarmed and the FBI has blocked the release of the autopsy report. His father accused the FBI of murdering his son in order to prevent him from testifying in court. The murder of Todashev and the subsequent government-media cover-up raise the very real possibility that the young man was killed because he was in a position to reveal facts about Tamerlan Tsarnaev that would be highly embarrassing to the US government and various intelligence and police agencies.

Paul Craig Roberts (Former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Reagan) states: “The documents argue that on the basis of the evidence provided by the FBI, there is no basis for the indictment of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The FBI’s evidence clearly concludes that the bomb was in a black knapsack, but the photographs used to establish Dzhokhar’s presence at the marathon show him with a white knapsack. Moreover, the knapsack lacks the heavy bulging appearance that a knapsack containing a bomb would have.  As readers know, I have been suspicious of the Boston Marathon Bombing from the beginning. It seems obvious that both Tsamaev brothers were intended to be killed in the alleged firefight with police, like the alleged perpetrators of the Charlie Hebdo affair in Paris. Convenient deaths in firefights are accepted as indications of guilt and solve the problem of trying innocent patsies. In Dzhokhar’s case, his guilt was established not by evidence but by accusations, by the betrayal of his government-appointed public defender Judy Clarke who declared Dzhokhar’s guilt in her opening statement of her “defense,” by an alleged confession, evidence of which was never provided, written by Dzhokhar on a boat under which the badly wounded youth lay dying until discovered by the boat owner and hospitalized in critical condition”.

Two young successful friendly men, the joy and pride of their family, with no history of radicalism, all of a sudden choose to commit a terror attack. No 'Allah Akbar' calls, no radical organization affiliation, not a hint of hatred noticed by those close to them. Tamerlan leaving a family behind, Dzhohar just a regular teenager with seemingly common teenage interests. Their actions have not brought around any evident benefit to either of them. It doesn’t add up, they were setup, simple as that.

This piece below comes from investigative reporter Sheila Casey’s excellent article at

Why would they use actors at Boston?

Casey states “The government has staged many terror attacks to achieve political goals, and they no doubt learned that one of their biggest headaches after such an attack was the grieving family members who kept pointing out the inconsistencies in the stories they were given about how their

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