» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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Palestine for official recognition”, - David Gahary,

We cannot simply engage in knee-jerk reactions labelling every act of violence as a “false flag” yet we cannot ignore the history of such acts and the prevalence of false flags in recent times.

A leaked email from one Madame Rothschild says that the Paris Attacks at Charlie Hebdo were “a Mossad operation”. The email was sent to an editor of a website called on Sunday, January 11, 2015. Madame Rothschild, a German aristocrat of Rothschild parentage who has fallen out with her “family” after certain traumatic events during her adolescence, including the mysterious death of her mother in the Swiss Alps in 1989.

Below is part of the email sent allegedly from Madame Rothschild to Lasha Darkmoon of

“I won’t write to the Comments section of your website, as you suggest, because I cannot help feeling that it is juvenile to do so. But this I will say most emphatically, based on my private sources, for as you know, I am a resident of France and have many friends in high places in Paris and elsewhere: not only do I believe that the Paris circus was not done by the Muslims, I actually know for a certainty that it was not. Muslims had nothing—I repeat, nothing—whatever to do with the carnage that took place in Paris last week. A few young ladies whom I know and who are active in the Palestinian movement—with your own countryman, George Galloway, I believe—explained everything to me two days ago. This whole event was organized in Brussels. Even Ahmed Merabet, the first French policeman purportedly shot dead, is actually not a Muslim at all: his real name is Avigdor, and his brother’s name is Maloch, recently changed to Melek—all of them crypto-Jews in the service of Israeli intelligence, i.e., Mossad agents. Avigdor is in Buenos Aires right now, and will remain there for six years, a standard operating procedure with those deep in Israeli psyops. After this he will resurface with a new identity, by which time of course the populace will have forgotten all about the Paris attacks. Remember Gladio? Well, if you don’t, you don’t have to—as you are living through it right now. Regarding the Paris farce. I forgot to mention the amount such players get paid. It is 666,000 euros or dollars, depending on the country the event is staged in. The amount may seem random and insignificant to you, but once you know how important numerology and signs are to the Kabalistic Jews, things begin to make sense. Moreover, the number SIX features again, you will notice, as that is the number of years during which the commandos carrying out the operation are not allowed to resurface. They have to lie low for six years, living lives of impeccable respectability under their newly invented personas. When they finally emerge into the full light of day, it is never in the country where they performed their original theatrics. Thus Avigdor, the hero of the Paris op and all the rest of his accomplices in crime, will start a new life elsewhere: with a new identity, new papers, a new passport, even a nice new house provided. Everything else will be given to these operatives to enable them to make a fresh start in life, including a wife or partner who is also an undercover agent. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is left to chance”.

“Israel was the mastermind behind numerous terrorist attacks around the world including 9/11 and the Charlie Hebdo slaughter in Paris”, - Joy Karega, Professor of 'rhetoric and composition' at Oberlin College, Ohio.

“Charlie Hebdo killings were by 'US and Mossad' to keep Israel's Netanyahu in power”, - Jack Lindblad, U.S Politician

Similar catastrophic events quickly followed on the heels of other countries’ decisions to finally recognize the beleaguered Palestinians, who have been psychologically and physically abused by Israel for nearly 70 years.

In late 2013, Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur Tribunal found Israel guilty of genocide. A few months later, Malaysian planes started falling out of the sky. One was Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and the other over Ukraine was MH17.

In 2011, Norway’s Labor Party’s youth wing was poised to impose a complete blockade on Israel. Suddenly the entire leadership of the Party’s youth wing was slaughtered in a professional operation falsely attributed to a lone nut, Anders Breivik.

The Paris Bataclan Attack

The Paris attacks on the night of Friday 13 November 2015 by gunmen and suicide bombers hit a concert hall, a major stadium, restaurants and bars, almost simultaneously – and left 130 people dead and hundreds wounded. It was a carnage of almost unimaginable proportions in our so-called “civilised” Western society. But just like 9/11 the truth is very different to what we have been fed by the intelligence services and the controlled media.

On December 2014 the French government’s lower house had voted to recognise Palestine and then ‘wham’ they get hit with two supposed Muslim attack (Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan) against their country. “Recognition of a Palestinian state by France would be a grave mistake," Netanyahu told reporters in Jerusalem.

But in reality it was a Mossad attack. Any country that dares side with the Palestinians against Israel will be hit with these MossadIsraeli operations were Muslims are blamed and the government were the atrocity happened is then warned by Israel to change its policy. Israel then use the media outlets in the Western world which they control to give the false story to the masses of people.

The Paris attacks were precipitated by the December 2 vote by France’s lower house to recognize the State of Palestine (339-151), which would enable the occupied state to become part of the International Criminal Court, with the power to hold the Zionist state responsible for genocide, and redraw the boundaries of the occupier to pre-1967 lines.

Investigative journalist Hicham Hamza had been detained by French police for exposing Israel’s role in orchestrating the Bataclan Paris attacks on 13 November, 2015.

Hamza was an independent journalist and founder of the investigative website Panamza. He was detained for seven hours by police about an article in which he revealed the Israeli origin of the shocking photo of the Bataclan theatre. The original source of the photo turned out to be a tweet published by an Israeli organization headed by the US neoconservative Mark Gerson. Gerson is also a former director of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), more about PNAC and 9/11 later.

According to Researcher and former NSA Analyst Jim Stone Mossad and the French government staged the attacks, rounded up the future “victims” after they left the Bataclan Theatre, murdered them while they were in custody, and then set up the bloody scene with the bodies.

Mexican student, Nohemi Gonzales and her boyfriend who were apparently in contact with her parents as the attacks were unfolding, but after being apprehended by the French authorities, Gonzales was found among the victims. The one Mexican girl (Nohemi Gonzalez) who died was confirmed alive after the Bataclan shooting when her family called her boyfriend’s phone after hearing about the shooting in the Mexican media. He said he was with her outside and they were both fine, and now, after the authorities took her into custody she is dead.

The fact that the French government murdered victims and then planted them back in the scenes afterwards explains completely why no real shooting ever turned up on amateur mobile phone video from the Bataclan, yet there was a significant body count. They took this Mexican girl into custody, murdered her, brought her back into the Bataclan and dragged her to where they left her dead. This explains why blood is dragged all over the floor (below) in the Bataclan, because they dragged and dropped the bodies after killing them.

Over a thousand people were supposedly in the Bataclan and everyone had a phone recording the band but there is no phone coverage available of the shootings.

Look closer at the bloodstained "drag marks" it oddly forms the shape of a heart around the bodies! That can only be because it was staged.

In the Bataclan theatre photo, the bodies seem to be simply left in their odd positions to make it look as real as possible, yet we can clearly see there is none of the obvious tell-tale signs that emergency personnel have attended the scene and what you often see at other "real" attacks; bandages, blood stained swabs, wrappings and packing that contained the bandaging, bags, aluminium body covers etc. - none whatsoever are present here. Virtually all the bodies are face down and neatly arranged. One group almost forming a pyramid shape.

In the Bataclan photo above we can see what looks like blood-trails, perhaps accomplished by either, using a large broom or a similar object and sweeping it across the floor, or as is being suggested the bodies were dragged across it. Not an action emergency services would do as they would place bodies on a stretcher.

“In the photo above look how dry the blood is. the blood is that dry yet no emt’s have ever been on this scene because there are zero footprints through any of it, which proves that not only are they not there now, they were never there in the hours prior while that blood was drying. And the only way “hours” could pass like that is if the authorities in charge staged this and murdered everyone in this picture. If terrorists did this, the authorities would have flooded this scene and EMT’s would have been there clearing out bodies while people were still spurting blood. Who knows when this even happened, – with how long this took to get published, and that Mexican girl alive long after the shooting only to end up dead here, this could have been staged an entire day later”, Jim Stone, Researcher (

In the photo above there is no emergency services at all at this scene. We are told that 89 died in this theatre but I can only count 30 bodies at most lying there. Where are the other 60 bodies?

Again we are supposed to believe the attackers were shot or blew themselves up when police raided the theatre.

The Bataclan Theatre use to be Jewish owned and unbelievably they sold it on 9/11. The French magazine Le Point, reported "Jewish owners recently sold Paris’s Bataclan theatre on 9/11/15!" (11th September 2015), coincidence?

The Eagles of Death Metal’s lead singer, Jesse Hughes in an interview with Fox, suggested the “radical Islamic terrorist attack” on the Bataclan nightclub — the bloodiest episode of the 11/13/15 Paris attacks – was an inside job. Hughes cited evidence that the Bataclan security team was part of the conspiracy. The Bataclan security team in question was selected and run by Pascal Touitou, the former co-owner of the Bataclan – a dubious character linked to the Israeli Mossad and such radical Zionist groups as the terrorist Jewish Defense League. Touitou’s ultra-Zionist family ran the Bataclan for decades, then sold it – while retaining full control over management and security – on September 11th, 2015.

According to the English version of the Times of Israel, quoting Jonathan-Simon Sellem certain representatives charged with the security of the French Jewish community were warned on the morning of the 13th November 2015 of an imminent vast terrorist attack in France. Jonathan-Simon Sellem has double nationality (Israeli-French) and is responsible for the Internet site JSSNews. An ex- civil servant for the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, he was elected as a French consular advisor.

Why would Jews be warned unless Israel knew something such as Mossad helping to carry out this attack?

Melih Gokcek said Israeli intelligence planned the attacks in retaliation for France recently expressing support for Palestinian statehood, according to Today’s Zaman, an English-language Turkish publication.

At a political event Gokcek said “It is certain that Mossad is behind these kinds of incidents. Mossad enflames Islamophobia by causing such incidents.”

Another part of the attacks which is not believable is that three supposed suicide bombers blew themselves up outside the national sports stadium, the Stade de France. So basically they only killed themselves, surely if they were mad Jihadists they would have waited to detonate their bombs when the football match had finished so then they would have been thousands of

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