» Psychology » Sanity Is Impossibility, Santosh Jha [best young adult book series .TXT] 📗

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relativistic holism of the Reality is perfect artistry to arrive at and install personal sanity. And, this happens as we decipher and decode the ‘Seed-Level’ constitution of causality. This acceptance however is not automatic for an individual. It is the artistry of higher consciousness, which an individual evolves and empowers through a determined process.

To emphasize the importance of our hypothesis about causality and its decoding, let us continue this idea with another very powerful causality that hugely affects human life-living and majorly affects personal sanity. This causality is Fear and Anxiety. This causality is even more critical than love in its potential and propensity to affect human life-living and sanity. Let us see how this causality too can be decoded and deciphered to ensure sanity in our lives.

We begin by accepting the above hypothesis again that all causalities have a physical and tangible basis. Like love and all other emotions, Fear and Anxiety also are seeded in the vast and complex bio-chemical and neural plexus of the body-mind media, working in a cooperative process. Fear and anxiety become a reality not because there are elements or factors outside in physical milieus that are repositories of fear and anxiety. It is because the assigned brain states processes the received info about them through inputting of our sensory organs. Fear and anxiety are seeded in brain states within and not outside in milieus. Therefore, when we decode and decipher the constituent elements of fear and anxiety and accept them, we perfectly change the way the causality of fear and anxiety plays out Reality for us and expresses itself. How?

Suppose, there were two boys on two bicycles and both fell down at one time on the road, having similar injury and almost same amount of blood coming out from their respective wounds. One boy saw the wound and started crying inconsolably. The other boy just smiled and continued with his ride. Why? How come the same Reality play out differently for two individuals? The first boy, who cried, did so not because the wound hurt him that much to make him cry but because in the past, he was scolded and even beaten up many times before by his mother whenever he met with any accident. So, the first boy cried out of the perceived and pending fear and anxiety of the inevitable prospect of another scolding and beating up by his mother. The other boy did not cry and even smiled because for him too, the wound did not hurt him enough and most importantly, his mother always told him that brave boys smile when they fall. His mother rather taught him how to keep his cool and clean and protect a wound in case of an accident.

Let us talk of another example about how decoding fear and anxiety helps us retain sanity in worse of situations. It is all about how an individual sees, understands and accepts the genetics of a causality that confronts him or her in life-living. Most people react with uncontrollable fear and anxiety when they see a venomous snake. However, a trained snake catcher does not fear the same snake and rather, catches the snake with utter ease and confidence. What makes the single causality play out differently for two different persons?

It is how the two persons decode and decipher the seeds or genetics of the causality of fear and anxiety. It is only natural reaction of an average person to feel fear and anxiety with snakes. It is wired in our subconscious brain states. However, the person who is not fearing and is not in any perceptible anxiety handling the same venomous snake because he knows all possible details of the behavior and actions of snakes he handles. He also has impeccable support system in case of any accident. The snake catcher is trained about different snakes, how they move and how they behave towards their enemies. The snake catcher is in advance knowledge of any possible move the snake may make to endanger him. Also, when he is out catching, he has his medical box full with all preventive devices and medications, in case of a mishap. He also has the nearby hospital on alert in case there is a mishap in handling the snake. The idea is – he has understood the entire probabilities of the possibility of the causality of fear and anxiety and has readiness for any eventuality. This allows him to ‘unlearn’ his innate and instinctive subconscious fear and anxiety, as he has consciously decoded the seeds and genetics of it. This is artistry of higher conscious that wins over the wired and auto-learned behavior and action.

The small but important thing we are attempting to hypothesize is there is a definitive mechanism and process for arriving at and sustaining sanity, system, order and poise in our personal life-living, even while everything else may be in the domain of insanity of hypocrisies in human world and life-living. First we need to be in acceptance of and aware of what is the mechanism and process of our own ‘I’ or self as a media to express, communicate and play out the Reality for us. This first acceptance makes us humbly see and realize the ‘Stupidity of Self’ as we can see how ‘I’ or self as media of Reality expression has inbuilt entropies and troubles.

Secondly, as we begin to consciously decode and decipher the causality and the context and relativity of how the causalities play out Realities in our body-mind media, we definitively are in command and control of a causality. This way, we empower ourselves to be more than a stupid media of the causalities and the Reality they play out for us. We shall still fear, still love, still feel angry and frustrated but as an empowered body-mind media, our ‘I’ or self shall have better endowments and skills to handle the entropic part of fear, love, anger and frustration to minimize their propensity to trouble us. This way, we shall have better skills to optimize our sanity possibilities in life-living experiences.


Stage 2

Cognitive Change One: We humans have a strange but very powerful situation that needs to be altered and won over. Science says, ‘You are in your perspective and your perspectives are in you’. This is some omnipotent and omnipresent ‘causality’ that keeps us entwined in the hypocrisies and stupidities of insanity. The above statement is a powerful explanation of the trap that we all are in and how we need to break free of it. It explains what we have already discussed – Medium is the Message!

Our personal sense of ‘I’ or self, or call it the layers of consciousness is just a media of the body-mind causalities. This means that we may keep thinking happily that ‘I’ or myself is seeing and accepting a Reality but the fact may remain there that actually, the specific Reality is playing it out using our body-mind as media to express itself in a way, which makes us accept a Reality the way we do. That is why earlier we mentioned the ancient prescription to humanity – ‘Don’t Be, You Shall Be.’ The prescription is to come out of the consciousness of ‘I’ that is in an auto-reaction mode working mechanically and stupidly as ‘Media’ of twin internal and external causalities – the first causalities of body and mind and second causalities in the milieus.

It is to be realized with utmost humility and sincerity that consciousness itself is just a media of body and mind and the ‘I’ of average person simply works as media to play out the realities that internal and external causalities make him to. This has to stop and an individual needs to detach himself or herself from this auto-mode reactionary ‘I’ or self, which acts and behaves like a media, without ever understanding the ‘self’ and the causalities that it works with and works on him or her. So, the primary cognitive change is to be aware of self and causalities and detach the consciousness from the internal and external causalities; as far as possible.

As we have talked about it earlier, we need to understand and accept that evolving and growth has two stages – auto-mode learning and conscious unlearning. From infant stage to adulthood, an individual keeps assimilating information and available knowledge from its milieus in subconscious state of ‘auto-mode learning’. Very few individuals, who have managed to evolve strong consciousness as early as 14-16 years of age, may begin to start the parallel process of ‘conscious unlearning’ or pruning of subconscious auto-mode learning. However, after the stage of adulthood, say 20-25 years of age, an individual needs to accept that he or she as a ‘Media’ must change. The media must shift its primary situation from a ‘Reactionary-Subconscious Being’ to a ‘Receptive Conscious Being’. It means; the higher consciousness begins to shape up as aware and holistically inclined ‘authoritative command’ center to effect engineering and management of the body-mind media’s causative auto-behavior and action.

Then the primary question is; what is this higher consciousness, which emerges as protagonist of conscious engineering and management of ‘I’ or self? Higher conscious is not an external mechanism of body and brain but a specificity of the body-mind media itself. The seed of higher consciousness is planted by an individual when it begins to attain a stage of maturity, age-wise or experience-wise and both, to have enough information-connect with his or her internal as well as external milieus to allow and accept the powerful energy of skepticism.

To doubt, to question to accept something different and non-conformist to one’s own knowledge and belief is the seed stage of higher consciousness. It has been mentioned in ancient wisdom that those who begin the process of higher consciousness, before they reach the stage of consciousness are the blessed ones. This happens when parents play their rightful role and allow a child to grow in a family environment where skepticism and questioning is encouraged and rewarded. This shall implant energy of skepticism deep in subconscious, helping the child to grow his or her conscious self, preparing the platform for the child to evolve his or her higher consciousness early and strong.

In simple one line – Higher Consciousness of an individual is his or her understanding and acceptance of the idea of Holism Of Reality. This holism of reality is seeded by the powerful energy of skepticism. A young child or a maturing teen may be accepted as moving towards evolving to higher consciousness if he or she asks questions and is not only allowed but also encouraged by family, friends, peers, society, politics and cultures to keep asking questions and strive for alternative answers. And, more importantly, all the while keep respecting other’s questions and their respective answers.

As we said earlier, this is not happening in contemporary world, rather the politics and economy is smothering liberty of questioning and skepticism, thus killing the very prospect of evolution of higher consciousness in average minds. Families, societies and cultures are also adding their stupid ‘restrictions’ on the innate or evolved inquisitiveness and skepticism of growing individual. This is ill-preparing individuals to handle insanity of external world, thus adding more entropy to already chaotic world and life-living.

It is sad state of reality of humanity that such a maturing person, who asks questions, puts skepticism upfront, is often labeled as undisciplined and unruly teenager. The societies and cultures seldom allow, let alone encourage non-conformism and inquisitiveness. As discussed earlier, collectivity does so because of its own agenda to keep people in a state of reactionary subconscious media. That is why it is for every individual to accept that this task of evolving one’s higher consciousness is a tough task and can be attained only through personal enterprise and personal resolve for persevered practice.

As this higher consciousness is seeded well and begins to blossom into a healthy branching tree, expect the flowers and fruits of holism to come calling. The fruits of holism shall

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