» Psychology » Sanity Is Impossibility, Santosh Jha [best young adult book series .TXT] 📗

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behavior and actions, he or she can lead the reception-mode consciousness to decipher the ‘causality’ that is prompting and designing a possible action or behavior. As and when as individual is able to clearly see and realize the ‘causality’, it shall have ease in further unraveling the ‘context’ or ‘relativity’ that are behind the causality. This is what the ancient Yogic philosophy and Buddha wisdom called for. When the Buddha says, ‘There are pains and there are causes for it’, it actually asks an individual to stop, be in receptive mode consciousness and decipher the ‘causality’ and the ‘context’ that creates it.

Once an individual is able to do so, he has attained the status of a Buddha – The Enlightened One! By the very process of baring and making naked the common, core and critical elements constituting a causality, an individual potentials the probability of all the answers of all the questions and all solutions of all problems.

There is a very famous story about Buddha, which probably exemplifies this entire process of being enlightened by deciphering the causality and its elements of contexts. There is a story that a young woman came crying to Buddha. Her small child had died and she was inconsolable. She told Buddha in a mix of grief and anger that he would have to make her dead child alive by using his powers as she had heard that Buddha was a great saint. The angry woman also threatened Buddha that if her dead child is not brought back to life, she would spread the news to everyone that he was a fake saint with no powers.

Buddha kept a smiling face and told the woman that he would certainly bring her dead child back to life but for that she would be expected to do a small thing. The woman happily agreed to do anything for her child. Buddha told her to bring a small cup of water from a household, where no one had died. The woman rushed back to village and kept asking every household but could not find a family where no one had died. After many hours she came back to Buddha and fell on his feet. She apologized for her behavior and thanked Buddha. She took the dead child in her lap, hugged the child and took her back to village with no tears in her eyes.

The story simply points out at two crucial things. Certain causality, a specific context that creates a causality, makes us ‘reactionary’, which is how our body-mind Media and its mechanism and process is designed for. This reactionary mode consciousness blinds us to the causality, which we fail to see and accept. When we stop, recall our receptive mode consciousness and settle down to see the causality and its context, we can and we do see, understand and accept the Reality with better sanity and poise. The woman had to react the way she did as the causality and its context no way could have elicited other response from her body-mind media. However, when Buddha made her see and accept that mortality is a common, inevitable and generalistic causality, which is not specific to her and her child in any biased or designed way, she arrived at her personal sanity and poise. The woman could see and accept the Holism of Reality and that alone could help her personal sanity. Buddha did nothing; he could not, not anyone else! It was the woman, who did the magic – internalizing the holism of reality of causality and context.

What we all need to do, at our individualistic and personal level is wait and stop, let the reaction of any causality settle down and play out its tenure. All during its onset and playing out tenure, we must consciously call upon our higher consciousness to look for causality and its context. It is always there as no reality is possible without a causality and no causality happens without a context. The whole purpose of seeing, accepting and then internalizing a causality is to arrive at the Holism of the Reality, which a causality suddenly or otherwise presents before us.

The moment this Holism is arrived at, we shall hit the sanity and poise. The reactionary behavior and action shall be automatically subtracted out of the probabilities a causality presents before us. This is definitive recipe for personal wellness, empowerment and excellence.

It is however very critical to go beyond the idea of causality and holism and understand the details of the causality as it is what seeds the tree of sanity for a person. If we wish to decipher causality for it to seed our sanity, we first need to understand the seeding of causality itself. As we have understood before, the genesis of all solutions is in deciphering the genetics of the problem itself. Therefore, understanding the genetics of causality is a must.

It seems, for most practical purposes, there shall always be core element of physicality in any causality and even intangible elements of causality shall sustain its life from the tangible element. Often, there is an element of causality and it naturally and automatically aligns with related causalities. This somehow alters the ‘specificity’ of the expression of that causality. We may say that an element of physicality either on its own or its expression may align with related element or its expression and jointly, they create a specificity that shall play out differently. Therefore, it is relevant to understand that when we look out for a causality that leads or shapes our cognition and resultant behavior/action, we look for the ‘specificity’ or what we may call the ‘exactness’ of the core and primary element of the causality as well as other elements it has aligned with.

The best example of this all can be the most common and transcendental causality of Love in human life-living. Love is a hugely powerful ‘causality’ and we all know from our experiences as well as from vast inventory of love’s historicity and literature that the singular causality of love plays out and expresses itself differently for people, milieus and also in different time and space dimensions. Unraveling the causality of love shall make us understand how we need to look for the ‘seed’ element or elements of a singular causality as well as the other aligned elements, which affect its specificity, playing out and expressions.

There is a famous triangular theory of love, which somehow beautifully describes how causalities work in our lives. The theory says that love is a holism of three different parts or elements. This means – Love as an intangibility or non-physical emergent realism constitutes of three elements. They are – Intimacy, Passion and Commitment.

Now let us decipher and unravel love as a causality and its expressions. The first thing to notice and explain is that at face value, not only love but also all its three constituent elements seem intangibles with no physicality attached to them. However, it is just the opposite. Intimacy and passion are deeply seeded in physicality. There is a bio-chemical or neural basis to all possible shades of intimacy and passion. Science has shown us that how emotions and feelings are two different expressions of a seemingly singular realism. Emotions have a physical basis in bio-chemical and neural circuitry and it is a result of tangible sensory inputting of our five senses. Every emotion has a physical basis wired and genetically embedded in our brain states. The reaction that emotions engender is feelings, which may seem like an intangibility but feelings too have neural basis of expression.

The modern contemporary scientific headways in brain researches have shown us how damage of some part of brain, affecting neural circuitry affects empathetic behavior. The latest brain scanning technology at least tells us as how human behavior and actions are expressions of complex and cooperative processing of sensory and other inputs of information by different parts of our brain. If any part is damaged or affected, the emergent cooperative property of information processing is altered, affecting the resultant behavior and actions.

This issue need not be elaborated here as what we are concerned is to make a logically appropriate hypothesis that it is always the brain states and body’s hugely complex neural and bio-chemical media plexus that processes the elements of a causality. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that any causality that we are looking for has a physical basis in our tangible body-mind media plexus. Therefore, the elements of intimacy, passion and even commitment has tangible basis in our brain states and body media. Naturally this hugely powerful and critical causality of love too has a tangible basis, even as when it plays out as a holism of the three elements, it may seem like an intangibility. That is why love is globally accepted with 3Ms – Magic, Mystery and Marvel.

The triangular theory of love describes eight shades of love, depending upon which of the three elements are present, missing or dominant and not dominant. Therefore, it is safe and seemingly logical and even corroborative by our own practical experiences that causality of love is an emergent and evolving causality playing out in intangible space, having physical elements or constituents with discernible pattern of their expression of specificities. This very hypothesis makes it easy for us to decipher and unravel a causality, discover its distinct constituent elements and have perfect understanding of how a causality plays out and expresses itself, which way affecting our subconscious or even conscious behavior and actions. This surely allows us the latitude and skill to consciously decide, how we accept a causality in our life-living and how we allow it to play out it our life and living.

When an individual sees and accepts a causality in this light, it shall be easy to maintain sanity when this causality plays out for us. For example, a woman must not see and accept that she is in love with a man. It is better to see and accept that this man, I am in relationship with, has intimacy for me but seems to have no or little passion and commitment for me. Therefore, it shall be ideal for the woman’s personal sanity to say and accept that she may have intimacy, passion and commitment for the man but the man is responding to only one of the three elements of intimacy and not passion and commitment. This acceptance has better sanity prospects than the usual and populist perception and perspective that ‘she loves him but he loves her not’. This holism of seeing and accepting causalities helps us to arrive at the ‘specificity’ of its expressions and playing out its effects on us, making us more skilled in holding our sanity in place.

When a causality plays out, the reality it presents to us, always has many elements and different contextual points. Holism means, every individual is aware of them and accept their presence in his or her cognition of reality. In above example, ‘she loves him’ is very true but ‘he loves her not’ is also equally very untrue. The man’s love is also love but it is a shade of love that has only one part of the singular causality of love, even while the woman who loves him has love with all three elements. But both man’s and woman’s situation is the singular causality of love. This arriving of mind consciousness to ‘specificity’ of how the causality of love plays out differently for the man and woman, is definite basis of better prospect of personal sanity, both for man and woman.

This is what we have talked earlier. Reality is always contextual and relativistic. What supplies ‘context’ and ‘relativity’ is the different ways elements constituting a causality plays out or expresses itself differently to different body-mind media. The body-mind media of the man and woman are playing out and expressing the three elements constituting the causality of Love differently and therefore, the Reality of Love stands differentiated for the two. Acceptance of this contextual and

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