» Psychology » Sanity Is Impossibility, Santosh Jha [best young adult book series .TXT] 📗

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there probably is a possibility of an easy and singular acceptance of something, which is broadly tangible or tangibility-driven and therefore secularly and singularly objective for we all to accept.

There shall always be dualism about origins and purpose of universe and all lives around us, including humans. But we all can and should ideally accept that now in 21st century, there is little confusion or disagreement about the mechanism and processes of human body and mind. It does not matter whether God created humans or humans created God! It is also irrelevant whether evolution designed us or not. What matters is that we have a certain and common design of body and mind and that does not anyway change irrespective of who created or designed us. The ‘design’ and ‘creation’ is well there. Let the debate as who created the design remain be endless. It does not matter. What actually matters is what we do next, after the design is there.

This is something, modern contemporary scientific wisdom can and does tell us with little dualism and confusion. True that we haven’t yet understood fully the entire mechanisms and processes of human body and brain but yes, we know for sure that we have moved in right direction to know quite a lot about how our body and mind works and the journey of understanding more is heading in right direction. Like, may be scientists shall find some new particle or new element that shall make understanding of matter better in future but it is for sure that it shall not change the current reality about what we so far have understood about different particles and constitution of matter. At this stage of contemporary knowledge, we sure shall get better but miniscule chances that we shall find something that shall reverse or dump our current wisdom about reality and body-mind mechanism.

This acceptance of the secularly and objectively singular knowledge and reality of ‘I’, self or subjective sense of ‘me’ is indispensable for any headway towards personal sanity. We surely cannot reach out to the very process of arriving at personal sanity if we do not accept the mechanism and process of our body and brain. This contemporary knowledge of ‘I-Mechanism’ itself displays and defines as how sanity can be a possibility only at personal level. If ever, collective and societal sanity is to happen, it shall be possible only through the route of aggregation and summation of personal sanities of individuals constituting a society and other collectivities.

As we have talked earlier, it does not matter much as what Reality is and how it plays out in the universe. What matters is what is our own body-mind design, mechanisms and processes that make Reality play out for us, as it does. It is the reality that a person has to handle that matters most. And, as an individual, we all must have this secularly singular acceptance about these body-mind designs, mechanisms and processes to install personal sanity. This aspect of ‘I-Centric Reality’ as singular and secular tool for launching personal sanity has to be instituted as universal cultural requirement, if humanity is to survive and excel in long run.

Reality has situational utility and worth only at a contextual level of life. Reality matters only as there are lives that have a context within the Reality. If there is no context, does it anyway matter what reality is? After all, Reality was always there before life happened and shall always be there even after life is no more there to present a ‘context’!

Every individual can realize this and it is a must to understand, realize and internalize it, even when at the face value, it may seem to be the worst possible realization for any human being. Somehow, the basic hypothesis is that personal sanity may never be attained if an individual does not muster up the courage and option-less enterprise of unlearning and shedding loads of hypocrisies that one is surrounded with and lives up. Hypocrisies may never be dealt a ‘Death Blow’ if an individual fails to accept this singular secular realism that the individual himself or herself is the only practically ‘Real’ context for the Reality to happen, collapse and play out.

It needs to be internalized very consciously. I am alive and in good knowledge of everything that happened to this universe and all lives on Earth in the past 14 billion years. So, I am aware of Reality of everything but it happened because I was born and I happened to have a body and mind. Billions of lives and deaths happened, trillions of things happened and infinite events happened but I didn’t see, experience and remember anything. I saw and experienced everything only in the last few years as ‘I’ happened, my body-mind happened. Also, billions of lives and deaths shall happen, trillions of things shall happen and infinite events shall take place after my death and I shall not see, experience and know them. Reality, whatever it may be, is continuous and non-contextual in its holism, only ‘I’ happen in between at some tiny ‘dot’ in the infinite continuation as some ‘media’ and contextualize the reality, as per the design of my body-mind media.

Reality had and shall play out infinite shades of things but ‘I’ as a temporary ‘Media’ come and go, without having any substantial role in past and future of the cosmic Reality. Almost infinite aspects of the Reality of universe and lives in it are now available for me and they exist. As they exist now, I am aware of the past 14 billion years and can also imagine about next 14 billion years. However, as ‘I’ die, all realities disappear. Nothing ‘exists’ anymore. Realities end! It is because the ‘Media’ of ‘I’, which was the ‘context’ of the Reality to play out and express itself, is dead, disappears and is not there.

Realities are infinite as ‘I’ as media is alive. Realities are zero as ‘I’ as media is dead! Realities as it is or as it might be, exists and still plays out in infinite shades but only through different ‘Media’ of individual ‘Is’, presenting ‘context’ to Reality. Therefore, for all practical purposes, only the individualistic and personal reality exists and as we have talked earlier that even the collective reality stands as the summation of assimilation of all personal realities, there shall always be 3Cs – Chaos, Confusion and Conflict in all collective domains. This also is the primary basis and validation of the hypothesis that sanity of collectivity is actually a misnomer; it does not exist as some entity on its own. Only the possibility of sanity of individual and personal exists and this is something all men and women must strive for.

Reality may look like a continuous and singular entity, irrespective of whether ‘I’ am or other ‘Is’ are alive or dead but, this seems so only because of the continuity in ‘Media’ and ‘context’ of ‘I’, which have a common body-mind mechanism. Therefore, if Reality is ever a singular and continuous realism, it is not because what it is but because of what ‘I’ is and because the commonality of mechanisms and processes of all ‘Is’. This is the singular secular Reality and everything else is variegated mix of hypocrisies.

Unfortunately, very few individuals accept and more importantly ‘internalize’ this Reality. If we realize and internalize this calamitous but singularly secular Reality, we can easily and surely accept that ‘Reality’ is what the ‘Media’ observes and therefore, ‘I’ or self or ‘Myself’ as body-mind Media can only reach out to ‘My Own’ tiny and insignificantly miniscule fragment of Reality. This shall lead to the inevitability of all our focus and energy being assigned and aligned to nothing else but ‘Personal Sanity’.

The universe has no meaning and destined purpose. Lives on Earth or if elsewhere too have no purpose and meaning. Reality itself is nothing and unworthy of any utility. All meanings, all purposes, all Realities start and end with ‘I’ or self. The universe, the Earth, the lives have only those meanings, purposes, utility and worth what ‘I’ or self assigns and accepts. Therefore, if ‘I’ is in Sanity, System, Order, Righteousness, Goodness and Wellness, then only the universe, the Earth, the lives have. It is ‘I’, the self that matters and has any utility. This is the singular notion installed and elaborated 3000 years back in ancient Indian philosophical traditions of ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ (I Am God). The author has elaborated this theme in eBook titled, ‘I Am God’, available for unrestricted download.

This acceptance is the first primary requirement for installation of personal sanity. It can be said with all possible humility and sincerity of consciousness that contemporary humanity must see, understand, accept and internalize that in our civilizational and cultural march to modernity of institutional and organizational life-living, we have almost dumped the primary reality of human life-living. This primary reality, which thinking minds and philosophers of early humanity listed out with strong conviction, is that the individual, the person, an average man or woman is the everythingness of all somethingness that social and collective living can design and execute for sanity of system.

It is tragic and decisively the biggest and worst hypocrisy of humanity that now this individual or person is nowhere in picture in scheme of things of society, culture, economy, markets, politics and even scientific and technological advancements. Rather, personal sanity gets more degraded and emaciated as collective efforts for so-called ‘betterment’ of life-living of common men and women go up. The most glaring example of this worst hypocrisy is how globally, human education system is being majorly shaped, designed and devised to generate ‘Efficient Workers’ for economic activities, which in turn create handful of billionaires and reduce the majority of average men and women as ‘machines’ and slaves. Human education is no more designed for enhancing and improving personal sanity and system of individual because, as we have discussed earlier, it shall create men and women with a strong sense of liberty, purpose and direction. This shall be trouble for politics, governments and businesses!

An individual must see and accept this ‘causality’ of chaos in his or her life and living. As and when a person sees and accepts this hypothesis that sanity is a possibility only at personal levels, he or she shall easily accept that it is now incumbent only upon him and her to begin a personal enterprise for his or her own sanity as the world and its human institution is primarily against personal sanity. If an individual is the sole media of all reality, if ‘I Is God’, none and nothing else can be of any help for the Reality he or she accepts. This acceptance is option-less!


Acceptance Two: From the first acceptance follows the second acceptance as it is just the extension of the same Reality. The second acceptance, which follows the primary acceptance of the Reality of ‘I’ or self and its mechanism and process, is about the notion and realism of causality, context and relativity. This shall lead an individual to the very crucial and critical realism of Holism. This holism shall then unleash a magic that shall do wonders for the sanity of a person and his or her overall wellness and excellence in life and living.

The aspect of this second acceptance is not difficult to understand as we have already discussed before as how Reality is always contextual and relational. We have talked about how causalities are infinite and omnipresent all around us in different milieus we move in and out in our life and living. These causalities are essentially the Karta, the protagonist and the real and true subject of all actions and behaviors. The causalities themselves are created as contexts and relativity is presented as position and situation in milieus. It is only natural that the ‘Media’ of a person’s body and mind shall play true and real to the causalities fed to it.

As an individual stops, drops his or her reactionary-mode

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