» Psychology » Sanity Is Impossibility, Santosh Jha [best young adult book series .TXT] 📗

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much an element of the socio-political and economic system of the world we live in, we shall continue to be affected by our ambient milieus and its insanity. Therefore, we shall require to practice lifelong the art of life-living personal sanity. It cannot be that we do something big and then be assured that our personal sanity shall remain intact for rest of life. Perseverance of practice shall be the key for success of personal sanity enterprise.

We need to accept that as we continue to be part of the contemporary human world and not opt for a life in jungle, the entropic elements of the milieus around us shall always keep affecting our sanity. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that despite our best of efforts, we cannot hope of continuous and permanent journey of personal sanity. There shall be moments when we shall win and the milieu and its insanity may also win sometimes. Also, we may not always achieve 100 percent goals of personal sanity. Still, we can optimize it but must always be aware that we are against a powerful and intrusive world of entropic potentials and so, there shall be ups and downs in our journey to personal sanity.

Very much like a farmer preparing his field rather meticulously and persistently for a crop, we too shall have to invest strong conviction and long periods of persevered practice to ready ourselves for initiating the journey towards personal sanity. Therefore, before we begin our talk about personal sanity model, it is equally important that we list and remind ourselves of nine impediments, which often keep us away from success in any venture of life. It is human nature and once we admit that we all are human and have this natural inclination to drift away from our goals, we are better off. Knowledge of a possible reason of failure surely enhances the probabilities of success. These nine hindrances to success, as listed in ancient Yogic philosophy and reiterated by all wisdom, are:

Illness: A healthy and physically-mentally fit person alone can have the energy and will power to pursue his or her goals of life. It is ancient wisdom that every person should live his full and fit life to experience and experiment with life in its fullness. One also needs to be there as fit and fine to enjoy, when success finally comes calling! In the fast-paced life and complex urban living environments, it is only natural that we compromise a lot on our personal health and physical-mental wellness. This needs to be changed. Health is the primary and ultimate wealth, this we already know but seldom practice. We have to take a vow that we shall devote more time and energy to our personal wellness.

Perseverance: Success is a long drawn process. A tree bears fruit in long run. It is tough to keep the energy going in the long run as human nature is to see and enjoy utility and fruition only in short run. Believing in self’s purpose keeps one focused and at it. We have to accept the fact that most initiatives fail in the middle course as it is the time-space, where we are uncertain about the utilities of an enterprise. Therefore, it is advised that before we start an initiative of good intent, we write down a summary of our start-to-end action-plan so that it could help us focus better, whenever we stand to lose it.

Doubts: Many people develop doubts over what they aim and pursue. It is a typical human nature. Doubts about any utility and endeavor clouds the energy of the enterprise and many people leave it mid-way. Once we decide it, we have to keep our mind away from doubts. Logical skepticism is always welcome but what we need not doubt is the utility of any enterprise we initiate. The simple reason is; any effort has in-built utility, even if it does not lead to the desired success. Most people are benefitted by failures than by success. Believe it.

Carelessness: When you start an enterprise, you shall do it with full throttle but later, some energy withers away as elements of focus and care towards the goal shift away. This is the major cause of failure. People start and end up with an effort; still the end result is not success. A baby grows to be a man or a woman after years of careful and focused upbringing. Only parents and gardeners know what it takes to grow things!

Lethargy: The body-mind mechanism of every human would want an easy and comfortable option. Your subconscious mind shall urge to take things easy and would also devise ways to bypass the long route and create short cuts. Those, who rise above the call of their subconscious mind and keep listening to their higher consciousness to remain alert and committed, win and enjoy success.

Senses: Our five senses are designed for instant gratification and as success of an enterprise needs to keep them tamed and restrained, they shall occasionally rebel and egg you to indulge them. They shall urge you to drift away from the long term goals of life’s attainment and instead listen to instant self-gratification. Winning over them is toughest for all of us. In contemporary culture, where everywhere people are into indulgence, restraint is a virtue not lauded and preserved. Be warned!

Misguidance: Success is not the rule; it is rather an exception. There are only handfuls, who succeed. It is therefore only natural that within the culture and society we live, there shall be elements, which shall prompt us to mislead and make us drift from our goals. It shall always be easy for us to get tempted, fall in the trap and fall apart.

Indecisiveness: Often, success may not come in full measure. Or, one can feel that he or she did not get the desired success. There can always be indecision towards the end result or it can come mid-way of an enterprise. Never allow it to hamper your vision. Things take time and may not always come the way we visualize. Let time pass and settle things.

Rootedness: They say, genius is in practice and perseverance. One has to keep rooted to his or her goals and beliefs. Being at it is only one task. Staying there with perseverance is the last wisdom. Often, lack of energy to stay put and keep being at it, unsettle the chances of success.

As the task of attaining personal sanity in the contemporary world of highly entropic probabilities is a tough enterprise, let us be firm and focused on our goals. In the next chapter, we begin to list out steps for our journey towards a model of personal sanity.



There is this specific need to mention and reiterate that nothing external to us has any meaning, utility and worth for us; we can attain something for which we have mechanism and processes already innately ingrained in our body-mind system. Therefore, when we say, there is a possibility of sanity at personal levels, it is because we have the mechanism and process within us to launch it and successfully preserve it. And why do we say this?

Science has proved it beyond reasonable doubts that our mind mechanism, with all its trillions of neural plexuses, is neutral. It is not preloaded and preoccupied with any inclination for anything good or bad. Brain states are least bothered about how we program neural networks. Universe does not have a ready and deterministic agenda for anything good or bad. It is for we humans as what we feed into our brains, what good or bad we condition our brain states to and which way we shape our behavior and actions for whichever goals. As the brain states and neural plexuses are neutral, we humans at personal levels have the potential to attain mastery of the artistry of shaping and conditioning our own lofty and specific goals for life-living behaviors and actions. This is some basic framework, which works in favor of possibility of sanity.

Therefore, the primary question at this stage of our deliberations is –

Who or what constitutes the ‘I’ or Self, which executes this ‘un-shaping’ and ‘shaping’ enterprise of consciousness that leads an individual towards road to sanity?

We have already discussed in details about how even our consciousness, the ‘I’ or self is not the protagonist, Karta or subject but just a media. Therefore, for all practical purposes, even the ‘Higher Consciousness’, which we can say does the ‘un-shaping’ and ‘shaping’ exercise of our mind consciousness layers is a media. However, this higher consciousness Media is an evolved, objective, holistic and detached one, which has the discipline and dexterity of controlling and managing all communication that the body-mind media expresses in terms of behavior and actions.

The average self or normal mind consciousness must first rise to the evolved state of ‘Higher Consciousness Media’ and there is a process to it. Evolution of ‘I’ or self to higher consciousness primarily has cognitive aspect and therefore, external initiatives do not weigh in, rather it is predominantly an internal enterprise. Evolution to higher consciousness is primarily about how we accept reality in a novel and holistic way, which makes the enterprise purely cognitive, intangible and perceptional. It is all about internalizing Reality in holistic way.

In the eBook titled, ‘Optimality Of I Potentiality: Consciousness, Cognition, Causality And Criticality Of Communication’ by this author, we have deliberated in all possible details about this issue of attainment of Higher Consciousness. That is why we are not repeating it here to avoid this eBook being unnecessarily bulky. Like all the eBooks of this author, it is also available for unrestricted download. Therefore, we shall proceed to our next level deliberation here, humbly inviting you to kindly refer to the aforesaid eBook if you wish to have details about higher consciousness media of body and mind.

When we talk about how to construct a personal model of sanity, we shall divide the whole enterprise into two distinct stages –

Acceptance – Of Holism Of Reality

Cognitive Change – Internalization Of Novel Consciousness.

Essentially, first stage works as ‘Un-Shaping’ of old and existing consciousness and then the second stage belongs to ‘Shaping’ the new and emergent consciousness for finality of the possibility of sanity in personal life-living and one’s own personal cognitive world. As we have deliberated on the problem of insanity of life-living and human world in every possible detail, we do not need to go into much detailing of ideas, when we talk of the issue of personal sanity. Why? Because, as we have already mentioned, problem and solution are not two mutually exclusive things, rather they are just two sides of the same coin. We have already understood that solution of a problem is just an alternative arrangement and positioning of the same elements, which create a problem or trouble. As we have understood the elements of potentials and probabilities of insanity in detail in earlier chapters, we shall have ease in understanding the elements of solutions as they are the same. What we are doing in the next paragraphs as deliberation of solution is talking about the alternative arrangement, situationing and positioning of the same elements, which we have already known and understood in our detailed talks about the problem of insanity.

So, here we go…

Stage 1

Acceptance One: It probably has to be accepted that we must not still remain lingering with the primary question of life and living, even when we are in 21st century. The question, Who Am I or to say what is ‘self’, needs finality of answer as without this, there probably cannot be any movement towards personal sanity. The singular answer to this question cannot be ever arrived at and accepted, this we all know. We have already discussed as why there cannot be a singular reality and that is why no possibility of any singular answer of questions that is at the core of our life-living. However, what we all need to accept that

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