» Psychology » Sanity Is Impossibility, Santosh Jha [best young adult book series .TXT] 📗

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successes has been with humanity since long and there has never been any organized initiative and enterprise to correct it. This is primary reason why Sanity Is Impossibility for collective humanity. This eventuality is so deeply wired in the body-mind mechanism and process of not only humans but probably all living organisms. That is why it is said that medium is message and Reality itself is entropic. The relational and contextual character of Reality seeds and nurtures deep-seated entropy, which finally shall reach its destination of final annihilation of the media that expresses Reality. Human insanity therefore seems systemic and headed towards the finality of self-annihilation. History of humanity has proved beyond reasonable doubt that Sanity Is Impossibility as it is the way Reality happens and expresses itself in human body-mind mechanisms and milieus.

The relationship of Reality with its Media is something, which humanity has experienced since long and at every stage of evolution of human civilization, many humans have understood it and have also warned against it. History has enough proofs to show that at individual and personal levels, it is somehow possible to rise above the wired hypocrisy that character of Reality and body-mind mechanism has. That is probably why there have been documented texts that talk about ways and means to do it.

From ancient times to contemporary world, many evolved and empowered humans have talked about this. However, the magnitude of cosmic energy of the ‘Causality’ between the Reality and its Media is so colossal that humans cannot override it and probably cannot stop or reverse its trajectory at collective domain. If Sanity Is Possibility, it is always at individual and personal levels because it is here that entropy is somehow manageable.

Before we proceed, we must deal in some detail about this notion of Entropy, which happens to be at the center of our hypothesis that Sanity Is Impossibility at collective levels but a Possibility at personal level. No need to say that even this notion of entropy has similar fate that is common to all Realities – Dualism about it being what it is said it is. Let us talk about it and unravel entropy issue to decipher why entropy is crucial in our hypothesis.

There is a basic hypothesis, which needs to be accepted so that we could consider a probability about human world and life-living. This somehow shall help in widening the scope of our discussion and debate about our core hypothesis that Sanity Is Impossibility. This hypothesis, we have for our consideration is – As contemporary science does not singularly explain a Reality from beginning to the end, we have the intellectual latitude to fill in possibility of situation, which broadly conforms to overall picture yet adds new dimensions. Accepting this opens up probability of novel scientific philosophizations, we are attempting here.

The evolutionary theory of human existence on Earth is such a scientific postulation, which is widely accepted but surely does not tell us everything from start of evolution to current time. It leaves many blanks in the line it draws about evolutionary journey. This allows us to fill in with novel possibilities that should conform to overall postulation of evolution principles but adding new dimensions of probabilities. We are doing some ‘filling in’ here to see and hope that it helps us in widening our perspective on the hypothesis that Sanity Is Impossibility.

There has been a general acceptance that evolution is a ‘stupid engineering’ with accidents piling up to create species and finally we humans, with no specific and auspicious goal in mind. Somehow, the details and undeniable proofs about this hypothesis are not available. Like all Realities, evolution is also viewed and accepted with diverse acceptances even by scientists, while the majority of masses take it with varied forms of convenient thinking. However, it seems quite possible that evolution principle, if juxtaposed with contemporary knowledge of matter that forms everything in cosmos including us, has enough data to prove as sufficient platform for assuming some detailed prognosis. One such assumption or hypothesis, we are going to attempt here. And, I insist, as always, this must be accepted with energy of skepticism and personal testing before internalization.

There are questions hidden in the evolutionary design and outcomes that need explanation so that we could understand as what essentially is the core and critical energy that powers the way evolution happened. For example, when you visit a super store you find at least a hundred varieties of body soaps with different shapes, colors, fragrances, packaging, pricing, ingredients, etc. However, scientifically saying, all body soaps have singular role and utility for us. The evolution of body soaps also seems to have been on the same line the way species evolved. We can see, there are hundreds of small insects around us, every species varying in some small detail of form and features but we are not sure do they have any specific roles, without which evolution could not have inched ahead the way it did! This bio-diversity is more prominent in oceans.

We have already admitted that evolution principle leaves many blanks in the long linearity of progression it explains to us. We do not sufficiently know why and how two rather similar insects with seemingly only small difference in a few details actually hold irreplaceable importance in evolutionary chain or not. Like, if humanity had only five types of body soaps, instead of a hundred, we do not sufficiently know how and why it would have made any irreplaceable impact on the way our personal hygiene optimality would have evolved and continue to evolve towards a better future or not!

So, given that we do not have enough and genuine data about the above questions that could stand us in good stead about answering them, can we say, it somehow puts a question mark on the very genius and meticulousness of evolution? The same way, can we say, having a hundred types of body soap instead of only five comprehensively complete varieties puts a question mark on the very genius and meticulousness of human intelligence?

Therefore, given the hypothesis that evolution principle gives us enough latitude to sneak in philosophical questions, which may have critical ramification on our hypothesis that Sanity Is Impossibility, we may supply three broad questions –

Can it be categorically accepted that evolution has essentially been a stupid engineering with its primary energy not guided towards long-run order, system and excellence but short-run, localized and un-foresighted plugging in?

Can it be accepted that the very design of evolution may have started with a set and ordered progression but at some stage of its very long journey of billions of years, evolution lost it and gave away to emergent and accumulative entropy?

Can we say, the long history of known progression of evolution has enough recorded and tested proofs that evolution is essentially a process, which has innate, inbuilt and embedded pathology for sequential annihilation of its own creations?

I very humbly leave the possible answer for the above questions on reader’s enquiry and future evolution of science itself. However, what we can and must do is talk in general about certain aspects of progression of things in time and space domain. This may help us answering the above question or at least head in right direction searching answers. This is somehow easy too as for that we do not require data of facts from as distant a past like a billion years. Rather, we can and we shall look for possible data in our contemporary world and current life-living.

There is a basic question as what creates causality and subsequent causalities, which in turn create a chain of progression we know and accept as evolution. We still do not know what ‘caused the first causality’; that is how and why big bang happened. We also do not know with utmost clarity about early stages of universe and therefore not very sure how other sub-causalities worked out. However, scientists do tell us that just after the big bang only energy existed. However, as the universe cooled down and expanded, matter and anti-matter were produced in equal amounts. However, what scientists are not able to tell us as why and how in our visible universe only matter exists and very miniscule antimatter are found. Usually, matter and antimatter collide and annihilate everything.

We know how everything in our universe is made of matter and antimatter, which could annihilate everything, is missing hugely, even when big bang created equal amount of both. So, the first causality of Reality is unknown to humanity. There is a hypothesis that probably matter was created more than antimatter and therefore even after annihilation, sufficient matter could remain intact to form galaxies and stars. And, therefore journey of Reality began. So, what we have is a philosophy that is at the genesis of Reality and not the definitive science.

This leaves us with some latitude to consider more philosophical probabilities about how Reality, which we are in and part of, unfolded and how evolution drew its primary and sustained energy for the massively long progression of time since big bang. From what humanity has known about start of Reality after big bang, there emerges a probability of a philosophical hypothesis that at every stage of progression after big bang; from the first few seconds, where major happenings emerged to current timeline of 21st century, it was entropy that constantly supplied Causalities energizing evolution. Evolution itself may be postulated as systematic and patterned progression of entropy, which always meets its finality in entropy annihilating a probability.

This philosophization about entropy as primary and sequential energy for causalities of evolution seems to have enough existing support for validity, which we humans can see and do see in our life and living. We all know that ‘Mortality’ remains the only singular reality of the cosmos, be it the universe or we humans, who have deciphered and known the universe. This inevitability of mortality itself seems to suggest that Entropy probably has the last laugh and it is the singularly powerful Reality, above which nothing stands. Ancient Indian Yoga philosophy has documented this cardinal positioning of mortality almost 3000 years back, as core and cardinal element around which all causalities of realities are created and plays out. Mortality may well qualify to be the definitive stamp of entropy and its transcendentality and omnipotence. So can we say, this is also what shapes all causalities so that everything could lead to finality of mortality?

Not with any definitiveness of surety! The trouble is; the very scientific concept of Entropy and its philosophical manifestation and outreach are faced with the same dualism, which all Realities are. Many may not accept the very hypothesis that entropy was minimal at the time of big bang and it amplified later. Also, many even doubt that universe is a ‘closed system’, which is essential for the very concept of entropy to stand its ground. The fact remains that as we have already discussed, contemporary scientific explanation of Reality has many philosophical hypotheses, which some may agree to, others may not and still others may never!

However, this itself is the platform for beautifully spacious domain of acceptance of Liberty with philosophy. When we are not sure, there is this empty space for all sorts of other and related ideas to have equitable acceptance and currency. And, why we are hypothesizing on Entropy being the core and cardinal ‘Causality’ of all Realities that we humans have known in long history of evolution, is because of the fact that it seems, entropy, or what we may call in more generality and holistic sense as ‘Propensity Of Probability Of Disorder’, has the most lateral as well as vertical manifestation all around us. Also, humanity has understood the ‘entropic nature’ of Reality since thousands of years.

There is strong and sufficient illustration in over 3000 year old Yoga philosophy about how Reality manifests itself in different shades of entropic expressions. It is believed that these shades of entropic expressions engender different cognitions of a reality to different

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