» Psychology » Sanity Is Impossibility, Santosh Jha [best young adult book series .TXT] 📗

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nature of energy shall keep enhancing entropy quantum, till it annihilates the system for creation of another; if ever.

Essentially, Liberty is also dualistic, like all realism of life and living. As the famous saying goes, ‘My right to swing my arm ends where the nose of other begins’; this very dualism makes liberty a recipe of chaos and conflict. Liberty cannot stand divested of Duties as every individual is entitled to liberty of his or her personal perspective and viewpoint of a Reality but then, so are others. And in a collective space, where energy fields of personal liberties are uncomfortably close, because of huge population pressure and limiting resources, it is only very natural that even a ‘small swing’ of arm by an individual gets restricted by the intrusive ‘nose’ of other individual. Naturally, liberty in modern world is getting ‘restricted’ by loads of burden of ‘duties’, usually very harshly imposed and administered by state power and even societies. It is only very natural that compassion in contemporary times is tested hard and probably cannot stand the heat of conflicting competitiveness. The ‘space-resource-crunch’ is however only one aspect of the trouble for Liberty.

Another crucial and more concerning aspect of trouble for Liberty administration is the role of state or politics, which governments come up with in countries. Liberty by its very nature is entropic and therefore, for Liberty to thrive and spread, it requires less controlled socio-political-economic milieus. By its innate positioning, liberty is best expressed in milieus where duties are less and authoritative restrictions are fewer. This very positioning is recipe of disaster for political systems and governments, which by their own nature and positioning, thrive on disciplinary restrictions and larger duty compliances of individuals. Interestingly, this modern ‘welfare state’ is so colossal in structure and function that it swallows most of the available ‘spaces’ for its own ‘Liberty-Expression’, which often uploads such huge loads of duties on individuals that personal liberties are always gasping for a few breaths. The conflict between liberal individual and authoritative state is a classical battle in human world and it keeps going out of hand as human world is evolving as it is. There is a history of how the so-called democratic ‘welfare states’ have wreaked stringent authoritative controls on individuals and their liberties.

Globally, in so many countries, which have had a good record of Liberal traditions and cultures, there has been a rise and emboldening of right wing nationalist political ideology. This rising right wing nationalist voice is against ‘unfettered’ liberty and wants to install selective restrictions on the name of nationalistic sense of duties. In USA, in many countries of Europe, even very liberal nations like Sweden, India, etc, the right wing nationalistic surge has taken over the erstwhile ‘Liberal’ traditions.

The idea behind this global development is primarily about the dualism of Liberty itself. The idea of optimization of liberty is a vast-resource enterprise. Liberty is a happy-times manifestation of human individuality. The very rise of right wing nationalistic sense of duty-restrictions over liberal rights is the manifestation of bad and crippling times for humanity globally. The issue of ‘Ethnicity’ and ‘Localization’, as against the post-second world war era of liberalism, open trade and globalization is the reiteration of shrinking space for energy-fields of liberty. The right wing insurgence of the restrictive nationalistic ideology of ethnicity and localization is aimed at ‘elimination’ or ‘taming’ of those ‘noses’, which the majority ethnic group, having some sort of commonality, symmetry and uniformity sees and accepts as ‘alien’ or ‘misfit’ into their own worldview and perspective of ‘Reality’.

For those, who see, belief and accept Reality in its holism, have the reason to feel warned. This is sure sign of what we know as the most lethal and incurable malaise of humanity. This is called the Auto-Immune-Syndrome. It is a situation where body’s own immune system begins to eat and feed into one’s own body. It is suicide stage for humanity. It is what the scientists have been warning that ‘Intelligent Races Make Themselves Extinct’. When individual liberty gets restricted, pruned and killed by the very structures and layers of human world, which have the primary duty and responsibility to feed, nurture and empower liberty, it is the primary symptom of beginning of the end of Possibility Of Sanity in human world and life-living. We already seem to have entered the stage and it is dangerously maturing globally, with ever increasing advocacies of insanities in the name of better world.

There are other emergent factors in our contemporary life-living that add increasing and powerful entropies into our world. We can list so many factors and many are also being debated and discussed by scientists as well as other intellectuals. However, we are not going into details of all these. Instead, we shall only talk about the macro principles and broad holistic aspects of contemporary life-living reality of our world, which shall help us understand better many microcosmic trends that are heading us towards Impossibility of Sanity.

This holistic idea is simple and over-encompassing. We just need to understand that Reality has its own innate and intrinsic nature, which itself is hugely entropic. However, when Reality operates or unravels in systems that have vast magnitude and matures over a long period of time, the levels of entropy become hugely complex and hence unmanageable. The human world, human life-living and its practices are acquiring more magnitude and complexities every passing day. Naturally, we are definitely heading towards greater entropy, which shall unleash more chaos-confusion-conflict in human world and life-living. That shall keep enhancing the already humungous challenge and threat on Possibility Of Sanity in life-living and our world.

Moreover, as the entropy quantum is enhancing fast and sure, humanity urgently and decisively requires embarking on such ideas and practices that must counter the entropy and lead to restoration of sanity in the system. However, just the opposite is happening. Not only humanity is failing to apprehend the real and core trouble and threat, rather, it is unleashing such energies that are fanning the already calamitous entropies. Possibility of Sanity is fast dwindling away and we humans are squandering it. Rather, we are even celebrating our stupidities!

There is a long history of humanity that tells us categorically that humanity has passed through unimaginably tough and disastrous times and situations. However, humanity could survive and still progress because it always kept the collective quantum of compassion high enough to limit the calamitous causalities of all entropies. It seems, this collective quantum of compassion was high enough because average individual in its own personal capacity held compassion as core element of human life-living. The biggest repository of compassion probably was the ‘family system’, which could survive and prosper only because of this single major resource of mutual compassion. This repository is in major crisis and like the denuded forest cover on Earth, compassion has denuded from families as family system itself is deeply stressed under contemporary expression of liberties.

No doubt, there always were many, especially those who wielded power, authority and wealth, who worked against compassionate life-living but they too could not subdue compassion in consciousness of average person. The human history is too long and varied but still, it seems that there was this single uniform element of ‘compassionate community living’ at grassroots levels in all histories of all geographies primarily because life-living in general and especially for average population was tough and therefore compassion was instinctive in the part of average individual for survival and wellness needs. This seems to have changed in contemporary times with life-living becoming reasonably easy as humanity reached new heights of growth and development. The instinctive compassion seems to have given way to evolved smartness and ingenuity of individual. Individual growth naturally weakened the instinctive bond of compassionate community living.

In contemporary human world however, there is an emergent realism that politics and economy have gained predominance over familial and societal live-living and the former have occasioned themselves as the largest annihilators of compassion. Democracy and market economy mechanism and processes seem to have changed radically the old world foundation of life-living. The competitive individualism that stood to gain in the new polity and economy from detaching itself from societal fabric of compassionate bonding may well be accepted as the late 20th century evolution of modern humanity. This in turn has eroded the quantum of personal and individual compassion. Naturally, the contemporary world with ever diminishing quantum of compassion is conditioned stage for entropies to go out of hand and thus kill the possibility of sanity in human world and collective life-living.

Therefore, individual men and women alone can make an enterprise to restore compassion, allow liberties the less competitively conflicted milieus to enhance possibility of personal sanity, even as collective space has lost it. This restoration process may begin by every individual consciously attempting to align more of his or her individual aspirations with collective ones and side by side become less intensely attached with polity and economy. The family and society must get back their due and innate superior situation and position in human life-living, compared to polity and economy. The polity and economy induced competitive individualism must accommodate compassionate community life-living elements to make them breathe easy and fine.

If we look at journey of humanity so far, we may say that probably, the worst mistake humanity has done is not that it has not understood the Reality or the core trouble humanity has because of this innate nature of Reality. Rather, the single largest trouble for humanity is that even while it had and still has rather sound and singular knowledge and wisdom about its core trouble and possible solution, humanity has always failed in inducting this wisdom into the mainstream of life-living practices and functions. Not to have something is bad but have it, squander it and not utilize it for any worthwhile purpose is worst. Humanity seems to have excelled in squandering all precious wealth of wisdom of the past and even present.

Even in contemporary human world, the modern science has acquired indisputable knowledge that somehow reiterates the transcendental wisdom humanity could decipher many millenniums back. Yet, humanity seems oblivious of them and it still seems, this scientific knowledge is meant only for labs and handful of researchers. Moreover, the contemporary Media goes a long way to ensure that when they reach science to common men and women, they get reduced to ‘Pseudo Science’, causing more confusion.

It is a travesty of our contemporary world that even today in 21st century, humanity lives in different timelines. There are millions of humans in this world who still live in 5th century before Christ time realism. Most humans are living in medieval ages, many are regressing to past century beliefs and practices and only a miniscule percentage of humans in contemporary times actually live by the current timeline of 21st century ideas, ideals, beliefs, perspectives and functions, which our contemporary wisdom puts us to.

If we look at the contemporary world situation and attempt a correction of everything that have gone wrong and in reverse direction of sanity and system, we can easily see and accept how impossible the task is. The magnitude of human population that shall require upside-down change by a new mindset training and persistent education, a hugely powerful, corrupted and mindless lobby of politicians, corporations and money-lords who profiteer of the contemporary insanity of the system and overall, the deeply ingrained and embedded sensitivity of ethnicity, religious dogmatism and nationalism along with many other small factors make it impossible for even start of any step towards sanity.

The human world has now sort of institutionalized insanity to such powerful and impregnable structural excellence that any voice of sanity and change shall be eliminated at very inception. The profit empires of a handful of only five percent of humans are so massive and deep rooted and they have acquired so much clout and control over most structures of power in contemporary world that it is almost impossible to even initiate any change that essentially

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