» Psychology » Sanity Is Impossibility, Santosh Jha [best young adult book series .TXT] 📗

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a misplaced sense of being the observer but it is not as consciousness is just media.

In Oriental spiritual traditions, they called this playing out of the true and real Subject as ‘Maaya’ (the web of causality) and the material medium of body-mind effecting it, as ‘Leela’ (the effect-driven action and behavior) . In Yoga philosophy, there is categorical and definitive reference to the idea of True Subject or Protagonist and also, there is an insistence to rise above and detach from all Causalities to attain the highest position that is ‘reserved’ for humanity.

The idea is that every empowered human has to first detach its own ‘Consciousness’ from the Causalities of body and mind as it is the primary ‘Liberation’ of human life. However, in Yoga philosophy it is insisted that even Human Consciousness is a Media and therefore, this too has to be dumped and an empowered human must also rise above and detach from the Causalities of Consciousness too to ultimately be in Union (Yoga) with cosmic consciousness. This cosmic consciousness is probably what quantum scientists and super string theory proponents call as non-local and non-dualistic consciousness. In microcosmic religious terms, this probably is referred to as God and the causalities are labeled as Design of Divinity.

It is rather interesting that the Buddhist philosophy, which emerged around the same era Yoga philosophy was consolidating, says similar things. Buddha is believed to have insisted on ‘Observing’ the ‘Causalities’ that are causing ‘effects’ within body-mind structures as well as outside in the milieus. Buddha’s famous saying – ‘There Is Suffering And It Has A Cause’, probably pertains to Buddha’s personal experiences with sufferings. He probably understood as how human consciousness and cognition is just a poor and microcosmic Media of infinite causalities in the internal as well as external milieus. He probably reiterated that by observing the causalities, human consciousness could probably rise above and detach from the situation of being a ‘Media’ and thus liberate itself from sufferings. This is something about which we earlier talked detailing the trajectory of knowledge evolution.

So, where do we reach? What we come to accept as finality of acceptance? It seems, we can safely hypothesize, from emergent and assimilative holism of what available wisdom of contemporary as well as ancient philosophical knowledge accepts, that there is a Reality, which is not automatically and innately available for unraveling to a localized consciousness of body-mind-milieu mechanisms and processes. True, right and holistic understanding of Reality is not available to a Media and as human consciousness is just a secondary Media of the primary and macrocosmic Media of cosmic causalities, it does not qualify to be the ‘Observer’. Reality is non-local and non-dualistic and therefore, it is ‘Observable’ only to an entity that too is non-local and non-dualistic. Human consciousness however can never be non-local and non-dualistic and therefore, Reality is never amenable and decipherable for human being. This hypothesis is also what majority of scientists are willing to accept.

There is another way to understand this above proposition. There is a famous saying about Media, which goes like – ‘Medium Is The Message’. What does this mean and what way it is related to what we are discussing right now?

The adage, ‘Medium is Message’ deeply relates to ancient classical philosophy as well as modern quantum science of dualism of observer. The medium is supposed to be neutral and objective, definitely oblivious and detached to whatever it is communicating or expressing. However, it never happens! Why? Simply because in case of humans as body-mind medium, there is a complex media, working out its own causalities and therefore can probably never ever be objective, detached and oblivious to its communication and expressions.

Even in case of non-living media, as we have popularly known as and for which this ‘medium is message’ quote referred to, there are inbuilt, innate and embedded complexities of causalities. Therefore, finally, it is the medium, which itself becomes the message or majorly shapes it. Means, the media, which is supposed to be carriers of ‘content of intent’ of the milieu with objectivity and with whatever is assigned to it, instead starts to load its own intents and contents that essentially has the ‘agenda’ emanating from its own structural and functional mechanisms and processes.

Though humans are best examples of this tumultuous case of ‘Medium Is Message’, with every human becoming a localized and dualistic consciousness, communicating and installing its own personal ‘agenda’, it is widely applicable on all media that humanity creates and thrives on. When in contemporary age, we are experimenting incessantly with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and foraying into high-end humanoid robots, there is always this lurking fear that the ‘Medium’ we are creating and infusing with complexities of perceptional elements, may ultimately stand to develop its own animalistic cognition and organic consciousness to override the installed ‘purpose’ and load its own message and randomly emergent agenda. There are already primary evidences of such eventualities.

This however is not our domain in this eBook. What we are talking about and are attempting to understand is the idea of Consciousness, Cognition and Causality. Our purpose is to see and realize that our body-mind Media uploads its own ‘Message’ and ‘Agenda’ on our Consciousness, through which we as humans perceive Reality. Our own consciousness is also a media and it also uploads its own message and agenda on our meta-cognition of Reality. In simple words, what we as humans see, perceive and express as Reality is and probably shall always be ‘Crude’, colored and doctored Reality. It is because Reality is sensed by us through multiple ‘Filters’ and never as objective, singular and elemental. Therefore, this ‘Medium Is Message’ realism also points out to the situation that Reality cannot be singular and non-dualistic as it is always a summation of different media-engendered parts where ‘messages’ or expression of reality changes or plays out differently.

It is interesting how humanity across Earth, who were separated by huge geographical divides around 2000 years back, could perceive this singular reality about ‘Media’ and ‘Message’ dualism, even though their language differed. The ancient Christian world wisdom and classical Yoga traditions spoke of the same Reality. The Biblical saying of ‘Do Not Be, You Shall Be’ and Yogic philosophy insistence on making distinction between Reality and cognition (pratiti) of Reality have singular reference to the fact that Medium itself has the innate and embedded tendencies to upload its own structural and functional agenda over the ‘message’ it has been chosen to communicate and express. Therefore, people must be watchful to observe distinction between what the media actually has been assigned to communicate and what actually the final message that comes out of it is. This seems to clearly hint that it is well within potential of humanity to understand the dualism that Reality orchestrates and plays out. However, history also clearly proves that only a handful of humans have the empowered consciousness and evolved cognition to see, realize and then act upon this fact about Reality for sanity and lasting wellness.

Therefore, we seem to have good reasons to accept that Reality, whatever it may be, may never be singular and above and all, it may not be something, which average human mind potentials could ever decipher, unravel and establish. Simply because, Reality is not a fixed idea as its pre-state (nothing) is potential of probabilities. Reality is created and installed as a ‘Causality’ comes to stand as the ‘observer’, ending the superpositioned probabilities and thus ‘collapses’ a Reality. Naturally, there are infinite ‘Causalities’ because nothingness has infinite ‘Probabilities’. As there are infinite causalities, there are infinite ‘Contexts’ of observance. Naturally, different observance points and probabilities shall always create infinite cognitions of Realities. Causalities play up and ‘Effect’ different Realities through differentiated media and all different media innately shall affect causalities by uploading their own messages and agenda.

In simple words – There may not and never be a singular definitive and irrevocable Reality; at least for human potentials of perception. And, this shall ensure that human world and human life-living always remains mired in 3Cs – Confusion, Chaos and Conflict, which in turn shall incessantly keep the quantum of insanity sufficiently high.



For a moment, we need to stop and think; why we are anyway concerned about what Reality is and how can we be definitive about it? We need to stop and ask, when we are debating whether Sanity Is Possible for humans and in this humanly possible world of life-living, where is this need to first arrive at a conclusive, definitive and singular answer about the very nature and realism of Reality? The fact is; we have begun with this very crucial exercise of finalizing the hypothesis that for human perception, at least at this point of time and space, we have only one, single and most conclusive realism to accept that Reality is not Singular.

The next we have to debate and discuss is what this non-singular nature and scope of Reality means and plays out for humanity and possibility of sanity in human world and our life-living. As we shall go deep into the question, its historicity and importance, we may possibly have a roadmap to possible sanity of humanity in the long run. If not, then at least we shall have a reasonably clear sight on a model of personal sanity and system, even while collectively, sanity may always remain an impossibility for humanity in general.

Here, we shall have good help in understanding a few things, if we have a short yet consolidated discussion on the historical background of humanity’s journey over the quest of Reality and its impact on human civilizations and cultures. This may facilitate how at this stage of time and space, humanity can learn from its past and use it for shaping a better future. It seems, there may not be enough factual data available for clarity, yet enough has been documented to lay out humanity’s tryst with Reality, since at least 5000 years back.

Human history is sufficiently long now and much has been recorded and explained now for we living in the new millennium of 21st century to decipher a pattern as how and why humanity progressed, ruled largely by what elements of Causalities of Reality. Broadly, global history of humanity has had similar and generic trends, even though they may sound different in details. Naturally, human history now stands as big learning opportunity for us to finalize the best possible and optimum life-living principles and practicalities.

The earliest and possibly the most common trend of ancient humanity globally was what we may call the Coding of Causalities, within human body-mind system as well as outside in physical milieus. In contemporary times, we may call this ‘Coding of Causalities’ as philosophy, spiritualism or even mathematics but early humans simply ‘Observed’ the ‘Causalities’ – the replicable Cause-Effect Cyclicality of realism within and outside the self or ‘I’ and then attempted to ‘Decode’ how they could be used for benefit of life-living situations. When early humans could successfully replicate the Causalities, they were coded as wisdom for posterities.

So, we can say, history is all about human evolution and progress to decipher and decode ‘Causalities’ around them and code them as Reality. In simple sense and words – Human progress is primarily about unraveling of Reality at successive stages of evolution, through the twin energy of skepticism and causative observance. The philosophy, spiritualism, mathematics, etc all can be accepted as practical expressions of this generic exercise of ‘Decoding Causalities To Code Reality’. In contemporary times, modern science is also an exercise in same genre.

We also know from study of history of humanity that within this singular framework of history as generic exercise of ‘Decoding Causalities To Code Reality’, there were two broad themes or streams of acceptance of Reality. First, there was this majority view and popular acceptance that Reality as created or as it stands, is designed for a purpose and it was noble and righteous. This view accepted that Reality is good but humans in their

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