» Psychology » Sanity Is Impossibility, Santosh Jha [best young adult book series .TXT] 📗

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blown up by gush of trapped energy of realism. This is unsettling also in the sense that most people get stuck in the magnitude and complexities of the first stage of trouble-exposition and begin to look for solace and support from spiritualism, psychology or philosophy to escape from the acceptance of the reality. It is another dimension of ‘Ignorance Is Bliss’. Some also develop sense of egoism and pride that they now know the reality and therefore they are free-willed to lead their ‘post-reality life’ not bothered by other shades and aspects of reality that others have.

The true journey begins only after this stage. The next stage is unraveling the elements that constitute the vastness and complexities of troubles. This stage of knowledge is the doorstep for arriving at true wisdom. When we persist and keep journeying the knowledge trajectory with innocence and compassion, not allowing ego and escapism to divert our journey ahead, we move onto this next stage of deciphering the genetics of the problems and troubles. As we do this, we come to understand and accept that the problems themselves have elements of solutions. Rather, in the final stage of the trajectory of knowledge, we clearly see that problems and solutions have the same constituting elements and only difference is cognitive – that is how we observe and accept them arranged and situationed in our life and living. This then facilitates all solutions, all sanities, order, poise and then begins our infinite journey to bliss and wellness.

As has always been with my writings, I insist that I never say ‘I Know’ and that is why I am telling you. I very humbly and sincerely insist that you should never accept anything I say, without assigning it to the primary and transcendental energy of skepticism. I wish you to test the validity of any probability or hypothesis I am building up in this eBook. Why I say this? Because I believe, reading is a collaborative process. I have internalized and experienced things, which I am sharing with you. I have also gone through long process of learning and unlearning and observed skepticism. All this needs to sink in and get internalized in your consciousness. It shall sink in and get internalized through the same process of learning/unlearning and observed skepticism by you.

Do step in, involve, evolve and optimize your best potentials by partnering into this eBook enterprise. Welcome.


Thanks For Your Magnanimity, The First Chapter Begins...



It is precarious and rather interesting situation, when we look up to pure science for singular and definitive answers of a question. Human intelligence has shifted from social sciences to pure sciences for finality of wisdom and especially in 21st century, the new millennium intelligence is definitively scientific, with highest possible element of singular objectivity. We sure have come far ahead of those days when humanity looked for answers from philosophy, spiritualism and psychology; that too in segregated fashion. They however remain side by side with science to keep supplying more questions and qualify answers. Even though science has also not been very successful in ‘integrating’ other fields of knowledge and somehow failed in arriving at the much required Holism, still, thankfully, science itself successfully stands as the best skeptic and critic of science, installing the constant cataclysmic energy of perpetual evolution of knowledge to higher levels. This is best hope for humanity.

However, when we enter highest echelons of pure science, very often than not, almost at the stage of finality, we face with the archetypal dilemma as science would conclude that this and that in this or that finality of reality is not scientifically effable but stands in the domain of philosophy! It often happens that certain hypothesis that stands critical to the understanding of finality of a reality is referred to as philosophy, even by scientists. This happens with the idea of Reality too!

So much of new age quantum science is ascribed as philosophical premise. Naturally, the dilemma lingers as philosophy always stands on the platform of dualism and science is looked up to primarily because we want singular objective non-dualistic position about a reality. This does not happen and probably can never happen, as we have hypothesized earlier. Why? This needs to be understood. It is a rather critical point of ascertainment, before we can anyway talk about human and life-living reality.

Quantum mechanics happens to be the most popular and frontier tool for defining Reality and that is why we need to accept what contemporary human wisdom makes us to accept. In quantum science, Reality, at all time and space is considered being superpositioned probabilities. Quantum science says, Reality happens as it is observed because observance collapses superspositioning and creates a reality. Before that, Reality always stands as probabilities. Does it make us accept that Reality is not a ‘Always There’ situation, rather, Reality ‘Collapses’ as something, depending on observance? Does this mean, observance ends dualism and enters non-dualism?

The next big question is, is observance critical to a reality? It seems as quantum scientists say, it ends probabilities and installs a Reality, though for the observer! Now, there still remains dualism about the idea of observer. Who can be accepted as observer?

Majority opinion is that observance is essentially consciousness. It is consciousness that observes and installs reality or ‘collapses’ Reality. This is somewhat agreeable quantum science factuality for us. In simple terms, Reality is a dualistic, superpositioned probability at all times as elements that create reality have wave function dualism. Reality however is created or collapsed as dualism ends and superposition collapses the moment there happens an observer. And, this observer is consciousness.

Therefore, the core and cardinal element in the idea of Reality is Consciousness as it is believed to be the ‘Protagonist’ that scripts a Reality. At this point of time, we shall have to stop our focus on everything else and zero down to this singular idea of Consciousness. The scientific reality of consciousness is the most pampered subject of new millennium, even as we all know from our knowledge of human history that consciousness as a philosophical and spiritual idea has always remained with humanity since almost 3000-4000 years back. Does this itself mean that pure science never stands aloof and alienated to philosophy and rather, sort of runs parallel to it? Does the same dualism exist between science and philosophy – when something works but cannot be described how or why, it is referred to as philosophy and if it works, is empirically verifiable and is mathematically explainable, it stands as science?

Probably, even quantum scientists feel that they have rested the onus of Reality on an element of realism, which itself is by nature dualistic. Probably therefore, there is a strong advocacy by new age quantum scientists to present a valid case of non-dualistic consciousness. We need to first understand the basic hypothesis of this ‘dualism’ of consciousness, before we proceed onto larger issues.

The primary idea is, if observance is mechanism and process of consciousness, this makes observance open to dualism – Generic and Specific observance. This dualism is –

1. There is an observance of consciousness, which emanates out of functionality of five senses and sensory inputting. As brain organization at macro level is largely singular for most humans, there is a broadly singular reality of observation, like rivers, mountains and other tangibilities. This is what we may call Generic Observance. This observance is processing of common and non-dualistic subconscious mind states. No doubt, as science insists that no two minds are same, there is bound to be dualism in generic observance too. However, it may be accepted that as the differences are small and there is overbearing generalization of commonality of languages for expression of the reality by generic observation, the dualism is seldom ‘observable’.

For example, I and nine other people may see a door and because of our different mind processing of inputs from five senses, all ten may see the door differently but as this tangibility of door still shall have almost 95 percent of details as common for all ten, we all still shall call it a door as our language commonality cannot express a door with 5 percent difference as anything else! However, if any of the ten has one or two sensory organs tweaked or part of his or her brain states affected, the door may look, say 40-50 percent different. However, as all nine shall call it a door, a deviant observance shall not change the realism of the door.

Still, it is debatable whether this reality is the same for other higher organisms like dogs, elephants, etc as their sensory observation by their brain organizations are not known! Though, we now accept that these higher animals do have consciousness of varied shades. Therefore, somehow, whatever is the reality, we have to limit it to the observance of human consciousness only. That itself is a restrictive hypothesis and negates singular objectivity rule of science. Therefore, even this so-called singular Reality of generic observance may not truly be accepted as non-dualistic.

2. Second observance by consciousness is of intangibilities by conscious brain states, which is dualistic, differentiated by variegated cognitive shades, because of varied experiences and memories of experiences of every single individual. Like happiness, wellness, love, compassion, right and wrong, etc are intangibilities observed by conscious mind states and is always dualistically oriented. Like all ten people may call a door a door but ask them whether the door is good or bad, there shall be five or six different observations about the same door. Therefore, the specific observance by consciousness, as against the generic observance can never be non-dualistic and therefore realities in these domains shall never be singular. Hence the trouble for humanity, not probably extended to other higher organisms.

To simplify what we have talked so far, we need to see and internalize the primary idea that Reality in its innate and elemental form always remains as probabilities. This means, there is probably no Definitive and Singular face, shape, size and dimension of Reality that could be narrated and explained in humanly possible language of words. However, Reality Happens, or in simple sense, takes definitive dimensions of Locations as it is Observed. Therefore, Reality, in any possible way is a function of Observance. Naturally, the ensuing and inevitable question is – Who is the observer? Who observes?

The contemporary popular hypothesis is – Consciousness creates observance. The consciousness is therefore the observer. However, what we discussed earlier is the hypothesis that Reality can be singular and definitive only when consciousness is also non-dualistic or singular. Then, as we talked about how consciousness seems to have universal propensity and probability of being dualistic, there is underlying assertion that Reality therefore can never be non-dualistic and singular. Naturally, as Reality is not singular and non-dualistic, there shall always be 3Cs – Confusion, Conflict and Chaos around the very notion and realism of Reality! And, as Reality itself is dualistic, there probably cannot ever be non-dualistic and singular human world and life-living reality for we all!

Here, at this stage of our progression into the understanding of Reality, we have our singular focus on Consciousness and its elemental nature. It is because on this depends the understanding of the idea and realism of Reality. Also, as we are primarily concerned with Human Reality, it is furthermore critical to understand Consciousness and its nature in every possible detail of all possible hypotheses. It is because we are all in possession of consciousness or the vice-versa realism of consciousness possessing all of us.

This truly leads us to a singular hypothesis, at this point of progression, that primary task at hand is unraveling all possible details of Consciousness. If we truly and unequivocally accept a singular and definitive understanding of consciousness, we sure can proceed onto the finality, whether Reality is effable and internalizable. That shall further ease our understanding whether Sanity is a Possibility or not. Therefore, next, we deal with Consciousness

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