» Psychology » Sanity Is Impossibility, Santosh Jha [best young adult book series .TXT] 📗

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system and order. Before we begin, we have already understood that in our further enquiry into this discussion about how personal sanity can be made possible, we must be first sure and definitive about two core elements –

Entropy Of Milieus Of Human World

Entropy Of Human Consciousness

In simple words, we need to understand the dynamics of why both human world and human consciousness have innate, embedded and inbuilt mechanisms and processes, inclined towards ever-ready disorder, chaos, confusion and conflicts. Why is it necessary? It is because when we are enquiring about possible sanity solutions of the trouble of human world and human life-living, a clear and categorical understanding of the dynamics of the entropic nature of both shall help a great deal. It is because, solutions are not external to troubles, rather embedded and internalized into troubles themselves. Almost always, solution is elements arranged in an ‘alternative ways’ to the arrangement of elements that create and sustain a trouble.

For the sake of convenience and continuity, we are not detailing the two issues here but they have been dealt with in separate chapters in the second part of this eBook. It is up to your choice and priority whether you first read them before we move onto our next chapter or after. In the next chapters, we are discussing ways to install and sustain possibility of sanity at personal levels.



At the very outset, before we talk about actual and effective ways to work out a model of Sanity System in personal domain, it is mandatory to accept something, which shall brace us up for the tough task we have at hand. There has to be a humble and very sincere acceptance of the fact that there is huge problem in explanation of frontier ideas with the help of humanly designed words and languages. The trouble emanates primarily because of the way our brain has been designed and works for us to have perception and acceptance of realism through linguistic expressions and communication. When we talk about possibility of personal sanity, we run the same trouble with our perception that has to depend on language-led communication.

The content of intent is not foolproof and optimal when the content is only language. Intent is a vast territory and content that transfers intent from one person to another is restrictive if only words are the singular carrier. Option-less-ness of linguistic communication as sole media of intent transfer is suffocatingly crippling. This must be borne in our mind consciousness when we proceed ahead.

Secondly, also very importantly, there is a primary need to ‘unlearn’ so many things, to begin with a ‘neutral’ mind consciousness. It shall then have ease in accepting new ideas that shall be required to be allowed central position in new thinking. From what modern scientists have known about brain mechanism so far, we know that human learning is a complex mechanism. Our brain itself is hugely complex and precarious mechanism. It is believed that a child is born with a brain, which is already loaded with ‘archetypes’. This means, the brain is created with a ‘pre-designed’ framework that sort of already contains encoded information about human world, even before it consciously begins to realize and learn them through the five senses. Long years of more than 4 million years of evolution has evolved a brain that comes pre-loaded with predilections and conforming attributes in its trillions of neural plexus for survival in the world a human infant is about to step in.

The evolutionary process follows the cyclicality of phenotype shaping up genotype and genotype in turn affecting the phenotype. It means, humans are genetically wired for suitability and survival in the environment they live and as humans change the environments they live, their genetic make-up is suitably altered. Therefore, long years of evolution in the physical milieus of our Earth has shaped and formed the neural structures and functions of human brain, which are pre-loaded in every new brain of an infant coming in the world. These fixed and innate wirings of human brain even in an infant is called ‘archetype’, which means old and continued choices and preferences already there in brain states, before the child even begins to learn anything new. For example, scientists accept that belief in God and a world beyond is some sort of archetype that every child is born with. He or she may later ‘Unlearn’ this archetypal belief. We may also include in archetypes those genotypes that an infant acquires from parent’s phenotype. That is those genetic inclinations of an infant, which come to him or her from the milieus in which the parents have survived and adjusted to. Much of this too has to be unlearnt.

Unlearning begins by testing the validity of these archetypes. This is toughest for any human being. Not only unlearning archetypes of our subconscious mind states is tough but it is also singular misfortune that human system of education and learning, be it familial, societal or institutional, has never been designed to help a child or a young man or woman in this difficult enterprise. Every single individual on Earth is left on his or her own to evolve ways and seek guidance from whatever source it feels fit. No institutional help in the form of education and learning mechanism is available anywhere in the human world.

It seems, almost 90 percent of humans in contemporary world are seeking and are under some form of guidance either from spiritualism, religion, psychology, philosophy, ritualism, cult practices, etc at personal or group levels for peace, wellness and empowerment. All these can be clubbed into a singular need of all humans to seek and find help and support in dealing with so many issues of life-living that unsettle them and affect their wellness. However, globally, nowhere there is an institutionalized and authorized platform for learning and education of mind consciousnesses. Unfortunately, this issue is considered something as a subject matter for scientists to discuss among themselves but never the role of governments and politics to assimilate it into curriculum for universal education and learning.

The second element of ‘unlearning’ is pruning the ‘auto-learning’ or what we may call automatic creation of a replica of localized and ambient milieu in the subconscious mind states of a child in the first seven or eight years of his or her life. Unlearning this is also equally tough as this is also aligned to the very survivalist instinct of human brain mechanism. In contemporary scientific discourse, it is believed that in the first eight years of his or her life, a child imbibes almost everything that is part of his or her ambient milieu and also subconsciously accepts as his or her base reference point for all utilities and futilities, good and bad and right and wrong. The child picks up these benchmarks largely from the parents, physical elements of the ambient milieus, perceptions and practices that are prevalent and dominant in the ambient milieus. This forms as the primary and base template of all future learning that keeps happening through associations. They are essentially the strongest ‘contexts’ and ‘relationship’, which make Reality happen or collapse for a man or woman.

All future realities that a growing up child accepts happens through a process of association and dissociation that brain states make with this base-reference learning of utilities and futilities, good and bad and right and wrong, acquired in the first eight years and consolidated as primary subconscious mind states. As we have talked earlier, Reality is always contextual and relational and therefore, a growing up child sees and accepts Reality in context of what the subconscious mind paradigm presents as primary benchmarks of utilities and futilities, good and bad and right and wrong.

This subconscious mind ‘context’ and relativism of association has to be unlearnt as we grow up and mature as a young person in our twenties – the earlier the better! How we can unlearn, we shall talk later and it is relatively easy, once we accept the utility, worth, goodness, righteousness and indispensability of ‘Unlearning’ the archetypes and auto-mode subconscious mind programming. We first need to understand why ‘Unlearning’ is indispensable for Possibility Of Sanity at personal levels. It should not be very difficult to understand as now we have known the idea and situation of ‘context’ and ‘relativity’ in the framework of Reality expression and acceptance.

This idea of approaching Reality sans fixated contexts and relationship with something tangible or intangible is as old as 4000 years for humanity. This is also the cardinal principle behind the very cherished and critical notion of objectivity of mind consciousness. This objectivity leads us to the idea of Holism, which is the singularly most cherished and ideal situation for acceptance of Reality in human life-living and world as well as in all other extended milieus.

This all may seem complicated but the simple and one line meaning of all these is – Our brain is designed and evolves in our early life for subjective, localized and automatic self-learning to optimize survival potential of an infant. However, this creates a fixated, very restricted and monolithic perception and worldview for a grown up person. This surely was a good design for early humans who lived in small tribal communities and did not move much because of fear of conflict with rival tribes. Also, in small homogenous human collectivity like a small tribe or regional community, this instinctive design definitely augmented survival chances.

However, humanity has journeyed a long way from this early life-living. We live in multi-ethnic, cosmopolitan and diverse demography and move to far off parts of the world, beyond societal, regional and national boundaries. Already over 50 percent of global population lives in urban spaces and we can say with surety that modern global culture has come to stay predominantly as urban culture, shaping even rural live-living. This massive change in life-living milieus has happened very fast, in just the last 50 years. Add to it the reach that modern technologies have provided to average human. Milieus have changed fast but our mindset has not coped up with these fast changes.

Urban life-living is complex and diverse with little propensity for homogeneity. In contemporary world and life-living, it is a natural progression for every individual to consciously prune and unlearn those archetypal and instinctive elements of subconscious learning, which restrict and hinder the growth of objective, holistic, universal and evolved perspectives and worldviews.

This is not easy task as ‘Unlearning’ makes an individual feel like opting for self-destruction as it involves a tough emotional and intellectual decision of letting go many ideas and preferences that we held dear and thrived on them for years since childhood. Unlearning is a conscious process and it naturally clashes with one’s own subconscious mind layers, seeking to overrule it and install new regime of reality, the subconscious has linked with survival. Unlearning is tough because it is like ‘I’ being pitted against ‘I’ itself. It is a battle of self-negation for augmentation of empowerment, which most people lose as quantum of inner conflict is colossal.

The subconscious shall resist it with its life and for a moment, it shall prove that the ‘self’ is battling against the self itself! This shall create a feeling of split within and shall unsettle an individual attempting unlearning for some good amount of time. This is a rather tough period for self. Unlearning is tough not only because starting this process is met with resistance from within as well as outside but also because unlearning process is a long and persevered one. This needs assistance, support and encouragement from family, friends, peer groups, milieus, society, polity and economy in general. Tragically, none is usually forthcoming and rather, there shall be reverse of it all!

As we said earlier, this happens to be the tragedy of humanity that it has failed to install a singular and effective institutional mechanism for true and right learning of humanity, despite having this wisdom about human life-living since thousands of years. It seems a true human tragedy

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