» Romance » There's Only You, Katie [that summer book .txt] 📗

Book online «There's Only You, Katie [that summer book .txt] 📗». Author Katie

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I missed you all summer." Like a good little boyfriend i kissed her and let her do whatever she wanted as she drained the last of my energy and dragged me into homeroom with her. The thing i hated most, i shared a homeroom with her.

As i let April drag me into the last two chairs in the back next to each other, i looked up briefly trying to see who all else i could talk to. That was when i met her eyes. Amy. She was in my homeroom. She looked so beautiful. I had never seen anything like her. Everything about her amazes me to no end. Her magnificent curls of blonde thick hair, which i had noticed over the years she straightened them about 85% of the time, she looked great to me either way. Her soft pale skin splattered with freckles that she always hated growing up, but i always loved. And her eyes. As April dragged me right past Amy's chair, i let our eyes connect if only for a brief second, but in that one second i got to really see her eyes for the first time since that terrible day in 8th grade.

Chapter Two

Jake's P.O.V.

I went threw my first four classes without even really registering anything or anyone around me. Didn't even listen as April rattled on about the people in her classes in between my classes. I just couldn't get Amy out of my head. She looks so great. It looked like she had gotten a little bit of sun over the summer. It suited her. Just like the blush the covered her cheeks all threw homeroom as i watched her. There was just something nagging me since i saw her. I can't believe i let April dig her claws into me so deep i didn't notice just how much Amy had changed. She was even more beautiful then when we were best friends.

I couldn't help the smile that covered my face as i walked to lunch, thinking of everything we ever did together. Just like staying up all night every night on the phone the summer before 8th grade. It was that that had really pushed me to want to tell her how i felt about her. Well and it helped that i had finally worked past my dork stage. Amy was always beautiful, i was always so scared that she would reject me, but it hadn't mattered, even when i came back and wasn't Jake the dork anymore, she didn't try to be anything, but my best friend. Even then she stopped being my friend all together.

"Thinking of me, aren't you?" I jumped as April snaked her arm around my waist smiling up at me. I knew she wanted a kiss, but i just looked at her instead. Why would she think i was thinking of her?

"Uhm, why do you ask?" I didn't think it'd be a great idea to tell her i was thinking of Amy, not her.

"Well, whenever you smile like that you tell me you're thinking of me baby." She pouted and i'm really not sure why but it kinda disgusted me a little bit. It took everything inside me to not grimace at her. As we stood in line getting our food i thought i could be silent long enough she would drop it. No luck there though. "So if you weren't thinking about me, what exactly were you thinking about?" April asked as we sat down at our usual table to eat. We were the first ones to sit down, so there was no way i could tell her to drop it because of our friends. She backed me into a corner.

"Just thinking of my first summer i went down south with my family. You know the summer before 8th grade." I picked at the food on my plate not looking over at her as she sat there silent. It was never good when April was silent, that just meant she was actually thinking really hard about what you said to her.

"Oh, really. Yeah the summer before 8th grade. That was the summer you came back to school and you were so hot. I just couldn't bare to see you standing there talking to little old Amy. You just looked so out of place standing with her." As April began to put down Amy, i felt the heat rush into my blood. How the hell could she say that about Amy? Little old Amy, what the hell did that mean? And i never looked more right then when i was with her. Amy was more beautiful and real than April would ever be.

Instead of starting a fight with her i just let it go, saving it for later, when people weren't around to listen in. I ate the rest of lunch without talking to anybody. Not that April tried talking to me again the rest of the lunch period. When i finished i simply got up threw away my trash and walked out. Damn if i cared April would be pissed. I was pissed. She had no right to even talk about Amy, she didn't know her. As a matter of fact, i remember when me and Amy used to make fun of her, just for the way she acted starting in 3rd grade all the way threw middle school.

I wasn't sure what i was going to do since i still had fifteen minutes easy until my next class, which was a free period anyway. I ended up sitting in the courtyard outside, alone. Which was fine by me, nobody to try and smile and joke with while i cooled down. That was when i saw Amy walking towards me. She didn't see me though, she had her face in a book. This made me smile and before i knew it she was sitting at the same bench as me not even noticing me since i stayed silent the whole time. Should i say something? Or should i wait for her to say something? Well, i'm not waiting, i've waited far to long to hear her voice again.

"Hey Ames."

Amy's P.O.V.

I had eaten my lunch in my car since i forgot it in the backseat and then made my way to the courtyard while reading my book. I still had so much time until my next class, especially since i had a free period after lunch. I figured i would just sit here the whole free period and read, i hadn't had the chance to read for myself since i had to catch up on my summer reading for my English class.

Not bothering to look up as i sat on the bench, it's needless to say that when Jake talked to me i was more than startled. When his amazingly smooth, but deep voice spoke to me, I jumped and dropped my book on the ground. Looking over at him i tried to get my heart to stop racing. It was useless. No point at all to even try, my heart wasn't only racing because he startled me. No it wasn't that simple. My heart wouldn't slow simply because i hadn't talked to Jake, have a real conversation alone with him since 8th grade.

"So, you're not going to talk to me, Ames?" He grinned at me, the same grin that made my heart turn since 3rd grade. I hadn't been called Ames since 8th grade. That nickname had died just as quick as our friendship.

"Don't call me that Jake." I hadn't exactly meant to snap at him, but it frustrated me that it hadn't even had any effect on him anyway. What did i have to do to piss him off just like i was? I can't exactly even remember why i hated him so much. Maybe it was just because i was in love with him back in 8th grade and he dropped me faster than a hot coal, all for April. Well they deserved each other.

"What, why? I've always called you Ames," He must have seen something cross my face because he raised his hands in front of him. "Sorry, just habit i guess. I miss you Amy." Maybe it was something about the way he said it, or the way he looked at me as he said, but i believed him. It felt so amazing to hear him say he missed me. I can't even describe the way the butterflies swarmed my stomach all at once or the way my heart seemed to flip over at his words.

"I know. I've missed you too Jake. It hasn't been the same without you." As he smiled at me i knew i said the right thing. I mean it was nothing but the truth, but i've held those words back from him for so long. Why would it be so right to say them now?

"Yeah, life kinda, pretty much, got boring without you." He scooted closer to me and put his arm over the back of bench and the blush rushed up my cheeks. I can't believe i was blushing over being close to him. He was just a guy. I've been close to plenty of guys in the past four years. Although i had never been in love with any of them the way i had been with Jake. So it's totally normal right?

"Yeah," I just couldn't seem to think of anything better to say. I mentally kicked myself knowing that this was bound to end now. He wouldn't have anything more to say to me, and i couldn't keep the conversation going for my life. "So, how are you and April doing?" Now i not only mentally kicked myself but added a few good punches in there as well. As soon as i said April's name he pulled back away from me and gave a short sort of laugh.

Jake's P.O.V.

I wanted to be close to her. When i got close i could smell lavender. And sweet flowers. It totally intoxicated me. I wanted to kiss her, i wanted to kiss Amy more than i had ever wanted anything else in my whole life. My heart was racing and the blood pumped hard threw my veins. But as soon as she asked about April, i couldn't help the irony. I simply forgot about April, there was only Amy right then. I backed away from her an pulled my arm back to my side again. I laughed at the situation simply because i never wanted April, April wanted me, and since i couldn't have Amy, i let her have me.

"We are just great, you know. It's yeah i dunno," i rubbed the back of my neck not wanting to know if she had a new boyfriend, even though i have already seen her walking the halls with plenty of guys over the past four years, but to hear about it was something else. I don't want to think about anybody kissing her but me. "So, how about you. Got a new boyfriend? What about that guy you dated at the end of school? Did it last? Tommy right?" I knew very well just who Tommy was and knew she dated him for a good three weeks. And was tortured because Tommy was on the football team with me. I heard all about what Amy did with him. Everything they did together. It made me sick the way Tommy had talked about her and i had even punched him one day for his mouth. But i also knew Amy had broken up with him a day before school let out, Tommy didn't say why, just that he couldn't believe

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