» Romance » There's Only You, Katie [that summer book .txt] 📗

Book online «There's Only You, Katie [that summer book .txt] 📗». Author Katie

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my ears)
And a devil on my shoulder (And a devil on my shoulder)
And what's a crush,
and what's a lush to do when he can't get through?

After the song finished I saw her car pull into the lot and I jumped up and out of my car and raced over to hers after she parked. When I knocked on her window she jumped then smiled hesitantly up at me and I smiled huge and bright back down at her. She climbed out of her car slowly, clutching her books to her chest.

“Hey Jake, about last night,” I cut her off before she could say anything else though, with a quick kiss. She stopped walking and looked up at me.

“I know, last was, wow, it was amazing Ames. Best night I’ve had in a long time, years even.” I smiled back down at her as she frowned. She couldn’t possibly have thought I didn’t enjoy myself, I mean sure we didn’t exactly get to finish what we had started. But it still made his top five list of best nights. All of them were with her.

“Jake, I asked you not to call me that.” She said sternly and I couldn’t help but laughing and then hugging her. She was so amazing, and beautiful and she looked great this morning, even though she straightened her curls out, she looked great.

“I know I know, I’m sorry babe.” I snaked my arm around her waist and when she tried to pull away from me I only held her even closer. I knew she was somewhat confused of course because I hadn’t told her yet that I left April. Right when we reached her locker, she pulled my arm off of her and she turned and looked at me.

“No, I’m sorry Jake, last night, last night should have never happened. I mean it just shouldn’t have, please, don’t make this harder for me. I don’t want you to talk to me Jake, just leave me alone, please.” She hadn’t even bothered to go into her locker, but just walked off. She left me there, dumbfounded. I was in shock. Complete shock. She hadn’t even let me tell her I left April. What did she mean last night should have never happened? I think last night was a miracle. It was amazing for me I guess it wasn’t for her. Why, was she doing this to me? Why is she constantly pulling me in and then tossing me back out again? I fucking love her and she could care less. I left April for her. I would tell her and maybe then after she knew that, she would change her mind. I can’t just leave her alone, no way, not anymore, I left her alone for four years. I watched her with other guys for four years and then last night, she chose me to be the only one to have her, to let me have her virginity and she says it shouldn’t have happened?! Hell no.

She has to choose, one way or the other.

Amy’s P.O.V.

It was harder than I thought to watch him stand there and listen to me tell him to leave me alone. I watched his face crumble and all the happiness leave his face. I hate that I was the one that did that to him. But like always he has April, he can go kiss her, he can go fuck her. I don’t care anymore. I’m so done. I walked into class and was startled to see April sitting there in the back with Tommy in Jake’s normal seat.

“Well, jeeze Amy, staring problem?” April snapped at me. Tommy laughed as he leaned over and kissed April long and hard on the mouth. Oh my god, did Jake know she was cheating on him? And god, with Tommy. Tommy was sort of like his best friend. He is going to be so hurt. But as I sat in my seat trying my best to ignore them Jake walked in. I watched his face as he looked back uninterestedly at April and Tommy. Then he sat down in the chair next to me.

“I broke up with her last night Amy. After I left your house, that was why I left like I did. I was trying to tell you that.” Before I knew what he was doing he leaned over and kissed me. He kissed me so hard and long I knew my lips would be swollen and maybe it was stupid, but I kissed him back even entwining my fingers in his hair making the kiss even more deep than it was. I shivered as he pulled away and smiled at me. He really left her. For me. I smiled at him as I blushed deep red. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. It felt so amazing to hold his hand and not have to worry about April sitting just a few chairs away.

That is until April got over her initial shock of seeing Jake kiss me and marched over to of course give us both a piece of her mind. This was going to be epic I could already tell.

Chapter Six

Jake’s P.O.V.

It felt absolutely amazing as I kissed Amy in homeroom, I hadn’t meant to kiss her so rough, but I wanted to get her attention and make her kiss me back. When she finally did, god it was amazing, I can’t even describe it, it was just amazing. When I pulled away from her and saw her blush I smiled and laced our hands together and waited for the storm of April to come threw. I wasn’t stupid, even though she was back there sucking Tommy’s face off, she would still be pissed that I was already with somebody else. I smiled up at April as she stood in front of us, waiting.

“What the hell was that?” April yelled at me. I didn’t know who exactly she thought she was, but me and her were done, I think we have been done for a long time and I just finally took the incentive to do something about it.

“What do you mean what was that? I was kissing my girl, we are done April, I told you that last night.,” I noticed that I let my voice go just as high as hers and Amy shrunk down in her seat, looking like she just wanted to disappear. “And besides April, you already found somebody new, Tommy, so don’t even act like I’m a bad guy.” I spat the last words at her. I am not going to let her try and make me feel like I was in the wrong, because I’m not, she may think so, but I’m not.

“I knew you hooked up with a slut, didn’t know it was the school slut though, thought you were better than that Jake, I guess not.,” April stepped way over the line with that and she was really testing my patience now. “Hope your happy you little home wrecker, if it weren’t for you, I’d still have my boyfriend and I wouldn’t have to settle for fucking Tommy, which by the way he says I’m way more fun than you ever were skank.” That was it, I was passed pissed now. Wasn’t nobody going to talk to Amy like that especially not in front of me!

“You need to back the hell up April, first of all Amy, is anything but a slut, isn’t she Tommy?,” April turned back to look at Tommy and we watched as he lowered his head and muttered something under his breath. “and second of all, she is not a fucking home wrecker or slut or skank or whatever the hell else you are gonna say, she is Amy. She is the best damn person I know and you know what April? Even if she didn’t want to be with me, I would rather pine after her than be with you. You need to get that threw her head ok?” I sat back down in my seat I hadn’t even realized that I had stood up and I instantly relaxed as Amy grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

Amy’s P.O.V.

He defended me, when every other guy would have let it go, he defended me. And it meant the world and more to me I hope he could see that. I looked up at April, seeing she was at loss for words and she stomped her foot, yeah she actually did, and walked back to Tommy again.

“Thanks, Jake.” Was all I said, it was all I had to say I know to see that crooked smile directed to me. I don’t know how I got so lucky, to finally have the guy I have waited for, for so long.

“Hey, you would do the same for me, so it’s no problem, babe.” He kissed me again, this time in a just barely there kiss. He was right of course, if anybody ever bashed his name or even tried, I would do the same for him. He was Jake, my rock, my love.

“Yeah, yeah.” I waved my hand trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, but he grabbed the hand in the air and held it as he laughed, and I laughed with him.

“So, what does this mean Amy?” he asked as I looked down first at our joined hands and back up into his eyes. I didn’t know what it meant, I didn’t even know what I wanted it to mean. I wanted my best friend back, needed him back, but he was asking for so much more. He wanted my heart, was I really ready to give that to him though? It was too soon, way too soon, if I didn’t though, he would act differently, he wouldn’t kiss me anymore and that stung to think about. I loved the heat that coiled in my stomach when he kissed me. I didn’t know what I wanted.

“I dunno Jake,” He looked down at the floor and just looked completely dejected. “I mean I want to be with you, so much I have for such a long time.” He looked back up at me and smiled then. I knew that instant that I said the right words. Even if they hadn’t felt right in the moment. It was right, now.

“Well, that settles it then babe. I’m all yours. Only yours.” And he sealed it with a kiss.

Jake’s P.O.V.

All day threw school I couldn’t stop smiling even once. I couldn’t believe I finally had Amy. Amy was my girlfriend. Every chance I said I let the whole school know, kissing her in front of everybody, kissing her at lunch, I think honestly I showed her more affection in one school day then I showed April in four almost five years.

I think I even played better during practice after school, coach was happy anyway. When I was finally making my way over to Amy’s house after school I couldn’t stop shaking. I keep telling myself that it’s no different than going over house before. But it is different, she’s my girlfriend now, and her mom works all night. We would be completely alone. For hours. Shaking all those thoughts from my head, I walked up and rang her bell. When she answered the door she smiled at me and blushed a little bit, I wonder if she was thinking the same thing I just was?

“You could have just walked right in, you never used to knock.” She

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