There's Only You, Katie [that summer book .txt] π

- Author: Katie
Book online Β«There's Only You, Katie [that summer book .txt] πΒ». Author Katie
Amy's Point Of View.
8th grade. Fun. At least I have one person that i know will have my back. Jake. My best friend, he's the only thing i know 100% sure will always be in my life no matter what. My rock. My dorky, funny, skinny rock.
As i walked towards my new locker keeping my eyes out for Jake i walked right into this kid falling backwards right on my butt.
"Oww." I yelped as i landed wrong on my tailbone getting a shock all the way up my spine. I've never seen this boy before so he must be new, just moved here this summer. He was tall, tan and pretty built for a 8th grader. He just kept grinning all funny at me while he helped me stand up.
"Hey Amy. It's been a long summer." No it can't be Jake, can it really? This boy was so, wow. She hadn't seen Jake all summer though, he stayed with some of his family down south for the summer. But it was defiantly Jake's voice coming out of his mouth.
But, when did his voice get so deep. Maybe whispering late at night wasn't exactly better for their phone conversations. If i hadn't insisted it'd be cooler to stay up all night talking, i would have heard the change in his voice. It wasn't fair, he completely changed over summer. And she was still just little Amy, not tall, but short, not tan, but tons of freckles, and the same old voice for her.
"Jake, wow. You look, different." i couldn't help it, i just totally checked out my best friend, i mean how can i not? He is gorgeous!
"Yeah, well, i dunno Ames. I missed you." Even as he hugged me i watched all the other girls watch us, some with envy an others with pure hate. I'm going to lose him, ain't no doubt about it.
"I've missed you too, but i mean we have talked every night since you went down south and even last night." I tried to smile, but his smile was so much better than mine i just gave up. He outshines me now, so much.
"Yeah, but it's not the same as seeing each other. You look really great Ames, better than i remember." That smile, that smile is all i can think about. Wait a second, he said i look great. Wow, he really must have been out in the sun too long. I was still just Amy, i hadn't changed one bit at all.
"Really?" I can't even think straight. Jake thinks i look good. i hadn't hardly noticed when April came up and started trying to steal away Jake's attention.
And that was when it happened, April grabbed his hand and held it and he let her. He let her take his attention of me and onto her. He let her take him away from me that morning, away from our conversation. Jake tried, he really tried even called every night still, but April took up more and more of his time, until there wasn't any left for me at all.
8th grade. Fun. Without my best friend. Even more fun. 8th grade. The year i lost Jake out of my life, after April and him were 'official' he didn't even bother to stop and even talk to me anymore, not even a wave in the hallway. 8th grade, when i went from being good little Ames, to Amy, just Amy.
Chapter One
Jake's Point Of View.
I wasn't sure how much longer i would be able to stay awake just to listen to April go on and on about the cheer squad. Sure i loved that she made cheer captain, but i really didn't care about the rest. Like how she wanted to sync their schedules so that when i was done football practice, i would wait the extra 15 minutes before cheer lets out. I didn't care. I know that's bad or whatever, but i don't.
"Look, babe, i'm sorry. It's late as hell. I'm tired and coach wants me there early to talk to me and well babe it's our first day of school tomorrow. I want to get to bed." I lied only a little bit, coach had already told me why he wanted to talk to me and said i didn't need to actually come in early anymore. I made football captain, just like everybody said. I just wanted to get threw my first day of being a senior without falling asleep, was that really too much to ask?
"Oh, right, i forgot baby. Well, Tiffany will ride me into school then since you can't, even though i really wanted to ride with you since you were down south all summer, but it's ok. i just can't wait to see you..." God she was still talking. well, i don't see why i couldn't just let my eyes close just for a minute. They burn like hell. She won't even notice.
God, when did i fall asleep? i smacked the alarm and set my phone on the charge since it was dead because April wouldn't shut the hell up last night. I really don't even know why i'm still with her, i can barely stand ten minutes with her, but it's not like there were any other girls i was overly interested in, and April put out, so she wasn't all bad i guess.
Still in a sleep haze i managed to shower and dress in clothes that at least smelled clean. Grabbing my keys i just kind of stared at the empty kitchen. I can't remember the last time my mom actually cooked me the first day of school breakfast. Maybe she stopped the same year I brought April home, and got caught in my room. I still can remember the shock and hurt on her face when she registered what was going on and shut the door. She to this day acts like she never saw anything. Which was for the better, i don't want my mom seeing that every time she sees me and April together, which is exactly why i don't bring her here anymore.
As i drove to school i thought about when i met April. It was the first day of 8th grade and i was talking to Ames, well, Amy. April had been so rude just walking up and interrupting me right when I was going to tell Ames that i loved her. I had waited and waited to finally tell her, but Ames just let April pull me away from her. Eventually, i just gave up trying to be Amy's friend anymore, it would never be enough to just be her friend. I don't want to be her friend. I want to be her boyfriend. I waited 5 years to tell her, but she just didn't care. She let April wedge herself into Amy's spot, let her take over.
I just wish i could talk to her, god knows I've tried. We have had so many classes together and i even bribed a teacher once to make us partners for a project, but even then she kept to herself, acted like she didn't even know me at all. This was going to end though. Senior year was not going to be about me and April. It was going to be about me and Amy.
Amy's P.O.V.
First day of senior year. Why was i so nervous. It was just like every other first day of school. Only this is my last first day. Wow, it feels so final. Somehow i managed to sneak past my mom. I just didn't feel like seeing her cry over this being my last year in high school. I swear she was more hung up over it then i was.
I slid into my car glad to be out and away from my mom. When i finally made it to the school, the parking lot was almost full. Spotting an open space i went for it cutting off a couple cheerleaders in the process, but hey i got my spot. I couldn't remember if I had actually told my latest 'boyfriend' that it just wasn't what i thought and i just wasn't into it anymore or not. Don't get me wrong he was perfect. Just not perfect for me.
I never really dated any guy more than two weeks anyway, but never did any of them take more than a few kisses that's for damn sure. Wasn't any of these mere boys going to take from me what only a man that i loved should get. Not that i want to wait til marriage, i just want to at least be able to say i really do love him. Which is going to take a lifetime at the rate i was going. There was really pretty much only one boy in my grade i never once even dated for even a few hours.
Jake. I didn't even want to think about him though. I don't want to think of all the times we were forced together by a teacher from Freshman-Junior year. I'm simply not going to even start to think of all the times i was so tempted to talk to him during those classes, but thought better of it because he has April. Jake didn't need me anymore. If he did, he would have never let April come between us. And maybe, just maybe Jake and me might be together instead of the two of them.
Speak of the devil. April sneered at me as she walked up to Jake and planting a big one on him in front of the whole world. It was bordering nasty to tell the truth. I so did not need to see her shove her tongue down his throat. You would swear she lost something in his mouth the way she was gettin' at him. I have to admit i was a little more than surprised when Jake subtly, but smartly pulled away and pushed April to the side of him while talking to his friends as if she was gone completely.
Well, none of my business, they were they 'it' couple, they would work it out. They always do. Sighing i went to work on my locker and taking only a notebook and pencil to my homeroom with me.
After the second bell, the first thing i noticed was April, pulling a very tired Jake behind her. If they really were in my homeroom this was going to be such a long year.
Jake's P.O.V.
When April had tried to kiss me, it was way to much for so early in the morning, not to mention i was talking. I carefully tucked her back and away from me and continued talking while she looked completely pissed at me. Once the first bell rang my friends all scattered while i waited, knowing April wanted to yell and have it out before class. It was typical April.
"WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?! AND IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY! MIGHT AS WELL PUT MY BOYFRIEND DON'T WANT ME ON MY FOREHEAD!" Her yelling only made me more tired then i already was from her keeping me awake so late. I walked over to her slowly letting her breath. I took her in my arms.
"Sorry, babe. You know i want you.
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