» Adventure » Dreamers:A Half Moon, Trinity Frazier [best reads of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dreamers:A Half Moon, Trinity Frazier [best reads of all time .TXT] 📗». Author Trinity Frazier

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to find him”.She had yawned.They had been traveling from Sun to No-Sun.A nap could do good.She looked around one last time for the rumble.Nothing.Only her sleeping packmates and the soft snoring of the pups.Yes.She could go to sleep soundly.Moon closed her eyes.


The Dream

“Moon.”Moon looked around and whimpered.She did not see a dog.”Moon”,said the voice,a little louder this time.She just listened.Some will make it and others won’t.”Moon was confused but was determined not to show it.”What do you mean?”,she asked,showing her confusion a bit.”Do not trust others in the void.”,the voice said.”What do you mean!”,Moon shouted,now showing all of her confusion as she spilled out her anger.”You will need it”.

She quickly opened her eyes to see the calm lake water and the pack getting ready to move again.She got up and followed the pack.It took some time to get to the new territory,but it was worth it.There was fresh water and the scent of much prey.Her father-dog had already marked the territory.The hunters immediately started hunting and Moon,as the omega,made the beds.


It was night when everyone got settled into the new territory.Moon was playing with Dart and Splash.She was in a good mood today.Everyone was.Eventually she tired them out.It was then she noticed most of the pack was sleep.Dart and Splash must’ve noticed too,because they went to their moss beds and slept.

She heard a rustle not long after they fell asleep.It was then she thought.We must have a rival pack nearby.She listened and kept hearing paws as they hit the crunchy ground.Eventually,her adventurousness got the best of her and she went to go and check out the sounds.She saw the figure of a dog.

The Dream

She heard a rustle not long after they fell asleep.It was then she thought.We must have a rival pack nearby.She listened and kept hearing paws as they hit the crunchy ground.Eventually,her adventurousness got the best of her and she went to go and check out the sounds.She saw the figure of a dog.

A yellow and white dog.She saw his teeth curl into an unwelcome snarl.She wagged her tail in friendliness. The yellow and white dog’s tail stood rigid.The dog moved closer.She noticed how his ears were bitten off.She knew what pack he came from right away.The Thunder Pack.Every adult dog gets their ears ripped off.They are the most disciplined pack and give no mercy.Moon gulped.


The dog noticed she meant no harm and calmed his hackles.”I am Bone”,he said.”I am Moon”,She paused wondering why he was here,”Why are you here?”He paused,as if unable to trust her.”I had a dream.There was a voice telling me not to trust outsiders.It showed me this place.I was tempted to come.”.Moon gazed at him in disbelief.Was this the dog who had the same dream as her?She was thinking in disbelief.

The yellow dog could not say she didn’t after she told him how the dream had kept her up.It was almost Sun.The Thunder Dog had to leave.A promise was made.They would meet every night.

She was sleepy after staying up that late.She fell asleep as soon as her eyes were closed.She could guess the same thing for the Thunder Dog.But today she had no nightmares.That must mean that Bone had a peaceful night’s sleep too.

The Dream

Moon woke with dogs sniffing her all over.The hunting dogs were sniffing her.Daisy was giving a disgusted look.Splash whimpered.Her father-dog growled.”What’s going on!”,she jumped up,sending all dogs toppling over each other.”Traitor!”,her father-dog shouted.Her mother-dog gave a look of worry.”Huh?”,Moon asked.”Hold this traitor down Steep,Dart,Harp and Daisy!”.Before she knew it she had dogs pinning her down.

She could see Harp’s confused stare asking why did you do this to us Moon.How could you?Moon heard her older brother’s growl,Daisy’s unforgiving stare and Splash’s whimpering.”Dogs!”,father-dog paused”Sniff her and you will see why she is the traitor!”,he commanded.Dogs sniffed her and everyone she saw gave a look of disgust.Could it be Bone”s scent,she thought.OH no!Moon forgot to wash off Bone’s scent.

”You see”,her father-dog growled”This was the last straw!What if she lead a Thunder Dog to our territory!”,He growled.”I must kill her and find another territory.”




The dog she had once known as her father-dog came towards her and was about to go for her belly.Protect me,God of dogs she prayed.He opened his jaws in an attacking position.”Grr…”That was a familiar voice.”A Thunder Dog!”,yelled father-dog,”RUN!Follow me!Maybe he brought his whole pack!”.Father-dog ran,the others ran without hesitation.Harp turned back and growled.Then he followed the pack.”Moon!”,yelled Bone.”How did you know that I was in trouble?”,Moon asked curiously.”I didn’t.I thought that you might’ve forgotten to wash my scent off of you.And you did.”,Bone told.Moon nodded silently.”You can stay with me and my pack!”,Said Bone,seeming to read her mind.”They are Thunder Dogs!How am I going to get into their pack without being killed or getting my ears chewed off?”

“I have my ways”,Bone said calmly.Moon assumed that since he was calm,he was right.So she followed him to the Thunder Dog territory.The dogs’ fur bristled as they saw Moon.”Who is this!”,said a black dog with a white muzzle and a scar on his nose to his left ear he was almost as big as a bear,most likely the leader.”She has a better territory for us”,he said,gazing around at the dead trees and dry grass,he looked at the dirty water.Everybody relaxed.

”Take us”,said the Alpha,almost seeming to beg like a puppy who is begging for food.Moon led them over dead trees and through a dry land with dead grass into the well nourished environment with clean water,lots of prey scents,and beautiful scenery.The Thunder dogs waited for their leader’s approval.Finally he said”Thank you?”.”Moon”.”Thank you Moon.Would you like to join our pack?”,the leader asked.There was a moment of silence”Yes”,Moon said”,I will join your pack.”.”This is our new territory”,he declared.And with that dogs yipped in excitement.


The ceremony was about to begin.It was weeks ago when Moon joined the pack.She was about to get her ears ripped clean off,so you couldn’t blame her for being scared.It is a tradition.She was pinned by dogs.Snap grabbed her left ear and shook it wildly.Moon felt the pain and jerked,but that helped rip the top of her left ear clean off.She saw Bone wince.She didn’t notice that Snap had grabbed her right ear and was chewing it viciously.Finally it came off.

Moon could still feel the burning pain of her ears.Bone didn’t look.Moon felt guilty of playing with the Thunder Dog and for betraying her pack.They would definitely plot their revenge,but they can’t fight a Thunder Dog,they might not even notice that the Thunder dog was Moon.Her body was full of muscles,Her pure white fur had turned gray,her ears were ripped off,but she knew only one dog that would recognize her.That dog is far away now though.She had lost her mercy for all dogs outside of her pack now.Her new pack.The Thunder Dogs.

Moon woke up and stood in her rank spot.She was immediately promoted to hunter when she had joined the pack.She was only six rankings away from being Beta.She had to earn her place as Beta though,and Ceaser was stronger than her.Way stronger than her.

The alphas went first.The hunters went next.The pups came after them.Then the omega came.Moon did not know the white thick-furred dog’s name.From what she could tell,even the small dogs were able to kill three big dogs alone,or nine small dogs alone.Moon was full of envy.Every dog was strong enough to kill a bear alone.They had mastered in speed,agility,and strength.She no longer questioned the Thunder dogs’ ways,as she had learned and mastered everything that there was to know about being a thunder dog.


She no longer felt remorse for her actions and

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