» Adventure » Dreamers:A Half Moon, Trinity Frazier [best reads of all time .TXT] 📗

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through this before was helping,like Crunch.She was gone on a hunting trip,though.Moon heard the first puny whimper of a pint-sized black,tan,brown and white pup.The pup furiously dived at Snap’s paw.”Pounce,because of your ferocity”,said Snap between licking at his fur.Moon was eager to sniff him,but knew not to.She wanted her own pups.Maybe with her and Bone.One day.Moon looked at a small blob.Snap teared at it,the black,brown,tan and white female pup looked like her brother.”Since you look like your brother,I will name you something similar to Pounce.”,Snap paused,thinking”Jump,Jump is your name,because of how high that you can jump for a newborn”,Moon was excited now.She looked at another sack filled of a black,tan,and white female.The female kicked at the sack.Snap opened the sack and said,”Kick,because you are a great fighter.”

Moon noticed that Snap was not mean.Dagger was not mean.Snap was a professional at naming.Another blob emerged.A black and white male.His eyes seemed to open.


”Look is your name,because of your great eyesight.”,Snap said.Snap yelped painfully as she crouched,her legs back,paws touching the ground.Moon knew that Snap was trying to hide the fact that she was in pain.A great blob emerged.The biggest one yet.Almost as big as her shoulders and almost as long as her tail.She was surprised,ripping open it.A white,black and tan male popped out.Snap licked him and he bit a little above her lower jaw.Dagger came to sniff this pup.Moon knew what he was thinking.He had wanted him as the future pack leader.Only time will tell.Moon thought.Maybe she wouldn’t have puppies.It looked like too much pain.She liked puppies though.They were cute but took huge responsibility,something that Moon and Bone didn’t fully know about yet though.

Moon didn’t notice that Snap had another pup.The pup was a black and white male.The pup was startled by his mother-dog’s licks and jumped high.He jumped higher than her paw.”Hop,because of your great ability to jump high for a pup.”,Snap paused to stare at her puppies.Dagger was by her side,admiring what they’d made together.Moon left the den to leave them in peace.Dogs were waiting outside of the den.They were yearning to hear the news.Bone trotted  from his place in front of the den to trot alongside Moon.Moon flopped down before a stocky bush.”So Moon”,Bone looked curiously at Moon,”How did it-”.His words stopped as the pack ran up and asked Moon questions.Moon knew that she could never get out unless-”Beta!Snap needs you in the den!”,Dagger stepped forward.

The dogs let him pass.


Moon nodded.What else would the doberman want?Moon followed Dagger through the grass and into the den.Snap was panting heavily again.Another pup?Moon waited patiently as the last blob came out.The pup was no bigger than her ear.

It was a light brown,tan,and white female.Dagger and Snap gave each other a look.Oh no!A-A runt!The puppy didn’t move.Dagger growled,most likely at the pup.Snap looked,”I-I don’t know what to name this pup!”.Moon nudged the pup.It whined.Snap didn’t care.”Seek,I’ll name her Seek because she seeks her true destiny.”


Moon’s First Ceremony

Grunt was playing.He growled at Sniff and opened his mouth wide to seize her leg.Moon was watching.Wait.His back teeth have grown in!It is time for his ceremony!The other dogs noticed too and were glancing at the Alpha.Gnaw was barking happily and Crunch was giving exhausted woofs.”I have an announcement!”,barked Dagger.All dogs gave their full attention to him.”Grunt will have his first naming ceremony tonight.”,Dagger looked at the den where his eight puppies were nursing.

“When the Moon-Dog is at her brightest point in the sky.”,the black dog continued.All of the dogs yipped in excitement,even Moon felt excited.Tonight.Grunt was playing.Alpha was choosing only the best dogs to search for a completely white animal and bring it back.From there they would skin the rabbit and laythe skin on a rock.The pup would sit on the rock and will choose it’s name.Moon remembered her ceremony,it didn’t go so well.


Her father-dog and the rest of the pack gazed at Play.He was glaring at her the whole time so far.”You will now sit on the rock and choose your name now.”,Beta announced.Play,excited as she was ran up to the rock.She forgot to jump,slamming her head into the rock.Blood splattered out of her head.Play got dizzy.Dogs watched,silent.They did nothing,too embarrassed,Play didn’t move.It was almost the beginning of the Sun’s journey.


Moon’s First Ceremony

Taking in a big gulp of air she stood up.The pack was now alert.Her father-dog looked at her hopelessly.Moon climbed onto the rock.A surge of pride came through her.”I am Moon”,she said”,a swift,strong,and agile dog.”.Her father-dog looked as if he was about to laugh.Moon walked down and sat next to Alpine and Tree.”Hey half wolf!Nice move!”,teased Tree.”What if her next move is to kill us?”,yelped Alpine.”The half wolf?Of course!What else do you expect from those untrustworthy creatures!”,growled Tree.”B-but my m-m-mother-dog said-”,Moon stammered.”NOBODY CARES ABOUT WHAT YOUR MOTHER-DOG SAYS!”,growled both mid-dog-pups.Tree and Alpine looked behind them.Nobody bothered to stay.”Snare,Digel,Harp,come here!”,Three mid-dog-pups trotted beside Tree.”Attack her!Kill her!”,yelled Tree at the top of his lungs.Moon saw Harp sneak off.While she didn’t notice,the four dogs teared and ripped at her fur.Moon was startled.The four dogs were still tearing at her fur.Moon tried to get up,but Tree knocked her to the ground.

Moon was basically beaten up and traumatized as a pup and a mid-dog-pup.Moon could never forget the experience.If Harp hadn’t told her mother-dog she would’ve been killed.”Pack!”,boomed a voice,”It is time for Grunt’s ceremony.”.The dogs stood by their rank in a rectangle.Wow.I haven’t noticed how many dogs we have in our pack.About thirty.Moon looked at Alpha.He nodded.Moon walked before a stone and said,”Grunt will take the responsibilities of a pack dog.Omega,Patrol Dog,Hunter or even Alpha...who knows what he will be.Grunt,please step on the rock after Alpha puts the animal on it.”,Moon told.Alpha took the white weasel into his mouth and ripped it open.He tore the flesh and organs out of it.He put the skin onto the rock.Grunt stepped onto the rock.A spirit seemed to go into him and another seemed to go out.Suddenly Grunt said,”Wise!My name is Wise.I will give information and will offer to help.Dogs say that I’m mean,but I can prove to them that I am not mean!I know it!”

Moon’s First Ceremony

Dogs looked at Wise as he jumped off of the stone and ran towards his mother and father dog.He was happy.Everyone was happy.So was Moon.


A few weeks without the rumble had passed.Moon had grown affectionate of Seek.Seek’s mother-dog didn’t want anything to do with her.It reminded Moon of how her father-dog had treated her.She felt bad for the runt.The pups had grown even bigger,but still,Seek was the smallest.Seek had thought of Moon as the mother-dog that she never had.The weather was acting unearthly.Moon had secretly found a spot far away just in case things get unmanageable.Moon watched as Seek played with Wise.He doesn’t hate her for being a runt,like her so called littermates who didn’t like her much,except for Jump,Look,and Kick.

Moon heard a soft rumbling sound.Moon got up.Could this be the Big Growl.There was another rumble,but louder.Moon saw a crack a few feet above her.Moon wasn’t taking her chances.Moon got up and announced,”Packmates,the Big Growl is coming again,we need to move.”Her packmates looked at each other and mumbled.”Who says that you’re boss!”,came a voice from the crowded dogs.Soon other dogs started growling.”I’m staying to defend our territory!” “Mee too!”Most of the dogs agreed.”I’m leaving”,growled Moon angrily.”I’m coming with you”,Bone stepped alongside Moon.”I want to come too!”,yelped a voice.Seek stepped out.”Can I come too?”,she asked.Moon glanced at Snap and Dagger.”Take the runt”,said Dagger,”As if there is any use for her.”Seek whimpered but there was a hint of happiness in her tone.”I’m going too”,Wise stood alongside

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