» Adventure » Dreamers:A Half Moon, Trinity Frazier [best reads of all time .TXT] 📗

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how it would be in the future.

She didn’t want the pups near Max,he could become dangerous when he is mad.Last time Max almost hurt Kick.


Lex,Rex,and Brooke

Moon had her pups already.Max named the boys and Moon named the girl.There were two boys and a girl.Rex(Black,white,and tan)is training to be leader of the pack.Lex(Black and white)is more calm and has fast reflexes,so he is training to be a patrol dog.Brooke(Black,grey,and white)is training to be a hunter for how strong that she was for a puppy.

Moon once asked why the puppies had adult names,also saying that they would have a ceremony and their names would change.Max snapped.He growled deep.Max said that the puppies would not have a ceremony.Moon walked away without questions.

Lex,Rex,and Brooke

It was actually the day that was supposed to be for Seek,Kick,and Look’s ceremony,but Max wouldn’t allow it.Moon had an idea though.Tonight.It was pretty close to night.Moon went out to hunt for a white creature.Moon caught sight of a white rat,but it was too fast to see.A white deer was grazing a few feet in front of Moon.She crawled on the dirt and slowly stalked forward.Once she was close enough,she leaped for the deer’s throat.

The deer froze in shock and Moon shook her head and body while holding the deer’s throat.The deer started to kick and make sounds.Moon held her grip.The deer finally stopped moving.Moon started the process of skinning the deer.She carried the deer to the camp.She put down the deer to call Seek,Look,and Kick.


They came bounding up to her.”Yay!Food!Why does it look so thin though”,Kick asked.”Just follow and you’ll see”,she replied.The pups followed Moon to a rock.She laid the deer on the rock.She started by oldest.

“Kick,stand on the rock”,Moon said.Kick stood on top of the rock.”Kick,this is you and your siblings’ naming ceremony,choose your name,it will come to you”,Moon announced.Kick stood on the rock for a second,a spirit seeming to come into her from the moon.”My name!My name is Tigerlily.I will prove my place in the pack as hunter.”,she said.


”Step down from the rock and go by your siblings.Look,go on the rock,you know what to do”,Moon said.Tigerlily stepped down from the rock,and Look went onto the rock.A spirit seemed to go into him from the moon too.”My name is Rufus because I look strong,but I am not.I will prove my place in the pack as a hunter”,he said.

Lex,Rex,and Brooke

.”Seek,you-”,Moon began,but she was already on the rock.A spirit seemed to go into her.”My name is Jewel,I have jewel eyes,and I will prove my place in the pack as hunter”,she said.

“Good job pups”,Moon said.The pups were excited on the way home.They didn’t quiet down.They were at home and the pups followed her to the den to sleep.It was a good day for Moon.”Good night pups”,Moon said.”Goodnight”,they replied.Moon drifted off to sleep.



"You what!"


Moon toppled over,startled.She had heard that voice before.That was a familiar voice,not in a good way either.


“What’s happening”,Moon asked.She saw Max hovering over Tigerlily and Rufus.The pups looked scared.Then he turned over to Moon,his energy going to her.”I should be mad at you for sneaking out and having a ceremony”,he shouted to Moon.

Did the pups..dogs rat on me?”I’m sorry”,Moon said.”Don’t ever do this again”,he said.She glared at the pups and walked out of the den.Wait.I didn’t see Jewel.Where is she!Moon looked around.I think I know where she went.She walked out of the territory and into her old pack’s territory.It was destroyed.There were cracks in the ground and fallen trees.

Moon saw Jewel sitting by a fallen tree.She went up to Jewel.”Jewel,what’s wrong,is it Max”,Moon asked.”No”,Jewel said,”It’s just that I’m starting to think that Max is a worse Alpha than mother-dog and father-dog”.”You’re right but we can’t go back now,the pack is dead”,Moon said.”You’re right,but what if I stayed to protect them,and what if some of them are still alive”,Jewel asked.”Don’t say that!They didn’t want you,and if I left you would be dead!And it was a earthquake!There are no such things as survivors in earthquakes!Besides,you need to appreciate what you’ve got now.”,Moon said.”You’re right,let’s go”,she said.

Moon and Jewel heard a low growl.”You’re not going anywhere”.A familiar dog jumped out,Moon remembered him in her dream where Jewel was fighting him to the death.”Hello sister”,the dog said,”I am your brother,Bite,but my name is Jaw now”.


“B-Bite?You...survived”,Jewel said in shock.”Yes,I was hunting with Dagger when the earthquake happened,we wondered what happened to the pack until we saw the camp,fallen trees and dead dogs under trees,the others were inside of the cracks.We buried them”,Jaw explained.”No wonder we didn’t see dead dogs.Anyways my name is...well you spied on us so I guess you know”,Jewel said.This was the perfect time for Moon to say it.”You can come with us-and your father-dog too”,Moon offered.”But what about Max?He’s pure evil”,Jewel said.”Jewel”,Moon said,”I’ve challenged Max for his place as leader”.”You what!That’s the craziest thing that you’ve ever done”,Jewel yelled.”The whole pack is going to help me,and if I lose we’ll all fight together,when I give them the signal”,Moon explained.”OK then.Brother-dog,you stay here for now until we defeat Max”,Jewel said.

“I have no problem with that”,he said.Jaw went back to the small cave entrance that they never noticed before.”C’mon,we need to get ready”,Moon said.They walked back to the den.”Hey Moon,the bark right”,Harp asked.”The bark”,she said.”Jewel!Where did you go!We thought you were killed!”,Tigerlily and Rufus said.”I saw our brother”,she said.”What!Explain!”,Tigerlily said.”Ok,follow me”,Jewel said.Jewel walked away with her siblings.


Moon decided to go back to the den.”The fight is tonight,but how….dumb could you be to challenge me,all dogs respect me”,Max said.”They don’t respect you,they are afraid of you”,Moon said.”How about we make a deal”,Max asked.”Sure what is it”,Moon asked.”If I win you will make a stronger litter of puppies,and if you win I will leave this territory forever”,Max offered.”Deal”,Moon said without thinking.She lied down next to a mossy bed.


“Wake up!The fight will begin.”,Max said,pushing her over.Moon stood up and walked out of the cave.

The Fight

Moon stood outside in front of Max,the fight was going to begin,but since there was no beta,Moon announced to fight.”If nobody resents,the fight may begin”,Moon said as she jumped to bite Max on the leg.If she bit him on the leg he wouldn’t be able to attack her quickly.

Max jumped out of the way and took her ear in his mouth.Moon waited until he had a loose grip and then pulled away.Max pushed Moon down.She barked once.”Looks like I won the deal”,Max said.Rose and Harp attacked.Steep and Splash attacked.Dart and Quail attacked.


Shift and Zack attacked.Daisy attacked.Lemon,Fiery and Fire attacked.Crunch and Bone attacked.Gnaw and Venus attacked.Jewel,Tigerlily and Rufus attacked.”Hey stop it!I-I I sur..”,Max began.That was where something unexpected happened.Ceaser joined the fight.Crunch looked very happy.

”I surrender”,Max said.”Leave this territory forever”,Moon said,”And NEVER come back”Max got up and ran.Moon saw him look back once.He was looking at Moon.He would be back.She wasn’t worried right now though.They would live a

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