» Adventure » Dreamers:A Half Moon, Trinity Frazier [best reads of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dreamers:A Half Moon, Trinity Frazier [best reads of all time .TXT] 📗». Author Trinity Frazier

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There were remaining chunks of deer when Splash disappeared.Moon took and chewed on a piece of deer meat that was as big as her head.Moon only ate four nibbles before she was full.

The dogs noticed.Almost all of them.It was more food for them.Moon looked at her plump belly again.Am I?Well.It’s not impossible,after that unpleasant encounter with Max.

The dogs probably were thinking the same thing,but puppies with Bone,not Max.Moon stared at the dogs looking at her belly.I’ll see in two full moons.Jump trotted up to Moon.”Why are so many dogs staring at you...your belly”,the happy pup asked.Moon stared at the pup.She couldn’t tell this curious pup,then she’ll just ask ‘How’.Moon just walked away.She could see Jump’s confused look on her face.Moon decided to just go into the comfort of the den.

Moon slept the day away.It was actually pretty peaceful though.There were no wolves howling their mournful song over the moonlit cliffs,no coyotes howling their victory in an easy hunt,or any owls’ hoos after catching a helpless puppy.Moon couldn’t help yawning in pure delight.

After that long nap,Moon would be in a way better mood by tomorrow.She woke up to the tweets of birds.The pups were snuggled against her belly.Moon couldn’t help wondering how they fit beside her belly.Moon rised up slowly,careful not to wake the sleeping pups.She had succeeded in her attempt.Moon trekked toward the outside.It had snowed a little outside.The air was getting chilly.Moon needed to wake the hunters,they were less scared of Moon after she softened.Moon took a liking to her pack.”Wake up you lazy dogs”,Moon ordered with a slight chuckle.The hunters woke and nodded.Moon wondered.

The Bad News

Moon wondered how she turned from a scared,bullied pup,into a strong,bully dog.She couldn’t believe how far she’d come.Moon hoped that she would come even farther.


It was a month when the pups had their growth spurts.Moon was envious.She wanted the pups to have a normal puppy-to-adult life.It had become Summer,and the days grew longer.The pups also grew tired faster because of the never ending heat.Water in the pond that the wolves drank from quickly evaporated.

Wolves were getting thirsty and hungry.The prey had moved because of the scarce supply of water.The wolves could not look for a new territory because the Sun was too hot.There would be no water to cool off from on their journey.Moon spent her days in the den thinking of safe ways to travel without exhaustion.


There was almost no way to go without exhaustion.She thought of one way to travel,but the pack would be exhausted.The pack would walk to the ocean to get a drink.Then the pack would swim to the other side where water was not scarce.The hunters would carry the pups,and the patrol dogs would carry what was left of carcasses.Moon stood up,she would tell the pack.Now.She walked up to the bushes on side of the den.”Attention pack!Formation”,she yelled at the top of her lungs.

The pack walked into formation.”We will cross the ocean,to where it rains almost every week,but the weather is hot.There are lots of animals like cattle.Hunters will carry the pups,and patrol dogs will carry the food.”,Moon announced,taking in a big breath.The dogs yipped,their tails wagging,if they had one.Moon looked over the pack.The pack was ready.She left from her place on the rock and stood beside Bone,who was in the very front.


The pack didn’t ask any questions when moving across the ocean.Moon saw how fast the pack swam.She had to admit that she was proud.In twenty-three minutes they were at the other side.


Moon quickly claimed a territory.She had told the hunters to search for food.Moon wanted to explore the new land.She snuck out of the territory.It smelled of badgers,birds,wild cats,and deer.She ran along,cherishing the scents.Moon smelled something familiar,something that made her fur stand up.She could not identify the scent,but she knew one thing.This is a bad scent.She didn’t want to run into trouble,she was already carrying pups.Moon turned and aimed for her territory.She heard a soft rustle in the bush.She turned and growled viciously.A badger quickly scuttled out of the bush.Moon growled in her relief.Badgers were harmless.She wondered why she was so frightened by one of them.

She walked onto the trail to her territory.There was a thought that came to her.What if there is a rival pack nearby who could be spying or competing with us for food.Moon and her pack could beat them anyways.Right?She stopped walking.There was a growl behind a lime green bush.Moon knew that she was not alone.She turned around,growling.”Fight me coward”,she yelled.

Big mistake.A dog form came from the bushes,dust was surrounding the dog.Soon,when the dust cleared Moon recognized the dog.It was a Border Collie with green eyes.”Hey,miss me?”She growled low but she was filled with fear.She saw what Max could do to one dog,even a Thunder Dog.”Hmm…”,Max looked at Moon as if observing her.”You are carrying pups,but I wonder whose pups though”,Max gave a little grin.

Moon knew whose pups that she was carrying,and it was not good.”Since I am the father of your pups,I will live with you and be your mate”,he started.


“I have a mate”,Moon growled.”Well then,I’ll just fight him to the death for his place as Alpha”,he continued.Moon shivered.She could not let her mate die,nor could she refuse a fight.”Ok,but please do not kill him,spare him”,Moon pleaded.”Yes”,the dog said,”But only on one condition”


Moon led Max toward the territory.All of the dogs stared.”Max wants to challenge Bone for his place as Alpha and for control over the pack”,Moon began.Bone stepped out,”I accept”She stared at Bone,”If you lose,you will be kicked into a patrol dog position,and you will not be my mate,Max will replace your spot”,Moon almost growled.”The fight begins”,said Moon.Bone ran towards Max and leaped.There was a clump and a yelp as Bone realized he was on the ground and Max had tighty seized his leg.There was the smell of blood as Max shook his head with Bone’s leg still in his grip.

Moon whimpered in horror as she looked at the stump of where his leg used to be.Max proudly held his leg in his mouth.”The fight is over,Max is Alpha now”,Moon whimpered.Bone limped to where the patrol dogs were at.The dogs looked at Bone’s stump.Moon went to the den.She was followed by Max.”How are you doing”,he asked with a grin.


Moon didn’t think that she and the dog would ever get along,and if they did get along...she couldn’t even imagine.It was night and it got chillier,on these nights when Bone was Alpha,Moon would curl up next to him.Max was Alpha now,and she wouldn’t cuddle with him even if it was the coldest night in the world.Moon was sleepy though,and even if Max was in the same den as her she fell asleep.It was a month since Moon slept near Bone now.She couldn’t handle her new lifestyle.

She often snuck out to sleep near Bone until sunset,then she would go back into the den.Moon stretched.Max was standing near the den’s entrance,”Babe,go tell the hunters to search for food”,he ordered.


Moon walked to the hunters’ den,”Wake up,time to hunt”,Moon said.The hunters looked gloom as they stood up to hunt.The pups’ ceremony was tonight.Max agreed to let the pups stay in the den with them.They would have to go to another den when they are adults.Moon had hoped that they would create their own packs.Beetle,Limp,and Growl were no longer puppies.Limp’s new name was Lemon,Beetle’s new name was Fire,and Grunt’s new name was Fiery.Moon noticed Fiery’s behavior around Seek,a pup.That was okay,though because tomorrow was the ceremony.She wondered

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