» Adventure » Dreamers:A Half Moon, Trinity Frazier [best reads of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dreamers:A Half Moon, Trinity Frazier [best reads of all time .TXT] 📗». Author Trinity Frazier

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Bone.Crunch stepped up and went beside Wise.Gnaw went alongside Crunch.”We’re going too!” Tragedy

Moon looked at the three pups.Jump,Look,and Kick had gone alongside Seek.”Fools!All of you!If you want to go,leave.There isn’t even a Big Growl here”,yelled the Alpha.Moon tucked her tail between her legs and led the group away.She had knew where to go.She had been on the trail with the group.Moon ran through as much as seven forests.Since Thunder Dogs are well trained,they got tired on the third forest.They finally got to the destination.Moon saw the other dogs in the territory.

She recognized them immediately.Her pack.”This is another pack’s territory!”,yelled a dog.”Just follow my instructions”,Moon replied.She went up to her brother,who was picking out a rabbit from the prey pile.”Alpha!Behind you!”He turned around to face Moon.”I want to join your pack”,said Moon,not hesitating.”As if”,he replied sarcastically.”Let me try again,I challenge you for your place as Alpha and for control over your pack and mine.”,she said growling.”If you are a fool enough to fight me,then yes”,he replied.


The fight began.Moon grabbed his flank and pulled.He flew up,startled by her strength.He ran for her throat,but she ducked and bit his left foreleg.She shook violently,spattering blood from his flank and foreleg.Moon had blood only on her mouth.Dart was bleeding all over.”The fight is over”,Beta announced,”Moon is now Alpha”Dart did a low growl and scampered away,limping.From that point on,Moon was Alpha.


She was the first half-dog Alpha.Dogs were respectful of Moon and tried not to get in her way after the damage that she had done to Dart.Moon was mad at her brother for not standing up for her and calling her crazy,so she placed him as omega.Bone was beta.Gnaw,Harp,Wise,Splash,Steep,Daisy,Quail and Crunch were hunters.The others were patrol dogs or the omega.Moon would take the biggest out of the pile and “her pups” would feast on it.She saved the deers and elks for Crunch,Gnaw,Wise,and Bone.

Moon would save only half a mole and a mealworm that one of the pups caught(sometimes)for the omega.She was boss,and she felt great.This was her destiny.

The Hunt Gone Wrong

Moon awoke to a sunny patch.She felt clement.She gazed upon four pups.Kick,Seek,Jump and Look were snuggled up beneath her belly.Kick was growling and running as if trying to run from something.Moon wondered what dreams the pup was having.Moon rised to stretch her stiff legs.Kick and Seek awoke.Moon could tell from the confused look on their faces that they thought they were aroused on purpose.Seek was the first to speak,”Mother-dog I’m hungry!”Seek was spoiled from the food that she got.Her belly was plump and her muscles were loose.”We’re hungry”,Kick corrected.

Moon waltzed out of the den.The hunters were asleep.Moon barked,”Hey!Wake up!No slacking on the job!The pups are hungry.”Moon’s voice woke up everyone in camp though.It wasn’t because she was loud,it was because everyone(except for her Thunder Dog packmates)was scared of her after what she had done to Dash.They had learned that she would fight and(or) kill any dog,even if they were related to her.The hunters quickly scampered away,looking like rabid dogs.Moon trotted over to her mate.He lie down in the sunlit moss of his bed in the den.She flopped down beside him.Almost ten seconds after she had lie down beside her mate,all of “her pups” jumped onto her,pushing their weight down on her.”We’re hungry!”,Look and Kick said almost at the same time,but Kick was off by half a second.”The hunters should be back soon”,Moon replied,taking in a breath of the warm air.The pups glared at her briefly and then trotted off to the thick bushes close to the den’s entrance.

The Hunt Gone Wrong

Moon sighed deeply and walked outside of the warm cave.She sniffed the frosty air.Winter is coming soon.We need lots of food.I hope that they come back soon!Just as the words went through her mind,three hunters came with a deer and two rabbits.Moon growled,”Where is splash!”The dogs trembled for a bit before one of them said,”He got captured by longpaws”Moon looked at him and growled louder.”Tell my mate that I’m searching for Splash.Daisy,you’re female Alpha for now.”,Moon said.She didn’t wait to hear what they said or to see their reactions.Instead she followed the hunters’ scent until she caught a whiff of Splash’s scent.Moon got excited.As Moon followed the scent,she smelled longpaws,in fact,the smell was fresh.Moon didn’t waste any time,she quickly followed the scent into a city.Moon paused to stare at the scene.

So the longpaws didn’t have the rumble happen in their territory.Yet.Moon followed the scent into the city and then to a place that smelled of many dogs.

Moon walked toward the opening wood.She scratched at it.Nothing.Moon tugged at the wood.It was hopeless.Moon trotted around.There was a big hole beside a big bag with brown oddly-shaped pebbles inside.Moon heard human voices,and...Splash!Without thinking,Moon ran toward the scent.The longpaw gave Splash to the other longpaw and said something.It grabbed a long,narrow stick with a big loop on the end.The longpaw ran towards Moon.She dodged and jumped to attack.Kherrk!Moon gave a choked growl as she realized that the big loop was around her neck tightly.Moon jumped up and kicked and rolled onto her side many times.It didn’t help at all.Moon stopped struggling to pant.

The Hunt Gone Wrong

The longpaw tugged on the stick.Moon followed the longpaw because she didn’t want to be tugged on anymore.She was lifted into a opening box.The two leggeds quickly took the loop off of her fur and closed the box.

Moon felt a blanket beneath her and lie down.There were dogs all around her.A brown Border Collie with green eyes stared at her through his box’s bars.



 The two-leggeds walked into the room.They talked.Moon didn’t know what they were saying.All she knew was it was something about her and “Max” because they looked at her and Max.She could feel his eyes on her,though.His green eyes stared into her soul.

The two-legged female opened Max’s box and led him outside into who-knows-where.After a few seconds she returned and opened Moon’s box.She grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and led her outside of the room.Moon looked.She was free!She ran around in circles.She stopped to look at the scenery.No.She wasn’t free.There were fences surrounding her.She looked around for an escape route.

She saw the Border Collie with the green eyes trot up to her.”Hey babe,whatcha doing here”,he casually asked.Moon growled as he hopped up onto her.She bit his ear and was tugging at it.She hadn’t noticed the two-leggeds watching her.The two-leggeds put a circular thing around her mouth.


When she tried to bite him,she would feel the circular thing around her mouth and she would growl.Moon came up with a new plan.She would run away to tire out the Border Collie.The two-leggeds noticed and tied her to a post.

Max quickly took the opportunity and tried again.Moon could only move a certain distance.She tried tugging on the leash,but it did no help.The Border Collie bit her for this,and because of the thing on her snout,she couldn’t bite him back.Moon whimpered in distress and discomfort as he jumped onto her.The two-leggeds watched in amusement as Moon couldn’t get away.Eventually it became almost No-Sun.Moon was ready to drop.

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