» Adventure » Dreamers:A Half Moon, Trinity Frazier [best reads of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dreamers:A Half Moon, Trinity Frazier [best reads of all time .TXT] 📗». Author Trinity Frazier

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 The Border Collie was still going.The two-leggeds ran over to grab Max by his heavyweight collar and drag him over to his opening box.They did the same with Moon.Once she was in the opening box,she dropped onto the covers,panting hard.She took in a glimpse of the Border Collie.

He almost seemed to laugh.Now as long as she was in here she would have to stare at his face.The female two-legged opened Max’s box and led him outside the sliding wood.She came back and took Moon to the same place.Oh no!Please!I don’t want to do this again!

Moon wasn’t led to the outside full of gates,but to the outside full of houses and stores.There were no gates though.Moon was too tired to escape.The two-legged led her into a big box that rumbled.She was led inside.The inside of the big box was comfy.The two-legged jumped in the front and made the big box move.Moon didn’t even notice that Max was right next to her.”Hey babe,wasn’t that fun”,he said.”I’m not your babe”,she growled.She didn’t have the thing on her snout anymore.

She could kill Max now.She remembered the last time that she’d bitten him.The thing was put onto her snout.She didn’t want that to happen again,so she stayed quiet.Max took advantage of this and curled closer to Moon.

His breath was felt on Moon’s fur.The rumbling box stopped.The female longpaw took both of the dogs out of the rumbling box.She led them into a house.It was warm inside.Moon quickly settled down into a big bed.The two-legged was laughing.Moon knew that this two-legged was friendly,so she let it pet her.It felt good.



 She wanted to stay with the two-leggeds now.She wanted to stay with this two-legged.Max trotted up.He stared at her with his casual eyes.”Howcha doing?Got any space for me?”,he asked.Moon said nothing,she just laid there.Max jumped onto the big bed.Moon would leave soon,she just knew it.In fact,she could just run out,but not now.Too many things were to be witness to her escape.

Moon knew that day would come.She was full of comfort.When she got back she would tell her pack of this.And with that,Moon fell asleep.


 Moon woke.The two-legged was gone!Moon looked around.Max was still asleep.She trotted through the door of the bedroom. There was another open door.As Moon walked through the door,she realized that she was free!Moon leaped across the wooden porch and into freedom.She yipped happily.Then she heard a low growl at the rear of her.

Moon dared to turn.Max was growling deeply,”Where are you going?”,he jumped from behind her to be seen in front of her.Moon stood up.Now that the two-legged was not here,she could finally kill Max.Moon opened her jaws to wound Max.

Max dodged her fearful jaws and threw her to the ground.So this is a dog stronger than a Thunder Dog?Moon paused in shock and impression.The dog stood over her for a second,then he retreated his paws and stepped back to let Moon catch her footing.After Moon got up,she could not take any chances.


She looked around.There were no fences to hold her back.Moon took in a big breath.She knew it would be a cowardly thing to do,but she ran.She caught a small glimpse of Max in the corner of her eye.He was clearly stunned,but Moon didn’t go back to find out.She almost forgot what she came here for.Splash.

The thought echoed in her mind as she saw the Corgi in a net.She needed to save Splash!Moon sniffed the air.The smell was faint.Moon needed to hurry.She ran until she saw the place.Splash is here somewhere.Moon pawed at the door.The door didn’t budge.Moon remembered the big hole beside the big yummy smelling bag that was full of brown pebbles.


 Moon passed a corner.The hole was still there.She crouched under the hole.It was a tight squeeze.She made it inside.The dogs that were laying down suddenly looked alert.

Splash was inside of the opening box at the left of Moon.All of the dogs yipped happily.”Get us outta here!”She looked at all of the dogs.They would expand her pack,but how would she get them out?Moon looked.She had seen the two-leggeds open it by pushing a button on the side of the cage.

Moon pushed the button to Splash’s cage,”You push the bottom buttons,and I’ll push the top”,she said.Moon worked with Splash to push open the buttons,and all dogs were freed.”Come on Splash,let’s go”,Moon squeezed through the hole,while Splash had no problem getting through because he was small.


The dogs left to their long lost owners.All of them were stolen Moon led the party to her territory.The first ones to greet her were Bone and Wise.They were also the first ones to ask her why she took so long.

“Moon!Where have you been”,Crunch bounded up to her.Moon had to move to avoid being crushed.”There was danger in the forest!A-almost all of the prey were gone!Steep almost got killed by a-a-a-”,Crunch had trailed off.

Moon looked at her questionably,”Crunch calm down.Steep was almost killed by what?”Crunch sat.”There was a big rumble by our old territory,and me,Steep,Zack,and Shift were patrolling when a big crack started to form a big crack.Zack and Steep noticed it first.Me and Zack ran away like fools”,Crunch glared at Zack.He looked down,full of shame.”Shift saw us and ran after us.When we looked back,we saw Steep on the edge of a big crack in the ground.He was hanging on for his life.Steep was slowly climbing up,but then a big piece of the ground that he was hanging on to began to break apart.Steep jumped up and ran to us”,Crunch stood up.Moon looked at Steep.”We need to find a new territory”,and that was all that Moon said.


 Moon and her pack struggled to get over the rocks and fallen trees.On the way she smelled a whiff of the Thunder Dog pack.It smelled of death.The other Thunder Dog outcasts noticed too.Moon led the pack over a big pond,the biggest one that she had ever seen.Soon they were all into a great territory.It had been four weeks before they settled in.

The Bad News

 It was dark.Moon looked around.All of the trees were dead,the bushes and grass withered and died.How did it come to this?Moon peered through the dead bushes.There were two dogs.Two dogs fighting.Moon recognized the dogs.Well,only one of them.She didn’t know the other dog,but she knew that he came from a pack stronger than the Thunder Dogs.Seek in the form of an adult dog was fighting a way stronger dog.

She remembered the dog’s face,but not the name.Moon turned her head.This is a dream.Moon turned her head back to Seek.She was dying.”No!”,Moon screamed,but Seek had already dropped.

The pups were playing and biting each other.Moon looked around.Whew.Moon gave a grunt as she got up.She stretched her back legs and extended her jaw.The pups jumped back,startled.”Where is the food?”,Kick asked.Moon stared at the pup.”In the prey pile”,she said.Ever since they moved here,they had plenty of food.Moon watched the pup go outside of the den and out of sight.

Moon trotted over to Bone and laid down.”So,what happened when you were looking for Splash”,Bone asked curiously.”Well”,Moon began.”I ended up at a place with many dogs in opening boxes”Bone barked,”What!How did you get out?”A silent glare from Moon quieted him.”I was put outside in a place of fences with a dog named Max,and he...he…”,Moon’s voice trailed off.Bone looked at her with worry.”He did what?”,Bone couldn’t help himself from asking.Moon became completely silent.She froze,looking like a statue.”I understand”,Bone said,he trotted off.Moon took in a big relieved breath.

Moon noticed her plump belly.Wow.Did I eat that much?She was still hungry.Moon went over to the prey pile.

The Bad News
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