» Adventure » Dreamers:A Half Moon, Trinity Frazier [best reads of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dreamers:A Half Moon, Trinity Frazier [best reads of all time .TXT] 📗». Author Trinity Frazier

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for betraying her pack.She felt anger.She was angry at how her father-dog treated her.She was angry at Harp and Dart and her mother-wolf to speak up for her.Mad at her pack for turning on her.

Moon ran after the rabbit,not even trying.She went past the bunny and blocked it’s way.The rabbit turned but was blocked.The rabbit turned this way and that but there were dogs surrounding it.They closed in and one of the hunting dogs that Moon did not know grabbed it and it immediately went limp.Moon wagged her tail in amusement.Clearly no dog could face the Thunder Dogs.No dog WOULD face the Thunder Dogs.They were too whiny for the Thunder Dogs.And they would always be.


The Return

Moon rose to take her position.She saw Snap and Dagger talking and whispering.They glanced at the pack a few times.Moon knew what they were talking about.They told Ceaser,Crunch and Moon only.They were their third,fourth,and fifth in command.The rest of the pack did not know.Moon felt a tingle of pride that she was told the news.News that Snap and Dagger were having puppies.The news wasn’t obvious.Snap does not eat much food.

Dagger was acting normal.”Hey Moon”,Gnaw greeted her with a glare,”If you don’t eat your food I’ll eat it.”.At hearing that Moon rose with a grunt and picked a flamingo to feast on from the pile.The Sun was halfway of it’s journey now.

Moon turned back to her food and wolfed it down.She was in a good mood,but she had to search for another territory,just in case.She might even get higher in rank and closer to being Beta.She dreamed of being Beta,higher rank than Ceaser,Crunch,Gnaw,Bone,and Venus.She felt pride swelling up in her chest.She flopped down onto her bed.


I wonder what happened to the pack.Did they survive?Moon felt some worry for her former pack for the first time since she joined the Thunder Pack.She shook it off.She didn’t need that kind of stress on her right now.She should honor her pack.Her current pack.Her pack had made her stronger,quicker,and able to feel less pain when wounded or attacked.She got up and trotted out of the territory.Nobody saw her.She went over the border mountain.She saw a huge river.My former pack crossed this river she thought.There were too many territories and it was too risky to pass other territories.


The Return

Passing the ocean was the only option.She did not even know if they survived.THe river is too big for me to cross it and explore it.Moon decided to tell her pack about this when there was an almost Sun.She sneaked back to her territory.She would tell them tomorrow.She closed her heavy eyes.

It was almost Sun when she woke.Moon looked at the water.It became dirty.Moon barked,”Attention!”,she looked at the Alpha,”I saw an ocean across the border.There is probably a new territory.With clean water.”.The dogs yipped in excitement and agreement.Then everyone turned to Snap and Dagger.They nodded their heads in approval.

They gathered the prey and carried the pups.They approached the ocean.Then the long swim began.The adults holding pups had to lift their heads to keep the puppies from drowning.They struggled to keep their heads up.When they got there it was now Sun .The dogs shook their fur madly.They took a break and began on their trail to find a territory.

They clambered over trees and big rocks.She saw a territory without any dogs.It had the perfect resources for survival.The pack settled down.Moon decided to hunt.Alone.She was a Thunder Dog.She climbed over the mountain.She caught a scent.A familiar scent.My father-dog.She felt remorse.She followed the scent to find her father-dog.To find her pack.To find her family.As she dodged and weaved past rocks.She could not believe she was lucky enough to smell her father-dog’s scent again.She then smelled the other scents of her packmates.She began to do a little dance of pure joy.She was wasting time.The more that she danced around,happy,she would definitely lose their scent.

The Return

She had to focus.If she didn’t focus,she would never find them.With just that much of motivation,she began to walk around rocks.Moon could not wait to see her family once again.The ones who had cared for her,the ones who watched over her.Moon was filled with pride.She was almost there.

She had to focus.If she didn’t focus,she would never find them.With just that much of motivation,she began to walk around rocks.Moon could not wait to see her family once again.The ones who had cared for her,the ones who watched over her.Moon was filled with pride.She was almost there.


“Its a Thunder Dog!”,said her father-dog.”It is just me,Moon ,look!Smell me”,Moon’s heart panged.Her own father-dog didn’t recognize her.Other dogs from her former pack appeared,there were new dogs too.Blade hesitated,then sniffed her.”It is just Moon,she is harmless”,he finally declared.Everyone sighed with relief.”Hi father-dog,I just came to see the pack.”.”You are not welcome here anymore!”.Alpha growled and lurched forward with his jaws open.Moon was quick and slid out of the way.She was mad now.”You are heartless!”,snarled Moon.”Is that a challenge?”,Alpha growled.”Yes”,replied Moon.”You are weak.You can’t even kill a fly even if you tried to”,Alpha insulted.”We’ll see about that”,challenged Moon.

And with that,Moon lurched toward him,enraged.Shocked,Alpha stood still.Moon grabbed him by the snout and lifted him from the ground.Crack!His snout cracked.The pack winced.Moon didn’t stop there,though,She shook his snout viciously.Alpha gave a muffled yelp of pain.Moon then flipped him onto his back and tore through his belly.Blood coursed through the grass.


Moon lifted her head and shook it.”Monster”,Harp growled.”He was her father-dog”,yelped mother-dog.”She is crazy”,yelled Dart,now an adult dog.Moon licked her chops.She tasted the blood of her father-dog.She tucked her tail between her legs.I killed my father-dog.They are right.I am truly a vicious Thunder Dog.Moon gazed at her father-dog’s corpse.She ran off into the night.She heard a voice,almost seeming to cry with madness.”Never come back you-you-you crazy dog!”.She could not identify the voice.She did not blame them for itheir words,though.


Moon stumbled and fell over rocks.She ran towards her territory.It was No-Sun by the time she got to the territory.All of the dogs in her pack were asleep.Sleeping peacefully.She decided that after this type of day,she should sleep.She lie down.All of a sudden she remembered to wash the blood off.If she forgot to wash the blood,she would get kicked out of the pack.The same reason that she was kicked out of her former pack.She did not cover up the she forgot to cover up the evidence.She jumped in the water to wash off the scent of Blade.Moon curled up into a heap and slept.

“ARP”,came a voice.It was Ceaser’s bark.

“I have challenged you for your position as Alpha”,Ceaser barked.Dagger’s look of surprise showed that he did not expect this.Moon rose and was about to ask what was going on,but a glare from Bone showed her that it was not the time to ask questions now.Moon sighed and sat down next to Bone.”What’s going on?”,Moon asked.”Dagger told us that he and Snap were expecting,and Ceaser said ‘don’t we have enough puppies ’Dagger went mad and growled.Ceaser challenged him,and I’m sure that you know the rest.”,Bone told.


Moon was surprised.Bone must’ve noticed because he said”Don’t worry,the fight isn’t right now,it’s an night,when the Moon is the at brightest point.”,Bone said.


Moon gave a nod of gratitude and she turned to see the dogs.Ceaser turned away and his sister ran up to greet him.She gave him a hard stare.She was clearly mad and upset.The pups watched,amazed and scared out of their wits.

Moon sighed.When would this madness ever end?This pain,this darkness,this torture.Moon could not take this anymore.She could end this madness,no,she would end this madness.


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