Β» Fantasy Β» Realistic Illusions, Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) [good books for high schoolers .txt] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Realistic Illusions, Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) [good books for high schoolers .txt] πŸ“—Β». Author Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99)

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start explaining the spider story..." A voice called from somewhere in the team.

"Shut up!" Kon shouted just as I saw a familiar face in the group.

"Alex?" I called to her.

Alexs POV

"Alice" I said pulling her into a hug. She seemed surpised at this but after a moment she hugged me back.

"What happened to you?" she asked gestering to my ripped clothes. "Long story short me and Micky got magiced to this big white cell thing he tired to eat me this alpha guy turned up then so did the big wolves with the guns so I said Id go with them and then Micky was like 'No Alex dont' and then we got into a big cuss war and then I left with the gun wolfy guys and I met this epic guy called Theo oh and we ended up here" I said taking a deep breath when I had finished.

Everyone one was staring at me so I said "What are you looking at". "Its just your the last vamp alive and you nicknamed Micheal the great Micky" said a wolf dude near by.

"Hey you dont like not my probelm" I said simply. "So tell me why are we here?" I asked the dude with blue hair who looked to be in charge.

"Well you see we heard about you your a vampire/supe and supes have been known to be alided with our kind for quite sometime" he said.

"Yep a chaos manpulater and a supe together would be thick as theifs" said a women with sliver hair smiling.

"Huh say what Im not no supe Im a vampire" I said confused. "No your half vampire the other half of you is supe" said the man.

"What is a supe?" I asked and a wolf behind me snickered I stuck my tongue out at him. "A supe is a being with well powers" he said.

"Woah I have powers what kind?" I asked. "You tell us Alexandra its time for you to power up"

Alices POV

"Well first things first, Kon stop pretending to be leader" Scythe smirked as the words left her lips "It's a bit weird seeing you acting like big bro"

"You called" A mascaline voice echoed over the walls as a man appeared before us.

"Az?" I questioned his appearance only to have him from at me.

"Are you referring to Azazel the demon? If so, that is definatley not me" This guy looked exactly like Az. Well in his human form anyway. "Anyway on to training. Hangel, Alexandra, follow me."

"Hangel?" Alex asked curiously. "Ah that never got explained to you did it..." I stated, more to myself than anyone else. As we began to follow the leader guy, I explained.

"So a few people call me Hangel since I'm half angel half demon. Hangel is an abbreviation for Hell's Angel. I am the angel from hell so therefore, Hangel." She nodded in understanding.

"We're here, welcome to the place where most of the CMs were trained, the Death Grounds" He gestured to the massive room we had just entered. At the far side there were weird machines that looked like people were meant to go inside.

"This training area is filled with pain but you cannot die. For when you step into those machines over there you are taken to another place within both the mind and the soul. The area will be made from your memories and so will the enemies you have to face to pass. If you die in that place you are instantly taken back here and no injuries you obtain while there remain. The main use of this is to fine your limits and strengths against many opponents you have previously lost against. Even though you get no injuries from this you do gain insane amounts of strength speed and a lot more. Sorry for the long explanation but I thought you needed to know"

It was a lot to take in, but I knew this would be fun.

Alexs POV

I couldn wait to find out my powers and I was ready as ever. "Now Alex Hugo here is going to be your trainer2 said sliver haired girl gestering to a huge wolf with a shaved head and almost white eyes.

I gulped. "Hi Hugo hows it going?" I asked nervious and the he attacked me!

Oh no he didnt I thought swiftly dodging his attack. "Hey dude what the hell?" I asked angrily and confused.

Again he went to attack and as I dodged anger built up inside me. He was ignoring me and I hated being ignored.

Then again he went for me. This time I forgot to dodge and found myself on my ass. Embrassment grew in me as I got back up.

I was ready the next time he went to hit and I grabbed his leg and flipped him backwards causing him to land on his back.

In no time at all he was up again and then he...disapeared. Huh I thought he disappeared into thin air.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my back and I turned to see a smiling Hugo. "Expect the unexpected" it was the first time he had spoke and he had a ruggied voice.

I ducked to prefent a punge coming my way. "Focus Alex" said the blue haired man. Yea I could focus but on what?

So I just focussed on my being and imagied my powers inside of me. Suddenly Hugo was looking round for me as if I wasnt there.

Alices POV

While the fight was going on, I wandered over to the machines on the other side of the room. They were really high tech. "Nice..." I muttered, more to myself than anyone else.

"What are you doing?!" The leader shouted at me from the other side just as a spark caused the machine to start emitting smoke. A hologram that kept flickering appeared infront of me. Its movements were unclear due to the blur but I could still make out who it was.

"Az!" The leader guy was right, it did take people from your memories. He ran right up to me and sent a kick at my face. Instinct allowed me to dodge but at that moment I realised something. I had felt that go past me. The attacks were real.

"Now you have to fight or it won't go away... please tell me that this guy is a weak one..." Kon was disappointed with his reply as he got a shake of the head from me.

I dodged another kick and jumped high into the air, landing on a bar that ran along there.

"You...are not...Az!" I shouted as I landed a kick in the hologram's stomach. My leg went right through him but he visibly grimaced in pain, only to switch forms. Yet again I recognised the form. It was....

Alex POV

"Guys right here" I said waving my hand in the air. "It seems that she has mastered one of her powers" said the smiling blue haired man (Gotta learn his name). Woah I was invisible! Cool!

"This is awesome!" I said too loudly. So loudly that infact Hugo discovered my whereabouts and kicked me in the stomach. "OW!" I conplained as I hit the floor clutching my stomach and glaring hatefully at Hugo.

"Damn you" I said through clenched teeth and he chuckled. I picked up a fallen pencil (Where the hell did that come from?) And went to aim at him. Suddenly it shot out of my hand all by itself and hit him square in the forehead.

"WOAH!" I said and then I relised I had turned uninvisible and Hugo glared at me. "I guessed you ssaw that?" I asked and he nodded. "That was amazing!" said silver haired woman (Have to learn her name too) clapping loudly along with the other wolves.

"Thank you thank you too kind" I said bowing. Then I heard a scream that I was pretty sure was Alices. Strinting towards Alice I stopped infront of her as I looked at an all to familar face........

Alice's POV

I screamed. All I could focus on was the face in front of me. His emerald eyes staring me down like they always did. As Alex ran over I could tell she had recognised him too. The first thing that struck me was that this wasn't the hologram (it was stood next to him), it was the real thing. The real man himself. He was God.

He just stood there staring right through us. Looking right into our souls. I just knew that was what he was doing. He raised his head slightly in recognition of me and Alex yet did nothing to the others who were gaping at him.

I tore my gaze from his eyes to have a look at the rest of him. He had short blonde hair with red streaks and tanned skin with no scars whatsoever. He was taller than both me and Alex, probably around Az's height.

It was then that it struck me. This was God, he wouldn't just be here because he 'happened to be in the area'. He must have been here for a reason. I only hoped that it didn't have anything to do with us.

A small smile graced his features as the hologram readied itself to attack. It disappeared before getting anywhere near him. He reached up and held a hand over his face before speaking. "What? Have I got something on my face?"

I couldn't help it. I tried not to laugh but failed miserably. Some of them gave me odd looks but I couldn't care less as a small sense of relief came over me. God wasn't some kind of heartless guy with a cold personality. He had at least some sense of humour.

Everyone stopped gaping at him and slowly composed themselves before Scythe asked the question everyone had been wondering. "Why are you here?"

Alex's POV

"Yea what she said" I said finally able to speak instead of gawp. This was emerald eye guy! What was he doing here? More importantly! He wasnt a fantasy? I resisted the erge to poke him to see if he was really here and real.

It was then everyone started to ask questions like it was question time on BBC1. "Are you here to take the girls?" asked purple haired person. I glared at her. No way was I going with green eyed dude (Even if he was kinda cute).

He answered "Kinda" and I frowned at him. The words came out odd in his mouth as if they didnt truely belong there as though you expected more civilised words to come out. Not that I was one to judge and all due really to the fact that I wasnt so good with words myself.

"What do you mean kinda?" this from Alice whose eyes were narrowed to slits all of a sudden. Again I repeated "Yea what she said" unable to find more useful words. Everyone looked at me eyebrows raised.

Now it was my turn for the question asking though my question was proberly easy to answer. "What?" I asked looking at everyone. "Is that all you say" asked greeny. "Nope but I prefer to be more direct than words allow" I said smiling at him and showing him my clenched fist.

His frown deepened and my smile widened. Didnt he understand that I was threatening him? Ah well some people you cant insult whereas with
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