Β» Fantasy Β» Realistic Illusions, Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) [good books for high schoolers .txt] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Realistic Illusions, Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) [good books for high schoolers .txt] πŸ“—Β». Author Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99)

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had heard my story from the pg (popular group).

I looked other to Azaz-I mean Jack. That was what I was told to call him while we were in school. It was true, it would be a bit weird for some kid to come in with the same name as a legendary demon.

"Soooo" Aza-Jack said trying to break the awkward silence "Why did you choose to sit with us Ale-" He cut himself off by covering his mouth.

"How do you know my name?" This Alex girl asked with a hint of wariness but mainly curiosity.

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you" I answered before Jack could even open his demonic mouth. I saw Alex was about to question us again when our homeroom teacher walked into the room.

"Well hello class, it's good to see you ready for a new year yet again" Half the class groaned to themselves yet he ignored it "I realise we have two new students joining today. Would you like to come to the front?"

It was more of an order than a question. Jack and Alex made their way to the front and stood next to the teacher. I found it slightly amusing that Aza-Jack was just taller than teacher. And people thought he was just slightly taller than others. Oh how little they knew.

"Hey, my name's Jack Raos" he added a wink for effect making some of the girls swoon. I just rolled my eyes.

"My name's Alex Carter, nice to meet you all" The boys slightly smirked to each other while taking a good look at her. Yet again I rolled my eyes.

They both sat back down next to me but something caught my attention about this Alex Carter. Something seemed different about her than everyone else. It was something I just couldn't put my finger on.

Alexs POV

Alice continued to stare at me and I grew more uneasy by the second. Just then a boy came up to us a jock I guess with his perfect looks and buff body.

But he had an aroggent look his face that made me have to force myself not to eyeroll. "Hey Im Dan your Alex thats Jack and thats the freak neither of you should be hanging out with" He said with a look of digust replacing his aroggent one.

Alice looked bored Jack looked I dont know expressionless while I was damnright mad. "Look Dan unless you want to tell us anything useful then I think you should go back to where yoou came from" Said Alice in a bored tone.

"None of us care what you think freak" He partically hissed. Something was wrong with this guy I could tell there was something about him that made me want to attack him huh or maybe it was just the anger I was suddenly had.

"Hey punk heres what I think I think you better shut the hell up" Said someone and then I relised that I had said it. Ut oh Im in trouble....

Alices POV

Woah...Did Alex really just say that. She has some guts. I saw Dan clenching his fists, not good.

"Why you..." He threw a punch at her and my first reaction was to get in the way. I caught his fist and held it firmly. Maybe a little too firmly as I heard a small snap coming straight from his hand. Ooops...

He pulled his hand from mine and screamed out in pain. "Get over it Dan everyone breaks a bone at some point in their lives" I heard Jack state as he slightly snickered to himself.

I saw a few of Dan's fangirls coming over to our table and sighed. This was just getting more and more annoying.

"How could you you freak you hurt Dan!" One of them half shouted in my face. The others just nodded in agreement.

I was about to explain he was asking for it when I felt myself get pulled back and onto something. It was Jack pulling me back onto his lap...Just great.

"Sorry girls but if you do anything to my

Alice then I'm afraid I won't stand for it" I felt my face heat up a bit and tried to squirm out of his grip. A failed attempt.

I saw some of the other girls in the class give disappointed looks. They were probably thinking something along the lines of 'No! Another hot guy joins and he's been taken by the freak girl. Life just isn't fair!'

They reasured my guess when one of them said the exact words out loud.

Alex POV

Hey great day Ive been here for what 5 minutes ans have already made some enemys. Still at least I had made some friends no matter how many people told me they were the wrong kind.

I really liked Alice she was well different. So was Jack and I didnt know how but I sort of felt like I had a connection with them.

The jocks kept staring at me with mixs of confusion and lust on their faces plainly insight. I smirked and then I gave them my famous million watt smile teasing them.

I couldnt get my mind of Micheal and kept thinking of him and his big brown eyes that I had twice gotten lost in. As if on que he walked into the room and surpisingly none of the other students looked up from what they were doing.

He saw me and flashed the most beautiful smile and then well...then he saw me sitting with Jack and Alice. He hissed at them and everyone looked up. He motioned me to come over to him and when I shook my head and mouthed the word 'talking' to him he frowned and went to sit with the....oh no

He went to sit with the jocks. Damn it I bet hes a jerk just like they are though Im was no postion to judge since one of my two new friends were rumored to be a killer.

He kept staring at me while we started talking about things like bands. We all had alot in common and I really liked them.

Soon enough they noticed Micheals staring and Alice asked me "Hey whats up with you and him?" she asked well I say asked but it was much more of a hiss. God what was up with Alice and Micheal (who I was now calling micky).

"Oh nothing" I said quickly. For some reason I knew I shouldnt have told them about Micky. The both stared at me their eyes narrowed. But just then the bell rang saving me from their questioning.

I jumped out of my seat and thought haha freedom as I rushed out of the door. Or so I thought as a set of hands grabbed me....

Alices POV

As soon as the bell signalising the end of homeroom sounded, Alex jumped from her seat and straight towards the door when that Micheal guy, or whatever his name was, grabbed her and stopped her.

Before even giving her a chance to turn around he spoke "why are you hanging around with her


I don't know what but something about him just made me annoyed. And from the look on Alex's face when she turned around, I could tell she had it too.

"I don't see why it's any of your business Micky" She gave a comeback after a few seconds and half glared at him. I had to admit, I just felt like punching that guy sometimes, he was just a pretentious idiot. Even more than the rest of them.

He seemed slightly taken aback by her cold tone of voice. He looked like he wasn't going to answer so she took this chance to turn and swiftly make her way out of the room.

After a few moments, he and his gang exited the room and I couldn't help but snicker to myself. Me and Jack had our next lesson in the same room as homeroom so we just stayed there.

I was about to say something when I heard a thumping sound. I turned round to see Jack with is head on the desk, shaking slightly. Then without warning he shot his head back up and half ran up to me.

"Something's come up..." He grabbed me by the shoulders firmly. "My superiors want to see you..."

Alexs POV

How dare he he has no right to question who I sit with no matter how charming he is. I continued walking towards the door that was my English class when yet other set of hands grabbed me.

God seriously I thought as I turned round.It was another jock. Huh? What was it with these people and grabbing me. "Hi Im Josh your Alex and I saw what you said to Dan" he said and I waited ready to duck when he went to punch me. Surpisingly he didnt instead he smiled.

"That was pretty brave of you to stand up for Alice but I dont think you or your kind should be hanging out with her its pretty dangerous."

Hey I noticed he called Alice by her name which got him brownie points but what was he talking about my kind? Deciding to speak my confusion aloud a said "What do you mean my kind?".

"Oh I think you know exactly what I mean Alex I bet the change has already started" he said sizing me up. "I dont know what change your talking about" I said while having difficulty keeping my voice low.

"The blood the speed the streight the night vision Alex thats what change Im talking about" He said staring at me intently as he let what he had said sink in.

Oh god thats it the blood I hadnt thought about it since last night but now that I had I found myself unable to look away from Joshs neck. "Oh god what it happening to me?" I asked though I was sure I wouldnt like the answer.

Never before had I been so scared in my life and now that I had I found myself directing all of the anger I had for this fear right at Josh.

"Stay away from me Josh" I said while pushing pasted him and going into my english class. I tried forget about what he had said about how he had know so much about me but I found I couldnt I just couldnt......

Alices POV

Huh. His superiors wanted to see me? But hadn't he told me a long time ago that no one ever saw them. Except for a select few powerful ones, they only ever recieved messages to send. But never saw them.

"I'll be coming with you but I'm not even sure what's going on here" His face was deadly serious and as I took everything in I felt slightly queasy.

"I don't think you'll have a problem with skipping classes, right Hangel" He spoke with a small smile as if he was trying to reasure me it was all fine.
He offered his hand to me and I took it. Then we just disappeared from the room and appeared at the place I never thought I would have to go to yet. Hell.

Azazel was still in his human form as he led me through the blood-stained streets. Other demons stared at us and we went. Some gave looks of disgust towards me while others bowed their heads in respect. It was strange yet

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