Β» Fantasy Β» Realistic Illusions, Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) [good books for high schoolers .txt] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Realistic Illusions, Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) [good books for high schoolers .txt] πŸ“—Β». Author Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99)

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I went along with it.

"Here we are" He said as we reached a large black castle like building. It was made from bone and blood was splattered in some places.

The halls were much more horrible than the outside as corpses hung from the walls with their skin ripped from their bodies. A few of them were even still alive and screamed out in pain as we passed by them.

We took a left then walked into a room. There were seven thrones on the far end of the room and in each was seated one of the seven hells. Pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust. Then there was a throne larger than the others and was probably for the ruler of all of them. It lay empty and it seemed to have been that way for a while.

"Now then, Alice Xdaak. I think it's time for you to learn why you are here"

Alexs POV

English passed pretty quickly as did the other lessons and faster than I thought possible the bell rang indercating that there was one more lesson till I could go home to freedom.

I hadnt seen Jack or Alice all day but I had unfornatly seen Micky and Josh as they were in all my classes damn it!

I walked into history and sat down into one of the many empty seats. As Micky entered the room with the rest of the douche bag jocks I put my rucksack on the chair next to me expressing that he was not welcome to sit with me.

He saw this and frowned angrily at me as if to say why would you do that huh? Well buddie I did it so you and your thick as bricks friends cant come sit with me I thought as I glared right back at hm.

Just then in marched a girl with glasses carrying loads of books and having difficulty walking with them which I think was because they were pratically bigger then her.

"Sorry Im late woah" she said as she "fell over". I said "fell over" because one of the jocks tripped her on purposed.

Anger washed over me and I found myself gritting my teeth. They looked at me exceptingly as if they could smell the anger coming off of me.

Huh so that was how they wanted to play it then was it? I thought as I walked over to them. All I could think of was wiping those surperor looks off of their faces.

I walked straight over to the guy who had tripped the girl. I looked up at him he was like ten times bigger than me but I wasnt going to let that imtimdate me.

"Douche" I said to him as I slapped him right across the face. I hadnt relised I hit him that hard but when I saw the red mark on his cheek my hand had left I knew there was going to be a bruise.

Well serves him right picking on girls that cant defend themselves. I started to walk over to the girl when a hand caught my wrist. I growled as I swerved round to see who grabbed me.

I found myself facing fermiliar brown eyes tat were no longer soft but hard and cold. "Say sorry to Chris" He said not letting go of my wrist.

Oh Chris so thats what the jerk was called but hey there was no way I was saying sorry to him. "Make me punk" I said to Micky.

His eyes reflected more anger as I felt him trying to enter my mind. Fuck off douche I sent out and all of the jocks fell to the floor.

Huh what the hell I thought as I stepped round the and went over to help the girl. I looked at her as I helped her up.

"Hi Im Alex whats your name?" I asked her. "Mary" she said shyly as she looked at me. I looked into her eyes and relised that we would become great friends....

Alices POV

I was confused. They had told me so much and I was still taking it in.

"Any questions?" I heard one of them speak. I couldn't tell the difference between their voices. All of them made the same bone chilling sound.

"Just one" I said quietly "If all you said is true, then does that mean I have the power to command both those armies?"

"That is correct. They may think it is wrong to have you command them because of what you are but they do respect you. And they shall follow you wherever you go. All you need to do is call them"

Woah. To think that I could do all that...

"I think it's time for us to go would be strange for us to just disappear completely for an entire day" Azazel commented from the side.

With a nod from the throned 'people', we teleported back to the human world. I felt that queasy felling in my stomach again just as the bell signalising the end of school sounded.

I wondered if I would see that Alex again. Now that I knew what she really was, I would be able to understand her slightly better. Then again I shouldn't mention it to her seeing as she didn't know herself.

I felt my lips form a smile as I thought about what was to come this year. "This should be fun" I thought as Jack came up behind me.

Alexs POV

The bell rang after what seemed like five minutes. I had fun talking to Mary while still keeping an eye on Micky and the jocks.

They stared at me all through history and though I simply smirked at them I became more and more uneasy under their glances. I again felt myself unable to look away from everyones necks.

I ran out of the class quickly and desperate to escape the sweet smell of blood. I ran until I heard foot steps behind me.

I turned quickly which caused the person follow to wack into me. Not felling their body hit mine I snarled. Woah did I just snarl I thought as I felt a piercing pain in my gums.

I quickly got off the floor while holding my jaw. Looked down to find Micheal (yes when Im serious Im gonna call him Micheal) rubbing his head.

"God Alex you have a hard ribcage" he exclaimed. "Why were you following me?" I ask deciding to cut to the chase.

"I saw you struggling with your blood lust and well" he trailed off. "How do you know about my blood lust or whatever its called?" I asked confused.

"Im also here to explain to your becoming" he said. Hurrah finally someone who could give me the answers I wanted."Okay shoot" I said.

He stared at me confused. "Shoot?" he asked confused. "It means go moron" I said impaitently. "We need to go somewhere more private" he explained.

"Okay where do you have in mind?" I asked....

Alices POV

Jack passed me some sort of gem. It was the stereotypical gem shape and was white and black. It was mostly black with white cloud like shapes moving around on it. Yet the colours kept switching places.

"It's from them

" He said plainly before sighing slightly. "I always knew you were different but I never thought you were-" I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth and putting a finger over mine.

"You never know who's listening, after all the walls have ears" I said clearly with a small smile on my face.

It was just then that the gem started glowing. For some reason I felt I needed to hide somewhere.

"Az, hide now" I said to him. I had just decided that that was what I was going to call him when no one else was around.

We both hid into the shadows and he used some of his powers to make us unseen. That was when they came up to the roof where we were. When Alex and Micheal came here.

??? POV

I walked up to the mansion like house that I used to call home. Even with my critical injuries, I could move well swiftly make my way inside.

The downstairs looked like it hadn't been touched in years while the upstairs had obviously been used recently.

I smirked to myself as I remembered the past, before disappearing into nothing.

Alex POV

Huh the roof pretty cool I thought as he leaned against the door blocking the exit. I tensed up and as he saw me do so he gave me a sorry smile and moved away from the door.

"Im sorry I just" I cut him off by placing my finger over my lips. He looked at me confused but kept quiet as I strolled towards the corner of the roof.

I could sence something up here with us a presence. I dont know why but when I reached the corner I imagined pulling a cloak off of someone. Then before me appeared Jack and Alice with shocked looks on their faces.

I smiled smugly and looked back at Micky who was shaking with anger. "What are you doing here are you here to spy on us Demons" he partically spat out.

I for one didnt have a clue as to what he was talking about and stared stupidly back and forth between the so called demons and Micheal.

"It is none of you business what we are doing up here mutt" spat back Jack. I could see all of them tensing up and they looked ready for a fight so I sprang between them.

"Hey dudes no offense and all but can you go away so Micky can continue" I said watching them both. Jack burst out laughing "You nicknamed him Micky really Alex really?" he asked through gasps for air and more laughter.

"Hey Jacky boy dont get Micky mad" I said and Micheal started cracking up. "Okay Alex we will go for now" Jack said and just like that him and Alice had left the roof to go donwstairs.

"Soo where were we?"

Alices POV

I could see Az was annoyed but seriously. Anyone who would have seen that would have thought he had more anger mangagement issues than me. And they would be dead wrong.

I decided to try out the so called limitless power I possessed. Telepathicly I sent that 'Micky' a message. 'I'm only half demon you pretentious idiot, seriously you need to check your facts before you state them.'

I checked the gem and it was back to its normal state. So i guessed it glowed when I had to do something or was in some kind of danger.

"What are you doing here!" Az half spat hlf shouted out suddenly. It surprised me but made me turn around quickly. The gem wasn't glowing so it wasn't dangerous...

There was a man behind me and he somehow, without physically glowing, radiated a bright glow. Something told me that this guy was an angel. I didn't know how I knew it just came to me.

He walked right past me and right to Az. "So I see the demons got to you first huh..." His voice was warm even if he was making in seem cold. He punched Az round the face and instead of slamming into the wall from the force. He just disappeared into thin air leaving

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