Β» Fantasy Β» Realistic Illusions, Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) [good books for high schoolers .txt] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Realistic Illusions, Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) [good books for high schoolers .txt] πŸ“—Β». Author Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99)

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me alone with the angel.

"Now then..." He turned to me just as the gem started to glow "It's time for you to come with me..."

Alex POV

"Huh a vampire are crazy?" I shreiked what the hell is this dude talking about I couldnt be a vampire for many reasons.

Like I didnt sparkle in the sun I hadnt been bitten by a vampire and there was no such thing!!!

"Stup up the angels might hear you" he said urgently. Yup this guy is a complete wacko next thing you know he will be talking about Caspar the friendly ghost being real.

"Oh sure we wouldnt want that" I said my voice leaking with sarcasim. "This is serious Alexandra" he said. "Oh and I dont suppose your a elf or a fairy then" I smirked at my own remark.

"As a matter of fact Im a werewolf" he said puffing out his chest. "Alright wolfman prove it" I said while smiling.

"Okay but remember you asked for it" he said and then I heard the sound of bones cracking inside of him. I looked away for about five seconds and then when I looked back there stood before me a chestnut wolf with the same brown eyes as Micky.

My first thought was get the heck out of there but I pushed it away. "Micheal is thta you?" I asked while surpisingly keeping the shaking out of my voice.

The wolf nodded and I gasped. "Okay I believe you Micheal just please change back" I said and the wolf that was Micheal nodded.

I turned and heard bones cracking again when Micheal called out he was done. I turn and there stood before me human Micheal with a smug look on his face.

"Okay so Im a.." I trailed off not being able to say the word. He nodded getting what I had said. "So can I ask you a few questions about you know" I gulped and he nodded.

"Sunlight" I asked uncertain.
"Myth" he replied
"Bat turning"

Huh I thought and then I heard a scream. Rushing out the door with speed I didnt know I had I headed towards the scream".

I found the owner of the scream Alice was fighting a sort of deforned bird with white wings. As soon as it noticed me it knocked Alice over and came striding over to me.

"Daughter of Markus you must come with me" It said. WTF I thought as I took a step back with every step it took forwards.

"As much as that sounds temting bird brain no thanks" I said with a fake smile on my face. "This isnt opition sweetie" A voice said behind me and suddenly I faded into blackness.

Alices POV

I woke up in some sort of cage. My hands were chained to each other behind my back and they were draining my strength. I felt slightly queasy again and tried to stand up, only to fail.

I saw Alex. She was not it the cage I was. She was tied up to a wooden post in the middle of the room while I was at the side. She had not woken up yet.

I heard a groan from the cage next to me which I thought had been empty. I looked towards it and saw...

"Az!" I half shouted. Not wanting anyone else to hear her other than him.

He slooked over to me and his eyes widened. He looked completely shocked at something.

"What happened to you.." He said quietly yet I still heard it. I was confused until I looked at myself.

I had cuts and bruises everywhere on me. There was a large wound on the right side of my stomach and another to the left side of my forehead. You could almost see the bone on my hands. It was as if the flesh had been worn away.

I felt someting on my back and saw that my wings were out. As always they were strange. One white, feathered angel wing and the other a red demon wing. I also had the stereotypical demon tail.

My angel wing was covered in blood and the demon wing tattered and had holes in it. Even with my healing powers, these wounds would take forever to heal.

It was then that I heard Alex stir and start to awaken.

Alex POV

I woke on some kind of post it was wooden. It felt like I was tied up to a burning hot iron and every time I moved it hurt like hell.

"Alex!" said a fermilar voice. I looked down and saw Alice trapped in a cage. I gasped as I looked her over.

She had two wings one and while one was white the other was red and..oh my god she had a tail!!!!!!

Next to her I saw a another cage that contained Jack. He also had wings but his were only red. They both looked on the verge of death and suddenly I felt furious at whoever had done this.

I struggled more and more getting angier by the second. Suddenly I had this pain in my back and I felt something slice through me.

I screamed in agerny and both Jack and Alice looked at me in amazement. Huh what are they staring at I thought as I looked behind me.

Coming out of my back and each going round the pole were two huge feathered black wings. My eyes went huge as my wings started flapping.

"Hello demon" Nodded the angel that had taken us to Jack in disgust."Hangel" he nodded to Alice."And Alexandra" his eyes went to me and they grew a little wider but other then that he showed no signs of surpise.

I suddenly thought of Micheal. "Wheres Micheal" I asked in the bravest voice I could. He smiled "Oh you mean the mutt Ive had some of my people take care of him".

I growled and bered my fangs at him. Woah I have fangs cool! He merely laughed at my growl and walked over to me.

"Just like your farther you pity lower undead" he said and I spat at him in disgust. He laughed "And also agress like your farther".

"What do you want angel?" I asked through clenched teeth."Simple really I want the to most powerful creatures in excistence on my side" he gestered to us.

Well didnt really surpect that but then again who would....

Alices POV

This couldn't be real could it? What had happened to our reality? Weren't angels meant to be the good guys and demons the bad? What was happening now was the complete opposite.

"So you want their power huh?" I heard a voice from above and looked towards it. And there he stood. Atop my cage. The same boy from my vision.

He disappeared and appeared right next to me. "Well I'm afraid you came too early. My little sister's power hasn't quite awakened yet. And I could say the same for the other two."

He lifted me from my feet and we suddenly appeared next to Az. He lifted Az up aswell and then went over to Alex.

"Miss Alexandra, can you manage to come without me carrying you?" He asked politely with a warm smile on his face.

She merely nodded as an explosion burst the roof open. "Get 'em outta here Sho!" A voice called from up above"

I'm not sure what happened next. All I remember happening was a sudden pain in my back and Az screaming to me. After that I blacked out...

Alexs POV

The angel held a knife at Alice throat and Jack had to hold back the boy that looked like Alice from charging.

"What you gonna do now Lucas" asked the angel. Lucas went red and continued fighting Jack. "Look dude Im really not in the mood can we do this tommorrow I mean its my first day of school and I get captered by an angel find out Im a vampire that my new best friend is a half angel half demon my stuck up kinda friend is a werewolf and I got a feeling theres more to come so please can we sort this later" I said dead serious.

Suddenly the angel burst out laughing.WTF how is that funny! Oh well just gonna go with it. "Okay I'll make you a deal with you a trade if you will" said the angel when he finally managed to stop laughing.

"What kind of trade?" I asked my eyes narrowed. "You for Alice" he said as he smiled an evil smile. Everyone looked at me and I gulped. How was I supposed to make that kind of decision.

"I'll do it" I said before I knew it. The angels smile widened. "Then we have a deal" he said and before I knew it I was being taken away from everyone and everything as they diappeared until it was just me and the angel.

"Whats your name?" I asked him. "Damien" he said and from that moment I knew I would fear the name forever....

Alices POV

I woke up in a white room. Everything in there was the colour white except for me. I tried to remember how I got there and what had happened before then but all I came up with was nothing. I couldn't even remember who I was.

It felt like I was safe, yet at the same time in constant danger. Nothing was possible, yet anything could happen. I just felt confused with all the mixed feelings I had.

"Ah, you're awake" I heard a calm voice from behind me as an automatic door slid open. Looking behind me I saw a man with a smile across his face that radiated some sort of glow.

He saw my confused look and beckoned me over to him. I cautiously came over and he lifted his hand. He then tapped my forehead with two fingers and a mysterious glow came over me. I felt myself change in some way yet I couldn't quite tell what it was.

A marking appeared on my forehead that was a skull with angel wings. I soon recognised the feeling that was overcoming me. It was happiness. Or was it fear?

He removed his fingers from my forehead and offered out his hand. I took it without question and he smiled again before hugging me. I felt like I needed to be with this strange brown-haired man. Yet something told me to stay away.

I just pushed away all negative feelings and followed him out of the room.

Alex POV

"Well Damien are we just gonna stand here like lemons or what?" I asked impatiently. "Your so like your" he said before I cut him off.

"If you say father be prepared for me to rip your head off" I said angry. "Okay okay just wait another minute until my boss gets here" he said laughing at my head comment as if it was a joke. Believe me it wasnt.

Just then in came a beautiful blond angel with blue sparkling eyes not as pale as mine. I wasnt impressed and you could tell by the look on my face. I guessed this was Damiens boss.

"Hello Alexandra and" he looked confused for a moment as he looked around the room for Alice. Hahaha sucker his expression changed from confusion to anger and he glared at Damien.

Ooh someones in trouble I thought
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