Β» Fantasy Β» Realistic Illusions, Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) [good books for high schoolers .txt] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Realistic Illusions, Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) [good books for high schoolers .txt] πŸ“—Β». Author Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99)

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Micheal here? Where was here? My head as usual was swarming with questions and those questions needed to be answered.

"Micheal where are we?" I asked not showing any fear in my voice. "You tell me Alex your the one who blasted us out here" he sounded pissed.

"Hey since when is this my fault I was standing up for you do you know how many people look down on you? Im sorry for defending you" I yelled as the anger came back.

"Well your anger brought us here so it can get us back" he said and I stopped pacing and turned to stare at him.


I finally couldnt stand it anymore and began to walk way from him. "Yea I see just like a vampire your gonna walk away thatll sure solve your probelms" he called and I stopped.

I walked over to him and said "Dont you dare insult my kind" just as I slapped him across the face. He began shaking and he turned into a wolf.

My insintict had me growling at him and soon we began to circle each waiting for one anothers reactions. He went to lunge at me and I dodged easily.

How could he was he trying to kill me? I feared the answer and what I had to do depending on that answer. I decided to use my wings to fly higher where he couldnt reach me.

I feared how long I keep up with this before ever Micheal gained his selfcontrol or I had to face him in dual.

It wasnt that I feared Id lose but that Id win and Id kill Micheal. Oh god please someone help me!!!!!!

Alices POV

When I woke up I was in some sort of metal room. There was a large glass window on one of the walls for people to watch me from. Chains were holding me, wrapped around most of me.

I was left unable to move. No one else moved around me. All I could hear was a deadly silence. As if something was waiting to strike at me from the shadows.

It would be awkward from the way I was suspended one foot from the air, yet I was going to sleep for now. Just hanging there awake would be pointless. So I let the blackness take over me as I drifted into a slumber.

I woke up with a start and, if I wasn't chained up, would have jumped before shaking slightly. How could I have forgotten about that dream. Had all that had happened pushed it out of my mind? Or was the lack of sleep I had had recently been the cause?

Whatever it was, the dream was getting clearer now. I started to recognise more of the people from actually now knowing them. I felt myself shiver, as much as I could with the chains, from remembering one part of the dream.

Those red eyes. They didn't just look at me. They looked straight through me. As if they were looking straight into my soul. As if they wanted to break it and tear it into pieces.

It wasn't just me either. It wanted to do the same to everyone else aswell...

Alexs POV

"Micheal!" I shrieked and the ground shook again. I was getting more and more tired and I feared if I let my guard down for more than a second Micheal would eat me.

Just then a sorta door appeared and Micheal stopped clawing at the air to turn to look at it. It opened and in walked a guy with shaggy dark black hair and blue eyes paler then my own.

"Down Micheal!" yelled the guy and although Micheal backed down a little he also growled and bered fangs. "MICHEAL GREGORY SPEAN!" He yelled and with a whimper Micheal stopped.

Wait this guy knew Micheal? "Darren Blake you must be the famous Alexandra Carter" he held out his hand for me to shake.

I flew to the ground and shook his hand cationously. "Its Alex" I said and when he went to do my get the person under you trick (na: the trick Alex did earlyier with the boy bullying Alice) I flung him over my head and threw him to the ground so he was lying on his back.

I placed my hand at his throat and whispered into his ear "Dont hurt yourself big boy" he shivered as my breath touched his ear.

I smiled as I helped him up and he shook his head and muttered something like I just got my ass kicked by a girl.

I smiled even wider and I said "That wasnt getting your ass kicked by me youd know if I kicked your ass".

"One question what are you?" I asked and a voice behind me said "Alpha of the south" I turned to see a human Micheal more importantly a naked Micheal.

"Woah dude not cool" I said as I turned away. That wasnt the only non cool thing........

??? POV

"Guys, hurry up. We got a job to do" I shouted at everyone. They were taking a bit too long preparing.

"Well we haven't been able to use our power in ages. We need to warm up a bit so we can still use them properly" One retorted.

Well that was true... If we didn't do anything like a warm up no one would be able to fight as well as we used to. While thinking about it, I materialised my two swords and attacked one of the men.

He blocked it yet had obviously found it quite a shock. "You have to be ready for suprise attacks..." I said with a small grin before getting rid of my weapons.

"Everyone ready?!" I asked loudly. With a nod from everyone, we headed off to complete this job.

Alices POV

I heard an explosion from somewhere else in the building. I'm pretty sure that wasn't meant to happen so, someone else was here. Who was it? And why were they coming here?

"I think she's this way!" A voice shouted from not that far away. Were they looking for me?

"Found her!" A man with slightly shaggy, silver hair came up to the window. With one kick he smashed it and climbed inside before seemingly trying to get me out of the chains.

"Don't bother. I'll do it, just stand back a bit" I said to him after getting my mouth free of the chains.

He stepped back a bit as I closed my eyes. I felt a surge of power go through me and took that moment to make my move. I pulled at my arms and they came free. I then proceeded to breaking all of the chains over the rest of me before following the silver haired guy away from this place...

Alexs POV

There infront of my was a pack of about 50 wolves with guns pointed at us. I sighed "Why does this always happen to me?" I said looking up at the sky.

"Let us take the girl and we will leave you be" said a guy whom I guessed was the leader. "I am not an object you may not take me without my permission" I said defiantly.

"Well sweetheart we have the gun and believe it or not there pointed at you" he smiled. Yuk who calls a seventeen year old sweetheart.

He cocked a gun at Micheal "Permission to take you?" he asked. "Granted" I said in a non expressional voice.

"But Alex-" I cut Micheal off "Talk to the hand Micky" I held up my hand. "Oh and only my friends get to call me Alex" I added.

"Since when am I not your friend" He asked. He really didnt know! "Um let me think WHEN YOU TRIED EAT ME" I yelled.

"Hey Im not the one who sucks blood" he snapped and I felt like someone had staked me. "Mutt" I yelled.

"Leach" he replied
"Flesh eater"
"Bitch literally"
"Man hore"
"And proud you LINT LICKER!" I yelled.

Suddenly the room urupted in laughter everyone laughing expect Micheal. "What Micky dog got your tongue" I said and with that I walked out of the door with the wolves following me.

"Woah I think I like you youve got spunk" said a wolf with curly brown hair and an easy smile. "Thanks Im Alex you are?" I asked smiling.

"Im Theo" he said smiling. "Theo quiet now that weve got the girl we have to go back to the pack house" said the leader.

"Well nice to meet you Theo" I said acting as if the leader hadnt said anything. "Can I help you?" I asked in a bored voice turning to the leader.

The pack gaped at me apparently no one had talked to the leader like that. Oh well there was always a first time for everything.

"Are we gonna have to do this the easy way or the hard way" he asked. "Nither we do it my way I will not run away or attack on these terms I began".

"One I get to walk with Theo on the way there two I will not go if you are leading me to my death. And three I will not be killing any one unless they are ugly" I explained.

They all looked confused and the leader says "You dont know anyone ugly?" he asked utterly bewildered by my terms.

"Well I do but I just dont like them very much" I explained. "Oh okay then I agree to the terms lets go" he said hastely.

We began to walk towards a huge building with 47 werewolves behind me and 2 at either of my sides.

Alices POV

"So, how come you have powers that only our race has?" Kon asked, running a hand throughhis dark blue hair.

"How the hell am I meant to know?! But I gotta admit your guys' power is awesome. You may aswell be gods!"

Kon and Airmo smiled at me while everyone else had playful smirks plastered onto their faces. Airmo was the silver haired that saved me before.

"Well it's great to mess with people with" Scythe mentioned (she was one of the only girls in the CM group which I found slightly sexist omehow). "Especially after we found out Kon was afraid of spiders.."

Kon paled and everyone else burst out laughing. "I thought we said we would never speak of that again!" He half shouted.

"Well Hangel here is practically part of the group now, she was gonna find out at some..." She trailed off and her hazel eyes became unfocused. She then smiled and returned her gaze to the team. "It seems our howling friends have returned..."

Scythe was the main sensor of the team. She had her power on a constant watch around their base so they would know if any enemies came or left.

The door opened and a large group of people walked in casually. The hall was now a lot more crowded with the 50 or so more people. "'Bout time you got here..." Kon shook hands with the guy who appeared to be the leader.

"Oh he was just scared that we would
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