Β» Fantasy Β» Realistic Illusions, Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) [good books for high schoolers .txt] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Realistic Illusions, Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) [good books for high schoolers .txt] πŸ“—Β». Author Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99)

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as all that would come was those shadows in my dreams. So I jumped from the window and slipped the small ring onto my finger. Not noticing the small engraving glowing slightly before disappearing.

Alexs POV

I dreamt of the mystery girl she was lying on the floor blood covering her. She reached out for me and I willed myself to help her.

As I went to grab her hand it disappered right before my very eyes and for some unknown reason I found myself crying next to a grave in a cemotery.

I looked up at the stone and saw the names Rebecca Wilson and Mark Wilson engraved on them.Huh who was this Rebecca and Mark Wilson and why did I see their names everywhere?

Just then a voice spoke my own voice spoke "Blood blood blood" I was repeating over and over again.

I woke with a start and found I was screaming. Quickly I shut up I didnt want mom to wake up. And then I went to the kitchen with a hunger I had never had before.

In record time I was in the kitchen looking through the fridge for something to eat. At last I found something to take away my thirst. A rare steak.

Without even thinking about it I shoveled the steak into my mouth and moaned in pleasure as the steaks amazing juices entered my mouth and swallowed the steak.

When I had finished I licked my lips and sighed. There were no more steaks. Damn it. Then relising what I just done I gasped in shock and horror. It wasnt just the shock and horror of I had done but that I had enjoyed doing it.

There was a voice in my head telling me what I had done was wrong but there was another voice telling me that it was perfectly natural and that I should do it more often.

I had drunk blood real blood. It was then I started to vomit.

Alices POV

Something made me shudder, and it wasn't just the cold of the night. I felt as though something was wrong. Shrugging it off I headed back to the mansion. It was getting slightly lighter now and I should start getting ready for school the next day.

I had reached home and was just about to jump back in the window when I felt a sharp pain in my head. It was unlike anything I had felt before, just unbearable. I clutched my head with both hands and gritted my teeth.

An image crossed my mind of a boy, older than me yet looked similar. He had short, raven hair that was slightly spiked and crimson eyes that had an unknown warmth to them.

Then an image of me, a younger me, standing next to him. He turned away from the younger me and walked away. Yet the walk turned into a jog, and then a run. The other me screamed and reached out for him. Trying to run after him but falling down to the ground and crying to themselves.The image disappeared along with the pain as I collapsed down to the ground.

I couldn't remember anything that happened before I was 13 years old. Anything except for brief memories of caring parents whose faces I could not remember, and loneliness.

I noticed the sun creep its way over the town's buildings and decided to go pick out some clothes for school tomorrow. I may aswell waste time doing something. Leaping in through the window, I went to my closet and started looking. I hadn't realised that the ring from Azazel's superiors was now showing different markings along the edge.

Alexs POV

After finishing throwing up I leaned on the kitchen table for it was the only thing holding me up.I glanced up at the clock and read aloud "2 in the morning".

Jesus since when did I get up in the middle of the night wait scratch that since when did I get up before I had to?

I wasnt tired but I knew that if I didnt go to bed soon then I would be tired in the morning so I unwillingly walked up the stair trying to find my new bedroom.

Soon enough I found it nextdoor to a bathroom. Great I would properly get woken up by mom when she is in the shower Im so lucky (note the sarcasm).

I walked into the room and slipped into bed destite my bodies protest. I sunk under the covers wait for the feeling of tiredness to come.

It didnt instead the only feeling I had was confusen oh and questions lots and lots of questions.I forced my eyes to shut and tried to will myself to sleep.

It seemed not a minute later that I felt a being in my room. It took everthing I had not to throw back the covers and attack the person as they loommed over my bed.

"My beautiful Alexandra I love you so and I wish I could have properly met you sooner but if we had not met when destiny had foretold you would be told and I know this is reckless of me coming to see you before I am supposed to but I couldnt keep away" spoke the voice.

Huh who is this dude how did he get into my room how does he know my name and what on earth is he talking about?

I again resisted the erge to pull back the covers. But what if he trys something? I thought and imdiantly pulled back the covers to see.....nothing?

Huh maybe it was a dream all of this was a dream yeah a dream thats it.Somehow that I couldnt quite believe that...

Alices POV

I looked across the room to the clock on the cabinet. 2 in the morning... Still not early enough to properly get up. So instead I decided to go downstairs, for once.

The stairs creaked with every step I took and the floorboards did the same. An unknown yet nostalgic scent filled me as I reached the kitchen. I looked around and saw a calender hanging up on the wall.

Walking over to it I saw that it was years old, not a surprise. Half of the calender was blank, the rest was filled with things that my parents had never got to do or had already done.

I casually flicked through the pages when a small piece of writing caught my eye. It was the only writing on the page and I assumed it was near to the date they disappeared. The writing was small and hard to read and before I could take a better look, a small tap on the back of my head made me loose consciousness.

My eyelids fluttered open and I slowly sat up. Taking in my surroundings, I realised that I was in my room. Had it only been a dream? I took another look at the clock before heading to the bathroom for a shower. It was 7:30. Still an hour before school would officially start.

I hoped the hot water would clear my mind as I turned the water on and stepped in. It didn't work. My thoughts were still filled with Azazel's message and the image of that boy that looked so much like me.

After the shower, I walked back to my room and took out the clothes I had picked out last night. Our school's dress code was really lax so we got many girls wearing rather revealing clothing. I just thought they were disgusting, but somehow it got a guy's attention.

I wore straight jeans that were light in colour and a plain white t-shirt. Over the top I wore a long sleeved black jumper that I left unzipped. For shoes I just wore black converse.

Checking the time again, I saw it said 7:50. It was getting close to the time I had to leave for another great day. Note the sarcasm. Picking up my bag and all that I needed, I left the mansion and slowly made my way to school.

Alexs POV

As I opened my eyes from what seen like a two minute sleep I imediatly shut them again. God the sunlight was burning my eyes how weird.

I got out of bead and headed downstairs to find mom making breakfast. Huh mom only made breakfast when a she wanted something or b she was celebrating something.

"Hey Alex hows it going did you sleep okay" she said not looking up from her pancakes. "Okay mom you I know you want to tell me something so please dont start with the hole 'hey hows it going' speech and just cut to the chase" I said waiting for an answer.

Am I that obvisius? she said. "Yep yes you sure are mom" I replied noticing she hadnt answered my question but not ready to question it yet.

Huh did I say that out loud? she replied. "Mom stop dodging my question" I said getting annoyed now. "Okay drum roll please" she said her eyes gleaming with excitment.

I sighed. Really a drum roll? Well it didnt look like she was telling me anything until I started a drum roll so I gave in.

After about ten seconds of the drum roll she finally screamed "We are saying here for good or at least for a couple of years".

I stared at her in disbelieve for a moment and then finally relisation hit. "Thank you mom thank you so much I love you" I said while pulling her into a hug.

I stayed like that for a few more seconds when mom say "Quickly get dressed I dont you to be late on the first day of school".

I quickly ran upstairs and put on my converse jeans my hollister tshirt and stuck a cardigan on over it. Raning down the stairs I spinted to the door shoved it open and walking smack bang into the mystery girl...

Alices POV

Ignoring the daily dirty looks, I kept walking to school. That was until a particular gang of boys in my year stopped me. The same ones that kept coming to beat me up every so often.

"Why hello there, freak, how has your day been so far..." Their leader said faking a sweet voice.

"It was better before you got here, now get outta my wa-" I was cut off as someone burst from the house at the side of the street and ran straight into me.

Looking at her, I noticed she was the same girl as before. Great.I wasn't sure if she'd realised who I was yet but I decided not to find out.

I tried to get up when I saw that Mr.Oh-I'm-so-cool-I'm-a-gang-leader had come over and was currently keeping me down on the floor. That (cue bleep here).

"Well who might you be..." He directed the question to the other girl, who currently was still on the floor.

Alexs POV

"Well who might you be?" asked the boy currently sitting on tope of mg (mystery girl). "Sophie Halts" I lied and held out my hand for him to shake it.

He did and as soon as he did I had him under me at my mercy and most importantly away from mg. "Chapter one in crimial master minds never trust a pretty face" I said and I gave him my oscar award winning smile.

"How how did you do that?" he asked in confusen and his friends
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