Β» Fantasy Β» Realistic Illusions, Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) [good books for high schoolers .txt] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Realistic Illusions, Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) [good books for high schoolers .txt] πŸ“—Β». Author Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99)

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before I ran off again. Looking back I saw them blocking the way. Maybe now I could get away.

"Alice!" Woah! How did he get in front of me like that. What was he? That was when two other people appeared just behind him. People who looked just like me...

Alexs POV

I woke with a start as I felt something poke me. "Hey if its Ben or Jerry Im not gonna talk to your boss about getting you icecream and then youll have to stay grumpy" I said not bothering to open my eyes.

The person poked me again and I opened one eye. I saw a guy with fire red hair and piercing green eyes that seemed to hold my blue ones.

"Morning sunshine" he said chuckling at the expression on my face. "Who are you? Where the fuck am I?" I asked annoyed and crancky since Im really not a morning person.

"Im James Im a fire demon and you are in hell right now" he said as he watched me take everything that he said in.

I looked round the room and saw nothing in it I could use in it as a weapon. It looked well.....normal. I was expecting it to look a bit more evil.

"Great now Im being taken prisoner by demons whats next taken hostige by elfs?" I asked my voice dripping with sarcasem.

Ignoring my remark he said "My superiors want to see you". Oh great I thought as I got up off of the bed Im in hell and the devil and his friends want to meet me.

Great first day just great......

Alices POV

"So people keep appearing outta nowhere. What's next? The devil's gonna be a great guy?" I asked sarcasticly

"The devil's dead..." The woman spoke quickly and slightly harshly. "I should know, he's my father."

Huh. So this woman is the heir to the throne of hell. Somehow that reminded me of something.

"Let's just get this over with. Arc, do the honours" She gestured to the man she had appeared with as he just smiled.

"Be slightly patient Kyt. I'm getting round to it" He replied softly. He walked up to me and tapped me on the forehead with two fingers.

As soon as he did so, a sharp pain took over me and it felt like my skull was about to crack or my head would explode. It stopped soon enough but left me feeling dizzy and almost falling over. Only being caught by Az.

Wait a second. I remembered! Of course I knew who Az was. And everyone else, how could I have forgotten in the first place.

"We can't stick around. Right now we have some business in hell" Kyt spoke more softly thsn she had before. "You guys are coming aswell though. We aren't just going to leave you alone again"

"Hang on. Who are you guys anyway. I know you're an angel and you're the heir to the throne of hell but who exactly are you?"

"I figured you'd ask that. I am also the heir to the throne of heaven. Right now they have a false leader acting in my place. And also... We're your parents..."

Alex POV

As I headed out the door I decided it would be saver to change into my weird bat form thing. I imagined my wings out and surpisingly the change was painless.

I walked behind James while noticing two demons behind me. "Let me guess Ben and Jerry?" I asked them while continuing to walk down the corridor.

They looked each confused that I was even talking to them "Its Tom and Jerry actually" said one of them and I began to crack up again.

Again like in heaven everyone stared at me as I walked past or they bowed but mostly they stared. What had they never seen a bat vampire thing cracking up in hell?

"You know like the tv programme Tom and Jerry?" I asked and again they just looked at each other as if to say wow thats one crazy vampire.

God this felt like dejavu or whatever it is. "You know what a tv is right?" I asked and they shook their heads.

"Wow and I thought heaven was bad not letting the angels have icecream but this this is beyond unfair I'll make a complaint with you boss dont worry" I said as we continued walking.

Most of the demons bowed to me and said things like "welcome your magesty" or "nice to see you your highness".

Huh did they have me confused with someone else cos I knew I wasnt royal. Finally we reached a huge door and James opened the door for me to go in.

I walked in and saw thones and demons sitting on them. "Hi guys so what you wanna talk about?" I asked and they just looked at me.

"Hello dudes anyone home?" I asked while pretending to knock on a door. Finally the male demon on the side burst out laughing.

Soon they all joined in and I was standing there tapping my foot and losing patience. Finally when they had finished the female demon in the middle that looked the leader spoke.

"Daughter of Markus ah we would like to talk to you about joining our side and not being as you would say such a loner" she said.

I stood there offended no one calls me a loner an gets away with it. "I am not a loner in fact I have a few inhuman friends of my own thank you very much" I said in my offended tone.

"Oh and whats with the whole you highness and daughter of Markus bull cos its driving me crazy Im not royal and I dont know who the hell Markus is" I said getting worked up.

"Firstly Alexandra Markus is your father secondly he was the vampire king as your mother Rebbecca was queen therefore you are the heir to the thones and that makes you royalty" she said explaining slowly as if talking to a five year old.

My mouth hung wide open and I stared at her speechless. That couldnt be true could it? If it wasnt why did I feel like it was?

Alices POV

I revealed myself from the shadows in the hall. "Hello again Alex" I said slightly jokingly "I see you've met my mother" I gestured to her.

"Your mother?!" She said in surprise.

"Well we're all royalty here aren't we..." I gestured into the shadows and my father stepped out.

"Yep. All four of us" He said with a smile on his face.

It was then that I realised we weren't alone. And it wasn't just me. I could tell by looking at everyone else that they knew it too.

The room shook slightly and angels appeared. Ar-my father took action quickly by putting up a barrier to shield us. "You shall not pass here angels. You and your fake leader. I command you as heir to the throne of heaven, stop this madness! Or I shall call upon the CMs to take care of you all!"

CMs? What were they? "Chaos Manipulators, they control chaos so they can do pretty much anything. They're insanely powerful and they where mostly put into a special prison because others were scared they would use their power against them" Kyt answered.

I nodded in understandment before turning back to Arc. The angels were frozen in shock as they looked to him. "We were told the demons killed you..." One of them said quietly.

Alex POV

I couldnt beleive it this stuck up bitch was Alices mother it was apparently true because no one had come out from behind the curtain and said "youve been practical joked sucker".

I stared from Alice to her mom to her dad. They looked different but sorta simerlar if that makes sense.

Just then the door burst open and Micheal came falling through the door followed by Tom and Jerry. Micheal ran to me and without thinking I flung myself into his arms.

Huh did I have a thing for Micheal? Maybe I did but I wasnt yet ready to addmit it to myself. "Micheal oh my god I missed you so much" I said while everyone wrinkled their noses in disust.

"Me to Alex I was so worried" He said when the door burst open yet again. "Tell me about it he was all like I miss Alex when will I see her again? Should I see her again? Do I like her? Does she like me?" mocked a voice and I turned to see Josh and the jocks.

I had never been to see werewolfs in my life. I ran up to Josh and hugged him. "Vampire stregh cant breath" he managed to choke out before I let go of him.

"Thank you guys for well being werewolfs" I said and they all chuckled while I heard growling from behind me.

"Dont get jelious Micky" I said without looking back which made the wocks (Yes werewolfs that are jocks) laugh even harder.

"You nicknamed him Micky" stuttered Dan. "Yes Danny boy got a probelm" I said which caused his smile to disappear at me nicknaming him.

Someone coughed and I turned to see all of the demons and angels glaring at the werewolfs. "What you got a probelm at my bros" I asked them daring them to answer me back.

"You know these mutts?" asked Alices mom and I heard snarling including my own. "They are not mutts and they are not to be called so" I said with anger in my voice.

Suddenly the ground began to shake and Alice said "Youve done it now mom youve made her angry"......

Alices POV

I sighed and made a hammer from thin air. When both my parents looked at me in shock I frowned in confusion. "What?" I said confused.

"You just made that hammer from mid-air right..." My mother said without changing her facial expression

"Well yeah" I said. Not really knowing what was the problem was.

"Only people who can manipulate chaos can do that. The chaos manipulators that is" My father replied. This was the first time I ever saw him shocked. Before he was just casually smiling all the time.

Oh. That was why. So it seemed I had the powers of a chaos manipulator. Well that was cool. Well at least it was until the angels spoke.

"Chaos manipulator powers! She is a danger to everyone. GET HER!!!!" Oh dear... Not good... Even my parents weren't stopping them. They grabbed me from behind and sealed all of my abilities. It was then that I blacked out.

Kyts POV

It was only after they had taken her that Markus's daughter's power hit me. I managed to shield it slightly but it wasn't enough. I got blasted backwards into the wall.

When Arc tried to help me up I shoved him away. "It's alright I deserved it. I guess I'm being the same again huh" I felt tears start to fall down my cheeks "Being horrible to people just because they're different. Now they've even taken away my own daughter and I didn't even bother to stop them!" I shouted out my anger...

Alexs POV

Now that I had released my anger I felt more calm but as I looked round the calm disappeared. I looked at Micheal confused.

Where was everyone? Why was there only me and
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