» Fantasy » Servants of the Saviour, Gloria Ndiri [best manga ereader .txt] 📗

Book online «Servants of the Saviour, Gloria Ndiri [best manga ereader .txt] 📗». Author Gloria Ndiri

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you’ve been double promoted?” And that did the magic, wide eyed and jumping down from the high sit she had been sitting, the very distant and mute child started asking too many questions at once and not waiting for the answers, that all the teacher could do was smile and nod as response.
“Going well I can see” the headmistress was saying as she entered her office and seeing the excited girl.
“Yeah, I can rarely catch my breath. I’ll see you around madam, come on lets go see your new class and classmates.” The lady said lifting Me-goo.


“Mom?” James called to his mother
“Yes dear, are you nervous?” his mother replied with a smile
“No. Do you know that girl that just walked by?” thinking the absurdity of his mother’s question and not realizing his.
“No why should I? I’m just seeing her for the first time” his mother replied a little surprised at his interest.
“Do you think she is the headmistress’ daughter or in trouble?” he asked again
“I don’t know I just saw her.” His mom was flustered by his questions. There was silence for what seemed like eternity
“Don’t you think she has been in there a littles too long?”
“Stop already, I don’t know her and I don’t have any business with her affair here now concentrate on what you came here for and forget about what others are doing.” His mother said losing her patience completely.
When she emerged from the office, he couldn’t fathom how a particular person can change personality both physically and otherwise. He barely recognize the girl he saw some hours ago, he just sat in his moms car wondering how a simple half smile can make a face shine brighter than the sun. He got out his diary and started to draw and analyse the girl he just saw and comparing the distant one with the chattering one and just wrote “JUST BEAUTIFUL”. He has never considered black beautiful before (not as though he has seen many of them) even if she really wasn’t dark. As his mom brought the car to life he spared a look in her direction and was so stunned to find her looking at him (though it wasn’t him she was looking at actually), her chocolate coloured eyes was so piercing and luring he couldn’t help but stare straight into the eyes he thought for a second was calling him.


“Hello class” the teacher said as she walked into the class
“Hello Miss Margaret” the entire class replied
“I have two new people to introduce to you, Miss Ivan, Helen and Master Green, James. Make friends with them” the teacher instructed
“Yes aunty” the pupils chorused
“Me-goo, would you please come here for a minute?” The teacher introduced her since she didn’t do it yesterday to avoid monotony in activity. “So stand up one after the other and say your names to these three please” she instructed the class after she had finished introducing Me-goo.
The introduction took quite a while and me-goo found it so boring since she already knew everybody in the class they were her original classmates and she took the time to access the two new people beside her; Helen was so tall and looked older than every other person in the class, she had a blond hair but was auburn from the neck to her back. James had a charcoal black hair which looked nice on his very fair head. They both had blue eyes but Helen's looked more green than blue and James' looked just like the sky on a perfect day.
“Me-goo you can go back to your seat, thank you. Helen and James seat with her” Margret said to the three children.
‘Wow I’m in the same class with her and the better part I’ll be sitting with her’ why this made him happy he didn’t know but he was happy anyway. He just watched and listened as the two girls make conversations. Observed me-goo as they were talking and kept writing his observation in his diary; fluent British assent which almost every kid in the school had, long brunette hair in a single braid, red lipped, with eyes which he thought was chocolate initially, now changing from golden and golden-brown with every blink, her skin was something he would like to call cream-chocolate complexion.
“He is always writing in his diary” Helen said replying to the questioning look Me-goo gave James.
“Hello, mind if I see what you’re writing?” Me-goo asked politely
“Yes, it’s kind of private” he replied simply
“His always having his private gossip on his diary I won’t be surprised if it’s about you this time” Helen said and he reddened.
“Why are you always saying things you are not sure of?”
“I’ve seen it before I’m not lying”
“How do you know I’m writing about her?”
“You are looking at her while writing that is how you always do” he reddened more “see you are blushing”
“No I’m not”
“Then why are you so red”
“I’m getting angry”
“You’re lying”
“No, I’m not”
“Yes you are”
The two kids who seem to know each other quiet well, kept bickering until Me-goo couldn’t bare it anymore “Ok, ok stop you don’t have to fight, do you?”
“You started it.” The both of them chorused at once
“Ok none of you started it, I started it and I’m sorry” Me-goo said hoping they will both stop already before she would decides she hates them.
“We’re sorry too; it is just that she likes prying” James said softly not wanting to annoy her more than they already have
“No, I don’t, you’re always too secretive”
“No, I’m not, this is private”
‘And here we go again’ Me-goo thought “Stop already okay and stop confusing me. Mind if I ask you a question?” she asked.
“No, not all” they both answered at once.
“Have you two known each other that long or did you just meet and decided you would fight throughout your stay in this school?” she asked sarcastically.
“We’ve known each other that long, my dad and her mom worked together in London” James answered
“Ok, now you can tear each other apart if you wish, I guess you are used to it by now”. Me-goo said and they all laughed.
“Is your name really mi-go or is it a nickname?” Helen asked
“Yes, my name is me-goo; actually it is the short for Chimgozirim which is a pretty long name and difficult to pronounce as well. So everybody just calls me Me-goo, it is even written in my books”
“Does your dad or mum work here; with this company” James asked Me-goo
“Yes, my dad works here….” She was saying when the conversation was cut by the teacher’s hushing everyone to begin the class


Chapter 2

‘Oh no, not cupcakes and definitely not pools! Why of all wallpapers she should use the one with cupcakes and water, not to mention the big deep pool sitting outside the house. I’m going to go crazy if I spend one more day in this house with pool and cupcake wallpapers.’ She was thinking before her aunty walked in
“Slept well?”
“Yes aunty”
“What is wrong with you young lady”
“Hm oh, I’m fine aunty thank you”
“You look like you are being haunted by ghosts and you say you’re fine”
“Yes, seriously I’m fine”
“Hmmm some fine way to look around, are you ok here at my house?”
“Yes, thanks”
“Anything you want don’t hesitate to tell me and that is even what you want now, I’ve watched you grow and I know you quite well so don’t think I’m buying that nothing you’re saying”
“Ok aunty here it is and don’t think about laughing; the sight of cupcakes and water bodies sickens me”
“Oh I see”
“Nmhmm, I can see your eyes laughing at me”
“Not guilty. Get settled in, you were too tired when you arrived yesterday you didn’t even unpack before falling asleep and you slept for such a long time that for a second I thought you might not wake, I’ll be leaving now bye dear”
“Bye”. ‘Why am I dreaming of them after such a long time, I hope nothing bad is happening to any of them. No, it is the decoration of this room driving me to remember old memory of cupcake adventure’ She took a tour around the house, familiarized herself with some of the household equipment. She took a liking to the kitchen; it was a big one with almost every modern cooking equipment a woman could dream of. Standing in the kitchen made her feel so hungry all of a sudden. “I love to cook, you love to cook. What are you waiting for, let’s cook” she said to the kitchen and all its equipment. She made so much food she didn’t believe she had that much stamina or appetite for it. She cooked more food and stuck in the fridge. At 11.30am she decided to go check for things she would need but as she stepped outside she changed her mind and went back inside such a busy road with everyone looking angry and those cupcake vans.
“Went somewhere?” she turned and saw her aunt by her side
“No, not really. I thought of going to the mall I saw yesterday down the road as I was coming”
“And I changed my mind”
“I didn’t hear your car come up beside me” she tried to change the topic
“Is that why you changed your mind on your mall trip? It is okay to accept defeat sometimes; I guess you had difficulty trying to navigate to the mall and again cupcakes.” They both started to laugh. Just then she noticed a handsome looking young man with a very familiar smile coming to beside her aunt.
“Now let me introduce to you Mr Green, Gabriel and his going to be your guide, Gab this is Miss Oba, Chimgozirim”. ‘Hmmm such a handsome face and nice body, why does his name sound so familiar who cares he’ll be my guide’ she was thinking as she looked at him and he was having the exact same thought about her
“You two wipe that look from your faces; he is my son”
“What? You never told us you had a son” Me-goo screeched with shock evident in her face. Gab just had ‘yea yea big news’ look
“Yeah I can see you are not getting the information here young man, I mean you are cousins” Soma said pointedly to Gab
“That is not fair mom, you have to just go and kill the joy. Kill-joy” Gab whinned
“Nmhmm” Soma nodded “and keep your playboy attitude outside my house” she continued with an you know what i mean tone.
“How is it that he is white?” Me-goo asked her aunt curiously nodding in Gab’s direction.
“His father’s gene is dominant I guess. How about going to that mall with your guide? Take all the time you want, get to know each other I’ll see you two later, and take any of the cars you like”
As they left, she called in the interior decorators. With her personalities, likes and dislikes her room was transformed so was the whole house to suite the three of them since they are going to be staying together. After an hour the work was done but they didn’t return for another one and a half to meet a dashing surprise.
“Wow! Did we stay out that long?” Son and niece both gapped
“No, not really?”Soma replied smiling and feeling fulfilled at their reaction
“I’m so hungry” Gab

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