» Fantasy » Servants of the Saviour, Gloria Ndiri [best manga ereader .txt] 📗

Book online «Servants of the Saviour, Gloria Ndiri [best manga ereader .txt] 📗». Author Gloria Ndiri

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I don’t see anybody who could blow it better”
“Show off”
They walked back out and he did some boxing practice while she watched in amazement, he was really hot too bad he was her cousin or she would have dated him. Aunt Soma just had to go have a very sexy son and keep him a secret from us so like her very irresponsible.
“Hey stop drooling” Gab said walking up to Me-goo. She was so lost in her toughts she didn’t even notice he has finished practice.
“I’m not and it’s not like I’m permitted to anyway”.
“I think you will have to appease some kind of gods for even staring at me with that look in your eyes”
“Shut up pretty face and what do you even know about my culture” he started laughing hysterically at the look of horror in her face as they got into the car to leave so she turned away from him towards the window as she got a glimpse of her face in the side mirror she started laughing too. And just then he barked out of the parking space and nearly ran over some dude who was just standing there waving. He sped off way too fast for me-goo to try and gather up herself to apologise to the poor guy. 5

Chapter 5

“Dear God! I’m so late, that bastard with no care in the world” he can’t believe he stayed up waiting for him “I’ll have his head whenever I see him” why did he ever wait up for him when he knew he would not show up as usual? He thought he had righted his ways, how naïve of him to think he has stop his addiction of alcohol and parties, he had a very good brain on his head but he never used it for anything apart from gambling, fashion and girls. He just couldn’t help waiting up for him just in case there was trouble which rarely happens, so why on earth did he wait up? Ok he felt a great sense of responsibility towards him, “the heck is I’m not his elder brother so why in the name of the creator should I feel as such? This is so burdensome”. He grumbling to himself and not really paying attention when he came up close to a very blank looking familiar face he didn’t have time to think or move out of the way before she crashed into him bringing him to the floor with her, she just got up picked her bag and kept walking without a word.

“Really? That fool; just like him to stay out all night hanging around bimbos and don’t even care how others feel, rather what does he do? Try to run me over. And who in the name of the saints was that girl? Well why would I care they are birds of the same feather; she knocked me down and didn’t even notice ‘humph’”. He picked up his phone and called Helen and then ordered pizza.


“You’re doing that thing with water again”

“I found you ‘out’ here and the poor pizza guy being frustrated at the door so I decided to release the poor guy from his misery and try to resurrect you”

“That thing freaks me out”

“Tell me about it”


“Your dream”

“I was not dreaming”

“It’s about her right? The same old dream”

“Get out of my head”

“I can help you get rid of her if you want or you can go find her”

“Help me with your creepy water thing, no thanks I’ll pass”

“Then find her”

“That, dear friend, is going to be a wild goose chase we don’t have her contact address, phone number, nothing. Sometimes I wonder how you have such high IQ and still act like a dummy; I guess it’s the blonde trait”

“I’ll love that complement but I think finding lost friends is why we have SNS; social networking services”

“Ok let’s give it a try”

“But we have to ask google to know where we should look”

After hours of surfing the net and eating three box of pizza they found a match to an odd SNS account but the user England instead of Nigeria and married and profile picture was the painting of some guy.

“This is useless”

“Don’t give up just yet. Maybe she is the one, she just don’t want people to know and she made up the married and England thing or she came to England……”

“And she is married.”

“Not necessarily”

“The dream is always so real. I can feel her touch on my skin, the heat of the sun burning my skin, the taste of food in my tongue, and the kiss like it’s just happening plus I’m no longer a 4 year old but me”

“I guess the sun will explain the sweating”

“Is that it great witch”

“You need to go out there and find your handsome self a date and forget the past which might just be married and I’m not a witch”


“‘The prodigal son returns’ and where have you been?”

“You really expect me to answer that? Anyway, I came by to pick my things I’m moving”



“Did you tell father?”


“Is he okay with it?”

“I don’t care”

“Where are you moving to?”

“A house”

“With that bitchy girl I saw you with today?”

“As a matter of fact yes, though I never knew you saw me today”

“You guys are made for each other”

“You think?”

“Yea, you almost ran me over without a backwards glance and she literally walked over me at the hall and kept walking saying it was both our fault. Perfect match”

“I didn’t see you”

“But she saw me kept looking back and kept laughing. And stop grinning”

“I can sense jealousy. Someone is being too clingy”

“How can I be clingy to an elder brother who is always out to party and never comes home, comes home after a night out to announce he is moving in with some bitchy girl who he met yesterday for the first time, who leaves his younger brother alone in the house to die of boredom while he has fun time with a stranger? No I’m not jealous of her either because she is so unlucky”

“Sometimes you can be very annoying and at other times very entertaining, right now you’re entertaining but I just have to go she is waiting”


“What I won’t give to wipe that scowl from your face” (through clenched teeth)

“What I won’t give to wipe that grin from your face” (through clenched teeth)



James couldn’t believe his brother actually carried his bag and left with a complete stranger, what is worse is he being jealousy and wishing he was the one moving in with the girl. She looks so familiar and has this blank look that reminds me of someone but I can’t remember who. He is determined not to think about him or her either, he couldn’t think of his brother and not have ‘a comic cloud of betrayal’ hanging over his head, how could he leave him and worse to be with her. He has never thought he was ever going to miss his brother this much, he loved his brother and hoped his brother loved him even a little but living only proves he has just been wrong to have such hope, no one cared about his feelings, his mum left him though his father isn’t the best of person to stay with but she would have at least thought of him and it was just too much to ask someone who cares about looks and career more than anything else and now his brother is going to do the same. He kept packing his brothers belongings into boxes without considering how he was going to carry it downstairs done.

“What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?”

“That box can’t fit through the door you’ll have to turn it horizontally”

“Are you going to just tire me out talking or help me?

“You are blocking the doorway so I can’t help you even if I wanted to so I might just stand over here and talk”

“Where is help when you need it? This is the best time to display your powers and make this things move themselves to the guest room downstairs but no, you rather stand here and talk”

“Again I can’t do that even if I wanted to so talking is still my best option”

“So what good are you then?

“Making you relax?

“I don’t want to relax, I want to make it easier for him to leave”

“That’s it! Why don’t you keep this over here and come with me”. She moved the boxes to the end of the room making them pile on each other with just a wave of her hand. They went to the café near the house, she ordered lemon ice and chocolate chips cookies for the both of them.

“I never thought you would miss your brother this much or is there something else?”

“I can’t believe he would leave like that”

“I can sense that this your paranoia has more to do with you than him”

“Why would think that?”

“I moved heavy boxes without touching any, if you allow me to order water I would tell you what is going on in your head”

“No I’d rather tell you than have you messing with my head”

“Ok then start talking”

“I know I love my brother and all but I think this is more of jealousy than love. He never has to please anybody, he is allowed to do whatever he likes, and now he is the one to leave; I’ve always wanted to leave this house, it should be I not him”

“Is that it?”

“Yeah, I think so”

“Waiter can I get water please?”

“No she doesn’t need water”

“Yes I do, save you want to let it out”


“The part you are hiding”

“Please you have to decide if you need water or not, I have other costumers to attend to

“This is invasions of privacy”

“What is it going to be?”

“I guess I have no choice”         

“I guess I won’t be needing the water”

“Here it is; I think I’m in love with her”

“Oh no! By ‘her’ do you mean…?”

“The bitchy girl; the one that knocked me down, the one he is moving in with”

“That explains the jealousy”

“In my dream now she takes the face of Me-goo”. Helen started laughing so hard that she was causing a scene. “It isn’t funny”

“I’m sorry but I can’t stop laughing. I told you; you need to get out there and start dating”


Chapter 6

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine”

“You don’t look fine to me”

“Really I’m ok just need the bathroom”

“Ok if you say so”

As she tried to open the bathroom door, she became so queasy and could not hold

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