» Fantasy » Servants of the Saviour, Gloria Ndiri [best manga ereader .txt] 📗

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have super powers or something. It must be the genius”

“Yeah, or something. Like I’m so sure I didn’t say the geniuses stuff out loud I was just thinking it”

“Oh yeah”

He went straight to his brother on seeing him his willing to end this madness. He was used to his brother’s weird thoughts which he actually provoked but he has never been this cold to him, if he dared say he was his best friend apart from his other genus Barbie.

Does she know what you are doing with her car?”

Nice to see you too dear brother”

Is this your brother, the nerd?”

Yes, the nerd”

I think we’ve met somewhere?”

Yes we met alright”

What is with the attitude?”

Attitude? Seriously? Coming from someone who can’t apologize for crashing into me or her boyfriend trying to run me over. And I’m a genus not a nerd.

“I guess you are brothers alright, so much cuteness and rudeness. I’ll leave you two to whatever you were talking about I thought  I should introduce myself but I guess since he is such a genus and already had it figured out there will be no need”

Don’t be such a bitch about it”

This is cute but you both better stop, and come on I want to talk to you. I’ll see you later little princess.

Little princess huh?

Isn’t she cute, but try not to get on her bad side or all those cuteness will become ferocious.

“I see you have her all figured out. If all you want to talk about is your new girlfriend, I think I know her enough already”

“Wait what? Girlfriend? Anyway I didn’t call you to talk about her, I want to talk about us. I don’t like your indifference towards me since I moved out of the house, I understand that maybe it was impromptu and you didn’t have time to prepare to be alone with dad and all his demands but isn’t ignoring me a bit overboard?”

“I am still very mad at you. How could you betray me like that, moving in with a fling and leave me at home alone”

“She is not a fling …….”

“But you just denied the fact that she is your girlfriend meaning you don’t intend to take the relationship forward or are too married already” he challenged his brother to answer with the arch of an eyebrow, he needed to know their relationship and how his brother with trust issues would just bond to someone he barely knows enough to move in with them. Or maybe it’s an origin thing and a sense of longing.

“Where do you get your ridiculous ideas from? I can’t marry without inviting you and you know that. I’m staying at my mom’s and she is staying there too. I told you about it when my mom asked some months ago but she just told me to follow her home someday ago with an urgency in her voice so I didn’t have the time to tell you about it. I’m sorry, I really am.”

Your story is nice and all but how does she fit into it”

“She is kind of family….”

“Shut up Gabriel” James yelled angrily how could he lie in my face so easily while keeping a straight face “How is mi-goo family” and with the surprised look on Gab’s face he knew he got him where he wanted him so he continued yelling “FYI, I know Oba Chigozirim and her family very well and aside from the fact her dad is friends with dad WE AREN’T FAMILY” he scream the last part to get his message clear and then stormed off.



Chapter 9

“Dieby do you realise how bad you can make people feel when you say things you shouldn’t be saying”

“If this is about the monkey looking dog you drew I’m sorry but it is just horrible and I’ve decided to be your tutor in painting after all I don’t see who can do it better”

“Thanks for that show-off but that is not what I’m talking about; it’s Helen”

“Oh your friend but I never said much to her or at least not as much as I would have liked”

“She cut her hair”

“How was it what I said, I remember telling her I liked it”

“But that is not the way we remember it and I always remember quite a lot”

“What did I say?”

“To quote you ‘your hair is funny Helen, wash it off; I guess you’re all bunch of weirdoes.’ That simple statement made her to cut it”

“But I didn’t know it was natural at the time I said it”

“And I got in trouble for showing her I know how it feels to be the biggest in the class”

“Tell me about it”

“As she was being introduced everybody laughed and kept screaming ‘class mamma’ I guess she didn’t realise what it meant at the time and when I tried to console her I told her that they are just stunned on how big she is and made the mistake of asking her age and the next thing I knew she was crying and calling her mom and the rest you can figure out on your own”

“So how old is she?”

“She is same age with mua (meaning me)”

“And how old are you exactly?”

“I’m 4”

“Not too young but looking at you I forget how grown up a 4 year old can be”

“No offence taken, I can see how small I’m but she is way too grown to be 4”

“So how bad is the hair?”

“She cut out all the red part so for now she is a blondie. Anyway, I can see you have a new painting, can I see?”



“I said no”


“It is private”

“You’ve never had a private painting before so why is this one”

“Just leave it alone ok”




After drawing another portrait of the back view of Helen the blondie he decided to make a painting his sister could see when she comes around again wanting to see the new painting for he knew she certainly would but as he put the brush to the canvas he lost all sense of the present and was drawing the colours that where flashing before him, he tried so hard to make it stop but he couldn’t control either the vision or his hands until the painting was done. When it all ended his vision was blur from all the colours rolling in his brains, he knew that his sister or father would walk in and he prayed that it be his father this time but his sister came in and on seeing the painting she frowned at him and then he looked at the painting to see that he has just drawn helen with auburn hair floating on her head as she swam but the thing is she had fish tail instead of legs.

“What is the meaning of this?”

 “I don’t know I just drew it”

“Why would you draw Helen as a mermaid with red hair?”

“I said I don’t know”

“I can see how private this is and what do you have there? A picture of James as a horse or me as an ant”

“I just drew this picture and stop being paranoid” but before he could stop her she unveiled the other two canvas to reveal another portrait of Helen.

“Why are you drawing Helen?”


“It seems you liked her”

“Yes her hair was unique”

“But you made her cut it and she’ll keep cutting it”

“Really? Well that is her problem at least I got to see the painting material”

“You’re impossible”



“That picture may mean so many things; it could be her beauty dazzled you to think of her as a mermaid or she is really a mermaid if you think that is possible or it is not her just a look alike”

“Dad I don’t understand”

“There is something you have to know about yourself”

“I’m going to be a great artist and will be having a lot of vision, but dad they are not visions just colours flashing before me like a kaleidoscope and making me paint the pattern.”

“Listen to me very carefully and don’t interrupt. You have a special gift that makes you see the future through the visions or kaleidoscope as you wish to call it and not just the future but the past as well, you can only see them when you put them into painting”

“So I’m a psychic, yeah right and I thought I was the normal one”

“Only your sister can interpret your drawing correctly, I could though but not as perfectly as your sister. Everyone else will only understand it as just a work of art. Do you know how many family history you’ve revealed without understanding it? Like that baby picture of your sister with fire and ice and you drawing in the air?”

“Yes, the one you didn’t want anyone to see and took as private property”

“Yes that one; was only saying that she inherited the hot blood or burnt blood as it is formally called and you are going to draw her part.”

“Really dad this is disturbing! What is the hot or burnt blood?”

“Just try to keep her temper at a minimum always or you’ll find out the meaning the hard way and don’t tell anybody what I just told you not even her”

“Ok dad”

“You’ve to promise me”

“I promise”

“Another thing a promise either to or by a burnt blood can’t be broken and we are both burnt, well maybe in a different way”

“So you are a psychic too; and mom?”


“At last a normal person in the family!”



Chapter 10

“Hello dear, it’s your aunt Summer”

“This is the weirdest thing that has happened to me so far.”

“No you didn’t draw a talking picture, I only travelled from my canvass to yours”

“That is freaky. I have no idea I have an aunt Summer and I’m finding out in the worst way possible”

“I’m your dad’s younger sister Nmesoma and we have similar ability though I still don’t understand why”

“You are the adult I guess you should know better than me”

“It’s the females that usually possess this power and I needed to know if you have any idea why you can paint?”

“I have a doctorate in art”

“You are talking to your canvass right now and I’m sure a doctorate can give you that ability, and as my brother’s son I know you are burnt but I want to know who is hot blooded and I hope to God you have a brother who is”

“No there is no brother, just a sister and she is. Is there a problem with that?”

Soma told him her fears and concerns in having a burnt girl skipping the history and prophesy about it, how she was blooming

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