» Fantasy » Servants of the Saviour, Gloria Ndiri [best manga ereader .txt] 📗

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“I’ll order pizza”
“There will be no need for that there is more than enough food in the fridge, just take a seat at the table”. And Me-goo started pulling unending stacks of food from the fridge
“Woo-oh-ow! Where did all this come from?” surprised at the pure art storm called food her niece made in a very short time.
“Obviously I cooked aunt”
“All that?” Gad asked still awed that a single individual could do all that
“Don’t you think I can cook, pretty face?” shot back ready for any battle against her culinary skills.
“Well since we are having a party; this will do” Soma chanted breaking the mood
“Hell no mom not one of your……………” his word was cut short by the enchanting view of the very expensive champagne before him.
“Am happy to have you here son and my lil’ princess”
“It has been a long time since anyone called me that as I grew up to be a very stubborn and fierce person amidst my petty innocent looks” Me-goo said
“Fierce? Hmmm I see, and cupcakes are your weakness?” Gab mocked
“Aunty, what did you tell him?” Me-goo growled
Nothing” they both chorused. Me-goo kept glaring at him as though she would see the answer
“She really didn’t tell me anything, she didn’t have to; just one look at your face in the mall when I offered you a cupcake in the mall I knew you would ask for the bathroom and you did while almost running from the cupcakes and what else could explain the reason for the interior decoration with no single cupcake in sight when she loves them so much” Gab smirked
“Ha ha very funny pretty face”Me-goo retorted sarcastically
“I do have another reason for the interior deco” Soma in her defense but was ignored as the bickering started
“I’m a guy so you really shouldn’t be calling me pretty face, I know I’m very good looking and attractive even though too bad you can’t have me because I’m your cousin, but I think “handsome” is the word you’re looking for”
“I call you pretty face because you are so sissy and because I decide what name I’ll call you”
“I’m not sissy”
“Yes you are”
“Don’t you see my masculine body?”
“No I see your feminine mouth more”
“You argue like a girl”
“Do I? At least I’m not the one with the phobia for cupcakes”
“I fear nothing and no one at all” she blinked and her eyes turned to a very bright and sparkling golden
“Stop it the both of you, right now! I thought I’ll be happier with my children around me but you are just giving me headache” Soma scolded
“Sorry” they echoed. They both cleared the dishes together, the water she was using kept getting warmer and warmer and she didn’t even notice it until it started to steam which stunned her because the water felt normal
“See you turned on the hot water, the red is hot and the blue is cold” Gab said and she became angrier with the embarrassment she felt knowing it would sound so dump when she says she didn’t turn the hot water on; making the water even hotter. “Jeez how could you even touch that, I’ve not even touched it and I fell like my skin is pilling already and you could comfortably keep your hands in it without feeling an ounce of pain” he continued without noticing her confusion
“Rinsing with hot water is the best way to ensure that the plate is completely greaseless and I think she could touch the water because she is used to it, is that not so girl?” her aunt stepped in and saved her
“Yes, I’m used to it now and I’m not as soft as you are” she said while knowing she could never even touch anything hot. They said their good nights and went to bed
‘Fierce and stubborn right? Was the change in eye colour what I’m thinking or was it just mere anger? The hot water was not turned on so what made it hot almost to boiling point and why didn’t she feel the water was hot? Does this mean she inherited the burnt blood or was it all a coincidence? If it is not a coincidence does she know? So many questions and I don’t really want to know the answers’ Soma checked up on the children and went off to bed 3

Chapter 3

“I’ll see u tomorrow my dad is here” her face lit up when she saw her dad’s car “oh no, it’s not my dad but his friend and I really don’t like him” she said with a frown on her face when she spotted the driver and went towards him anyway. She didn't have a choice except she wants to trouble her dad with changing her pickup plans she really didn't want to worry her dad about little things like this.

“Hi baby come on lets go”

“I’m not a baby and what are you doing with my dad’s car?”

“Your dad asked me to come pick you up”

“I don’t like you so why don’t you stop making yourself available for my dad to ask you to help with picking me”

“Well you just have to get used to it”

“I won’t”. 

She didn’t speak to him again except to ask where he was taking her when he took a different part from her normal route home and then fell into silence again. She was different; bolder, wilder and harsh. She was so cold and lost when he joined their car that morning and nothing he could come up with in his brain could explain how she could have transformed in less than 24hrs and yes her piercing stare as though she could read your mind, she proved she could when she answered his thoughts he could still hear her voice even though she hadn’t really spoken 'I’m happy and that’s the reason for the change' could he have imagined those words or had she really talked to him? He dropped her at her dad’s office and the minute she saw her dad she started speaking again.

“Daddy please stop sending him to pick me from school I hate him”

“Shut up! You don’t hate people who have done nothing wrong to you, he did you a favour by accepting to bring you from school or you would have been there for a really long time”

“Ok but I’d really prefer it once I don’t get to see his face, I dislike him a lot dad”

“What is wrong with you today young lady? Apologise to him right this instant”

“I won’t, I don’t like him and it’s the truth”

“Young lady I demand you say I’m sorry right now”

“If I do that I would be lying and you said it is wrong to lie”

“I’m really sorry Ken for the embarrassment, I really don’t know what is wrong with her today” her dad said to the uncomfortable Ken who had just brought his daughter. 

“It’ ok chief, I prefer her outburst to the terrifying piercing glare she gives me each time she sees me it means she is getting used to my presence” ken said in reply.

“I really doubt that” Mr Oba said as he turned to his very sleepy baby girl. Ken excused himself and left the office.

“I can see your daughter is a fireball” his colleague said to him as he settled his daughter on the office couch.

“I sincerely hope she is not”

“Do you know why she doesn’t like him?”

“My girl is not the type to speak ill of someone and it’s the first time she has ever declared her dislike for him openly”

“Maybe it’s because she is getting used to his presence and she is trying to fight it”

“Like I said before I doubt that is the case. I think this is getting serious; she can’t contain the dislike within her anymore she had to say it. I just have to stop sending him to pick her up”

“And also try to find out the reason for the dislike” and just then James ran into the office.


James ran into the office screaming “Dad I’m hung…………..” his word was cut by the sight of the figure sleeping on the sofa in the office

“The little Mr Green! How are you doing today buddy?”

“Who is that?” he totally ignored the greeting to clear his curiosity. The person looked familiar but a lot of the parents here had their kids in his school and he really couldn't tell if the person was male or female in their P.E uniform which was a tshirt above a blue short. And the figure was twisted to a very irregular shape from sleep.

“She is my little girl and she didn’t eat her lunch again. I better wake her so we can eat together at the canteen I’m starving”

“Same here and I can see this little man is hungry too” Mr Green said. James was writing about the figure in the school uniform of his new school when she stired and recognition dawn on him.

“Zirim, wake up” her dad tapped her as he called and when she stood up she saw James staring back at her in disbelieve

“Me-go?” James called questioningly

“Yes it’s I and stop looking at me as if you have seen a ghost, I told you my dad works here and I’ll guess this is your dad”

“I see you’ve met already, now apart from miss Ivan you have Miss Oba” Mr Green said more poitedly to his son

“I see we are meant to be friends after all. Helen is down the hall I’ll tell her you are here” James was screeching unable to contain his excitement.

“You met my girl in school and she spoke to you, this is new she rarely ever talks after her first year in the school” Me-goo's dad asked in suprise.

“She was in my class and spoke just to Helen and I, that may be because we share a seat” James supplied the information

“I thought you are in nursery 3?” me-goo's dad asked unable to understand the information.

“Yes, I am” James replied

“Then how could she be your classmate?” Mr Oba asked again looking at his daughter hoping to get an explanation from her but she jst remained mute.

“I donno, I met her in the class” James supplied getting bored with the conversation.

“I think there has being a mix up somewhere” Mr Oba said, as he was about to pick the phone and call the school when the phone rang. “Hello. Yes you are. I was just about to call you regarding her. Oh I see. When did that happen? And you didn’t think I should know about it? Well, you know her well enough to know she won’t say a word” he spoke into the phone. He dropped the phone  and declared “Ok let’s go eat, what would you like baby?”

“Ice cream and burger”

“That is no food, it is junk”

“I love mint and strawberry scope blend of ice cream”

“Ok, ok you’ve got it but with real food”



The only thing she likes about these evening outings is the fact that she will be able to fool around with her brother without any adult on their tail. As much as all they do is tease each other till one of them can’t take it anymore and start a fight (in which she is usually the loser), she adores him as an elder brother and

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