» Fantasy » Servants of the Saviour, Gloria Ndiri [best manga ereader .txt] 📗

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fast and unveiling abilities she is not supposed to have just yet. Then there was her temperament and nonchalance, she loves to have fun but can get really aggressive over petty arguments and that worried her lot; if she could boil water over cupcakes who knows. Dieby didn’t know how to take the information he heard about his sister, he missed her a lot but she sure is changing from that withdrawn girl he used to know to an aggressive woman. He knew better than anyone that she channelled all the anger she had holed up in her for so long and turned it into aggression and who in the world sent her to the military with that heart of hers made of steel. She would kill instantly just by thinking about it his dad had told him that much, a great weapon the government has without knowing it. He still remembered Ken after he tried to abuse her signed his death warrant, she did was scream and stare at him but he claimed he could hear her talking angrily in his head saying “I told you I hate you, you should have stayed away from me you dirty big man”. The report said that certain cells in his brain were missing and his insides are like someone who had being in a fire but his skin was glowing with no single blemish, saying that his death was caused by excessive smoking. But my dad knew it wasn’t smoking but that was the only explanation the doctor could come up with. She had no idea what she did or how she did it only that she hated the man and at the moment scared of him. He wished he could help her out or be there for her when she bloomed but this people won’t even let him contact his family the fact is he is a prisoner in the middle of an island having comfort in the letters from his family sent which has long since stopped coming, he wasn’t even allowed to attend his father’s funeral so he doesn’t blame them for losing hope on him. She sure would be thinking he has forgotten all about her in his successful life, she was quick to anger so he wouldn’t be surprised if she now totally hates him. He knows that there is something big happening since he had that that dream and the visit from his supposed aunt hadn’t helped his uneasiness at all. His sister’s alpha powers started manifesting in childhood and if she does anything extraordinary and this facility hears of it she would be a wanted specimen, he was getting more frustrated and angry at the facility and his uselessness. He was still thinking about the night’s activities when he fell asleep.


The party was perfect with plenty of ice cream and sugar coated snacks. all she wanted was to pack her stomach full of all the confectioneries and toothpick chews she could lay her hands on meanwhile she has lost count of how many trips she has made to the ice cream machine(plus offered treats). Dieby on the other hand was being a sweet loving brother who protected my shy self from the other nosy and noisy kids. The fun was highlighted with Helen and all her fun stories about London and her friends over there in London. Having being a close to Helen I’d realised that she was a smart and calculating girl and not the ‘oversize Barbie doll at a tea party’ she appeared to be. She had the ability to deduce what you were thinking or what you had in mind to say, she could most times finish the speech of a speaker correctly without even knowing the person. Maybe it’s her mind playing tricks on her but the all she could hear from Helen’s story was about James, she couldn’t help it but ask if all her friends had the same name or they all just sounded alike to her but Helen just laughed and said that it was just one person she was talking about, she didn’t have much friends because her mom travelled a lot which left her always in James’ home with his mother who is mostly on business trips too, and it seems people are not so different after all no matter the skin colour they come in they are always nosy and disapprove anything they didn’t have a business meddling in anyway and to add to their curiosity she was  American with the weird hair and size. James was more to himself and diary than anyone, he meet the world through his diary capturing the slightest expression. He is the typical recluse, scared to death how fake people behave backstabbing and all, he preferred his own company and that didn’t give Helen much of a chance to have friends, nobody wanted to be friends with a loser except you’re a loser yourself. As she asked where James was he showed up in front of her pulling her towards the pool.

“Hey what’s going on?”


“I don’t swim”

“You have a fine suit it would feel bad if you do not put it to use”

“I wore it because Helen and my brother asked me to and I hate cold water”. And where is Dieby when you need him. Just as they got to the edge of the pool she willed all the strength in her and waited for them to push her and then nothing happened.

“Ok we give up just stay and watch us enjoy the pool”

“You are a very stubborn girl”

She sighed with relief and relaxed watched her friends and the other swimmers for a while and drifted away from the present and then the next thing she knew, she was floating on water. It all happened so fast that all she could remember was puking her heads off and having an irritation that lasted a whole week.

Dieby couldn’t believe it the water is frozen from bottom up to the surface around his sister who apparently is face down with her hands over eyes looking as slivery as the moon above her, He knew he would never forget how beautiful she looked here and is going to have a picture of this moment. But as he approached her he saw the ice melting away and felt the temperature of pool rising, he jolted away from the heat of the water to notice it was still cool on the other side and the heat was being directed to the ice from where his father’s hand was submerged in the pool. He just picked up his sister and left the pool knowing he was not going to get any answer to his numerous questions here not with so many people around anyway. His father made excuses and invited his friends to dinner to make up for ruining their welcome party which was not ruined one bit and left.

The rest of the week was troubling for Dieby his sister hadn’t regained consciousness and her skin very irritated. She looked so small and weak well most of the times, other times she looked like she was controlling everything and everyone from her unconscious mind. He couldn’t explain it even though his father has told him that she is a powerful being but the power she emanates is too much for a small creature like her. But his father has refused to be anywhere close to him but tells him to concentrate and be patient. It happed on the full moon well he knew the reason because of the picture he painted before watching the little creature in front of him transform before his eyes, His dad too. She became a fully grown woman looking even more silvery than she looked in the pool and almost transparent with her hair golden and flaming just like the sun and then she opened her mouth and he felt a chill that made him feel stronger and wiser than was and he understood everything and seeing my dad stand behind her like a guard I knew she was the queen of the universe. When the whole episode was over she woke up and was helthier than ever and so was the entire clinic and the entire surrounding as they drove home. He went straight to his room to draw her the way he saw her but there was already a picture of the whole event, he could remember having his usual vision but he didn’t understand the picture he produced then.

“Oh dear! My little sister just healed the world!”

“Yes, but not just the world but the whole universe and has given you the ability to understand your drawings.”

“But dad, why are you her bodyguard not her father?”

“Like you must know now she is the protector of the universe and you are the guardian of its histories. Over time the queen sends in her subordinates into different worlds to maintain balance and comes in person after a century or as she deems fit. She came a bit earlier than usual which means that there is going to be a big event that would shake the balance of this world, but she was not supposed to manifest now.”

“What about her eyes? She had no eye.”

“You are her eyes so make sure to guide it because no eyes can be as effective as hers, I could give her mine but things would not be very clear.”

“What triggered her early manifestation?”

“The pool; the water had chlorine in it and that is not natural. It made her read high pollution level in the waters, and came to clean it up. Didn’t you notice that every natural thing looks healthier than before? Please take care of her and her eyes or this world might go to ruins”.

He needed to get out of there and be with his sister before her transfiguration and yeah there can be no transfiguration without him. It is a disaster and these men are still looking for a means to get their hands on something from history or future which he has no idea what it is or have no intention of predicting. If it is so powerful then they don’t need to know where it is.




This book was written when I was a child and still has its original plot and less edit. I stopped because I became too busy with "LIFE" but promise to venture back to my childmind and complete the book soon. hope you like it. Please leave a comment below....


Text: Obika Ogochukwu
Editing: Obika Ogochukwu
Publication Date: 10-04-2017

All Rights Reserved

To my long gone imaginary friends.

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