» Fantasy » Servants of the Saviour, Gloria Ndiri [best manga ereader .txt] 📗

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it back anymore, she knew that if she threw-up that she was bound for the sick bay and the emergency gown. All she needed right now was to get away from the cursed snacks they were holding but could they not leave and stop staring at me as though I were mad. She hadn’t noticed that she has drifted again and was already lost in the refuge of her thoughts when the door was opened. Oh God, no! I’m being hunted! Then she soiled the Oncoming boy’s shoes before passing out.

“I knew you weren’t fine”

“I’m fine”

“Ok, so what happened, why are you wearing that gown?”


“Did you mess up your uniform?”

“Not really?”

“What Happened?”

“She was sick and will need her rest now” the minder interrupted

“I don’t need rest I’ll be fine just need to get back to class”

“You can learn tomorrow but may die today”

“I won’t die I promise, but I don’t want to be at the sick bay”

“Ok, how about tea?”

“I’d love a cup, thank you.”

The minder made a very creamy cup of hot chocolate and instead of cookies decided on the box of cupcakes not giving her a chance to protest, fed them to her me-goo gulped the tea trying to supress the sickness forming in her throat with no success and turning green with the effort. Just as the minder was about to comment on her colour she lost the fight and knew she was no escaping the bay now and worse she was feeling really ill.



She looked so serene and beautiful in her sleep that all he thought of or wanted to do was kiss her; her lips felt soft and warm against his and got warmer with the kiss. Where the thought had been hiding or where it had come from he couldn’t say but the kiss felt right nevertheless, who would have thought that his first kiss would be stolen from a sleeping unsuspecting black girl who he has known for less than a month. He has never been this attracted to a girl, ok maybe he has never been attracted to any girl before but this was crazy and nice.

“What are you doing here?”

“I was brought in for being tired, I thought you would be lonely so I decided to stay after I woke up”

“How long did I sleep?”

“Long enough to take that queasy look off your face, you should have seen yourself earlier you were as green as an elf”

“I really wasn’t sick”

“If you say so”

“Thanks for staying with me”

“You’re welcome. Will you come to the welcome party that will be held at the club this evening for us?”

“I’ll try but I honestly don’t enjoy the evenings with the parents; it’s so boring”

“We will be there to keep you company”


“We should be getting back to class”

“I don’t think so”

“Mrs Ifeoma” they said in unison as they saw the minder appear at the door.

“You’ll have to stay here until your parents come to pick you for more medical attention, we don’t want you stressing yourselves and getting worse and it’s almost closing time”

“But we are fine now Ma”

“A doctor should be a judge of that Mr. green”


“I guess we are stuck here”

“Yes Miss, you are stuck with me”


“Hey guys”


“It’s time to go”

“Finally, is my dad here?”

“No, but his dad is and we’ll all be going together”

“Really? Meaning we still have a while together”

“Yeah and I heard my mom talk about some party today at the club”

“Yeah, it’s our welcome party I already told her about it”

“Where do you two think you’re going” the minder said as they were about to leave


“Obviously” Helen added

“Where are your parents?”

“My dad is not coming” she looked and them quizzically

“But my dad is here and we usually go together”

“Call him”


“I understand that you are here to take this children home sir”

“Yes I am”

“I’m sorry sir, but you can’t take Chigozirim with you”

“And why not, her father ask me to”

“I left a message that says she can only be taken by either of her parents or she’ll be transferred to the company’s hospital did he not get it?”

“If you are talking of the same message you left me, he got it but he can’t be here the fact is we both can’t be here either and her mom is tied up at work as well”

“I’m sorry sir but you’ll have to go without her”

“I know you are doing your job but do you think I’d be here if he had the slightest doubt about my ability to take care of his daughter, if you have anything to say to him say it to me because my time is running out”

“I’ll have to confirm from him, your ID pls. hello, please confirm the ID being fax to you as the person you sent to pick your child from school notwithstanding the situation; I could give him information regarding her health. Have a nice day”

“Ok you got your confirmation, so”

“Here, the report on their health. Sorry for the delay sir, you can go now”

“Thank you”

“Do have a nice day sir”

“Goodbye Madam Ifeoma”



Chapter 7

“I need to forget the past and move on, I can’t believe I remember something that happened to me when I was four so vividly. It has to do with the sight of that black girl and my brother.” He started parking everything that reminded him of Nigeria and all he gave up for his father’s dream. He would get out there and start dating surely he find a girl out there who would awaken him again to the present but the problem was he already found her and she was with someone else; his brother of all the men in this universe to be with. He had his differences with his brother but he would never betray him for the least reason not even love. When found his pile of diaries he hesitated, he still wanted to draw but he just couldn’t, he wanted to keep the little reminder of his dream but he knew that would only take him back to what he desperately need to forget, it would do him no good to long for the pencil and paper when he should be longing for the blades and syringes. He still couldn’t overcome the urge to go through it, “one last time” he said to himself “how would this last time hurt”

He flipped through the pages laughing at the illustration and description of the people and places he had ever seen since he learnt how to handle the pencil. Time flew as his diary took him back to his carefree years when he didn’t have to worry of anything but packing his things and traveling, the heap of diary around him grew as he kept bringing digging into the box for more, his amateur works were good even though they were far from perfect he knew cause he studied art secretly and had a degree in art in the hope to recapture something in his heart that opens only when he draws but he can’t paint, mould, carve or even name it he ends up with a heart arching void that he gave up all together; Just as he was about to pack up he saw her. He though his imagination was playing mind games on him, he pick up the diary that was dedicated to her; the cover drawing a spitting image of her smiling at him and her golden brown gleaming and her name boldly written across the page.

 “Why in God’s name did I see it, one time hurts more than a life time. How am I going to get myself out of this mess, it’s like the more I try the more it comes back to hit me right in the face. First I’m in love with my brother’s girlfriend and now she is my first love. I hate him even more now, how could he put me in such a situation just like him to create confusion anywhere he goes and leave me to clear the mess”.



“We need to talk”

“Can it wait till tomorrow?”

“I really need to talk to you about my new crush”

“Ok now you need to calm down and go to bed. It is way past talking time and I need to sleep”

“Oh ok I’m sorry didn’t realize how late it is. Goodnight”. He could not sleep and he didn’t want to get out of bed either, all he wanted was to somehow erase last night. How could it be her? Maybe it is just a black girl that looks like her, she probably isn’t Nigerian and has no idea who me-goo is? But those eyes are so striking, I am yet to see eyes as piercing as hers those eyes are unique and changes with each thought and emotion.


This is the strangest thing to happen in human history Helen thought. What is the probability of her coming here after so long and to our school, this is too much of a coincidence. It is obviously her those eyes are so unique and unforgettable plus she didn’t change at all, how could she not recognize her after seeing her through James and his drawings. Why now that I am beginning to make him realize he might never see her again even if for now he is crushing on his brother’s girlfriend, I was just nurturing the thought that maybe just maybe he will begin to see me as a girl and not just his best friend. Today deserves a self-pampering  



Chapter 8

There is something definitely wrong with his cousin even though she looks alright, intelligent and funny. There is more to that fireball than what meets the eye and he is prepared to find out although his mother would not tell him anything and will try to cover some of her actions but even without his studies in psychology he is aware of normal human behaviour, on the slightest provocation she could literately heat up a room or chill your bones depending on her conduct, and that is definitely not normal. Only to go and meet his brother out of it too and that also was not normal.

“I guess it has something to do with the geniuses”

“What now?”

“No, nothing”

“Yes, definitely something. So what is it?”

“Ok, please promise not to get offended”

“I won’t”

“Why are you so strange?”

“By strange you mean awesome!”

“Kind of but not really”


“I know I shouldn’t be so direct but you act out of the natural, like you hear know things people are thinking”

“I don’t think I do, is not like I

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