» Fantasy » Life - Generation, K. Green [a court of thorns and roses ebook free TXT] 📗

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same class. They are like my bodyguards, most of the time. It’s cute tho.

But most importantly… what now? Mother is not awake yet, I don’t what to do. I feel lost.

I can’t spent whole day at school, so I am going home. I can’t write my homework too because my hands are shaking. I’m always thinking what happened actually back this day. Nobody wants to tell me either. I have the right to know right? Since she’s my mother plus she’s a hospital again. Laying on a bed, being pale, can’t breathe on her own… and most importantly she doesn’t wake up.

I was keeping walking around the classroom. Alec and Daniel were on their desks staying in silence. I looked Alec, he… doesn’t even seem happy that he’s a wolf now. Who made this mess? I heard around Daniel’s father did something, but I doubt he did on purpose.

“What if she don’t wake up?” I said and my eyes filled with tears.

“She will.” Alec yelled over me. “She will. You’ll see.” Our classmates looked him

“But if still doesn’t? What are we going to do?”

“Grow up.”

“I go out for a while” my eyes followed Daniel. He feels guilty, if the rumors are true… his father almost killed my mother.

“Jess, stop crying” Alec pulled me and I stood front him

“How I won’t? That’s my mother! Nobody tells me what happened… and do you realize in what condition is she? Even once you didn’t go to see her.” I raised my voice

“Because I can’t handle the view.” We’ll fight again, but this time will be serious

“You think I can? I can’t write my homework, my legs doesn’t even keep me stand still… I am ruined.” I yelled, pissed.

“Me? Only thing what keeps me calm is running. I can’t watch her like this.” He returned with growl.

“Why do they fight?” our classmates in the room said

“I don’t know but Jessica is crying, should be something serious.”

“I don’t even have this. Nobody can calm me… Daniel… he feels guilty, I can see it.”

“You think I don’t see it?” he stood up “YOU think I can’t see the pain in my best friend? He lie into my eyes that he’s alright. She will wake up. SHE HAS TO. She won’t leave us alone. ”

“Hey Alec” one girl said, but he didn’t even notice her. His eyes was watching mine. “Alec”

“Get the fuck out of here” He yelled on her “We are her flesh and blood Jess”

“How you can be such an optimistic? For you everything is ‘sun and flowers?’ ”

“And you? Everything is ‘Dark and dead flowers?’ I want to be like this Jessica. You don’t know what thoughts I have in my mind. I have nightmares. How we buries our mother. ” He was yelling even louder

“My mind, can’t accept it Alec… it doesn’t allow me.”

“Like mine does it?” he said low and soft

“You are two in one.” I said loud again. One teacher showed up because of the noise. “You are stronger than before. You should be. Don’t hide. Go in the hospital and look the reality. You won’t do anything just with dreams.” I hit his chest. “She might not wake up.” I hit him again.

“What’s going on?”

“None of your business.” I caught his t-shirt and he hugged me tight. Since when I fall emotional front my brother…? “Come on Jess. She will be ok.”

“I want to go home. I want to see her smile again and saying her stupid jokes with dad.” Daniel came to us and got my bag and his. Alec took his

“Where you two go?”

“Home” and we left.



Chapter 2 - Lost memory

Jessica’s P.O.V


Dear diary,

Mom is not awake yet. I am in her hospital’s room.. Alex and Daniel left me here and went to run again.

I don’t know why but I can’t think positive.



I closed my diary and looked the room. Peach color of the walls and wooden floor. Big windows with curtains. I should cheer up. I can’t stay like this all day. I looked my mother. She was still pale, but I could see her face is getting her normal color. I sat on the chair next to her.

Her hair looks weak, same as her body. Even looks skinnier. She had tube in his throat, because she can’t breathe alone. Also had a bandage around her neck. So Daniel’s father bit her throat? Could be this? Why nobody wants to tell me what happened.

I took her hand in mine and squeezed it. Her eyes twitched, and opened.

“Mom..? Oh my god mom? DAD!” I yelled. My dad went into the room with the Doctor. “She.. She woke up.”

After few minutes, they removed the tube out of her throat. She looked confused.

“May I ask… who are you?” What?

“Mom.. Are you okay?” The doctor frowned, and checked her head for any injuries.

“What is your name?” he asked

“Catherina Dan”

“Okay, and do you know who I am?”

“Doctor I suppose. I know I fell from the pyramid at school, but it’s just a broken arm. It’s normal for cheerleader. And what am I doing in a hospital?”

“Do you know what year are we?”

“2011… I’m not sure if you are okay Doctor.”

“Cath we are 2037 year. What’s your name?” he asked again

“Catherina Dan. Where’s mom and dad, and who are they. What’s going on?”

“How old are you?”

“16” I looked dad with opened mouth.

“She thinks she’s 16, dad…”

“She does, but she’s not”

“I am 16” she said arguing back

“She lost 24 years from her memories.”

Grandma and Grandpa went into the room, and Erik was behind them.

“Dad… Mom why you are so old?”

“Old? God girl, I am not that old”

“What going on…” and she started to cry “Who are you all, I want my parents back…”

“You can take her home” Doctor told us. “She just need to return her memories. Please take care of her, she’s too weak, and don’t push her too much.”

“No, no, no, I am not going with those people, I want my parents, I don’t know anybody of you. I want home” Dad touched her hand. “Do not touch me.”


I packed my mother’s things in a sack and we had to push her in the car by force. She was fighting, and arguing, but at end she was in the car.

She’s awake. Alec was right. She was alright, if we don’t count the memory lost.

“Who are you?” mom said interrupting me from my thoughts.

“I am your husband Styles and that’s our daughter Jessica.”

“Yeah right, married with a kid. You can say this bullshits to my grandmother. I am 16, neither do I have husband nor kids”

“You are 40 and I’m 42.” She looked the side’s mirror of the car. She laughed and opened the door.

“Go talk this bullshits to somebody else.”

“No...” dad pulled her back in the car and locked the door. The rest of the ride was in silence.


We are home. Maria, Stefan, Uncle Erik, Ed, Alec and Daniel were here. They were sitting in the kitchen waiting us. The kitchen is… a lot brighter than before, actually from last I saw it.

“MOM!” Alec said and ran to her and hugged her tight. I saw the confusing in mom’s face. She seemed disgusted and confused a lot. She can’t accept she has a family? I don’t think it should be so complicated situation… but for a person who has an amnesia… probably it is. I don’t know.

“What? 2 kids?” she said and pushed him away “You want to tell me I was pregnant 2 times? That’s impossible. Absolutely impossible.”

“Is she okay?” Maria said worried.

“Memory lost. She takes everything for a joke. Cath. Look around. That’s our home and our family.” He pointed at people in the kitchen. “That’s your brother Erik. The boy with your eyes is Alec. Other too are our neighbors Maria and Stefan, and their sons Daniel and Edward”

“Wait, wait.. You are my husband? These two are my kids? Then brother? And this is my house?”

“Our house.” He corrected her.

I left them and went upstairs. Took fast shower and dressed up. Ok she’s ok. Nothing is wrong. Her memory is… confused. Let’s say it like that. From now on we are going to life like before, right? Well not exactly the same until she return her memories. She needs to rest and nothing more. Nothing complicated.

I heard a scream downstairs. I raised my eyebrows and went into the living room. Oh… Rayon and Rachel are here. I loved Rayon’s wolf. With brown fur and small red nuance.

“Ray!” I said and I literally jump on him. Did I said his fur is so soft..? I wish he could be my teddy bear! He whimpered and I rubbed his head. “Always so happy!” I looked mom. She was hiding behind dad, her fingers was thrusted in dad’s shirt and skin probably. So they are watching the albums?

“Rayon and Rachel” Alec said and rolled his eyes to me. Ugh I guess he’s not used to girl’s scream.

“Is that Rachel from school? Oh my god… PINKY!” Her mouth opened wide. “You are so old!” Rayon growled at her, and she screamed even more with a cry.

“What’s with her?”

“Memory lost” and I sat on Rayon’s back. Ok maybe I can make him officially my teddy bear! I looked Daniel smiling, and he was looking at me with narrowed eyes. I felt he made a hole in my head and body. My smile faded.

Daniel… he is the neighbor guy right? You’ll accept it pathetic but I like him and love him, but I can’t do it. I am not allowed to fall in love as my mom said. Even if he’s wolf… he might be not my mate. Then my love will be desperate and hopeless. I looked Rayon’s head and I thrusted my fingers in his neck. I am still a human, I still can have my first love. I’ll turn into a wolf after 2 years, for two years everything can change.

If I try to be with him, in every minute his mate can show up and I’ll be pushed away. My heart will be broken, so isn’t it better to not be with him and just live my life as his best friend? I think that’s the best way I can make for now.

I might try with Brayan. He’s a year older than me and study in my school. And we got closer after the gym classes we had. We had to pick up a partner from the upper class. We did well, we finished 2nd. Alec and Danial had a fight with the teacher and he let them be as partners. They finished 1st of course.

I looked Daniel again. Why does he watch me like that I don’t understand. Maybe he’s overtaking it. He does right?


Dear diary,

Mom is alright, just her memory is… erased. Everything is going to be alright. Right? I wish you could be a living person who will talk to me… and listen to me and never go against me and never judge me. It weird. You’ll ask, why not Alec? Well I don’t think he can help at all right now

Did I said that Daniel watches me weird? I know, I know. I told you I like him but, we can’t be together and it's hurting me.



Monday morning came

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