» Fantasy » Life - Generation, K. Green [a court of thorns and roses ebook free TXT] 📗

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and muted the phone “Jess. They are making Alec tattoo. But I don’t why it effects on you. You have to handle all this. Okay” I nodded. “You can keep going Alex.” and hang up. “I am here. Scream as much as you want.”

The pain showed up again


Maria’s P.O.V


I took Jess in my house, and left her for a while. I started looking for a book. There’s should be an explanation. This can’t just happen like this. All those scar’s… and the smell of the cream, also the screams were… unbelievable strong.

Here should be written. I took the book “Wolves behavior” . I sat on the couch and opened the content. Normal wolf behavior. Wolf behavior at mating with their partner… Female wolves. Nowhere is it… Twin wolves page 156.

I opened the page and started reading.

Twin wolves [always male and female gender] are really special kind. They are accept and revered as gods. One of the most powerful partners. They are connected emotionally, physically and spiritually. NEVER doubt in them or their opinion. If you hurt or disrespect them, they’ll take it too deep.

The female twin, always is tougher of them both in emotional case, but also doubling the male’s physical pain in her body... example: If the male is in battle, he won’t feel anything BUT his twin sister will feel the pain doubled on the place where he got hit, plus the wound will show up on her body. Emotions is the most confusing part for her. She will also take emotions double again from the male wolf.

In short she is the engine in their relationship, even if the female twin got the hardest part in their existence. She feels all the pain or happiness in their life, but also thinking more positive and has the best ideas. Before her transformation, she will be confused with everything that goes around them. She will not know what happens. She might start seeing through her brothers eyes, because of the emotional tiredness and exhaustion. After her transformation everything will become clearer, the female twin will make difference between her brother’s emotions and her own. She will always know where he is, the distance doesn’t matter.

The male twin is always overprotective over his sister, no matter what. In some cases the male twin can go against his own mate, because his sister is in trouble. Male wolf also feels the pain of his sister but it’s not that powerful, mostly like a tickle or shiver. With is the emotions is the same.

In short he is the one who is good in battles, he also takes his sister’s powers when it comes to a fight, because she won’t be that strong in battles. He is the durable and strong person in physical situation from them both, but get exhausted fast. It recommended the female twin not to present in battles... and to stay near the male twin in battles. Before and after the transformation he won’t feel any difference between the physical or emotional pain. If he focus enough, he can start seeing through his sister’s eyes. He will always know where she is, the distance doesn’t matter.

With the whole exhaustion of power and emotions, the twin sister might transform earlier than usual. It's recommended the twins not to be separated.

She might not have a mate.


So this means… Jessica is the most exhausted from them both. I heard another scream of a pain and sighed. I should explain this to her.


 Jessica’s P.O.V


I screamed again with a pain and cried. This can’t be happening… why it lasts so long. I am exhausted. All in sweat and smell awful of burnt skin. I can't stop crying.

“Maria!?” I heard familiar voice

“Yes Erik” she said and wiped the sweat off my forehead and caressed my head.

“What’s with this screaming…? Jess are you okay?”

“It’s really complicated Erik. A lot. Jess can you listen to me?” I nodded and clenched my jaw. “Ok you both listen to me carefully. Erik do not tell anyone yet. We have to help her somehow.”

“With what exactly”

“She is connected with Alec. Physically and emotionally. She takes it double. That why she’s in this condition.”

“They make Alec’s tattoo right now.” Maria removed the towel from my back “That’s impossible.”

“It heals Erik, look… the shoulders are fine now. It’s like an old wound… it's almost not noticeable either.”

“How old it’ll heal? The whole burning place.”

“As I can see they tattoo is almost finished. Probably for maximum 2 hours it’ll be fully healed. Nobody has to see it yet. I want to talk with her first.”

“Got it. Ill try to keep them in camp.” And he left from the back door.

“Don’t think about it either” Maria yelled after him.




Erik’s P.O.V


He don’t feel pain. Is he such masochist? Daniel literally was screaming of pain. Alec didn’t said a word. It was like a feather over his back.

“Ok you are ready” dad said and stopped “You didn’t yelled. Your mother was literally screaming like her life depended on it.”

“Ha, ha. You are so funny Grandpa” He stood up and wore his shirt.

“Well, from now on your hormones will be doubled.” He told them“Be careful at school, and I’m serious. Now you can go training.” Sis and Styles came in the Hall “Ok we’ll postpone it, is everything alright here?”

“Yes. We went into the woods, she remembered everything but the accident. She has no memory for Stefan.”

“And again. Who is this person?” sister asked.

“Probably it’s the shock that he made on her?” I asked and everybody nodded.


I was sitting on the chair and I rubbed my eyes. How this is possible? For me it’s impossible, but since it’s written in the old books… should be true.

Jessica will go through of so much pain that will not be understandable for her. I hope Maria explain her everything, because she can’t be alone in this situation. Alec is too carefree to understand... Well he can but he won’t accept it fully. This is wrong.

My sweet Jess was screaming like she’s been in hell. I heard her at end of the road. I don’t want to know if any other person form the pack was there, but I didn’t feel anything. My phone rang and I took it.

“Excuse me” I said and I went out leaving them with empty looks. I never go out when I am talking on the phone. I lower the volume to maximum, I could hear it anyway. “What’s her condition?”

“Well it’s half healed, her scream stopped. She fell asleep. Poor kid is exhausted. That’s almost 4 hours pain.” I nodded

“So what now? We can’t hide for them any sooner”

“Yes we do.”

“How you can be so sure?”

“Because they won’t smell or hear anything.”

“Maria I’m worried about her. What’s the book you read?”

“’Wolves behavior’ I’m sure we have this book at the Hall. Better don’t go in wolf form, they might read your mind.” I nodded.

“Okay I’ll see what’s written there.” I went inside. They looked me again. “Stay with her”

“Always and forever” I hang up. And looked them.


“What was that?” Styles said.

“Nothing. Won’t you go to train already?” I told them and slowly they went outside leaving me.

I went to the bookshelf, and took the book out. And look in the content. I found it and started reading stand still.


Transform earlier, plus no mate, plus they shouldn’t be separated. The pain is getting bigger and bigger. I returned the book and went outside. And I took deep breath. So my nephews are special kind.

I followed them into the small field and sat on a tree’s crowns and leaned on it. It is sure Alec is strong and fast, but after 15 minutes he got tired. I don’t know what they were talking about, but seemed Styles wasn’t happy at all. They went on both sides of the field again. They ran to each other, but Alec stopped on half way and started coughing. Daniel was left alone with Styles and dad.

For sure he needs Jess. If they should be always together, it’s going to look different in other’s eyes. Like the Stanley's Family. They are really weird people. For centuries they are marring they own family. I short they incest. Their generation doesn’t have any diseases, in biological way… they should.

Alec shook his head and  came under the tree with Styles, leaving Daniel to train with dad. They transformed into human form.

“What’s going on Alec? There’s no improvement from last time.”

“I don’t know, okay?” he said annoyed “I feel alone and empty inside. It takes all my powers.”

“I understand.”

“Probably if Jess was here I won’t feel like this. When I’m with her, I feel happiness and the hole is filled up. She gives me powers, dad”

“You are in love with your sister?”

“What? Hell no. She’s always been here encouraging me, since I am a wolf she’s far away from me”

I smiled. So it’s true. Who to know the old dusty books will be in a use?


Jessica’s P.O.V


When I woke up everything was dark. I was laying on the couch, but not in our house. I don’t feel pain anymore. But I am exhausted a lot. I sat on couch and touched my head and sighed. My head hurts a lot. Like somebody hit me with a stick or a stone, my body is the same.

“Maria?” I said, I knew she will hear me, fast she came in the living room. “Where am I?”

“I have to talk with you, come outside.” We sat on backyards porch. There was a lemonade and cookies. Edward was playing with Erik outside. “How you feel?”

“Like truck came over me”

“And you look like that.” She laughed “We have to talk with you Jess.”

“What for?” she gave me a glass with a lemonade.

“Your parents are of the half way home with the kids. We have maximum 30 minutes. Listen to me carefully.” I nodded “You and Alec are connected. Physically, emotional and spiritually”

“What, you mean”

“All the pain you have felt just now on your back, is because of Alec. That’s the physical connection. He won’t feel anything in battles or trainings, but you going to feel all the exhaustion plus the pain of the wounds. In the past days when your mother was in hospital, you were suffering for two people. You take Alec’s emotions double. That’s why you were depressed, plus feeling such exhaust.”

“T-that’s insane. So literally I am living 2 lives? Actually feeling for two people.”

“Spiritually, when you feel full exhausted, you can see through your brother’s eyes. You should start making the different between the emotions, which are yours and your brother’s. After your transformation they will be clearer”

“2 years?!”

“You might transform earlier because you feel lonely and abandoned. You might not have a mate.”

No mate? That’s a relief… kind of...



Chapter 4 - Confusion with happiness

 Jessica's P.O.V


Dear diary,

You won’t believe what just happened to me… I was burning literally alive. I have weird powers with my brothers. He’s my best partner. We are connected.

If you knew what this means… you feel even more exhausted than me. He took all my powers on last trainings at our house, I was watching them from my window. I feel his emotions and the pain of every hit. I tried not to scream by the pain. He can be a

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