» Fantasy » Life - Generation, K. Green [a court of thorns and roses ebook free TXT] 📗

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Chapter 1 - Sadness

Jessica’s P.O.V


Dear diary,

I’m happy. I don’t want anything else in my life, but my family and friends. It’ll sound weird but… that’s pretty enough for me. I’ll do everything for them, even if this means I’ll jump off a cliff or go live with the enemy.



“Alec! Please get out of my room!” I yelled and threw my pillow against my twin brother.

Even if your parents, one of the most strong couple ever in France… it’s still not easy. You know... wolves. It’s kind of disgusting you know? Your parents to be like this and you to be just a human, still a human. Sometimes I wish I can be a normal human like my Grandma. Well nothing you can do right? My parents tells me I smell of a wolf. I live with wolves, of course I smell of them… but then they told me that MY BODY smells on it. Permanent scent of my blood, not just for day or two.

My brother and I … are weird people. When we were kids we fought every minute, but after some time we were ok again. I thought when we grow up it’ll be better, well it is, but now we only fight for serious things.

“DAD!” I yelled. He showed up in the hall. Still so young. Sometimes I have the feel that’s not normal. Actually it’s not, you know. Your father to look like Greek God. Absolutely not normal. He’s immortal creature, who stopped growing up on 30 years old. He has, black hair and black eyes. I have seen his wolf. Black. My mother is with dirty blond hair and yellow eyes. I really love her eyes.

Alec is with my father’s back hair, and my mother’s yellow eyes. I always wanted those eyes, but oh well I am with my father’s. Alec is taller almost as dad. From what I’ve seen Alec have my mother’s character. Doesn’t give up easy and has her leaderships. Poor me… I have my mother’s hair and father’s eyes, I am short and yes Alec calls me Shorty with his best friend. I am getting mad fast, one thing from my mother, and creativity from my dad.

My mom showed up next to dad with her wolf form. I really like her wolf. It’s with snow white fur. She hid again and showed up with her human form. She’s the most beautiful woman in the world I’ve ever seen. In short, she’s my idol.

“Why do you fight for?” she asked

“He decide to mess in my personal life by reading my diary and phone. Won’t you transform into a wolf and get out of my life for a while?”

“Stop fighting. Alec the full moon is tonight. Go prepare. YOU” she pointed at me. “You come with us and you’ll stay in the Hall with your Grandmother.”

“Can’t I just stay in Brayan’s place?”

“And do you want not to go out of this house for 2 months?” I saw my dad waving at Alec to come to him, he sneaked around my mom.



“The trainings will start, she will come alone to you and seek for your attention” I heard dad

“Yeah, I know” Alec answered and smiled.

My mom entered and closed the door.

“Why don’t you let me do anything?”

“Hun, if you fall in love with a human, it’s going to be even more complicated, after your time come.”

“You expect my mate just to come from nowhere?”

“It’ll. We told you everything, dear. He will come alone and find you, it might be your biggest enemy…”

“Alec! Jess!” I heard Daniel outside, Daniel is Stefan’s and Maria’s son. He’s my brother’s best friend. He has black hair and brown eyes, tall same as my brother. The funny part us… We all are born on the same day. “Mr. Styles! Mrs. Cath!” my mom rolled his eyes. She opened my window.

“We come in a minute.” Then turned to me. “Get your things.” And left my room. I took my sack and putted some clothes in it. Took my diary and pen. I dressed up with jeans and white t-shirt, my leather jacket. I went downstairs.

Mate? Who needs a mate? Isn’t better just to fall in love with someone and spend your life with him? But on other hand… you and your mate will be immortal and you can spend centuries together. My problem is, what if I don’t fall in love with my ‘mate’?

I went outside and looked Daniel’s family. They were waiting in the car. Before five years, Maria got pregnant again. It’s a boy. Edward. Daniel is sitting on the ground waiting us with his father. Daniel was same as his father, I think he’s way younger twin. He looked me and I smiled, and gave my bag to my dad. I sat on the back seat of our car. I putted the seatbelt and leaned on my hand watching outside the car. Our house is the biggest if our neighborhood, but Maria and Stefan made theirs the same as ours. They both decided to connect them, by the terraces. It looks weird two big houses to be connected like that but I don’t think any of them care much. Do they wait something to happen to us, actually me? I am the only girl from their kids. My dad told me, that the pack protects the female wolves the most, and I have no idea why. But they didn’t protected my mother from the psychos right? They just took her, like a doll, after poising her with Lilac.

“Until when you have break?” my mom asked dad

“Week. But I don’t think Sebastian will handle all the 6 companies for a week. His age is making him a tricks.” My dad had 3 companies as I know, but he bought 3 more, making them successful.

“Who will heritage the companies, after your death I mean.” Alec asked.

“Nobody will die” I said still looking outside of the window.

Soon I fell asleep.


When we were there, I found myself on Alec’s back. He was carrying me. I looked around, the camp is way different than before. They made more shop’s bigger canteen and of course more bungalows. Everything is green, because of the trees. The air is fresh, and most importantly it’s quiet. At last I can sit somewhere and start writing my stories… who Alec use to read. I don’t know why he likes them so much. I write them for myself but… he said they are good enough to stay for myself.

Alec is my best friend. Yes I know he’s my brother, what he knows about girls, but he always understood me for everything. Doesn’t matter for what. Daniel is my best friend too, but I feel more talking to Alec. Probably because he’s my brother and we are connected somehow. I wrapped my hands around his neck and leaned on his shoulder.

“Morning.” He said, but I didn’t answered.

So he’s transformation will be tonight, which means, I’ll be all alone. Alone in the dark. Without him I feel lost. Don’t worry I am not in love in my brother. He’s just one of the most important person for me, and I’d like to keep it like that.

Daniel beside us looked me and returned on his look. He smiled and opened the door of our bungalow. Yes here we have our own bungalow. Every mate couple has their own bungalow. Like my father and mother. Maria and Stefan. Kody and Samantha, and a lot more. The wolves with humans counts too. Rest of the pack are with 3 people in a bungalow.

I stepped on the floor and stretched. I am still sleepy, but I am hungry also. I putted my sack on the bed.

“Let’s go to eat” Daniel said “I am starving.”

We left the bungalow, and went to the canteen and we took some food. I took spaghetti, fruit salad and some juice. The boys took some sandwiches and we sat with others. Rayon, Rachel, Kody and Samantha.

“Here they are! They youngest people here.” Kody said and laughed

“Yes, yes” I said and started eating.

“Sup with you young lady?” Rayon said and shrugged.

“I think she’s still pissed” Alec said

“What for?” Rachel said

“He thinks he can touch my PERSONAL and PRIVATE things.”

“Alec!” both Rachel and Samantha said angrily, but he just laughed.

Yes I said he’s my best friend, but however you look it… I am a girl. I want more privacy.


We stayed all day in the canteen talking. Few more people joined us, but our parents still. Around 7pm they decided to show up. They were smiling like idiots.

“Early birds.” Stefan said

“Dad, I am nervous and decide just to disappear?”

“We were… running” dad said and winked at him

“Yow, yow, yow, yow.” I said and frowned. “Keep your sexual things for yourself. I am eating goddammit.” They just laughed and sat. Dad took pizza from my tray

“After 2 hours is the full moon” mom said “Jess take Edward and go to you Grandma. We go now.”

When they left, I was alone with Edward. He sat next to me and took my hand. I looked him. He smiled at me, and I rubbed his head. I let him eat his dinner. When he did we went into the hall.

The Hall is still the same, since I was child. Big circle table with a lot of chairs. There’s a huge fireplace and couches around the fireplace. And a lot of bookshelves. Grandma was there, sitting front the fireplace and reading a book. My Grandpa was sitting on his chair looking at some letters, he looked me and smiled. My Grandpa, is young, and my Grandma… is old. I feel pain about it. He will just let her die? Won’t he try to turn her into a wolf... to stay with him for rest of his life? Seems like he has no plans to do… and I feel pain in my chest.

“Pick up a book, I’ll read it for you” I told to Ed and he went to the bookshelf. I went to my Grandpa and he raised his head. “May I ask you something?”

“Yes what it is?” he said leaving the letter on the table

“Won’t… you turn Grandma into a wolf?” I looked my hands. I don’t want my family to die.

“We have been talking about it Jess… Kate don’t want to be a wolf.”


“I don’t know. She doesn’t want to tell me.” I nodded. It’s still weird. Why Grandma don’t want to spend her life like us? Is she’s thinking how much she will hurt us?

My sleeve got pulled by Edward, and he gave me the book. We sat front the couch and I started reading. So cheerful kid, I like him. Never cries for stupid things, even when he falls while he’s playing.

I heard a howl somewhere in the distance.


Few days later


Dear diary,

I’m scared. I am depressed. I am all alone at home... I don’t know what to do. Nobody want to listen to me but you. Everybody are busy around my mother. She’s in hospital and... She might die. I am frightened but… in same time, I feel nothing. Am I such a bad person?

I can’t sleep. I have the same nightmare for days, since she was accepted into the hospital. I’m burying her body in the woods, and stay there. Protecting her from evil creatures not to take her.

I am scared and exhausted.




What now?

I keep walking around the classroom in school. The classroom fills 20 people in it. We have uniforms. They putted it after my parents graduated from here. Our uniform is pretty much, like anime’s one. White shirt. Green tie. The coat of uniform is black. Green skirt for girls in kilt style. Boys have black pants. Some girls were over taking this thing, and literally look like sluts.

Daniel, Alec and I are in

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