» Fiction » Ms. Trouble and Mr. Player 2, Annamere [simple e reader TXT] 📗

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my boy up!" Skylar yelled back. I got up and went upstairs to Little Daniel's room.
He was crying. Oh my poor baby. I walked over to his bed and kissed his forehead. "Mommy." he latched his arms around my neck and I picked him up, rubbing his back softly.
"Shh, baby, it's ok. How's your tummy?" I asked.
He relaxed into me. "It hurt, mommy." he cried.
I kissed his forehead. "Shh, baby. Mommy is here."
Skylar came in and kissed Daniel's head. "Hey, buddy. Do you think it's best to send him to the lake house?" Skyler asked. Daniel shivered against my chest. Skylar grabbbed his blanket and covered him.
"Baby, do you wanna stay with mommy and daddy or have big boy time with the uncles and the guys?" I asked.
"Mommy, I wanna..." Then he puked all over me. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Skylar chuckled and took him from me.
"Oh, Daniel. You're lucky your my son and you're cute." I said softly.
I walked to my room and took my clothes off and took a shower.

At seven thirty, I yawned and hugged my brother's. "So is my mini Me coming?" Daniel asked bouncing him softly on his knee.
"No. As much as he wants to go, he cant."
"Why not, mommy?" he asked.
I smiled. "Cause you're really pale and daddy says you have a really high fever." I said.
"Where is Daddy?" Tanner asked me.
"Sleeping with someone in their bed."
They looked mad.
"One of the guys, stupids. After I got out of the shower he gave Daniel a bath then said he was gonna make Daniel soup, then I found him asleep on the counter. Devon carried him upstairs so he wasnt sleeping on the counter." I said.
"And what about you?" Tanner asked.
"I'm fine. I've stayed up for three days at a time."
"Yah. But you're a mom now, and you're not having..." Daniel looked at Daniel then finished his sentance. "It all the time. And Sky isn't use to saying up all night to have it."
I rolled my eyes. "And I dont care. Sleep scares me when someone isn't holding me or I dont have Daniel in my arms." I said.
"Mommy, can I have some cearial now?" Daniel asked.
Tanner got up and grabbed kix out of the cupboard.
Skylar trudged in and kissed my temple. His hair dangling in my eyes. "Sorry, honey."
My brothers coughed to cover their laughs. "Hey, dont laugh at my husband. He is faithful, un like you two."
"I'm faithful to Cece. She hasnt been very faithful to me." Tanner said.
"And my child's mother is a word. Right, Danny?"
My son put his head on Daniels stomch. "Right, Uncle Danny."
"Hi, baby. How'd you sleep?" I asked.
He kissed my neck. "Fine. But I woke up next to Devon. And Austin has a picture of me holding Devon."
I kissed his cheek. "I'll tell him to erase it if you want."
Austin came in. "You guys wanna see what I have?"
"I do!" little Daniel said.
"Oh, hey, lil buddy. Your daddy was hugging a man."
I laughed softly. "Erase it, shit face!" Skylar snapped.
I hit him in the stomch. "Watch your mouth! Austin, quit being a douch! Daniel, if you ever use those words, I'll make you eat soap!" I snapped.
Everyone was quiet. Until Austin opened his mouth again. "Listen, Sky, I'm sorry."
Skylar yawned. "Whatever. I dont care. Just erase it."
"Baby, go back to bed." I told Skylar.
He kissed my neck. "Come with me."
"I would, but you need to sleep and Bubba is staying here with us." I said.
He let out a groan. I smiled. "I love you." he whispered.
I pecked his lips. "I love you, too." I whispered.
"Our sister got married before us, and she's fucking happy."
My son gasped. "Mommy! Danny needs soap."
Skylar smiled evily. "Well, come on, bubba, let's go get the soap!" Skyler said and walked over to grab our son.
"Skylar, careful. To much movement will make him puke." I called after him.
"Ahhh! Daniel!" Skylar yelled.
I sighed and the guys busted up in laughter.

"Anna, baby, go to bed." Skylar kissed my lips. "You're exausted and it's worrying me."
"I'm not exausted. I've done this before."
"Not in five years."
"I'm just not tired."
"Is Daniel asleep?" I asked.
He nodded. I smiled and kissed his lips roughly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed me down on the couch and kissed me back. "Really? Here?" he breathed.
I nodded, keeping my eyes closed. "Yeah."
He chuckled and took his shirt off. He kissed me again and I ran my hands through his hair. "Maybe it's not so bad." I said.
"So do I have to cut it?"
"Only if you want to. But I have an advantage. Happy aniversary, honey."
It's a Wall, dumbass!

I smiled at my little Daniel. "Did you fall, baby?" I picked him up and kissed his forehead. He sniffled and nodded. "Oh, poor baby. Let's go call daddy."
"Where is daddy?"
I took him inside. "He is at work, sweety. And you start pretty school tomarrow." I said.
"Pre- school!" Austin said.
"Whatever!" I snapped.
"Mommy! I wanna talk to daddy!"
I grabbed the phone. "He should be on lunch." I dialed his cell and smiled when he answered.
"Hey, baby. How is my favorite wife?"
"I'm your only wife." I said.
"Favorite girl."
"Amazing. Bubba fell down and he wanted to talk to you." I said.
"Oh. Poor baby. Let me talk to him."
I handed Daniel the phone. "Hi, daddy! Yes. I fell."
"Ooh, Yay! Here, mommy!" Daniel handed me the phone then squirmed out of my arms I set him down and he ran to sit with Austin on the couch.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey, oh so sexy wife of mine." he said. "Are you ok?" he asked.
"No, daddy, I fell." I said seductivly after I walked into the kitchen.
He groaned.
"Have you ate?" I asked.
"I'll bring you some food."
"Please." he said. "And bring Daniel. They dont believe I'm married and I have a kid."
"Yes, daddy." I said seductivly then hung up the phone.

I got Daniel in the car and drove to McDonalds and got Skylar food then drove to the cunstruction sight. Daniel took the bag from me and grabbed my hand. I smiled as he pulled me to Skylar. "Daddy!" he yelled.
Skylar jumped and looked at us. He smiled. "Hi, bubba. How's it goin?"
Daniel let go of my hand and walked over to Skylar. "Here, daddy! I'm strong!"
"Heck yah, you are, Danny." he said.
I smiled and put my hands on my stomch. It felt fat. Hmm. Makes me wonder.
Skylar looked at me. "Hey, what;s wrong, honey?" he asked me, picked up Daniel and walked over to me. He placed his hand on my stomch. "You preggo?"
I shrugged. "Either that or I'm getting fat."
"Ouch!" someone yelled, and there was a thump.
Skylar turned around and growled. "Look at the ground in front of you insted of my wife, dumbass!" he yelled.
I laughed. "What did you tell our son? He's been jumping up and down since he got off the phone with you." I told Skylar.
"Oh, I told him I'd take him to Disney Land some day."
I looked at our son and put my hand on his adorable rosey cheeks. He was half asleep on Skylar's shoulder.
"HOw's he feeling?" Skylar asked.
"Better. Back to Skylar's evil ways of life."
He stuck his toung out at me. "I'm not evil."
I nodded and kissed his lips lightly. "I have to go see Connor. I havnt seen him in three months." I said.
He kissed my lips softly. "Ok. I love you. Can I keep this?"
I shook my head and grabbed our son. "I love you too. And you can have him later."


Publication Date: 05-31-2012

All Rights Reserved

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