» Fiction » Ms. Trouble and Mr. Player 2, Annamere [simple e reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Ms. Trouble and Mr. Player 2, Annamere [simple e reader TXT] 📗». Author Annamere

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Anna's uncle.... Skylar's POV

Anna woke me up early the morning I was going to hang out with her uncle. Anna was smiling when she woke me up. "Did you get enough sleep?" she asked.
I nodded then pulled her on top of me. "I always get enough sleep when you sleep next to me. Can I have five more minutes?" I asked.
She shook her head. "Nope. James will be here in a few hours and I wanna spend time with you before you leave. Go take a shower." she said then kissed me.
I nodded then she got off of me so I could go shower. Man, I love that girl. She is so amazing. I remember when she died her hair blue. She looked so sexy and amazing. She gave me my first boner ever when I was twelve. She was still innocent and everything she did made Daniel want to protect her from everything. She is still cute and Daniel wants to protect her from everything. Daniel wanted to visit with her and I was home sick from school and she got suspended for starting a food fight and getting in a fight with her very first boyfriend, like fist fight, and her mom wouldnt pick her up so Daniel went and got her.
I was watching American Dad when they came in. She was listening to her iPod and he backpack was on one shoulder and she was smiling showing her braces. Her hair was short and wild. She had blue tips that went great with her black hair. I smiled at her and she giggled. She took the ear buds out and droped her backpack. She'd always been a bad girl. She then said something that made my dick harden. "Danny, how big do you think my boobs'll be?"
I didnt know why it turned me on. But it did.
I got out of the shower then went back into my room and got dressed. I put axe on then walked downstairs. Anna smiled when I came into the kitchen. "You smell gooood." she said.
I chuckled. "I would hope I smell good." I said then put my hand on her growing abdomen. "You're so fucking sexy." I whispered in her ear.
she giggled. "I'm gonna get fat." she said.
"You'll still be the sexiest women alive. I swear to god."
She crushed her lips against mine. "Omigod, I just relized how much I want a baby. It's gonna be a girl."
"Why?" I whined.
"You can still take a girl to do that stuff. And you can show her how to use a tampon." she said.
I laughed. "I dont know how to put a tampon in a vagina. I know how to put my dick in your vagina."
She rolled her eyes. "I made you breakfest. Tell me if it's terrible."
"I highly doubt it will be terrible." I said.
She smiled then went over toi the stove. She got a plate of pancakes and sausage and bacon and handed it to me. I sat at the table and she sat next to me texting Connor. I took a bite then kissed her.
"I was right. It's amazing."
She smiled. "Really?" she asked.
I nodded. "Dont forget to feed yourself and Amelia Rose/Daniel Anthony." I said.
"I ate when I got up this morning when I got up."
"What are you gonna do all day?"
"Connor and I are gonna hang out here and be lazy." she said.
I smiled. "Ok. I love you, baby."
"I love you more," she said then kissed me.
I sighed then finished eating. I went into the downstairs bathroom and brushed my teeth. She was sitting on the couch when I came out. We watched a movie and cuddled until it was time for me to go. James kissed Anna's forehead before we took off.
"You ever been fishing, son?" he asked me.
I looked at him and shook my head.
He grinned. "Good. Do you know how to fish?" he asked.
"No, sir." I said.
"You seem nervouse. Loosen up. Think of me as your father in law or your father. Danny and Ash are like my kids. They call me dad when people know why they do." he said.
I grinned lazily.
"That is a famouse grin in my house."
I squinted. "What do you mean, sir?" I asked.
"My twins are man whores. They always have a girl and they're always grinning like that. Did you get lucky this morning?" he asked.
"Nope. Anna wasnt feeling good. She wanted to but I didnt want to push her." I said.
He chuckled. "Pregnant women," he said.
"Huh?" I asked.
"She's gonna get a lot worse. You better watch yourself when she gets more pregnant. My wife threatened to leave me when she was pregnant with the twins. But if Anna is like Jake then you dont have to worry."
"I'm confused."
"Jake Luve. You know. Her dad. He was always layed back no matter what mood he was in. This one time him and I went hunting and he got in my way and my bullet glazed on his arm. He was in a hella a lot of pain but he just slapped a bandage on it and said, 'I reckon we go find that bear, brother, before we loose it,' He was a crazy man. Our father always said we had an insain ansestor and it skipped a bunch of generations and Jake got it. Daniel was about three at the time. He was napping in the car." he explained.
"Wow. I feel bad that I never found the time to meet my bestfriend's dad."
He chuckled. "You wouldnt want to meet him around that rotten women the kids call their bitchy mother. She drove Anna insain. One day Anna came to my house screaming Twinkle twinkle little star."
I laughed. "I would've killed her if I wasnt so damn tired that day. It broke my heart to see Anna and Daniel in the back seat. Her crying and him bleedin all over her."
He smiled a sad smile. "You better not cheat on her. I'll hae to murder you with my gun."
I laughed. "That wasnt completly my fault. Natacha came over and somehow she made herself look like Anna and I didnt relize it until I was in her."
"Why didnt you get out of her?"
"I'm twenty. And my dick has a mind of it's own." I said.
He smiled. "She only gives second chances. There is no third chance."
"Yah. I know."
"But hey. You got her pregnant maybe there'll be a third chance for you. She belives that the father of a child should see their child." he said.
I chuckled.
"So tell me about yourself, Skylar. Where were you born? What you plan on doing? Anything you feel like telling me." he said. "You can trust me completly."
I grinned. "I was born in Austrailia. And alligator scared the shit out of my mum and sixteen hours later she had a baby boy and a baby girl."
He looked away from the road. "You only have a brother."
"She got cancer when she was five months and my mom was to late on taking her to the hospital and she died right next to me while we were asleep."
"I'm so sorry, son. How did your mum die? If you dont mind me asking."
"Umm," I scratched my head. "She had cancer." I said.
His eyes widened. "Do you have cancer?"
"No. But if I didnt have Anna I'd wish I did. I want them back." I whispered and bent forward. He put his hand on my back and rubbed my back.
"It's alright, son. I know it hurts to loose someone. But you gained someone amazing. Two people who are amazing. They both love you."
I looked up and grinned. "I have three people. I will murder my kid if it dies before it can talk." I said.
He laughed. "I've never heard anyone except Anna say that about someone. She must be rubbing off on you." he said.
I nodded. "Very much." I said smiling.
"Her and I were talking about Natacha yesterday morning. I dont want to have to arrest my neice. Can you keep Natacha away from her?" he asked.
"Sure, man." I said.

Later I was attempting to fish in a boat. I understood none of it until he helped me. "I'm gonna teach you how to shoot a gun in a few weeks. Dont tell Anna, she'll crazy murder me." he said.
I chuckled.
After awhile I was falling asleep. He slapped my back and laughed. "You got lucky last night, didnt you?" he asked.
I chuckled. "Guilty," I said.
He chuckled then handed me a cup of coffee. "Tell me about your dad," he said.
"Umm. My dad remarried my perverted step mother six years ago and he hates me. My brother is still living with him but Danny took me away from the accusations. I dont see them much." I said.
"Danny is a few years older than you, right?" he asked.
"Four years older." I said.
He smiled.

By the time I got home from hanging out with James I was beat. He gave me a manly hug and said, "I'm here if you ever wanna hang with a man. If I'm working I'll call you back."
I smiled faintly. "Thank you, James." I said.
He nodded then ruffled my hair. I walked inside the mansion and Anna was laying on the couch watching South Park. She was also playing with her belly button ring. I smiled then walked over to her. I knelt by the couch and put my hand on her stomch.
She smiled and put her hands on mine. "Hey, baby, how was your day?" she asked.
"Fun. Your uncle is pretty cool." I said. "How was your day?" I asked her.
"Ugh. Lazy."
I chuckled. "It's mid night. You ready for bed?" I asked.
She nodded. "Did you fall in the water? You smell like fish."
"I'll take a shower in a few minutes. Come on, I wanna make sure you're in bed before I take one." I said.
She got up and almost fell. I caught her.
"Woah, baby. You ok?" I asked.
"Got up to fast," she explained.
I nodded then carried her bridal styal upstairs to her room. Since my stuff was in my bathroom I walked into my room and went into my bathroom and took a shower.

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