» Fiction » Ms. Trouble and Mr. Player 2, Annamere [simple e reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Ms. Trouble and Mr. Player 2, Annamere [simple e reader TXT] 📗». Author Annamere

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Sex of the baby... Annastasha's POV

I'm five months pregnant and Skylar was getting anxious to find out the sex of the baby. We were sitting on the couch watching Spongebob Squarepants and he was rubbing my stomch. "You're beautiful." he said to me.
He pressed his lips to my abdomen. I put my hand in his hair. "You need a hair cut. You dont look good with long hair." I said.
He nodded. "We'll cut my hair after we find out the sex of my baby." he said.
I giggled. "I dont feel good, Sky." I said.
He sat up and kissed me. "You can feel good after you see my sister."
His sister is his half sister. He doesnt find it important to mention her as his sister. He loves her to death. "Get me food and I'll go easily." I said smiling.
"What are you in the mood for?" he asked.
"Mmm, french fries."
He chuckled then got up and pulled me up. "We're leaving, Daniel." Skylar yelled.
Daniel came out of the kitchen with his fiancee on his back. "I get to know right after you find out." Daniel said happily.
I nodded then put my hands on my stomch. "See ya," we said then walked out to his Tahoe.
When we got to the doctor's office his sister wasnt busy so she saw me early. She put the cold stuff on my belly and then the thing. Skylar stared at his sister and waited. She looked up at him and jumped. "Skylar, stop staring at me or we'll keep it a secret from you." she said.
We laughed.
"I have good news for you Skylar. It's a ..."
"Boy?" I asked.
She nodded.
I squealed and squeezed Skylar's hand. Skylar had a wide smile on his face.
When we left the doctor's we went and got his hair cut like it was when I first moved in with Danny and the guys. After he was done he got french fries then we went to see his buddies. I told him I didnt like his buddies but he wanted to show me off.
I had my hands protectivly on my stomch and glaring as we walked over to them. "Who's this sexy chick you got here, Skylar?" Zane asked.
"The mother of my child and my fiancee." Skylar said.
"You're having a baby?" Anthony asked.
Skylar nodded. "It wasnt planned. I swear to god. We had sex in a dressing room and we didnt have a condom then I cheated on her and she graduated and left then came back and treated me like shit until she told me she was pregnant." Sky explained.
They laughed. "Wait, you're settling down with the hottest chick known to man?" Stefan asked
"Yeah. We both have enimys now. Or more enimys."
"Why?" Zane asked.
"Well, I'm marrying her and she is marrying me. HEr ex bestfriend almost beat me with a crow bar the other day. Anna snapped her wrist." Skylar said proudly.
I rolled my eyes.
"You look hot in sweats." Anthony said to me.
I raised my brow. "Yah. My pants kind of dont fit so I have to wear Sky's sweats."
They chuckled. I rolled my eyes then Skylar warapped his arms around me from behind resting his hands on my stomch.
"Are you ready to go home?" he asked.
I nodded.
When we got home Daniel and his fiancee were naked on the couch. I went over to them and flicked their heads. "What the fuck, dummy?" I asked.
They both frowned. "What do you mean?" Daniel asked.
"You're naked on the couch and my kid is gonna be here in four months." Skylar said.
"Oh. Is it a boy or is it a girl?" Daniel asked.
I crossed my arms. "You dont get to know until you tell me why the fuck you are fucking on the couch."
"I am gonna put a baby in her stomch." Daniel said.
"Wow, dude. Steal my baby's spotlight will ya?" Skylar asked.
"Yah. Why? He isn't even born yet and you're trying to.... umm what's the word. Never mind. That's not fair, Daniel."
I put my hands on my face and fake cried. "Look at what you did. You made my fiancee cry." Skylar said putting his arms around me. "This stress isn't good for the baby. Now clean the couch so I can comfort her."
"What the fuck?" she asked.
"Quiet, women." Skylar snapped.
I grinned. "Sky, I'm tired. Let's go take a 'nap' " I said.
I looked up at him and he grinned.
"Ok. No baby. I'll wait until it's a few months old." Daniel said. "Dont you dare go up there, Skylar. I dont care if you're the father of that baby. I will kill you if you do."
I rolled my eyes. "This is your fault for taking my stuff away, Daniel." I yelled then walked upstairs and slammed my door. I locked it then threw a baseball at the closet wall.
A few seconds later someone knocked on my door. I put my hands on my abdomen then went to open my door. Austin was looking at me sleepily. "Did someone piss you off?" he asked.
I nodded. He came into my room and sat in a chair. "What happened?"
I sat on my bed. "Daniel is being a big meani." I said.
"Why?" he asked.
"He is gonna take my baby's spotlight. And he was having sex on the couch. Now I have nothing to do when Sky goes to school." I said.
He grinned. "I'll clean it in a little bit. And I will shine the spotlight on your baby. You have nothing to worry about. So is it a boy? Or a girl?" he asked.
"Boy," I said with a smile.
He smiled. "Nice. Is Skylar happy?" he asked.
"Insainly," SKylar said coming into the room.
I smiled. A half naked Daniel came into my room. Though he had his shirt on, HE DIDNT HAVE ANY PANTS OR BOXERS ON.
And he was erected. I screamed when he grabbed on of my shirts to cover himself. The guys laughed and Austin took his sweats off and handed them to him. "Thow that out," I said.
I glared fucking daggers when he straightened the shirt out. It was my favorite shirt. It was black and see through and it hung off of my shoulders. It also said LOVE. My father gave it to me when I was thirteen and I kept it and cuddled with it when I had bad dreams. I immediatly started crying.
Skylar sat down and put his arms around me. "I hate you," I lied.
I didnt mean to say it. I was just insainly mad. It was the only thing I could get that my father gave me. Daniel's face droped and he relized what shirt it was.
"Get out of my room," I yelled.
"I-I'm sorry." he muttered then backed out of the room. Shirt in hand.
Austin and Skylar comforted me until I layed down and closed my eyes. Austin said goodnight and Skylar layed down behind me.

Later Daniel cooked my favorie thing for dinner. French toast. I came down and whipped my tears away and a picture in my hand. Daniel smiled a sad smile at me then told me to sit down with everyone.
I sat by Skylar and Jacob. Daniel was across from me. I set the small picture on the table and leaned back.
Skylar looked at the picture. "Who's this?"
"My dad and I." I said quietly.
"Anna, I'm sorry. I didn..."
"I know. It's cool." I said quieter.
Skylar rubbed my back.
It was kind of quiet during dinner until Danny's chick blurted something I didnt want to hear. "I'm pregnant."
I looked up confused then my face felt hot and I got really mad. I got up and ran up to my room. I grabbed my purse and stuffed some clothes in it. I grabbed my shoes and went to SKylar's room. I grabed a couple pairs of his boxers and sweats then I put my shoes on and stormed down outside and to my car.
I drove to Connor's house. He was watching a movie when I got there. "Hey, preggers." he said then hugged me.
I sat next to him and threw my stuff on the floor. "Daniel is mean."
He smiled then put his hand on my abdomen. "Why, honey?" he asked.
"He got his fiancee pregnant and my baby isn't even born yet. And earlier today he didnt have pants on when he came into my room so he grabbed my shirt and covered his manhood with it." I said quietly.
"Oh. That is definantly not good. What shirt?"
"The one my dad gave me when I was thirteen." I whispered.
He rubbed my belly. "Sleep over time?" he asked.
I nodded.
He smiled. "Sweats and boxers?" he asked confused.
"My pants dont fit me anymore so I stole some of Skylar's. Boxers because I get to hot during the night so I sleep half naked." I said.
"What do you mean by half naked?"
"I only have boxers on." I said.
He chuckled. "You can have my bed since you're pregnant, preggers." he said smiling.
"Stay out, pervert." I teased.
He laughed. "Hungry?" he asked when he sobered up.
"Starving," I said.
He chuckled. "Whatya in the mood for?" he asked.
"Cheese burgers and french fries." I said smiling.
He kissed my forehead then went into the kitchen and cooked. My phone vibrated and it was Skylar. I answered. "Hey, baby." I said happily.
"You're at Connor's place. Are you ok?" he asked.
"No. Tell Daniel his nephew is gonna be a drug addict because of all this stress." I said.
He laughed. "My baby wont be a drug addict." he said.
"I know, baby. I love you. I'll be home tomarrow." I said.
"Ok, sexy mama. I love you too."
I hung up.
When the food was done we ate then I put my head on a pillow that was on his lap. We

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